35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi ladies!! Just a quick pop-in to say hello and that I hope you are all feeling good and having a good day!

Gotta say, I feel for you East coast gals... a lovely sunny, 82 in Austin... BUT, in no time we will be in the 100's, so.... :)

Have an ob appt this afternoon... Not expecting anything new, just a dreaded weigh-in, BP, etc... YAY, me and the "crew" are officially out of the 1st trimester, I think!! Go TEAM! :)
Hi ladies!! Just a quick pop-in to say hello and that I hope you are all feeling good and having a good day!

Gotta say, I feel for you East coast gals... a lovely sunny, 82 in Austin... BUT, in no time we will be in the 100's, so.... :)

Have an ob appt this afternoon... Not expecting anything new, just a dreaded weigh-in, BP, etc... YAY, me and the "crew" are officially out of the 1st trimester, I think!! Go TEAM! :)

I am soooo in awe of you carrying that "crew" of yours Austin. Yay for making it to the 2nd trimester! That is just incredible. And I am in awe of those temps. Boo for 30s+. Send me some 80s! :brat:
Sorry ladies I am only popping in at bizarre times like 4am feeding lol!

Congrats Austin I am SO happy all is still well with the four of you!
Just popping in to say a quick hello :hi:

Wow - 90 in SoCal, 82 in Austin! I need to move... We made it all the way above freezing today :dohh:

Welcome to the 2nd tri, Austin - here's to an uneventful three months!

Hope everyone has a good weekend! :kiss:
Hi everyone. Better appointment today with the Dr. I origionally wanted. While I'm not a fan of the protocal for prevention, I have no choice but to trust her. She IS compassionate and she wanted to know what went on with the Dr. last friday who I don't like. She also appologized because today the scan tech did two scans. One on top REALLY quick. Try lightening quick! The other was vaginally and she wouldn't let us look at the baby more clearly that way...she only did the cervix length...at the end gave us only ONE pic and you can't see the baby at all.

I just started to cry. That scan, seeing our baby and the heartbeat helps to keep me calm. At a time I've been scared, those pictures help to create excitement and joy. I was looking forward to it.

So the Dr. actually had a meeting with the tech and told her that her attitude wasn't appreciated and that the reason we wanted a clearer picture was because we lost our last pregnancy and this was a way to find joy and excitement.

I'm grateful we're actually scheduled for a gender scan in two weeks at another facility that we actually like.

So while the picture isn't something that we can actually look at because it is so unclear, we're looking forward to the scan in two weeks. I can't wait to see my baby and see that he or she is growing well and doing good.:thumbup:
:hi: Ladies. Just been catching up on all the pages! Sounds like everyone is doing well apart from the nausea, throwing up, tiredness and fat comments!
My MS is gone and I am working again, shopping, babysitting my niece and I am getting the nursery ready! Going for pale green with a wallpaper feature wall and animal decals. Have also purchased 20 or so reusuable nappies and my stepmother just came back from Sydney with Ralph Lauren baby shirts etc!! I am starting to enjoy this all a bit more even though I still haven't popped!

Happy early hump day!

Oh boy, your using cloth diapers then??

Ralf Lauren baby shirts. How ADORABLE!! You should take pics for us and share them with us. I LOVE hearing what your all doing to prepare for baby. I'm not really sure if my heart can take anymore cuteness in this thread. :lol: :happydance:

Is anyone getting a 3D or 4D elective?? I just found a place in Rochester that does them and I think I may pay to have it done Maybe around 23 wks. It'll be a milestone passage:thumbup:

Angela, I know your asleep right now, but just wondering how far along you were when you got your 3D??

Love to you all. :thumbup:

Combination cloth and disposable. Mostly disposable to start with when we are too sleep deprived to care about the envirnment etc and then cloth (I say cloth but they are a domed nappy with 2 pads and a throwaway liner) when he's a bit older and we are more in control!
Yeah as for Ralph Lauren, dear Lord my step mother is label mad! But she did also knit a bunch of tops and pants too.

