35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

This breastfeeding stuff is complicated. :lol: I already started researching sites and books on it because all I ever hear is how much it hurts in the beginning and how hard it is to get the milk in to keep baby's weight up. Figured I'd lurk, though I'll start reading the books around wk 28.

CJ, it's amazing how long you've been bf'ing! I'd love to bf for that long.
Yeah, the bf is not as easy as some folks make it sound. I always wanted and planned to bf for at least the first year, but my milk never came in in great enough quantity to feed Ethan breastmilk exclusively. Despite trying everything under the sun to get the supply up, I was only ever able to do about a third of what he needed (interestingly, my body kept up with that 1/3, increasing supply as his needs increased, but still only supplying 1/3...) After 9 weeks it was clear that I would have to continue pumping overnight if I wanted to keep even that supply going (even though Ethan was beginning to sleep through the night, so I could, too). By that point I was so exhausted (both physically and emotionally by the struggle) that I was just over it. As I was weaning him off, I froze about 6 bottles of milk so I will be able to give him some as we go, a little at a time. That's the best I could do LOL and I had to finally forgive myself and stop making myself feel badly about it.

Some people find BF super easy and others have to struggle. We unfortunately fell into the latter category, like a lot of my friends did. But I am glad I got to BF him at all!

Yep, definitely due to breastfeeding. I'm not in a huge rush to TTC, so I'm not going to stop just to get AF back... Zoë is self-weaning as we speak, that seems gentler than to force her to quit. My cycles are normally 30 days and very predictable! Are you using BC?

Not using any BC, mostly because my period was not coming (even though I know that's not 100% safe). We'll see how my periods run after pregnancy, as they were usually on the short side at like 25 days.
I found bfing the first a struggle, although we ended up going for 13 months until he self weaned. This time though it's been easy peasy. There is a steep learning curve when both you and baby are figuring it out, so I believe it gets easier with each kids cause then only one of you is learning instead of both.

:hugs: and I'll be here to support you no matter what happens.
My magic trick was some nipple cream after EACH feed, that prevented any cracking/bleeding, along with amazing lactation consultants to help with latch in the first 3 days. I found it painful only for the first 2 weeks, and I'm lucky that it worked out so well. Angela, I know many women who like you, wanted to make it work but for various reasons it didn't. You did amazing, good for you for pumping and giving it a major try!!! I was just really lucky, had more than adequate supply and a baby with a great natural latch... I hope I can be so lucky the next time around, but you never know!
Hi Ladies,

Well with Katelyn being a preemie, I had to start pumping ASAP. We started working on breastfeeding a week before she came home and I agree it is hard. Because of her size she gets tired really quickly. Currently, she eats about 45ml -60ml each feeding from a bottle (about 1 1/2 - 2 oz). I went in on Monday for what Kasier calls "Great Starts" and they weighed katelyn and then had me breast feed on each breast for about 10 minutes. She ate about 1 oz, which is pretty good (they weighed her after feeding from each breast). At the moment, I am only nursing about 2 times a day, the rest of the time I am pumping and she is getting my breast milk from a bottle. As she grows and can last longer, i will increase the frequency of nursing. Because she was in the hospital for 5 weeks and I was pumping every 3 hours everyday, I have probably about 45 bottles in my freezer of breast milk (2 oz bottles).

The cool thing about Kaiser is the minute the baby was born I had about 4 different lactation consultants come into my room to discuss breastfeeding etc. They also scheduled different appointments with me and Katelyn to see if she was latching on correctly and I was holding her correctly, etc. That was helpful. See if you hospital has any lactation consultants you can talk to it definitely help. Speaking of mommies milk - I need to go and pump.
Angela - Katelyn and I are doing well. My DH and I are getting a routine together, taking turns at night so we both can sleep. So far it has worked out. My mom comes on Saturday so that will be good, as we can continue to get her room in order. Now that she is here, I am finding that I am at Babies R Us almost every day. The only place I can find Preemie diapers is there. I am hoping that in the next 2 weeks she will gain enough weight so that I can begin using Newborn stuff. Poor thing, I put her in Newborn size Pjs and they were WAY too big.
Sorry for the multiple posts- had one more thing to add about breast feeding. I was using a nipple cream, but when i was with a lactation consultant she told me to rub some of the breast milk on my nipples to help heal any cracks, etc and it WORKS!
Hey all. Scan showed I went from 3.2cm's down to 2.0. 2.5 was what she was looking for in order to do the cerclage. I still have funneling and am an 8th of a cm dialated. With that being said, went into the perinatologists office and she said they NOW have confirmation that I DO have IC :)duh: I've only been telling them that since week 13 when cerclaging was less than 1% risk. Needless to say I'm heading for the hospital tonight and getting an emergency cerclage tomorrow sometime. They are giving me indomethicin to stop contractions. The Dr. IS hopeful that we could possibly carry to term but she won't guarantee it.

