35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Anna, yes I did POAS and it's negative! I can't explain my weird temperature surges... Hey does "posterior urethral valves" ring a bell? Based on what you last wrote, I think this may be what they're referring to?

Rebekah we were lucky, the Born Free bottles worked from the start for us!

RE: pumps. Hospital grade ones are the best by far but most people can't afford to buy one, let alone rent one for months at a time! Ameda also makes a great hospital grade one. I love the portability of my Purely Yours (it is lighter than most dual electric pumps). Often pumped during long car rides and gave her the bottle so as to minimize how often we had to stop ;-)

Chris, sounds like your little star is doing awesome! Yay for being able to start breastfeeding and bottles soon!!!

Charmaine your new nursery gear sounds AMAZING! Congrats on the purchases. You'll love those chairs in the middle of the night! Hoorah Viv on your furniture purchases too!

AFM, Zoëlle is so cute :cloud9: She's mastered signing "milk" when she wants to nurse. She signs it ALL the time: in the stroller during a walk, in her high chair while I'm feeding her solids, on the floor while playing and I walk in the room, even WHILE nursing. She gets this silly little grin when I ask her in French if she wants milk, and lunges at my chest. Sooooo cute!!! Loves her boob juice that one ;-)

That is about the most adorable thing I've ever heard!! And love the image of her "lunging" at your chest!!!!!!!:bunny:
Evening all
BH have started and they hurt like.......*%$^$## and I've had to finally buy maternity pants:cry: Sorry just starting to feel uncomfortable enough to moan out loud now. But hey I've reached V day so YAY!

On a brighter note, had to laugh yesterday. At work I was having a BH and it was a doozy. A co-worker stopped by to ask if I was all right, and I said Oh yes fine just a fake contraction hahaha etc etc. She looked at me funny and walked away and I really didn't think much of it till later on.
Then she approached me again later to ask me to help her lift a heavy product for a customer and I said no sorry it's too heavy for me now and I'm not allowed as per my contract. She looked really annoyed and I apologised again saying I couldn't. She asked what made me different to everyone else when, (this is the best bit) the customer turned to her and said, "well considering she looks about 6 months pregnant I'd have to agree with her on the no lifting".

My co worker's jaw hit the floor and she said," you're pregnant?? I thought you had just let yourself go since I last saw you and I didn't want to say anything." :dohh:
She was so embarrassed and my god I laughed until I nearly peed myself (not hard these days I know but...) I felt so bad but it was just the look on her face poor girl. She was so happy for me though and gave me a hug!:hugs:
OMG - that's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time!!! :haha::haha::thumbup:
morning ladies,

Codegirl, thanks for the strollr info! So glad the monkey is gaining weight. Sounds like a good eater!

vivienne, LOL! Loved the story!!!!

ma,when do you start ur shots? It's soonn I think.

sunshine, rottpaw, austin, titti and svet hi all and hope everyone is well!!

AFM, headed out of town this weekend,camping again in utah. Another winter storm is headed our way and I can't bear the thought of a snowy weekend. Lows are going to get in single digits. Hope evryone has a good weekend!! Anna
Hi ladies! :hi:

Viv, that's hillarious though her first reactions would have annoyed me a bit. I'll give her slack because she didn't know though. :thumbup:

no gender at todays scan :cry:. I was slightly disappointed as the office only ordered cervical measurements BUT the kind sonographer blessed us with a peek of a little wiggler and a heart rate of 160. What a relief to make sure the baby is alright.

The scarey part of it all is that my cervical measurement went down YET AGAIN. I'm still in the "safe zone" but the fact that the length is going down from 39 to 37 now to 35 has me on alert. The Dr. said she kinda new I'd be on that when she came in and said if I'd like she'd monitor every week. I'd rather NOT go in if we don't have to at this "safe zone" but if I get down to 30 I may start to panic. That's when we'll be doing every week. I'm just PRAYING that my cervical length will stick to 35 for the remainder as I don't want an "I told you so moment" where I actually have to be stitched. I will be SO MAD because the best time to stitch is during wks 13 and 14. :wacko:

At any rate, the nurse let Doug give me my 17P shot (because he's an RN) and gave him the rest of the doses for the rest of the month so he'll administer it at home. I've been told the shots are VERY painful but Doug has a method that cuts the sting so I had no pain! I do have intense nausia from the added progesterone though. My hope is that maybe the 17P shots will calm the cervix enough to keep the length where it's at.

