35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Good afternoon, all :wave:

Wonderful news on the amnio, Austin! It's always good to hear those kinds of confirmations :)

Oh - getting off topic for a minute... a little advice if you ever want to go back on phen... unfortunately, you will develop a tolerance for it after a while, so you need to take a break from it. There's some experimenting going on now with taking the phen-pro combo, which is phen plus a low dose of prozac (or generic). Supposedly, the prozac helps the phen work a little better and keeps you from forming a tolerance as quickly. I tried it, but it didn't do much for me. And last I knew, they were working working on a new drug that worked like the phen-fen of old. But since I'm on a temporary hiatus from all that, I'm a little out of date as to what's up & coming.

On the other hand, Adderall is a Godsend. LOVE that stuff. :thumbup: And because it's a different kind of drug than phen (but has the same effect), it's perfect to use while you're on a phen break. It's also much easier to get. And much cheaper, as insurance usually covers it. As a matter of fact, I was brushing up on my adult ADD symptoms and doctor shopping for a regular script when I got pregnant. But obviously that's on hold for now...

And you're so right about craving coffee & cigarettes on phen! I'd smoke like a fiend about an hour after I took it. It'll be interesting to see if I still get the smoke craving once I'm back on phen, now that I'm a non-smoker. That's one bad habit that I won't go back to.

Okay - sorry about that. I'll get relevant again. :)

As far as crib bumpers - I've seen some that are nothing but a fine, tight mesh that supposedly can't suffocate the baby. They piqued my interest - once I start shopping I'm definitely going to look in to those. We're going to use an antique cradle for the first few months - it's the same one my mother put me in as a newborn. And though I think the spacing between the bars is ok, I'd like to have something there, just in case. I would imagine any newer crib wouldn't need a bumper, so I probably won't bother with it if it's not necessary. They do look cute, though. :)

And if by canopies, you mean those adorable decorative ones... LOVE 'EM! That might just be the one luxury the nursery won't do without.

Anna - about the 529... Funny you mentioned that. My DH was just talking about those. I guess he's starting to look in to it. I know that we're due for a meeting w/our financial guy, so I'm sure that'll be on the list of things to bring up. If I get any info, I'll post about it.

Ooh - and on the subject of shoes... have you seen the recent Vic's Secret shoe sale catalogue? Made me drool.

MA - so sorry you're having all these troubles! At least they're catching everything early, before it has a chance to do serious damage. What a pain in the butt (or other areas) that must be.. Hang in there! :hugs:

Take care, everyone! :flower:
Morning ladies,

I hope everyone is doing well.

MA sorry to hear about all your stuff, but as Chris said, at least they are catching it early.

Austin - congrats on the amnio results! That is fantastic

On the subject of crib bumpers the nurses in the NICU have all said that they are a no no. I did bring up the breathable bumpers and a few of them hadn't heard of them. I also learned that baby poweder and lotion are no longer being used and are not good for the babies skin.

AFM - I know I have been MIA for a while, between sleeping and going to the hospital, I haven't had time to get on the computer. I normally go to the hospital to see Katelyn 2x a day. Once in the afternoon and then once in the evening. Since Kaiser is very big on skin to skin contact, they let me hold her for like 1-2 hours each visit which is really nice. She is doing better and has gained more weight. It is hard to believe that she is 2 weeks old. It feels more like a month! Anyway, I still have some pages to read so I can catch up. I hope everyone is doing well. Miss you all!!!

Happy Friday All!!!

MA, so sorry to hear about the most recent bout of frustration. You just can't catch a break girl!!! I hope things resolve themselves soon. In the mean time take care of yourself and have a happy Easter!!

Sunshine, I won't even let myself think about new shoes. I've heard people say your feet swell in pregnancy and may not return to normal size, ever. They can grow up to a full size bigger so I'm afraid all my shoes will be bound for Goodwill. It hasn't happened yet, but I'm still worried. Let me know what you find out about the 529. We don't have a financial guy, maybe time to get one. But I'm wondering if you set one up through your bank and it's a normal type of savings account, or if it's done through a financial institution and put into the stock market. Any info would be appreciated. I do know any donations made count as a tax credit on our state taxes at the end of the year, so that's a bonus, but I don't know if that's a national thing or a state thing.

Steph, I am so glad you are spending so much time with Katelyn right now. It's awesome you get so much bonding time with her. I have heard the same thing on the bumper front, but that after a certain age they were ok. So much information out there. How are you feeling?? I hope you are healing well and am so glad the baby is gaining weight. She'll be home before you know it and you'll be up to your elbows in diapers all by yourself.

Austin, vivienne, svet, titti, codegirl, and junebug, :flower::flower:

AFM, nothing new to report. It's the weekend and we're staying home (not camping) and it's nice to be here to get some things done. Like I said yesterday, we're going to do some stroller shopping on Sunday when we head down to Denver for Easter. Should be fun. Other than that same old same old.