I'm out for now.

Hey ladies, i have been mia for about a week or so. Alot has gone on here on the thread and for me.

I went to the NICU last friday to visit katelyn and after about 2 hours of beomg there they toldme she would be going home in 2 days. Katelyn has been home for 5 days! I have been exhausted.

Congrats lucy on your baby! Adorable photo!

Rebekah - i am sorry to hear about what is goimg on. Please keep your faith. I do understand some of the emotions you are going through and about takimg it one day at a time. I will be praying for you, amelia, and doug.

I hope everyone else is well. I havemt had a chance to read all the pages yet so i do apologize for not addressing everyone personally.

Angela/codegirl you should have said how exhausted i would be.

Be well everyone,
Best Steph

:happydance: Yay Steph and Katelyn
Hi there ladies! :flower:

Thank you for the kind prayers dear friend. :hug:

Not sure if I mentioned it but my roomate the first moment I got there just had her cerclage surgery. After an hour, they tried to get the heartbeat and her baby had died. She started to cry and I then I started to cry in my own area without making her feel worse. The nurses, having known I lost my son and now will be going in for the same surgery she went for, ran for my stuff and transferred me to a private room. Doug came back to find I was missing and started to panic. He got to the new room where I was bawling. I felt so terrible for my roomate and became terrified to have the surgery so I didn't get any sleep that night.

Went in for the cerclage around 1. I was doing well until the anesthesiologist mentioned there was a woman whose sac was buldging the following days surgery. The Dr. Hollard at her to STOP. Knowing that had been my roomate and that with Jackson my own sac was found buldging. After that, I hadn't heard any of them and started to worry as they were working behind the scenes. That moment I felt I was going to be sick and they gave me anti nausea meds through the IV and I tried to keep myself calm. The Dr. shortly said she was almost done and that everything looked just fine and went as planned. She said cervix was STILL closed and I believe she mentioned the closed length was 2cm's.

They mentioned modified bedrest for home. We all know I'll be on bedrest. :winkwink:

I was surprised to find that I was barely bleeding at all, had "slight" cramping but nothing too bad and the worst was a headache and slight stinging when I pee. Other than that, I seem to be doing well and have a more positive attitude about our future. Amelia seems to be doing fine with a heart rate in the 150's. She did almost give me a heart attack when we couldn't find her heartbeat. After what happened with my roomate, I was on the verge of tears when they finally found her beautiful beating heart.:cry:

So all is well. My heart still aches for my roomate though. I know so well what it's like to lose a child and it just breaks my heart to think about her.

I made plenty of new friends with the nursing staff. They were all AWESOME! One whom I found out has had 4 miscarriages in the first trimester. I asked if she was tested for MTHFR and she has a form of it. She spend quite awhile talking with me and I saw the pain on her face. Can you imagine working with pregnant women and women who just delivered their babies only to have lost 4 of your own with fertility issues? She left early this morning and we cried, I gave her a hug and told her that eventually through all this heartache, she will get past those milestones with the new therapy shes' going through and when she finally holds that baby in her arms as I will come fall, it will be the most precious day of her life.

The Aide even asked I stay the year here. :haha: The recovery nurse asked Doug to email her when we finally have Amelia and all the nursing staff on the 7th floor have known me since Jackson so they are all so sweet and kind. I'm going to have to bring a HUGE cake when Amelia is delivered. We're going to have so many people waiting to see this little girl whom we've waited 10 years for.