Baby is doing well though. I get the feeling it's a girl but I won't know until the gender scan in two weeks if "he or she" cooperates.

Love and :hug: to you all :flower:
Just quickly popping in to say good morning & happy weekend!

Dear God, Anna - single digits?? :wacko: How do you manage!? And here I thought Buffalo was bad... My heart goes out to ya, girlfriend!

Glad the shots aren't too painful, MA. And sorry you weren't able to see the gender. Ya know, maybe going in weekly isn't such a bad thing - the more monitoring, the better the chance of catching a potential problem before it can get out of hand. I know going in for weekly appointments are a pain in the you-know-what, but the peace of mind they'll bring will be worth it. Besides, maybe they'll be able to see if it's a little he or she in there! And I agree with you - normally I love to say "I told ya so" but in this case I really hope you don't have to!

Nothing going on with me this weekend. Today's supposed to be sunny, but on the chilly side (low 60s) - probably a little cold for the bike. Hopefully it'll warm up a little more than they're predicting - baby needs a ride!!

Have a good weekend, everyone! :flow:
Hello ladies, sorry haven't been on here in the last few days.

I have a sinusitis and it's a doozy :-( Can't sleep from pain in my head when I lie down and my headache is constant throughout the day... I just have to keep working through it and being a mom... So now my turn to be on antibiotics, and today marks the start of week #4 that I'm sick. Luckily Zoëlle is fully healed.

Viv, soooo funny, can't believe your co-worker hadn't figured it out. Good for the customer for being astute ;-)

Anna, hope you don't freeze camping this weekend! I went once in the Adirondacks in October and I swore never again!

Rebekah, :hugs:. Fingers crossed that darn cervix of yours behaves! And in this context maybe the weekly monitoring would provide some ease of mind? So glad your shots aren't hurting!

Chris, can't wait to see pics of your little star!

Terri, what awesome weight gain! Just looked at Z's records and she didn't reach 12 lbs until she was 6 months!!! Which one of those co-sleepers do you have BTW? Planning on getting one for baby #2.

So on cycle day 94 and still no positive OPK. Thank goodness for the cheapies because the daily monitoring I'm doing could have been quite pricey. I continue to have weird temperature surges. Mind you, with my sinusitis and bacterial infection, that may explain it :-( Because of our tight schedule I'm starting to feel a bit nervous that I've seen no ovulation yet... I refuse to stop nursing Z though, my goal was 12 months at least and hopefully continue evening/bed time nursing until 2 years. I really hope my body is not the type that won't ovulate until 6 months after I stop nursing!!!

OK, back to bed I go. I have a talk to prepare this weekend too so not much rest for me :-( Hope everyone has a great weekend!
CJ - sorry to hear that you are sick. hopefully the meds work fast.

I have the Arms Reach Mini Convertable Co-sleeper as we have a small bedroom
Thanks hun!
This is the one I was looking at! Did you buy it off this site?
Just had to post a poem my friend posted in her parenting journal, I was crying so bad all my make-up was gone by the end...

Wean Me Gently

by Cathy Cardall

I know I look so big to you,
Maybe I seem too big for the needs I have.
But no matter how big we get,
We still have needs that are important to us.

I know that our relationship is growing and changing,
But I still need you. I need your warmth and closeness,
Especially at the end of the day
When we snuggle up in bed.

Please don't get too busy for us to nurse.
I know you think I can be patient,
Or find something to take the place of a nursing;
A book, a glass of something,
But nothing can take your place when I need you.

Sometimes just cuddling with you,
Having you near me is enough.
I guess I am growing and becoming independent,
But please be there.

This bond we have is so strong and so important to me,
Please don't break it abruptly.
Wean me gently,
Because I am your mother,

And my heart is tender.
Hi ladies!

