35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Wish I could have met ya there! Maybe the next time your up here when Amelia is born we can meetup!

You'll have to take pic of zoe's new bedroom.

Full bedrest today and I'mSO bored:haha:

Had music on and reading an old blog of a gal who had a cerclage. I laugh because her thoughts are similar and it's funny to hear it from her perspective. I really have to start blogging again regularly my own journey!

Ohhhhhh great idea!!! I was thinking of you while there and wondering how far you are from Buffalo!

Zoë's big girl room: I'm thinking a Garden Fairy theme... I love fairies, and the light green/purple combo!

YES! You should blog, would follow it for sure!
Girls, I'm sorry I didn't have time to update. Thanx so much for all the well wishes. My results are still raising and the dr saw a sac but not a baby. But it was too early for that anyway. They called me in for another scan. Dunno why cause I only had a scan 2 days ago. Anyways I'm a little more relaxed. I think I'll feel very good once I hear the heartbeat.

Hey Sunshine can't believe you are almost half way through. Time goes by so quickly and this time fx for the better :) So when is your due date?

Junebug, Zoe is a very cute girl. Is she already talking bits and bobs? Girl babies start talking little perfect sentences really quickly. It's just amazing. Woow you will be TTCing already for the second one. It's nice when they don't have a big gap and grow together :) Thanx for all the beuty product info. I got some odorless cremes and a herbal sort of deo stick. And I will use vegetable dyes. It might be a bit too fussy but I was an unexplained fertility. I don't really know what causes it so I thought I might as well take extra care especially in the first trimester.

MA i'm sorry for your roommate. How sensible that they moved you out of that room quickly. It is a very very sad experience. It's great you can relax a bit more knowing that the drs are going to look after you better now. And thank you so much for all the prayers. You and little Amelia is in my prayers always.:) I love the Tea and the Picnic team. It also reminds me of some of the Allice in Wonderland illusturations. :) Sounds really cute.

Anna, snow in May. Do you actually get snow all year around? Don't you have a summer?

Steph congratulations about your little daughter Katelyn, and good luck with all the sleepless happy nights you are to have for God knows ho long. :) xxx

Twinkie, thanx for updating about me. I really appreciated all the good wishes and prayers. C u on the other side :) Hahahahaha

Wish I could have met ya there! Maybe the next time your up here when Amelia is born we can meetup!

You'll have to take pic of zoe's new bedroom.

Full bedrest today and I'mSO bored:haha:

Had music on and reading an old blog of a gal who had a cerclage. I laugh because her thoughts are similar and it's funny to hear it from her perspective. I really have to start blogging again regularly my own journey!

Ohhhhhh great idea!!! I was thinking of you while there and wondering how far you are from Buffalo!

Zoë's big girl room: I'm thinking a Garden Fairy theme... I love fairies, and the light green/purple combo!

YES! You should blog, would follow it for sure!

Her room is going to look so cute!:cloud9: Can't wait to see it! Love fairies too. Sometimes I think with all the phones, wii's etc, kids have lost the ability to imagine and play. The Fairy room encourages imagination!

Doug and I hope to have "tea" with Amelia. :winkwink::haha: We have a lot of hopes and dreams. Can't wait for her first Thanksgiving, Christmas, Trip to the zoo, trip to the beach. Family vacations. I get so excited!
Girls, I'm sorry I didn't have time to update. Thanx so much for all the well wishes. My results are still raising and the dr saw a sac but not a baby. But it was too early for that anyway. They called me in for another scan. Dunno why cause I only had a scan 2 days ago. Anyways I'm a little more relaxed. I think I'll feel very good once I hear the heartbeat.

Hey Sunshine can't believe you are almost half way through. Time goes by so quickly and this time fx for the better :) So when is your due date?

Junebug, Zoe is a very cute girl. Is she already talking bits and bobs? Girl babies start talking little perfect sentences really quickly. It's just amazing. Woow you will be TTCing already for the second one. It's nice when they don't have a big gap and grow together :) Thanx for all the beuty product info. I got some odorless cremes and a herbal sort of deo stick. And I will use vegetable dyes. It might be a bit too fussy but I was an unexplained fertility. I don't really know what causes it so I thought I might as well take extra care especially in the first trimester.

MA i'm sorry for your roommate. How sensible that they moved you out of that room quickly. It is a very very sad experience. It's great you can relax a bit more knowing that the drs are going to look after you better now. And thank you so much for all the prayers. You and little Amelia is in my prayers always.:) I love the Tea and the Picnic team. It also reminds me of some of the Allice in Wonderland illusturations. :) Sounds really cute.