I'll be back on next week to chat with you all as I have another scan to make sure everything looks good and Dr. appointment. My favorite Perinatologist did the surgery and she was happy that all went well and it looks excellent for Amelia to come "hopefully" on target.

Saw the perinatologist I argued with for an hour to get the cerclage at 14wks and he looked like "oh no, not this one again" and I had a look like "told ya so" I kept hearing the old time western showdown theme in my head and giggled after he left.:haha:

My first time with an epidural type anesthesia. I told the med staff in surgery it felt like I was walking naked in the snow and had them all laughing.:haha:

So, that's it for today! All is well! Now I'm looking forward to making it and holding my little Amelia come October.

Keep you posted as things progress! :hugs:

Wonderful news Rebekah. God is definitely watching out for Amelia!
Hi Svet, Rebekah, Anna, Steph, Skye, Junebug, Codegirl, Austin, Angela, Chris sorry if I missed anyone??

I need to keep up! This past week though I've been at the in laws and there is no cell phone and limited computer access.

20 weeks YAY Rebekah and Amelia!


So much great info flying about on here, breastfeeding, strollers, sleep!

AFM 28 weeks 3rd tri and looking the part now.

I promise there will be photos of the nursery soon but it has to be completed before I post!! Ordered wallpaper this week, green outlines of leaves for feature wall.
Found out my brother in law is building a cot for us as a present that converts into a bed. He's qualified carpenter so it will be well built!

Went to a 1st birthday party last weekend. I ended up decorating the cat shaped cat as the mummy was too scared to touch it in case she mucked it up. I will try and post photo. Quite proud considering I cannot even draw a circle! It was such a big party too, about 30 people, each with their own advice on pregnancy. I just smile now and nod and tune out!!!

On the TMI front, I am leaking like a sieve in the boob area. I could pump now. I guess it is mostly colostrum at the moment but there is so much!!!!::blush:

Happy hump day (it's Wednesday here).
Hey viv it is great to see you on here! Congrats on third tri! So exciting!
Wow Steph I admire your devotion, go mama!!!! That's quite the freezer stash! She'll definitely work her way up there, sounds like she's doing awesome, nursing already at her age?? Good job Katelyn!!! Awwww, preemie diapers are soooo cute! Chris would you like 2 newborn cloth diapers? I have a couple here that I could send you, Z outgrew them after wearing them once :dohh: They're really really cute and tiny!

The breast milk on the nipple didn't work for me.... She had such a strong latch that I needed the cream there too since it's thicker and protected more against chafing from clothing...

Viv, 28 weeks, yay!!!! Third tri, wow time flies!

AFM, major fight with DH this morning about stupid contractors... Now I'm not feeling broody anymore because that would imply some alone time with him :growlmad: So now I'm stuck making all the calls from my office while he plays video games during Z's naps. Arghhhhhhh could strangle him right now :cry:
CJ, I am sorry DH is being such a boob. why won't he call? I think my DH thinks I have all this free time at work, or that I just leave the house and don't really work at all. Men. I am glad to hear I am not the only mean pregnant woman to ever exist. I had this immage of me in this very serene place during pregnancy, and most of the time that's the case, but man oh man if you piss me off look out! Quick question . . . Do most hospitals have a lactation consultant? I will ask my doctor at next weeks appt.

Codegirl, thanks to you too for making me feel not crazy. Ironically DH has benefited from my mean out bursts. They are ushually directed at other people so I end up being extra nice to DH so he dosenlt think i'm totally crazy! So glad you experienced moms are here for BF help.

Angela, I am happy you aren't beating yourself up and or have forgiven yourself re: BFing. There's a lot of pressure out there and a lot of people who get all high and mighty about BFing. You did your best and in the end it's baby's health that's important.

Steph, katelyn sounds like she's doing so well. Little tyke. Good news about breast milk as creme, never knew.