Have a great weekend!! xxx Anna
Hi ladies!!

Last night I FINALLY got some uninterrupted sleep. Oh I'm just dancing around today. :lol: It's been such awhile since I've slept through the night and it felt just lovely.

Yesterday I heard back from the compound pharmacy that makes my 17P. What a PRAISE from them. The months worth of injectables were a total of 25.00. Which means the 20 or so weeks I'll be on them will only cost us 100.00 MAX out of pocket!! :happydance:

There was a slight hitch in that the flex spending card wouldn't accept the purchase because the pharmacy isn't IRS approved for that paticular agency, so we paid out of our own money. HOWEVER, all we do is show proof we purchased and the insurance company will reimburse us. :happydance:

I get my first injection on Friday which I keep hearing is painful. (I'm fine with it) I'll be taking one more diflucan tomorrow with hopes it will clear up the yeast from the flagyl. "hopefully" the next urine sample will show there is no more bacteria and it was just that the sample was taken during treatment and not enough time to get rid of it.

More good news is I have more flagyl and two more diflucan just in case. These are NOT drugs I want to take very often as they "can" be bad for the baby in high doses. Though second trimester is the only time you can generally take these meds, I'm still not a fan but considering bacteria was one of many causes I lost my last pregnancy it's a matter of importance.

Steph, it's so good to hear about you and the little one. It blesses my heart that she's gaining more and more strength with each passing day and I look forward to "welcome home" pictures with mommy and Katelyn. Until then, just come by when you can to keep us updated. We love to hear how well your both doing.

Anna, please share which stroller your going with when you figure it out. I'm having the HARDEST time. We've tried so many strollers and with our alterrain, I'm just so frustrated. The ones with the excellent wheels and suspension are CRAZY money and the cheaper ones are plastic wheels with no traction. I thought I'd like the new britax which come Sept will have another sale like the one that ends the end of this month BUT their wheels are plastic. I don't know what to choose anymore. I'm glad I started looking now so we can figure out what we like and go from there.

Junebug, it's good to see you. Love to everyone else. We miss you gals! :hug:

I will definately let you know what I find out re: strollers. Since we both live in more mountainous climates and are looking for all terrain strollers, sounds like we're in the same market. I have found one I think might work that Consumer reports gives good ratings to, but I haven't seen it yet and don't know how well it works with our carseat. I plan to track it down tomorrow and see how it works, test drive it, and assess for myself the quality. It's only around $150, so much cheeper than the BOB strollers everyone loves and consumer reports didn't rank them that high. You should come out to Colorado, all the strollers seem to be all terrain strollers. It is a jogger, just FYI, as I plan to do some running to get back into shape after baby, but I am also looking for something that can handle dirt roads. For trails I will use the baby Bjorn, which i tried on today BTW!!. Anyway, glad your shots are going to be affordable that is such good news!!! what a load off your mind.

Have a good weekend everyone! Anna
Can't wait to hear how it goes then!! I have my Ergo baby carrier that I got a deal on and can't WAIT to use it. We're having our baby in October, I was just thinking we can't just go out on trails right afterwards. Isn't there a special amount of time before we can take baby out and about...like a month or something or is that just something I concocted in my own head. :rofl:

Goodness with the sleep I got, I think my attitude is SO much better today!:happydance:

Happy Easter everyone!:hug: :flower:
Happy Easter, everyone!!

(I'm munching on a Peep as I write this...)

Steph, I'm so thrilled that Katelyn's growing stronger by the day - she's a little fighter, that's for sure! I second what MA said - I too am looking forward to hearing all about the "welcome home" celebration! I love that they're big on skin-to-skin where you go. That's something that's really important to me, too. And very interesting about the powder & lotion - I'll have to make a mental note to ask about that.

Thank you so much for taking the time to keep us updated during such a busy - and exhausting! - time for you. :flower:

Anna - I've heard the same thing about foot size. My mom went up a full size, and I'm hoping to God that doesn't happen to me. I'm already a size 9 and have a hangup about my big feet - it's one of the reasons I refuse to wear anything under a 3.5" heel. Flats make my feet look like they're in canoes... :dohh: And our age works against us - the younger the feet, the better the chance they have of snapping back to their original size.

