35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Anna, yes I did POAS and it's negative! I can't explain my weird temperature surges... Hey does "posterior urethral valves" ring a bell? Based on what you last wrote, I think this may be what they're referring to?

Rebekah we were lucky, the Born Free bottles worked from the start for us!

RE: pumps. Hospital grade ones are the best by far but most people can't afford to buy one, let alone rent one for months at a time! Ameda also makes a great hospital grade one. I love the portability of my Purely Yours (it is lighter than most dual electric pumps). Often pumped during long car rides and gave her the bottle so as to minimize how often we had to stop ;-)

Chris, sounds like your little star is doing awesome! Yay for being able to start breastfeeding and bottles soon!!!

Charmaine your new nursery gear sounds AMAZING! Congrats on the purchases. You'll love those chairs in the middle of the night! Hoorah Viv on your furniture purchases too!

AFM, Zoëlle is so cute :cloud9: She's mastered signing "milk" when she wants to nurse. She signs it ALL the time: in the stroller during a walk, in her high chair while I'm feeding her solids, on the floor while playing and I walk in the room, even WHILE nursing. She gets this silly little grin when I ask her in French if she wants milk, and lunges at my chest. Sooooo cute!!! Loves her boob juice that one ;-)
AFM, Zoëlle is so cute :cloud9: She's mastered signing "milk" when she wants to nurse. She signs it ALL the time: in the stroller during a walk, in her high chair while I'm feeding her solids, on the floor while playing and I walk in the room, even WHILE nursing. She gets this silly little grin when I ask her in French if she wants milk, and lunges at my chest. Sooooo cute!!! Loves her boob juice that one ;-)

Junebug - The baby signing is the CUTEST!!! I have a friend that has her two (2 yrs & 18 mo) in a fantastic Montessori where the teach sign... They really use all the "food" signs a LOT!!! It is just so adorable... and amazing.

Did you teach Zoelle yourself?? So precious.....
morning all!!!

Junebug, boob juice!! LOL!! Little zoe is awesome. I hope to teach mine sign. For a number of reasons,one of them being she has a hearing impaired uncle and aunt. So far in the family I know the most sign and thats not saying much. Do you like the montisori school? We have one here but reviews are mixed.

Austin, your DH is so cute!! What a lucky girl you are!!

MA, I never knew there were so many bottle types and nipple types either unntil I started reading the magazines. It's overwhelming!! Most folks say it's trial and error. Hope doug has a good birthday. Yes the wedding is soon and you'd think there isn't any other news. I just worry. Can't help but think how Diana was destroyed by all the attention, I don't want that for her son or his wife.

Steph, woohoo for little katelyn. She sounds awesome and it will be great if she can breast feed soon!

Junebug, I don't remember what if anything the doctor called it. I will ask my doc next week and get back to you.

Vivienne, pictures when you get a chance!!

titti, hope you are well!
rottpaw, how are you?
Svet, how's it going?

AFM, nothing new. WAIT . . . There is something new, think I felt the baby kick last night for the first time. I'm not 100% sure as i've never felt it before but mom intuition says it was a kick, a few actually. Have a good tuesday!! Anna
Yes, we've been teaching Zoëlle signing ourselves: we aren't fluent by any means, but have invested in 3 baby/infant signing DVDs which we watch with her and learn together. I definitely think it's a great skill! We're working on "more", right now she claps her hands when she's trying to say it: it's actually joining thumb, index and third fingers of each hand, then touching both hands together :) We did contemplate Montessori school, but there is no French one that is easy access to our house so she's still at home with Nathan, who is on parental leave until September.

OK Anna, let me know! And YES, you felt baby kick!!! I'm sure that's what it was for you, I too was hesitant in believing it but the time is about right :happydance:
Lots of fun conversation going on here. Steph, glad all is going well. I've been told our flex spending will now cover the cost of pump and supplies. IF they in fact do, I'll go for the Medala, if not, I'll check out Junebugs choice as it sounds economical and pretty comparable. :thumbup:

By the way Junebug. Does the Born Free bottles have a place that will automatically pump the milk through the bottles?? I'm told that the Avent does and on the facebook account, there are several women who go with that brand because it goes in stages with bottles up to toddler cups. I must say it's a neat idea. I'm honestly at odds as to which ones we'll choose. As Anna said, Its trial and error. I like the concept of Avent, but also like Born Free. Dr. Browns were mentioned as was another foreign type name that's supposed to mimic the breast when you change from breastfeeding. Only one friend seemed to have it. Thought I'd get ONE of them and see how they'd do.