Junebug, so sorry everything is a bit crazy over there with Opk and sinusitis. :wacko: Hope you get to feeling better soon dear :hugs:

A thought crossed my mind today and I wondered. With using cloth diapers what do you do with them out in public when their soiled to keep the stink away and what do you do when your at home? Do you keep a bucket at home for the soiled ones? What kind of bucket do you use? I've seen the cute disposable diaper bins and was wondering if people fill them with water or something and add them until you throw them into the wash or what you do with them.lol Figured I'd deal with this now so I can figure out what I'd need and how to actually do things. :winkwink:


Well, I stood out on faith and so Doug and I went to Babies R Us and put a layaway on the new crib and dresser. I plan on using the armoir we have here already and asking my mom to stain it so it will match. The picture looks like the crib is literally black so it doesn't do it justice. It's a beautiful cherry color. We seem to have mostly a nice cherry color furniture with exception to our dining room so we decided to stick with that color stain in wood for the babies room. That way through growth it won't get old in color. :thumbup: Check it out here Manchester 4-in-1 crib

THEN I purchase the cutest little diaper bag. It was the only one so I knew I had to splurge.

The front of the bag has a sheep on it with the Psalm "The Lord is my Shepherd" (one of MANY of my FAVORITE animals and scriptures)


The inside of the bag has Scripture from Psalms that shares how each child is a gift from God. That always means so much to me. Whether a child comes from our own body or is born in our hearts by another birth mother as an orphan...ALL children are a gift from God!

Saw my parents too. Mom is really excited. It's blessed me more than words as I wasn't sure how she'd react after how she and my dad closed down emotionally when Jackson passed away. In fact, mom asked Doug if he would talk with the women at church. She wants to have one big shower for me and since the women at church have been there since we lost our son Jackson Jeffrey she wants them to be a part of it and will get with Dougs mom to deal with both sides of the families. I nearly cried when she said she just felt the women at church have been such a sense of comfort to us through both our loss AND our newfound joys. The fact that she's willing to travel to have it at OUR church just blessed my heart.

So, today I took a deep breath and pushed beyond my fears. We ordered the crib in faith that this child of ours will stay where she or he is SAFE, in my womb, until October and this time there will be a child to fill the crib and diapers to fill the bag. In God I trust and in Him my hope lies. To God be the glory!

Soooo glad you're starting to feel better about the pregnancy Rebekah! How far along are you now?? :blush: Without the ticker I have a hard time keeping track!

BEAUTIFUL crib set! Z's nursery set is also cherry wood :) For her big girl room I think we'll go with white though, I LOVED my white room set when I was a kid. :happydance: So excited for you for the shower, sounds great!!! So sweet of your mom :cloud9:

For the diapers: everything I read recommends a dry pail (i.e. no water). We bought a big white bin at a home hardware store and this is the bag we use:

https://www.sogreenbaby.com/product/planet-wise-diaper-pail-liner We have 2 that we alternate.

And to control the odour, we just spray the diapers with this and there is NO odour at all in our nursery:


When we go out for the day, we use a wet bag for the soiled diapers. I have a couple of small ones and a regular sized one (small fits 4-6, regular 6-8). These are also great for swim class and for "accidents", for the soiled clothes. :


When we go travelling overnight, we use a hybrid system by GroVia. This consists of a waterproof, reusable outer layer, with biodegradable liners (made with wood pulp and no chemicals like the regular sposies). The outer shells are also one size, fitting from birth to potty training. Once in a while they come on sale on those day of the deal sites I posted a few weeks back. OR you can get some great deals from moms selling used ones on DiaperSwappers forum! The beauty with these outer shells is that you can also get cotton liners for them so they become regular cloth diapers. We have some, but never use them so if you decide you want to use this system let me know and I can give you a good deal ;-)


Hope this helps!!!
Oh forgot to mention that breast milk poo washes away VERY easily so no liners necessary. However if baby is on formula or once they start solids, we LOVE our liners:


Biodegradable and flushable, so poo is very easy to dispose of.