Vivienne, as always so good to hear from you. Great present from family, the hand built cot. You will cherish it i'm sure. WOW third tri, from what I can tell you're about 2 1/2 weeks ahead of me.. Have you had any back pain? I'm thinking about getting a massage tonight my back is bothering me so much. LOL all the pregnancy advice. I do the same thing, smile and nod. What else can you do? I guess in my case I could blow up at them, but trying to keep tiraids at a minimum.

chris 1 and 2, hi! Austin, hope your well. Skye,hugs to you!!

AFM, I feel bad bitching about the weather given all the tornado damage, so no more complaining about the snow until June. I have thought about seeing someone re: anger. My accupuncturist has some totally safe herbs that can be used so I may go that route. Has anyone else used an accupunctuist throughout their pregnancy? I'm just wondering if I should continue. Not feeling like it's doing anything at this point. And I could use the money for a massage. Have a good hump day!! Anna
oops, ma sorry I skipped you. You ae truly blessed to have all the help from your church. What a great load off for you and doug to have so many kind people to help out. It is a blessing and now you can concentrate on getting that baby to full term!
Viv! :hugs: Your back! I missed you darlin! :flowers: I've been wondering where you and Chris #1 were off to. Can't Wait to see the nursery when it's done!

Steph, sounds like you have a pretty good schedule for pumping. Looking forward to hearing when she'll be fully on the boob! :thumbup:

CJ, no fun when there's a rift. Hope you get the contractor stuff settled and maybe a good talk with the husband to settle things. :hugs:

Anna, not using accupuncture but boy do I wish I could have a prenatal massage! My hips and back muscles hurt already from bed rest! Considering I'm at risk for PTL I can't get one until at least 36wks. Don't want to start anything.

If accupuncture isn't working, stop for awhile and give yourself a break from it!

AFM: I found some cute summer outfits I'd love to buy for Amelia for next year But it drives me nuts that the sizes go from 6-9ms right to 12ms. Do they just not grow for months 10 and 11?? :shrug: :haha:
Rebekah the sizing thing is stupid! It's based on weight actually, I've learned to ignore the months written on the clothing... Zoë will be 12 months on June 2nd, but she still wears 6-9 months clothing... I think she'll be in the 12-18 months clothes when she turns 2!!! It's really hard to buy in advance especially if you have drastic season changes like we do, since there is no way to predict how baby will grow! I have some amazing winter clothes that is size 9 months but Z never got to wear them as she was still in 3-6 months clothes until February, then 6 months clothes until April. Only now is she consistantly fitting in 9 months clothes. The 6-12 are the worse (Old Navy, Gap, Gymboree), they're huge on her still! There is NO way she would have fit in them at 6 months!!!

Contractor issue resolved: turns out he was heading for our house as we were having our fight. Looks like the work is done, but the scaffolding is still there? Guess we'll find out tomorrow... We've been fighting a lot more since having a baby, I think we need to start seeing a mariage counsellor at this point :-(
Rebekah the sizing thing is stupid! It's based on weight actually, I've learned to ignore the months written on the clothing... Zoë will be 12 months on June 2nd, but she still wears 6-9 months clothing... I think she'll be in the 12-18 months clothes when she turns 2!!! It's really hard to buy in advance especially if you have drastic season changes like we do, since there is no way to predict how baby will grow! I have some amazing winter clothes that is size 9 months but Z never got to wear them as she was still in 3-6 months clothes until February, then 6 months clothes until April. Only now is she consistantly fitting in 9 months clothes. The 6-12 are the worse (Old Navy, Gap, Gymboree), they're huge on her still! There is NO way she would have fit in them at 6 months!!!

Contractor issue resolved: turns out he was heading for our house as we were having our fight. Looks like the work is done, but the scaffolding is still there? Guess we'll find out tomorrow... We've been fighting a lot more since having a baby, I think we need to start seeing a mariage counsellor at this point :-(
Im all for counseling! Doug and I went after Jackson passed. It was helpful for awhile. You just have to find one that fits both your personalities. It's helpful though!
Yeah we did it for a while too when we first got married but had to stop because it wasn't covered and we couldn't afford $125 every second week. My family doc is amazing though, and found an MD who is a mariage counsellor! As long as we mesh this is great as it means it will be covered for us by our health care system!

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