Baby Signing sounds LOVELY!! Doug worked with MMRD patients and one was sign only. He learned alot of sign language and I'd LOVE to learn with our child. May have to check out that link you provided. :winkwink:

Anna, I bet that was a kick you felt. Sometimes when it's your first pregnancy your unsure. Mine feels like fluttering. I actually started wk 14 feeling the movement but I'm told it can happen that early if it's your second pregnancy. I know some who's first and they still said they felt it that early.

Angela and Terri...praying your both doing well. How are you both doing with the kids??

Svet and Titi, I'm wondering where you are??

Love to the lurkers too. :winkwink: :hug:
Good morning, everyone! :flower:

Junebug, thanks so much for posting your list - it will be VERY helpful now that I'm finally getting into shopping mode.

And speaking of shopping mode... how exciting to have your furniture coming in, Viv! Our "nursery" is still being emptied out (it WAS my exercise room) so we can start the whole process. Can't wait to see your pictures! I need ideas...

Charmaine - Wow! Three cribs, two chairs, and a changing table! All in one shopping trip, too! I know what you mean about the fear of jinxing things, but please don't feel that way. You're in the best of hands and everything's going well - let yourself enjoy this! You deserve it! Your DH sounds like a wonderful man - you really are blessed to have him in your life. :flower:

Anna - what a sweet thing for your coworker to give you baby's first gift! I'd probably tear up too... And that's so awesome that you felt your little one! I'm still waiting for that, but it'll probably be at least a few more weeks yet.

MA - have fun celebrating Doug's b-day on Friday! Your posting about that reminded me that my own DH's b-day is in a few weeks and I've done absolutely NOTHING about it yet... Maybe I'll tell him I'm making his gift this year, and it'll be delivered in September. :haha:

Steph, I'm so happy that you'll be able to start BFing soon - that first time will be amazing, I'm sure. :cloud9:

Hugs to Chris #1, Titi, Angela & Terri :hugs:

AFM, we had our anomaly scan on Monday - everything looked perfect, and he confirmed that we're having a little girl! :cloud9: He said he was certain of it. She gave us quite the money shot. Awwww, my little porn star... :dohh: I guess her father will have to have a talk with her. :haha: So finally, finally, finally, it feels real. We're actually having a :baby:! We gave the go-ahead to the parents to tell family/friends if they wanted to, as we've been making them sit on the news up until now. Believe you me, they were NOT happy about that! :nope: So for the last two days, they've been burning up the phone lines... One thing I did learn at the scan was that the placenta is attached to the front of the uterus. So unfortunately, that'll buffer some of her earlier movements and I probably won't feel her as soon as I would've if it had attached elsewhere. :cry: BUT - we saw that she's quite active, and that's what matters most.

Well, I finally broke down and bought some maternity jeans. I found my fat jeans, but they were still a pain in the butt (no pun intended) because every time I'd sit down, the back part of the waistline would ride half-way down my backside. I had to make sure I was sitting on my shirt to avoid "plumber butt." :growlmad: Then I'd have to hike them back up the minute I stood up... So I went to Old Navy and got two pair to start - one with the full panel, and the other with the "woven waistband." Love 'em both - SO comfortable. So seeing as I was already there, I just had to buy the most adorable little pair of jeans for the Squirt... Because the DH was getting home after I went to bed, I left them out for him to see with a note that said "Aren't these just the cutest things ever?" When I got up this morning, he left a reply to take them back - they didn't fit.

Sigh... :dohh:

Hope everyone has a good day! :kiss:
Morning all! It's wednesday and I think I woke up on thee wrong side of the bed today. EVERYTHING is anoying me!!

Sunshine, love the money shot! Glad you got some maternity jeans. I am still having trouble with plumber crack as some of the maternity jeans I inherited are low rise. I keep wearing my belly band to cover up. Love DH's response to the note! He's pretty funny. So glad the scan went so well!!