And for stains? Simple sunning takes care of them 100%!!!
I ordered my co-sleeper from a company in Toronto but I can't remember who. sorry :(
K thanks will look into it! Would be great to pick it up locally for sure ;-)
Edit: I think I have a positive cheapie OPK :happydance: Discarded urine before the second line showed up so didn't confirm with ClearBlue but will next washroom trip!!!
K thanks will look into it! Would be great to pick it up locally for sure ;-)
Edit: I think I have a positive cheapie OPK :happydance: Discarded urine before the second line showed up so didn't confirm with ClearBlue but will next washroom trip!!!

Oh my goodness! Praise God for the positive opk:happydance: praying you get a second positive and go to town :sex:

As for how far along I am. I'm 17wks today:happydance: 5 more weeks until the milestone week. :wacko: Hopefully we'll get LONG past that though with the injections.

I must say last night was ROUGH! I was in pain in the lower back muscles and hips. I said the injection didn't hurt going in but I'm wondering if the thickness of the 17P delayed any pain as I felt discomfort the night OF the injection and after all the errands from yesterday, by last night I was almost in tears with pain and feeling nauseated again. Oh, forgot to mention the shots have kept the INTENSE nausea going from first trimester. :rofl: I had an incling that would be back from some of the comments on the subject. I'll just suck it up for baby's sake:thumbup::winkwink::happydance:

Thanks for the wealth of information on the cloth nappies. I'll be checking those links out first thing tonight and I have to go back and find that link for the sign language too. I'd really like to have them so I'm going to bookmark the site!:winkwink:
Disappointed, the ClearBlue was negative. Well thankfully I'm not relying on the cheapies. Sigh...

So sorry you were in pain last night :-( Hope it gets less as time goes by! I understand with the nausea, mine was so severe I'd vomit several times per day without the anti-puke meds! YAY on 17 weeks!!!

As for the signing DVDs, it was a deal on available until supplies ran out and they were gone in less than a few hours! I'll keep my eyes peeled for another deal on those ;-)
K thanks will look into it! Would be great to pick it up locally for sure ;-)
Edit: I think I have a positive cheapie OPK :happydance: Discarded urine before the second line showed up so didn't confirm with ClearBlue but will next washroom trip!!!

Oh my goodness! Praise God for the positive opk:happydance: praying you get a second positive and go to town :sex:

As for how far along I am. I'm 17wks today:happydance: 5 more weeks until the milestone week. :wacko: Hopefully we'll get LONG past that though with the injections.

I must say last night was ROUGH! I was in pain in the lower back muscles and hips. I said the injection didn't hurt going in but I'm wondering if the thickness of the 17P delayed any pain as I felt discomfort the night OF the injection and after all the errands from yesterday, by last night I was almost in tears with pain and feeling nauseated again. Oh, forgot to mention the shots have kept the INTENSE nausea going from first trimester. :rofl: I had an incling that would be back from some of the comments on the subject. I'll just suck it up for baby's sake:thumbup::winkwink::happydance:

Thanks for the wealth of information on the cloth nappies. I'll be checking those links out first thing tonight and I have to go back and find that link for the sign language too. I'd really like to have them so I'm going to bookmark the site!:winkwink:

Chin up Rebekah, you've come so far! :hugs: It's just going to get better and better!

PS: I love your diaper bag, too true!
Hi Ladies,

I have been trying to post an image of katelyn, however I don't know how to do it :-(...any help would be much appreciated.

Hi Ladies,

I have been trying to post an image of katelyn, however I don't know how to do it :-(...any help would be much appreciated.


Go to photobucket.com and sign up for a free account if you don't already have one. Upload the photos from your computer. You can edit to resize the photo for proper sizing to post here. Then you add the "direct link" by putting your curser on "direct link" and it will automatically copy.

Come here to a post....click on the icon that looks like a picture with mountains on it. It will ask for the URL. Paste the URL and submit reply. You should see the picture. :winkwink::thumbup::flower:

Can't WAIT to see the baby.:cloud9::happydance::hugs::kiss:
Thanks! I am off to the hospital I will try to post some photos tonight!

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