Anna, snow in May. Do you actually get snow all year around? Don't you have a summer?

Steph congratulations about your little daughter Katelyn, and good luck with all the sleepless happy nights you are to have for God knows ho long. :) xxx

Twinkie, thanx for updating about me. I really appreciated all the good wishes and prayers. C u on the other side :) Hahahahaha

I think your Dr.'s are being EXTREMELY cautious! I see on these boards where many Dr.'s end up doing early scans and it freaks the heck out of their patients. As I've said, most often you don't see the baby or hear the fetal heartbeat until you get between 6-8wks. It's different for everyone. The good news is that this early they found the sac, which is an excellent sign!:winkwink:

I was always on pins and needles with the numbers. The medical staff always seem to freak me out with their cautious attitudes. Thank goodness though that they refused to do a scan until 6wks or I would have gone batty not seeing the baby or her heartbeat.:wacko: If you haven't figured it out, I'm a bit of a worrier since my last experience so it was best they chose to do it that way. :thumbup:

Continue to keep us updated!:hugs::kiss::flower:
Hi All!

Skye, I am so happy things sound like they are going well. The numbers game is so scary. Thing is once I started doing some research I found out the whole "numbers should double every 24 hrs" is just a guide line and that in fact many people have numbers that double every three days, or just go up by a third every 48 hours and still have perfectly normal pregnancies. I did this research because my numbers were low and I was FREAKING!!! It's nice they are doing a lot of scans. Are you still with the FS? Many of us had to wait until 10-12 weeks to hear the heart beat. I don't think I heard my babies heart beat until I got 12 week scan. Horrible waiting game. I still look forward to hearing the heart beat once a month. As for snow, it can snow all year round but spring / summer will be on it's way soon . . . it's just got to. The year before I moved here they had 7" of snow on the fourth of July. But it just depends on the year, some years are bigger snow years, and this one's a doozy!!

MA, sorry about being bored. I am in bed myself looking forward to a much needed nap. We spent last night in Denver for our anniversary and stayed at my parent's house. The fur kid was miserable sleeping on the floor (spoiled I know) and he woke us up four times last night whining to get on the bed. I finally relinquished and he hoped up and sleep from about 5:30 am to 8, but I did not get any sleep. So nap time. :sleep: Glad you have someone to relate to what you're going through. The blog sounds like a good idea. I also love the nursery room theme. So cute!!! Very Alice in Wonderland. Sooper cute can't wait to see pictures! Also happy the church is helping out, that's so nice!!!

Junebug, love the purple and green combo. One way to go feminine without the pink thing. I think I'm using greens and yellows. No real theme other than I'm liking the bees and dragonflies of a bedding set I've seen and I have a tree with leaves decal for the wall. A little meadow / forest thing going on. I'm waiting to put crib together until DH repaints the room but I wish he'd get it done already ( that's the planner in me), I want to get things organized.

Sunshine, did you get in a motor cycle ride this weekend??

AFM, I had sushi last night. I know it's a no no. I kept it mostly to tempura things and a baked scallop roll that is to die for, but I did sneak a little piece of tuna. It's our third wedding anniversary this week and we both LOVE sushi. Have a question. We have two dressers that DO NOT function well in our small space. DH wants to keep the dressers, so the nursery is pretty much wall to wall dressers with a non functioning dresser in our bedroom. Have to figure out a way to convince DH to ditch the other two dressers. We could take them to Denver for my parents so they wouldn't get thrown out. I just hate the clutter and I think I married a closet hoarder!! :nope: Any ideas?

Happy Sunday!! Anna
photo tryhttps://baby bump-1.jpg

if this works, this is an older photo i will send an update.
SKYE!!! So happy to hear your news! I think all the blood work monitoring can in fact cause over-anxiety, every woman is different, my HCG didn't double every 24 hours and everything turned out fine. Saw heartbeat and gummy baby at 8 weeks (they look like gummy bears with big torsos and little limbs at that stage!) and everything was fine! Fingers crossed for you you'll see that heartbeat ASAP!

Anna, I had sushi 4-5 times during my pregnancy, the whole raw fish bit and everything was fine. Japanese women do this all the time and there is no increased problem in their babies! PLUS, as long as the restaurant you order from receives their fish frozen, it's fine since freezing kills the parasite eggs!

Hmmmm RE: hoarder. I know what you mean! It takes me years to convince him to part with small items, many of which I just get rid of myself and he's NEVER noticed. Guess that's a bit more difficult to pull off with large items ;-) Can you try asking if you can sell them on Kijiji or Craigslist? And say you can pool money from stuff you sell to buy a nice treat for both of you? I promised my DH a new BBQ if we sold a few things, and we've made $200 so far which will help pay for the new BBQ!