Junebug, well, that's just plain weird about your cycle. I hope the witch arrives soon so you can get on with it already!

ma, good luck in the bottle search. It's one of those things I was going to stock up on, but now I think i'll just buy a few of different styles and find out which one she likes before investing tons. It's good news that your flex plan will cover part of the coast. Oh! And btw, congrads on the BOB that's a score of a hand me down!!

I know there's more to write and that I haven't touched base with everyone, but like I said wrong side of the bed this am so i'm going to cut it relatively short and just try and get my head together.

xxx anna
Morning all! It's wednesday and I think I woke up on thee wrong side of the bed today. EVERYTHING is anoying me!!

Sunshine, love the money shot! Glad you got some maternity jeans. I am still having trouble with plumber crack as some of the maternity jeans I inherited are low rise. I keep wearing my belly band to cover up. Love DH's response to the note! He's pretty funny. So glad the scan went so well!!

Junebug, well, that's just plain weird about your cycle. I hope the witch arrives soon so you can get on with it already!

ma, good luck in the bottle search. It's one of those things I was going to stock up on, but now I think i'll just buy a few of different styles and find out which one she likes before investing tons. It's good news that your flex plan will cover part of the coast. Oh! And btw, congrads on the BOB that's a score of a hand me down!!

I know there's more to write and that I haven't touched base with everyone, but like I said wrong side of the bed this am so i'm going to cut it relatively short and just try and get my head together.

xxx anna

Well we better get you to roll over to the "right side" of the bed then.:winkwink::hugs::kiss: Praying the rest of your day only gets better from here.:thumbup:

Yes, I seem to be finding some EXCELLENT second hand items.:happydance: We're going to put the crib and rocking chair on layaway next month. My mindset is that I don't want ANYTHING in that room too early. There's a three month wait for layaways and that will set me to 28wks which will be long past the two milestones...wk 22 where I lost Jackson Jeffrey and wk 24 which is viability milestone. So I'm all for picking everything out now, I just would rather them come when I have passed those important milestones. It will put my mind at ease.

Sunshine, WTG on the maternity jeans and I think the gift in September is WELL worth the wait. :winkwink::happydance:

*****Oh, wanted to also mention that LynnB from the other board got a faint line and then a more brighter line recently. It's looking like she may have that :bfp: :happydance: She's not ready to come by quite yet and I understand her need to stay with the others for a bit until it's officially confirmed. It's hard with one loss let alone two to get past that doubt and fear. So if everyone could keep her in their thoughts and prayers for a beautiful sticky bean carried to term healthfully I'm sure she'd appreciate it.

I hope this is the first of MANY :bfp: to come and "graduate" to this board. :happydance:
Happy Wednesday All!

Rebekah - thanks for the information on LynnB. She (and the rest of the group) will be in prayers. Great news on the second hand items. We are getting lots of things 2nd hand. My DH's sister had a baby a year ago so we are getting her car seats/travel system. A friend of mine is giving us her crib. It is a bit older, but it is is great condition. We will just need to buy a new mattress for it. That is cool that you have some items you want to put on layaway next month...which is in 4 days! LOL

Chris - Glad everything went well with your scan! that is excellent news! I agree with

Anna - your DH is funny. Love his response to the jeans. BTW don't you just LOVE Old Navy Maternity clothes. Comfy and inexpensive. YAY on feeling your LO kick for the first time! That is awesome.

Junebug - how great that your daughter knows sign language and i too love the boob juice comment. Too funny!

I just wanted to pop in really quick to say HI and that I am thinking of you all! Once we get our nursery together I will post some picks. Also, I may try and post a pic or two of my Katiebug later this week. I got some great shots the other day with her eyes wide open!

Hey ladies! Glad to hear that scans are going so well... more babies :dance:

I loved CJ's top buy list. I don't think I have that many "must haves" but I do have a couple of things that I do LOVE.

1. a Co-Sleeper bed... love love LOVE it!!!
2. woven wrap and ring sling.
3. bouncy chair that fits in the bathroom (for shower time)
4. good pump
5. a change table (I'm too old to use the floor or counters that are too short, kills my back)

I am very disappointed in my stroller. I spent too much and it doesn't expand to hold more than one. I would suggest going used or make sure that it can expand to get more use out of it.