Dear God, I'm gonna have Frankenstein feet!!! :cry:

I've already made a note to ask the DH about the whole 529 thing - I was going to do it yesterday, but didn't write it down and subsequently forgot... The ol' brain just doesn't work like it used to. :nope:

MA - Wow! Good night's sleep, affordable injectables... after all you've been through, it sounds like things are finally starting to go your way! :happydance: Hmm... Maybe you should buy a lottery ticket, too. And if you win, of course, remember where the suggestion came from... :winkwink:

AFM - not much. We have our anomaly scan tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to seeing our little girl again! :cloud9: Hey - does anyone know if they take blood for that one? It's funny - there's a ton of info about the NT scan, but not near as much about the 20 week jobbie. Some sites say there's a blood test, but some don't mention blood work at all. Here's what I think they do - the detailed US and blood work, then they combine those results with the NT results, and come back with a final set of odds for birth defects. Does that sound about right to you guys? So I'm thinking I'll have all that in about a week to 10 days...? I still haven't come out about my "delicate condition" (that term makes me laugh...) because we've been waiting for those final results before we let the cat out of the bag. Yes, I'm still twitchy because of all the problems we've had... :dohh: Anyhoo, I'm finally starting to get a little bump and know I won't be able to stay in hiding for much longer. Because of all the scans we've had, I know that we'll probably be okay and shouldn't have any surprises (the US tech said everything looks great so far). BUT - that being said - you still never know. I'm just looking forward to when I can finally "let it all hang out." :haha: As it is, my beloved Hudsons are almost bursting at the seams and I know I'll have to move in to either a.) my fat jeans (still have to locate those & try them on), or b.) maternity jeans. *shudder*

Oh! And on a little side note... did you know they make Spanx for pregnant people?!? :happydance: They're now a staple in my wardrobe...

Okay - time for me to get moving and get ready for church. I'm a twice a year-er, whether I need it or not... :) Something tells me I'll be paying more attention to all the cute little Easter dresses this year...

Hope you all have a wonderful day filled with family and friends! :flower:
Anna, would love to help you interpret what was seen in baby's kidneys. I'm not sure what you mean by hole though. Do you have a copy of the ultrasound report? If so, can you scan and email me?

I LOVE our UppaBaby Vista. We had a PegPerrego infant seat so could snap the seat in the stroller frame. We used the bassinette that came with the stroller as Z's bed for the first 3 months of her life (just got a $40 bassinette frame at Toys R Us). It's all-terrain, we've brought in on gravel, sand, and dirt roads :) AND you can double it up with the rumble seat when you have baby #2. It is our best purchase by far.

RE: bumper pads. A big no no. They increase the risk of SIDS by contributing to air stagnation and higher CO2 levels around baby. AND they are a strangulation hazard. My mom made some for us, I used it to decorate the crib before she was born and when she was sleeping in the bassinette, but promptly removed it when she started sleeping in her crib.

RE: shoe size. I'm back down to my pre-pregnancy 5.5 feet, luckily! I was depressed at the thought of having to part with my shoe collection!

RE: weight loss drugs. I'm shocked at how easy it is for you US ladies to get! All the weight loss I've done has been the good old fashion way with exercise and calory restriction. Sheesh, makes all my hard work seem unnecessary :-( Lost 40 lbs in 2002-2003 (took me 6 months), then 20 lbs that I had regained before my wedding (Jan to Jun 2008), then the last 20 pregnancy lbs just now (only have 3 to go!). If I had a way of getting those drugs, I would. But I think they're all illegal in Canada after the whole phen-phen debacle....

My top 10 baby buys:

1) Ergo carrier with infant insert / Mei Tei (works much better for infant) / Ring sling (also great for infant)
2) UppaBaby Vista stroller (with bassinette and infant car seat adaptor)
3) Baby swing (miracle worker!)
4) Back To Sleep Bear (we have a recording of me singing a French lullaby on it)
5) Cloth diapers
6) Summer Infant Video/Audio monitor (started off with the AngelCare Sound and Movement monitor, but we switched)
7) Nuk baby soothers - the ones without the ring (we started giving her soothers when she was 2 days old and it never caused a problem with nursing)
8) Baby Cubes (freeze your puréed baby food)
9) Linen swaddling clothes (my favourite are Adan and Anaïs)
10) Nursing glider with ottoman (so comfy I've fallen asleep in it with Z in my arms)

Steph, so great to hear from you and to read that Katelyn is gaining weight! Lovely to read you :flower:

We don't use any baby powder, any Johnsons and Johnsons crap (full of chemicals including topical anesthetics, hence the "No tears"), or any baby lotion. We only use natural products from a small little known company based locally, called The Spa Sisters: they make all natural baby soap, bum balm, boobie balm, and organic shea butter cream for ouchies. It's amazing, and we've converted to their products for ourselves as well. We've stopped using any detergents and cleaning products in the house, only use baking soda, lemon juice and white vinegar, along with Norwex cleaning clothes. We've actually become almost 100% green and environmentally friendly in our house, right when we started TTC'ing, to err on the side of caution...

As for ovulations... I'm on cycle day #87 and still no sign. I'm nursing and I believe that is the main culprit. To make sure I'm not missing anything I do a cheap OPK daily and am temping. I had a temperature surge a week ago, but the ClearBlue digital OPK (which I use if I have a temp surge or suspicious cheap OPK stick) was still negative. Darn it!!!