I think you should go for a 4D as a celebration!
pablo - sorry about the mama drama. I am sure they will work it all out. I think it's smart to stay out of the crazy - you are too busy making a human being! :haha:

svet - it really IS so hard to try to catch up sometimes! Glad all is well with you.

viv- glad your MS is gone. When exactly does that happen?!! I'm still trying to deal with it day to day.

MA- you are awfully quiet today. How are you doing?

AFM- feeling a little crappy - tired and a bit more cramping and pulling down there today, which is making me very uncomfortable. Making dinner now while DH is working out. Gonna sit down when I am done and do absolutely NOTHING!!!! Can't wait for the work week to be over already. It is so hard to be as productive as I was before I was pregnant. I guess that is to be expected though.

We are expecting SNOW again. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? It is almost April 1st. I'm so done with the East Coast chill. Time for some sun and a big thaw. I wanna wear flip flops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:hugs: ladies

Hey Tititimes, not until about 16-17 weeks did I start to feel more like my old self again I'm afraid and I started bang on the 6 week mark. I could handle the vomiting at home but at work etc it just did my head in:cry:
But, you know what, as mad as it sounds, I actually almost got a little used to it and could plan life at home around it. Also remember 60% of women will get morning sickness, 20% will vomit regularly until 12-20 weeks, but only 2% (developed world) will have it for the whole 40 weeks. There is hope my dear!
Happy weekend to all!

Sunshine, we wanted to wait for the anomaly/gender to make sure all was well and the colour scheme required, before we got stuck into nursery (I still call it the spare room!) and shopping!

Hugs MA but glad you got a better outcome third time around!

Anna, seriously I have no real bump, just a little mound below my belly button, but then above my button I have a huge fat roll that has appeared :brat:, which apparently is my gut moving out of the way as baby is growing inwards!!!!! Soon he will turn and aim out they reckon but my uterus is backwards and needs to grow some more before it flips!!!!! I am odd! I am just sick of looking like I have the worlds biggest muffin top and I want the bumps to meet and become 'one'.
PS I'm glad your DH and mum have cooled it!

Yay for second Tri Austin!

:wave: to everyone
PS we are expecting a butt load of :rain: this Sunday so boo! Here comes Winter
Happy Saturday, girls!
Titi - Sorry you are feeling crummy.... I was soooo tired at first and really didn't realize it was the pregnancy... just take it easy - don't look at it as doing nothing or not being productive (I, too, battle with that...) because you ARE doing something... Taking care of that baby!!! :)

Viv - Glad to see you and that all is well! I LOL'd at your "muffin top" remark... I feel that way too, sometimes... Like, "come on, already... with the bump!" I got "round" all over and just barely, barely have a tummy bump... It will come!!!!

AFM - Brunch with family in town & being lazy, lazy... on the couch with sleeping, snoring golden retriever and sleeping, snoring DH... :) Dinner plans with friends tonight - the "hightlights" of my week are CHOW TIMES!!

Hope you all have a beautiful, relaxing weekend!
Hi ladies,

I just got back from No. Cali. My 1st baby shower was wonderful. It was small about 8 of my friends, but it was so great. My SIL had ordered cupcakes that looking like minimouse ears and outfit. We also had cookies shaped like onesies that were pink with a little bear on them. It was so surreal that all the little outfits and baby stuff were for MY Child.

Now for everything who is now in 2nd trimester...ENJOY IT!!!! cuz I am having a hard time of it in 3rd. The swelling is really starting to get to me and I pee like every 30 minutes. I also have carpal tunnel in both hands and cannot feel my fingers 80% of the time. I guess I am just tired of everything hurting and me being tired all the time...is it June yet!!!??

I am looking forward to my darling baby girl... so enough of me complaining.
I hope that everyone had a good weekend. I will be back on in the morning sometime.