Yes, you hit the nail bang on the head with the whole reason for choosing green/purple. I like pink, but I think it's taken way too far with little girl things.... She has a few pink clothes, but I really make a big effort to get other colours if they are available. Her nursery is yellow/green, because we felt those colours would work for baby #2 if he's a boy and we both hate painting ;-)

Hope you have a nice nap. Z and I just tried, but to no avail. She's overtired, didn't nap much today and we were at friends for a BBQ (it's a long weekend in Canada) and she was refusing to sleep so I left with her, DH was to take the train home when done socializing. She slept the 30 minute drive home and is now destroying my fashion magazine stash. Oh well, don't really need them anymore anyways!

Rebekah you made me daydream with all the things we'll get to do with our little girls! I think I want to go to the zoo next weekend, we do have a membership after all!

OK, I should go make sure she doesn't eat any of the paper. :dohh:
Hi All!

Skye, I am so happy things sound like they are going well. The numbers game is so scary. Thing is once I started doing some research I found out the whole "numbers should double every 24 hrs" is just a guide line and that in fact many people have numbers that double every three days, or just go up by a third every 48 hours and still have perfectly normal pregnancies. I did this research because my numbers were low and I was FREAKING!!! It's nice they are doing a lot of scans. Are you still with the FS? Many of us had to wait until 10-12 weeks to hear the heart beat. I don't think I heard my babies heart beat until I got 12 week scan. Horrible waiting game. I still look forward to hearing the heart beat once a month. As for snow, it can snow all year round but spring / summer will be on it's way soon . . . it's just got to. The year before I moved here they had 7" of snow on the fourth of July. But it just depends on the year, some years are bigger snow years, and this one's a doozy!!

MA, sorry about being bored. I am in bed myself looking forward to a much needed nap. We spent last night in Denver for our anniversary and stayed at my parent's house. The fur kid was miserable sleeping on the floor (spoiled I know) and he woke us up four times last night whining to get on the bed. I finally relinquished and he hoped up and sleep from about 5:30 am to 8, but I did not get any sleep. So nap time. :sleep: Glad you have someone to relate to what you're going through. The blog sounds like a good idea. I also love the nursery room theme. So cute!!! Very Alice in Wonderland. Sooper cute can't wait to see pictures! Also happy the church is helping out, that's so nice!!!

Junebug, love the purple and green combo. One way to go feminine without the pink thing. I think I'm using greens and yellows. No real theme other than I'm liking the bees and dragonflies of a bedding set I've seen and I have a tree with leaves decal for the wall. A little meadow / forest thing going on. I'm waiting to put crib together until DH repaints the room but I wish he'd get it done already ( that's the planner in me), I want to get things organized.

Sunshine, did you get in a motor cycle ride this weekend??

AFM, I had sushi last night. I know it's a no no. I kept it mostly to tempura things and a baked scallop roll that is to die for, but I did sneak a little piece of tuna. It's our third wedding anniversary this week and we both LOVE sushi. Have a question. We have two dressers that DO NOT function well in our small space. DH wants to keep the dressers, so the nursery is pretty much wall to wall dressers with a non functioning dresser in our bedroom. Have to figure out a way to convince DH to ditch the other two dressers. We could take them to Denver for my parents so they wouldn't get thrown out. I just hate the clutter and I think I married a closet hoarder!! :nope: Any ideas?

Happy Sunday!! Anna


I'm So darned jealous! I miss sushi and salivate everytime we pass by one of our restaurants! :wacko:
Skye forgot to comment: Z's not talking yet but babbles constantly. She calls herself "dada" and strikes her chest to make sure we know who she's talking about. She points at all the photos on our walls, even those without her, hits her chest and proudly says "dada". Sooo funny! She's signing, "milk", "done" and "eat" so far. I expect she'll start talking soon!!! Yes, we're TTC'ing but I think I'm one of those people who doesn't ovulate while nursing :dohh: However we want to let her self-wean (which she is doing, these last few weeks especially). I was determined to get her to 12 months and we'll be there soon!
SKYE!!! So happy to hear your news! I think all the blood work monitoring can in fact cause over-anxiety, every woman is different, my HCG didn't double every 24 hours and everything turned out fine. Saw heartbeat and gummy baby at 8 weeks (they look like gummy bears with big torsos and little limbs at that stage!) and everything was fine! Fingers crossed for you you'll see that heartbeat ASAP!