I hope everyone is having a great Easter weekend!!!
OH and baby savings account! In Canada we have the RESP (Registered Education Savings Plan), to which you can contribute $2500 yearly and the government matches up to $500. We opened it when Zoëlle was 2 weeks old, and already have over $3500 set aside for her. We get $100 per month from the Canadian Government, it's called the Child Benefit Plan: this amount goes directly into her RESP, then we add an extra $100 from our bank account to match it. VERY worth it given the cost of education these days!
Anna, would love to help you interpret what was seen in baby's kidneys. I'm not sure what you mean by hole though. Do you have a copy of the ultrasound report? If so, can you scan and email me?

I LOVE our UppaBaby Vista. We had a PegPerrego infant seat so could snap the seat in the stroller frame. We used the bassinette that came with the stroller as Z's bed for the first 3 months of her life (just got a $40 bassinette frame at Toys R Us). It's all-terrain, we've brought in on gravel, sand, and dirt roads :) AND you can double it up with the rumble seat when you have baby #2. It is our best purchase by far.

RE: bumper pads. A big no no. They increase the risk of SIDS by contributing to air stagnation and higher CO2 levels around baby. AND they are a strangulation hazard. My mom made some for us, I used it to decorate the crib before she was born and when she was sleeping in the bassinette, but promptly removed it when she started sleeping in her crib.

RE: shoe size. I'm back down to my pre-pregnancy 5.5 feet, luckily! I was depressed at the thought of having to part with my shoe collection!

RE: weight loss drugs. I'm shocked at how easy it is for you US ladies to get! All the weight loss I've done has been the good old fashion way with exercise and calory restriction. Sheesh, makes all my hard work seem unnecessary :-( Lost 40 lbs in 2002-2003 (took me 6 months), then 20 lbs that I had regained before my wedding (Jan to Jun 2008), then the last 20 pregnancy lbs just now (only have 3 to go!). If I had a way of getting those drugs, I would. But I think they're all illegal in Canada after the whole phen-phen debacle....

My top 10 baby buys:

1) Ergo carrier with infant insert / Mei Tei (works much better for infant) / Ring sling (also great for infant)
2) UppaBaby Vista stroller (with bassinette and infant car seat adaptor)
3) Baby swing (miracle worker!)
4) Back To Sleep Bear (we have a recording of me singing a French lullaby on it)
5) Cloth diapers
6) Summer Infant Video/Audio monitor (started off with the AngelCare Sound and Movement monitor, but we switched)
7) Nuk baby soothers - the ones without the ring (we started giving her soothers when she was 2 days old and it never caused a problem with nursing)
8) Baby Cubes (freeze your puréed baby food)
9) Linen swaddling clothes (my favourite are Adan and Anaïs)
10) Nursing glider with ottoman (so comfy I've fallen asleep in it with Z in my arms)

Steph, so great to hear from you and to read that Katelyn is gaining weight! Lovely to read you :flower:

We don't use any baby powder, any Johnsons and Johnsons crap (full of chemicals including topical anesthetics, hence the "No tears"), or any baby lotion. We only use natural products from a small little known company based locally, called The Spa Sisters: they make all natural baby soap, bum balm, boobie balm, and organic shea butter cream for ouchies. It's amazing, and we've converted to their products for ourselves as well. We've stopped using any detergents and cleaning products in the house, only use baking soda, lemon juice and white vinegar, along with Norwex cleaning clothes. We've actually become almost 100% green and environmentally friendly in our house, right when we started TTC'ing, to err on the side of caution...

As for ovulations... I'm on cycle day #87 and still no sign. I'm nursing and I believe that is the main culprit. To make sure I'm not missing anything I do a cheap OPK daily and am temping. I had a temperature surge a week ago, but the ClearBlue digital OPK (which I use if I have a temp surge or suspicious cheap OPK stick) was still negative. Darn it!!!

I hope everyone is having a great Easter weekend!!!

:thumbup: I LOVE the list!!:happydance: Anna, Terri, I think you both should jot down your MUST HAVE'S list.

I've been trying to figure out what to put down on my registry and I'm having a hard time knowing what I need vs what will just be another item to dust off. Do share your lists as well.

Thanks for the info about the bumper pads and links to sids. May I ask if babys hands and feet get stuck between the crib bars?? That's a concern as is if they'd fall between the mattress.