Steph, the baby shower sounds so cute. Did you take pics of everything? Sorry to hear about the aches and pains. I'm starting to notice some swelling. I had nausea again over the weekend. I had thought we were over it, but it's BAAAAAAAAAACK!!

On a positive note, I wrote in my latest journal entry about our family dinner party. We had a great time sharing with everyone through a game of charades. It's all starting to become more real for me.

All my inlaw hugged me, my mil just grabbed me and started bawling. My mom and dad aren't really emotional but shared a congrats before they left and had a great time. Then we shared with church via email and with our friends and family on facebook. Oh the emotional aspect of it all. I had NO IDEA how many people love and care for us. The responses we've been getting over facebook has just been overwhelming. Many of whom shared their sadness at the announcement of Jacksons death when my husband broke the news...SO many people who are rooting for us with this baby. It just made me cry tears of joy and REALLY understand the goodness and joy of the gift we've been given.

I think it's even given me some focus and I'm starting to allow myself to bond with this baby and just be excited to hold him or her come October.

Doug has tomorrow off too so I'll be on lurking a bit but we're going to spend some needed time together.

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. love to you all! :hug:
Good morning ladies - I hope everyone had a good weekend!

MA - it sounds like you REALLY had a good weekend! I'm thrilled for you that everyone had such a great time and is being so supportive!

MissMuffet - June's getting closer every day! :) Geesh - you'd think with all that peeing, some of the swelling would go away! Soon, girlfriend, soon. Hang in there! And it sounds like your shower was a lot of fun - I envy you! It sounds like it was a really good time!

Unfortunately for me, I've been adamant to the grandparents to be that I do NOT want a shower. My closest friends are scattered across the country, with only one in the same state as me. So I wouldn't be able to have a shower with my "girls." And I'm an only child from a VERY small family, so there wouldn't be any family members there, either (except my Mom - my parents are about an hour away). Which leaves my in-laws. And I don't like them. :wacko: Sitting through an afternoon with them would be absolute torture. I didn't have a bridal shower for the very same reasons. Sigh... the free stuff just wouldn't be worth it. :nope:

Viv - you're muffin top comment made me laugh! I feel the same way - I've got the flab around the middle, but no real bump. It's there, just not obviously so. I just look fat. Still. Grrrr... :growlmad:

On a good note - I had another u/s this morning. The hematoma has shrunk, everything looks great, and they confirmed that it still looks like a girl. Either that, or a boy with a miniscule winky... :dohh:

Have a great day, everyone! :flower:
Hi all!
MA - Sounds like you had a wonderful welcome for your announcement! So glad you got to enjoy that moment!

Steph - Your shower sounds great! What sweet stuff!!!! I am *hoping* that someone wants to throw us a shower!!

Sunshine/Chris - YAY!!! So glad that the hematoma is going away! Awesome news...

Titi & others in "Cold" climates - Hang in there! Spring is coming!

Question for all you 2nd/3rd tri girls - Are you having crazy (like CRAZY) dreams? I have never dreamt like this in my life... Most are just odd/crazy, but some are really scary... I even woke up sobbing in the middle of the night on Sat... It is just the weirdest thing...

Otherwise, all is good! I have joined the Austin MoM (moms of multiples) group that was recommended... They have an annual consignment sale, that is this coming weekend... We plan to go & check it out... I am still hesitant to buy anything. Just superstitious, I guess.... But hope to meet some Trip Moms & find out how in the world they maneuver about... I figure I will be homebound for 6 months or so... lol.