I'll add if I think of anything else, but those are important to me.
Hey ladies! Glad to hear that scans are going so well... more babies :dance:

I loved CJ's top buy list. I don't think I have that many "must haves" but I do have a couple of things that I do LOVE.

1. a Co-Sleeper bed... love love LOVE it!!!
2. woven wrap and ring sling.
3. bouncy chair that fits in the bathroom (for shower time)
4. good pump
5. a change table (I'm too old to use the floor or counters that are too short, kills my back)

I am very disappointed in my stroller. I spent too much and it doesn't expand to hold more than one. I would suggest going used or make sure that it can expand to get more use out of it.

I'll add if I think of anything else, but those are important to me.

If you don't mind me asking, which brand stroller is it that your not happy with. I think the negative comments can also help with what mommies don't find helpful. :thumbup:

Thanks so much. I have just about everything on my list that you have mentioned. I'm going to have to see your co-sleeper. I was going to go with a regular pack n play system Chicco brand but I'm interested in the one your using.

Thanks for your list of ideas.

Oh ladies, also a friend of mine gave me a link to help in choosing the right bottle for babies. The Best Baby Bottles For Your Child

I thought I'd share it and see if it will help anyone. I'm going to put a bunch of brands on my registry and see which brand pans out!:winkwink:
morning all!!

ok better today, went for a walk with a girl friend this morning and it just sets my day up!

MA, thanks for the info on Lynnb, I will check in over there this morning. Also thanks for the link for bottles. I will check it out next. I understand your hesitation on buying stuff for baby until after milestones. But I have a good feeling about you.

Steph, can't wait to see pictures of your girl!! I am glad you are getting so much stuff as hand me downs. I too am getting crib,changing table,and breast pump from friends.

Codegirl, thanks for the advice re:stroller. I agree with ma, what type was it? It will help some of us on the fence. Hope you are doing well!!

AFM, nothing to report except . . . It's SUNNY!! I am so happy it's not even funny how nice it is to see the sun!

hope everyone has a sunny day too!! Anna
ma, just read baby bottle article and found it VERY helpful!! Thanks.
ma, just read baby bottle article and found it VERY helpful!! Thanks.

Your welcome!:hugs::flower:

Heads Up ladies, Ergo Baby Carrier is on "Baby Steals" for an EXCELLENT price! I bought mine slightly used at 25.00 but this one is new from between 50.00-70.00 for a new carrier which usually costs over 100.00. The only thing you'd need is an infant insert which costs 25.oo if you plan to babywear from infancy.

Great deal for an all new one and it's only until the end of today!!:happydance: They're usually on here once in a blue moon too.

Here's the link Baby Steals Ergo Carrier Deal
I bought the peg prego P3. It's a nice enough stroller but it's expensive and I already have to look at replacing it because it doesn't fit two kids. If I had to do it over again I think I would find something with bigger wheels and maybe even used.

I also have the peg perego car seat. Nice enough but one of the heaviest on the market which means we moved Edward to a big convertable carseat before we "had" too as I couldn't lift the bucket car seat with him in it.
I bought the peg prego P3. It's a nice enough stroller but it's expensive and I already have to look at replacing it because it doesn't fit two kids. If I had to do it over again I think I would find something with bigger wheels and maybe even used.

I also have the peg perego car seat. Nice enough but one of the heaviest on the market which means we moved Edward to a big convertable carseat before we "had" too as I couldn't lift the bucket car seat with him in it.

WOW! That's definitely good to know. Peg Prego's are pretty expensive as you mentioned. It's nice to know from other mommies what works and what doesn't. I can't imagine not being able to handle the carseat. The wheel issue is interesting too. Thanks for the review!:thumbup::hugs::flower:
well, keep in mind the Edward was a 9lb'er and I had a lot of birth trauma with him. I'm wheeling Eric better in the bucket although it's still heavy.

also, I would like bigger wheels because of the snow we get and the fact that I live in an older neighbourhood with sidewalks that are beat up. these factors might be different for you.
Speaking of size, my little monkey has gone from 7lbs 14oz to 12lbs 3.75oz

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