Sorry about the Ovulation issue. I've heard that bf'ing can be a huge issue to ttc but then in the bf'ing forum I noticed there ARE women who are pregnant while still bf'ing so don't give up!!:hugs::flower:
Hey Rebekah, I've never had an issue with a limb getting stuck. When they are tiny they aren't mobile so essentially stay put. When they're older they can generally "unstuck" themselves without an issue :) The mattress is nice and cozy up against the bars so it's not possible that they get anything stuck between the mattress and bars. Hope that helps!
OH and one more must have for those intending on breast feeding is a good dual electric pump!
OH and one more must have for those intending on breast feeding is a good dual electric pump!

I'm looking at Medala. Is there any brand that's more powerful than another at getting the milk out?? I think angela said she had some issues in the beginning as did many others I've talked with. I'm starting to wonder if we should buy the cattle milker. :rofl: Just hook me right on up to it!!:haha::blush:

So because this was getting to be a fun idea in here, I thought I'd try to ask on facebook what peoples "MUST HAVE" items are. There always has to be a couple people who rain on the parade. :wacko: I KNOW that babies and mothers are different...but when I'm asking for ideas it's because I'm searching for them because I'm new at all this and actually need ideas. So the same two people instead of jotting down all their ideas in ONE post decide they'll let me know that it's different for each child and then post ONE item in EVERY POST. :wacko: Thank goodness a few others decided to do as my question asked for crying out loud.:growlmad:

I think I may just stick to asking all of you gals. I think you all kinda understand where each of us have come from. I'm getting some excellent ideas from you all!! :hugs:
:hi: all my ladies

Just zooming through and catching up. I have been a bit busier now working, keeping house and have had so many functions and new babies to visit (3 at last count in the last couple of weeks)!!

Glad everyone seems to be on track and having a good ride and Miss Muffet, love the name and glad Kaiser is so into skin on skin or Kangaroo care as we call it down under.

Rebekah just keep being a b*tch, it's your body and by gosh you know it better than anyone else!!!!:haha:

AFM Our furniture is being delivered for the little mans room Friday and we just need to collect cot and we are down major stuff wise. And I finally look pregnant and bending down is getting a bit harder at work :haha:

Happy Easter to all.
PS (I worked today and the queues were so long they reached from the checkouts to the other end of the store, and I work in the equivalent of a large Target/Tescos) People are mad and so materialistic!!!
Rebekah I don't think it's about power when it comes to pumps. Every woman is different, some can pump successfully and others don't get much this way despite making enough milk to nurse the baby. It's hard to replicate the psychology behind an actual "let down", so easy when you're nursing and hard to learn when you're pumping! Took me a while to get from 2 oz to 8 oz. I am very happy with my Purely Yours by Ameda, which is cheaper than the Medela equivalents...

Sorry ladies on FB gave you a hard time... I'm learning to filter what I post there! Speaking of which, if anyone wants to add me on FB let me know by PM :)
Good monday morning all! I would say it's snowing again but i'm sounding like a broken record, so from now on same old same old and i'll let you know when the sun comes out. I'm solar powered and HATE this weather.

MA, I have bad news . . . Due to the holiday evry store we tried to go to was closed, so no luck with the stroller hunt. However I did lug around the car seat at the outdoor mall we were at and it made me appreciate the need for a stroller. Car seat empty was getting heavy,can't imagine it occupied. As for the ergo carrier and wait time I think it depends on the weather and if you are going to be bouncing the baby around a lot. If they are warm and secure I see no problem, BUT this is just my thougts, not based on anything so ask the experts to make sure, I could be totally off base. So glad you got some sleep!! I love sleep and without it am a B%#:h!

as for must haves I can't list any other than what l've heard. We have a really small condo and i'm with you trying to decide what we really need and what collects dust and takes up room. I will complie what I know and post it later.

Sunshine, 3.5" shoes!!! OMG!! I would kill myself and my feet would fall off! A size 9 is not that big silly girl! I'm an 8.5. Although I am pretty tall. How was ur scan today?? I think ur right about the test results. I love the info about spandex for maternity wear! As for fat jeans versus maternity? I like my fat jeans over my maternity. Maybe I need to buy a different kind but my maternity jeans are uncomfortable around the waist. I have a girlfriend who gave me a pair of her " big girl" jeans and I love them. So much more comfortable,although they do fall down a bit right now as I have not grown into them fully.

vivienne, yeh furniture is coming, you are leaps and bounds ahead of us. Sorry you worked on Sunday, it always amazes my how nasty people can be espically on holidays!! My thought is always REALLY? People pull your head out of your . . . ! You sound really good. How is the communtiy doing?