Is anyone else excited about the new Bravo show, "Pregnant in Heels" coming on this week????
Aww MA I am so happy for you that you made the announcement!!! :hugs: Of course so many people love you guys! You sound like really wonderful people. How many weeks are you now?? Sorry your nausea came back. Guess it's the price to pay huh? xo

Chris- Very good news to hear the hematoma has shrunk. :thumbup: That sucks you dislike your inlaws, but I totally understand all about the girlfriends being spread all over. I moved to Mtl 8 years ago by myself so I have a few good friends back at home in BC and my three best friends all migrated to Ontario but I'm all by myself here. I have new friends and some really awesome friends, but it's not the same that's for sure. xo

Austingurrl- that's awesome they have a group near you for parents with multiples. I'm sure you will be able to learn alot from them and get some much needed support. How are you feeling? Everyone should post a bump pic! I'll do it later to get the ball rolling. :)

I was really bummed out last night. We went to the inlaws for dinner and I ate too much so I wasn't feeling good. Then I stupidly had my DH take a bump pic of me when we got home because yesterday marked 20 weeks. Well, I was horrified at how fat I looked. :dohh: Really depressed me. Anyways, so today I had another doctor's appt. and I was all afraid she was going to give me a hard time about gaining weight and she said that I was right on track. Only put on 2-3 lbs since last time for a grand total of 15lbs. I guess that's good. I celebrated by eating some maple cream cookies :wacko: LOL I was telling her how I was having a problem with the whole body image thing and she was really funny. She said- honey, I hate to tell you this but you're only going to get bigger so you better get on board! :dohh: I love my doctor.
morning all! Sorry to be MIA for a few days, will try and catch up as best I can . . .

Sunshine, yeh for the hematoma being a bit smaller and hopefully on it's way out! So happy for you.

Austin, I am sure someone will throw you a baby shower if there's anyone who needs one it's you! As for the dream thing mine have been out of control! TMI alert . . . A lot have been really crazy and really vivid sex dreams. Had one about Steven Tyler the other night and he is so not my type. I've read crazy dreams are pretty common in pregnancy. I know some can be scarry and l've had those too, remember the dog biscuit dream? Anyway, hope you get some sleep and have the good kind of dreams not the bad.

MA, so glad the weekend went good and that everyone was so supportive!! That's awesome and exactly what you deserve!

Missmuffett, awesome baby shower!!! Sounds really fun!! Also sounds like you got some good stuf. What was ur favorite??

vivienne, ohhhh the dreaded muffin top, my old enemy who I have known for a long time now. Hope you straighten out and pop soon. In the mean time,those who know why are those who matter and I bet they think you look beautiful!!

Svet, I too have been freaking about weight gain, but went to doc yesterday and at 18 weeks the news was good. So I had a cookie AND a smoothie yesterday. My doc said I was fine as long as i'm eaing healthy then all is good. I just wish i'd pop already instead of looking fat. Think I'm close, but who knows.

I'm with all you on the baby shower front. Only my situation is opposite. I've stayed here and all my girls have moved. I'm pretty sure no baby shower for me. Makes me kinda sad, but oh well. Does anyone feel the isolation of having all their best friends so far away? Sometimes that's the hardest part for me. Sorry, a little sappy missing my girls today I guess.

AFM, like I said went to doc yesterday and heard heart beat again,baby J, as I am calling her, is healthy and strong. Have 20 week scan in two weeks and hope for more pictures.

hope everyone is well!! also hope I didn't forget anyone. xx anna
Hi ladies. Just stopping in for a quick hello. I have to catch up too.

Speaking of showers, I on baby shower auto-pilot for my best friend's shower on 4/16. Things are crazy! Thank goodness I am getting help.

Hope you all are doing ok today. Now I'm off again...
Hi ladies! Well...I had an interesting sunday evening. I told you all I was feeling nauseated on Sat. Well, 1am on Sunday and I started to violently throwing up while on the toilet with diarrhea. Afte an hour, my husband called the perinatal emergency line and we were told to go to the ER. The ER was HORRIBLE, we waited as I was violently throwing up and they refused to give me ANYTHING for the diarrhea. By the last hour in the ER, I had one last violent vomiting session and ended up with diarrhea all over my panties and all over the ER bed. I was in tears and just scared.