Junebug, go you with losing weight the old fashioned way. I've tried diet drugs (over the counter) and they always make me feel funky. Give me a good run any day of the week followed by a natural endorphin(sp) high and i'm happy. Harder work but for me exercise is my me time, my think time and I really like that time alone in my own head. Ok off my soap box.

as for "holes". Apparently it's where the valve is located in the kidneys that leads to the tubes that empty the urine. If i'm not making sense then sorry. It's a non medical person trying to explain a thingy magaggie to a doctor. I don't have a report to give you,but i'm seeing my doctor next tuesday and I will ask her for some clarification and a report then. Peri didn't seem that worried, but I'm the mom and can't help it. He also said that this condition combined with some other factors would be am indicator of something abnormal chromozonally, but because we had the amnio he knew it was isolated. Does that help??

so this may sound obvious but are you sure you're not pregnant??? Espically with the temp surge. Have you tested?

AFM, had a good day yesterday but got in a tiff with my dad who made a "shooting pool is a mans game" comment. I think he was joking, but hit me wrong (hormones), so I promptly won the next three games against my dad and brother running the table. A friendly few games of pool after easter dinner. I know I shouldnlt have gotten mad at him, he's had a stroke and his mind dosen't work quite right as a result,so sometimes he says things that he thinks are funny, but just really aren't. A daughters guilt, I feel bad today.

ok I wrote a novel. My 20 year old co worker and his girl friend just stopped by the store annd brougt me baby gifts! Think i'm going to cry it was so sweet!!

happy monday! anna
Hi chicas! Sounds like a good holiday weekend was had by alll...

Pablo/Sunshine - Y'all are too funny! I have been in maternity pants so long, I think January was the last I wore my "fat" jeans.... I must say that the Spanx maternity wear are the BOMB! I went to the website & ordered her "Assets" brand, tho, not "Spanx"... its the brand she sells at Target. Bought the maternity "power panties", which are kind of like a biking short smoother, that rolls up over your bump. My issue wasn't so much the "smoothing", as I don't want anything tight around my middle right now AT ALL, but the legs are great as they keep my thighs from rubbing together... I love to wear dresses and they are so comfortable, until the thighs start a-rubbing.... ouch. Have my power panties on today for the first time & it is awesome!! $20 well spent!

Steph - so glad to hear Katelyn is getting bigger & doing well!!! Fantastic!!!

MA - Yay for the $$ drugs!!! glad you're feeling better, hon! :happydance:

Sunshine - You sound just like me... :) I think I choked up a bit when I read about you & your Hudsons... lol! I bought some citizens mat jeans, but they just don't fit the same... but I will wear them, anyway... On shoes - I am now keeping my pumps at work under my desk to wear around the office... lol... use the crocs to walk into the bldg... Oh, the horror! And wedges/platforms are a lifesaver!!! My hubs did make me put away my 3" flip flops, as I stumbled a bit in them... Must say, the thought of not fitting back into my shoes makes me really, really sad... I hope not. If so, if anyone grows to an 7.5, I got some awesome friggin' shoes...

AFM - our weekend outing was a trip to see a chair on sale at this cute baby boutique... Took DH to see it and he really liked it, but didn't want the one in-store as he thought it looked "faded"... So I pouted. :( We shopped a bit more looking at cribs and both loved the "Jenny Lind" style in white... Salesgirl then told us that all furniture was on sale - 20% off - ending that day... So, then DH looks at me, smiles and says, "We'll take 3 of those cribs & 1 changing table to match... oh, and order TWO of those pink chairs for us, too." Am really excited and nervous that we ordered so much.... totally not what I planned to do! I just love the chairs, tho.. beautiful soft "blush" pink armchair swivel gliders... that look like a regular upholstered armchairs... Love that man... :cloud9: I took his picture with the cribs and sent it to the grandparents-to-be, showing them his first purchases of many for "his girls".... so sweet! Needless to say, I had a really blessed and wonderful weekend... :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

I am being optimistic, but still so scary to buy things and make plans... every little pang & tug feeling has me scared of "jinxing" things and preterm labor concerns... But 2 doc appts this week has me feeling reassured that we are being vigilant... Every passing week is a blessing.

:hugs: to all!
Hi chicas! Sounds like a good holiday weekend was had by alll...

Pablo/Sunshine - Y'all are too funny! I have been in maternity pants so long, I think January was the last I wore my "fat" jeans.... I must say that the Spanx maternity wear are the BOMB! I went to the website & ordered her "Assets" brand, tho, not "Spanx"... its the brand she sells at Target. Bought the maternity "power panties", which are kind of like a biking short smoother, that rolls up over your bump. My issue wasn't so much the "smoothing", as I don't want anything tight around my middle right now AT ALL, but the legs are great as they keep my thighs from rubbing together... I love to wear dresses and they are so comfortable, until the thighs start a-rubbing.... ouch. Have my power panties on today for the first time & it is awesome!! $20 well spent!

Steph - so glad to hear Katelyn is getting bigger & doing well!!! Fantastic!!!

MA - Yay for the $$ drugs!!! glad you're feeling better, hon! :happydance:

Sunshine - You sound just like me... :) I think I choked up a bit when I read about you & your Hudsons... lol! I bought some citizens mat jeans, but they just don't fit the same... but I will wear them, anyway... On shoes - I am now keeping my pumps at work under my desk to wear around the office... lol... use the crocs to walk into the bldg... Oh, the horror! And wedges/platforms are a lifesaver!!! My hubs did make me put away my 3" flip flops, as I stumbled a bit in them... Must say, the thought of not fitting back into my shoes makes me really, really sad... I hope not. If so, if anyone grows to an 7.5, I got some awesome friggin' shoes...

AFM - our weekend outing was a trip to see a chair on sale at this cute baby boutique... Took DH to see it and he really liked it, but didn't want the one in-store as he thought it looked "faded"... So I pouted. :( We shopped a bit more looking at cribs and both loved the "Jenny Lind" style in white... Salesgirl then told us that all furniture was on sale - 20% off - ending that day... So, then DH looks at me, smiles and says, "We'll take 3 of those cribs & 1 changing table to match... oh, and order TWO of those pink chairs for us, too." Am really excited and nervous that we ordered so much.... totally not what I planned to do! I just love the chairs, tho.. beautiful soft "blush" pink armchair swivel gliders... that look like a regular upholstered armchairs... Love that man... :cloud9: I took his picture with the cribs and sent it to the grandparents-to-be, showing them his first purchases of many for "his girls".... so sweet! Needless to say, I had a really blessed and wonderful weekend... :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

I am being optimistic, but still so scary to buy things and make plans... every little pang & tug feeling has me scared of "jinxing" things and preterm labor concerns... But 2 doc appts this week has me feeling reassured that we are being vigilant... Every passing week is a blessing.

:hugs: to all!

You are being monitored VERY CLOSELY. You have excellent care. I know it's hard not to worry, but your doing very well, what you mentioned about the cervical length is EXCELLENT for carrying three. :winkwink::flower: Sounds like you had a lovely time together.

YOU and Viv will have to take pictures of the baby's nursery so we can see. I'm REALLY excited to hear all the fun stuff.:happydance:

Junebug, I'll have to check out the Ameda pumps. Speaking of breasts and pumping. I had NO IDEA that bottle nipples were different. On facebook everyone said it took them several tries for their babies to like certain nipples. Umm, may be silly here, but I thought there was only ONE type of nipple for a bottle.:shrug: :haha:

Anna, it's okay. :winkwink: I think we're going with the Chicco Keyfit bundle. My friend who has two young kids and travels around like we do said her new one is AWESOME. She also said it would take six months to get on the trails anyways. SO, she's going to give us her Bob for FREE!:happydance: for next years trails.:thumbup: So excited!:happydance:

Sometimes men have foot and mouth disease.:dohh::haha: :hugs::kiss:

Viv, I miss ya and can't wait to hear about things in the upcoming months. Don't forget to post pics of the nursery when it's finished and bump pictures.

I don't really have a bump yet so I haven't been posting pics.

Dougs birthday is Friday, the royal wedding. Can't seem to get away from all the publicity on it.:wacko: All day every day there is something on what's going on with the wedding on FRIDAY. It all started two weeks ago here.:dohh:

So poor Doug, Friday we'll probably be at the perinatal center for three hours and then goes to work on the day of his birthday with royal wedding bliss. :rofl: We'll be celebrating on Sat. with whatever he wants to do.:winkwink:

Have a good night ladies.:kiss::hugs:
Hi ladies,

Wow a lot of activity going on... I need to get back to checking this thread at least 3 times a week! I think I read about limbs getting stuck in cribs...well my niece when she was about 2 would somehow manage to squeeze her leg through the bars on the crib and then cry out in the middle of the night.."my leg, my leg!" whenever I would spend the night I would be in there about 3 times a night trying to push her fat little thigh back through...needless to say she needed a toddler bed at that point.

Vivienne - congrats on getting your furniture!!! that is so exciting. I still don't have mine. We are just now getting the furniture in our guest room OUT. BTW - I just found out the other day that they call it Kangaroo Care here as well - : )

Charmaine - congrats to you and your DH for ordering stuff! That is fantastic

Anna - For the maternity jeans i had that same probably with them being uncomfortable. I had to get the ones with the band that goes all the up almost to your boobs. the ones that were half bands, seemed to cut into my belly.

Rebekah - I am using the Medela pump and it is great...of course it is hospital quality and they are a tad bit stronger than the ones you buy at the store (or so everyone keeps telling me). I will probably stick with Medela for the one I get when I go back to work.

Speaking of pumping - well i am going to go to it...it has been 3 hours...starting to get used to it now. Oh and on the Katelyn update, they said that they may try bottle feeding her soon which means breastfeeding as well. Probably in a week or so. Very encouraging. Currently, there are only 2 babies in the NICU, mine and another woman's who was also do in June. About 4 babies went home over the past 3 days. Time does seem to be moving. One more week and we are already in May (YAY!).