They ended up admitting me to labor and delivery where they found I had a GI issue and a bacteria infection causing the diarrhea. Most likely caused by someone who had a flu and transferred it to me. There are lots of kids in our family, so it could be one of them as they had stomach bugs recently.

I was on TONS of IV ringers which is similar to gatorade in an IV bag as well as normal saline, Flagyl through IV, protonix for acid because the violent vomiting caused a horrific agitation and then they found out I was low on Potassium and I had to have an IV bag and meds. It was HORRIFIC!!

The good news is to make sure the baby was alright I had a sonogram. They were thorough and literally spent an hour looking at the baby, and my colon as well as the cervix. They found something that could be of help for the cerclage issue. I have a septated or heart shaped uterus. That could be another cause of preterm loss so the perinatologist will be looking at it next week and determine to either stay on the protcol they've already decided OR give me the cerclage afterall.

At any rate, I just got home around 10pm, Doug and I went through the whole house with clorox wipes to disinfect stairwell railings, doorknobs, toilets, faucet fixtures, and anywhere the kids may have touched.

I had a couple issues with IV sites and my right arm is HUGE from where the IV needle started to slide out and the liquid from the bags poored through the skin. I have a pretty bad black and blue mark.

I also have a bump on my left hand from that IV site.

((sigh)) I'm glad it's all over, EXTATIC the baby is doing just fine and am looking forward to my own bed tonight.

Thank you all for the kind comments. We DID enjoy the family when we were with them but I'm looking forward to the recovery time this week just hanging with the dogs, my great husband who has been over the top with help, support and so much love for me.

Love to you all!!
Rebekah - OMG... that sounds positively awful!!! Poor girl! SO glad that you are feeling a bit better and that the little one is alright... I know that must have been terrifying!
Fingers crossed that you get some good rest and that the bug is out of your system!!:hug:
Happy Hump Day!!

MA, wow scarry and aweful!! ERs are the worst!! So sorry you were so sick. I know I got sick one night from my flu shot and I know you don't like them, but are you reconsidering??? As for the heart shapped uterus I am AMAZED no one knew this sooner as it can cause infertility as well as other issues. I am glad you are seeing the specialist soon. Glad you feel better and lots of hugs.

Austin, I was flipping through the channels last night and stumbeled across the "pregnant in high heels" show. Ok I feel better about my own neurosis. The couple with the baby name issue, the "power couple" are CRAZY!! Who cares that much what other people think? They must be really insecure in my book. Also loved all the name dropping he was doing. For real?? Anyway, did you watch it,if not this is all just babbel.

AFM, must be something in the air cause I had horrible diarhea last night. Feel tons better today! I think I just ate too much. I can't over eat, not that you should ever over eat, but on the off chance I do, dire consequences. Hope everyone is having a good day!! Titti I forgot you yesterday, so glad you are doing well!!

x anna
Hi there.

Slept last night and throughout most of the day. praising God for the rest but man do I have a headache and feel as though I've been hit by a truck! My sugars have been low, but nothing too bad. I've started eating cheerios, jello, lots of sugar free gatorade type stuff, chicken soup and activia to try and keep yeast infection away because they've continued me on flagyl for 14 days to keep the bacterial infection away.

As for the flu shot, it wouldn't matter now as it won't be needed through summer and I'll have the baby by October. I'm still not a fan of the flu shot. At any rate, the stomach issue I had wan't the flu, rather the bacteria that caused the diarrhea was quite prevelant in the gutt area and because it got so bad, it caused all the vomiting. I had no idea that could ever happen, but according to the medical staff it can. They couldn't believe "the idiots in the er" per them. That they were going to send me home saying I had the flu when it wasn't the flu at all. Gee I have issues with flippin bacteria!! Ticks me off to no end!!

Ah well, this week is all about resting so it's what I'm doing now. Thankful baby is doing well.

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