I hope everyone is doing ok. Junebug, Sunshine, Titi, Chris 1, Angela, Code, and anyone else I may have left out - huge hellos. Also, HUGS to everyone!

Hi chicas! Sounds like a good holiday weekend was had by alll...

Pablo/Sunshine - Y'all are too funny! I have been in maternity pants so long, I think January was the last I wore my "fat" jeans.... I must say that the Spanx maternity wear are the BOMB! I went to the website & ordered her "Assets" brand, tho, not "Spanx"... its the brand she sells at Target. Bought the maternity "power panties", which are kind of like a biking short smoother, that rolls up over your bump. My issue wasn't so much the "smoothing", as I don't want anything tight around my middle right now AT ALL, but the legs are great as they keep my thighs from rubbing together... I love to wear dresses and they are so comfortable, until the thighs start a-rubbing.... ouch. Have my power panties on today for the first time & it is awesome!! $20 well spent!

Steph - so glad to hear Katelyn is getting bigger & doing well!!! Fantastic!!!

MA - Yay for the $$ drugs!!! glad you're feeling better, hon! :happydance:

Sunshine - You sound just like me... :) I think I choked up a bit when I read about you & your Hudsons... lol! I bought some citizens mat jeans, but they just don't fit the same... but I will wear them, anyway... On shoes - I am now keeping my pumps at work under my desk to wear around the office... lol... use the crocs to walk into the bldg... Oh, the horror! And wedges/platforms are a lifesaver!!! My hubs did make me put away my 3" flip flops, as I stumbled a bit in them... Must say, the thought of not fitting back into my shoes makes me really, really sad... I hope not. If so, if anyone grows to an 7.5, I got some awesome friggin' shoes...

AFM - our weekend outing was a trip to see a chair on sale at this cute baby boutique... Took DH to see it and he really liked it, but didn't want the one in-store as he thought it looked "faded"... So I pouted. :( We shopped a bit more looking at cribs and both loved the "Jenny Lind" style in white... Salesgirl then told us that all furniture was on sale - 20% off - ending that day... So, then DH looks at me, smiles and says, "We'll take 3 of those cribs & 1 changing table to match... oh, and order TWO of those pink chairs for us, too." Am really excited and nervous that we ordered so much.... totally not what I planned to do! I just love the chairs, tho.. beautiful soft "blush" pink armchair swivel gliders... that look like a regular upholstered armchairs... Love that man... :cloud9: I took his picture with the cribs and sent it to the grandparents-to-be, showing them his first purchases of many for "his girls".... so sweet! Needless to say, I had a really blessed and wonderful weekend... :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

I am being optimistic, but still so scary to buy things and make plans... every little pang & tug feeling has me scared of "jinxing" things and preterm labor concerns... But 2 doc appts this week has me feeling reassured that we are being vigilant... Every passing week is a blessing.

:hugs: to all!

You are being monitored VERY CLOSELY. You have excellent care. I know it's hard not to worry, but your doing very well, what you mentioned about the cervical length is EXCELLENT for carrying three. :winkwink::flower: Sounds like you had a lovely time together.

YOU and Viv will have to take pictures of the baby's nursery so we can see. I'm REALLY excited to hear all the fun stuff.:happydance:

Junebug, I'll have to check out the Ameda pumps. Speaking of breasts and pumping. I had NO IDEA that bottle nipples were different. On facebook everyone said it took them several tries for their babies to like certain nipples. Umm, may be silly here, but I thought there was only ONE type of nipple for a bottle.:shrug: :haha:

Anna, it's okay. :winkwink: I think we're going with the Chicco Keyfit bundle. My friend who has two young kids and travels around like we do said her new one is AWESOME. She also said it would take six months to get on the trails anyways. SO, she's going to give us her Bob for FREE!:happydance: for next years trails.:thumbup: So excited!:happydance:

Sometimes men have foot and mouth disease.:dohh::haha: :hugs::kiss:

Viv, I miss ya and can't wait to hear about things in the upcoming months. Don't forget to post pics of the nursery when it's finished and bump pictures.

I don't really have a bump yet so I haven't been posting pics.

Dougs birthday is Friday, the royal wedding. Can't seem to get away from all the publicity on it.:wacko: All day every day there is something on what's going on with the wedding on FRIDAY. It all started two weeks ago here.:dohh:

So poor Doug, Friday we'll probably be at the perinatal center for three hours and then goes to work on the day of his birthday with royal wedding bliss. :rofl: We'll be celebrating on Sat. with whatever he wants to do.:winkwink:

Have a good night ladies.:kiss::hugs:

I will babes, I just wanna have it painted and wallpapered which involves OH putting the computer down on the weekend and coming to pick out paper!!

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