Anna, I had sushi 4-5 times during my pregnancy, the whole raw fish bit and everything was fine. Japanese women do this all the time and there is no increased problem in their babies! PLUS, as long as the restaurant you order from receives their fish frozen, it's fine since freezing kills the parasite eggs!

Hmmmm RE: hoarder. I know what you mean! It takes me years to convince him to part with small items, many of which I just get rid of myself and he's NEVER noticed. Guess that's a bit more difficult to pull off with large items ;-) Can you try asking if you can sell them on Kijiji or Craigslist? And say you can pool money from stuff you sell to buy a nice treat for both of you? I promised my DH a new BBQ if we sold a few things, and we've made $200 so far which will help pay for the new BBQ!

Yes, you hit the nail bang on the head with the whole reason for choosing green/purple. I like pink, but I think it's taken way too far with little girl things.... She has a few pink clothes, but I really make a big effort to get other colours if they are available. Her nursery is yellow/green, because we felt those colours would work for baby #2 if he's a boy and we both hate painting ;-)

Hope you have a nice nap. Z and I just tried, but to no avail. She's overtired, didn't nap much today and we were at friends for a BBQ (it's a long weekend in Canada) and she was refusing to sleep so I left with her, DH was to take the train home when done socializing. She slept the 30 minute drive home and is now destroying my fashion magazine stash. Oh well, don't really need them anymore anyways!

Rebekah you made me daydream with all the things we'll get to do with our little girls! I think I want to go to the zoo next weekend, we do have a membership after all!

OK, I should go make sure she doesn't eat any of the paper. :dohh:

Oh my goodness!! We used to go to the Toronto zoo all the time when I was a kid. IT's huge!!! We have a small one here in Syracuse, Buffalo has a big one we've been wanting to go to. When we lived in Ohio we had the Akron zoo and LOVED the Cleveland Metro. zoo!
Those nursery's sound beautiful ladies! We did an "underwater" theme for our nursery (the walls are panted 3 different shades of blue and then we added fish/dolphin/turtle stickers to the walls) and now the "Big boy room" is a jungle theme with bright green walls and soon monkey/tiger/elephant stickers to be added.
Those nursery's sound beautiful ladies! We did an "underwater" theme for our nursery (the walls are panted 3 different shades of blue and then we added fish/dolphin/turtle stickers to the walls) and now the "Big boy room" is a jungle theme with bright green walls and soon monkey/tiger/elephant stickers to be added.

I actually have underwater material as well as a nightlight and some artwork that we were going to use for a room for adoption or foster-to-adopt. I'm keeping it because it's cute. LOVE the theme!

For Amelia we have primary colors and I'm resisting a whole lot of pink. Not a pink kinda gal. Bold colors! We actually have a jungle theme swing on our registry list with primary colors that I think is cute. Sounds like the big boy room is FUN!
AHHHHH Rebekah you changed your mind for Amelia's middle name! I loooooove Gabrielle, been trying to convince DH to name our next daughter Gabi :)
AHHHHH Rebekah you changed your mind for Amelia's middle name! I loooooove Gabrielle, been trying to convince DH to name our next daughter Gabi :)

Yes we did. It was hard to do because her origional middle name was a combination of moms name and dads middle name. With everything going on over here...not sure if I shared the latest issue concerning the landscaping service we hired for the summer to mow my parents lawn....to make a long story short, the same day I received the news about my dwindling cervix and the possibilities that "could" take place, my mom called demanding I call him to find out why he wasn't there because she was going to do the lawn herself. She refused to take his number to make things easier on me and said it was "our" responsibility since we hired him. (we hired him because my dad was pressuring my husband to drive the hour there and back to do the lawn and seeing as though I'm pregnant and high risk...and my husband is working full time while taking over the chores in the house, we decided to pay for the lawncare ourselves to shut them up) The poor guy ended up forgetting and was SO SORRY. He said he'd be out the next day and neither parent was happy. Not even a "thank you" Bek for hiring them or for checking in..just more complaints.

At any rate, I was never asked how I was doing, if I knew the sex of the baby, not even a hello first.

It's the second time (the other was during Jacksons funeral) that they've added to the stress instead of being a support in their daughters life. I'm fed up and no longer feel that I have to nor does my husband have to pay for luxery items like lawncare for them. I've been more the parent then they have with me. They only want the happy fluffy moments of this pregnancy and baby and have NO CLUE what we've been through...from fertility treatment to 17P injections...the only reason they know I have a cerclage was because Doug was kind enough to tell them....even then, the church has been more supportive than my parents. You won't hear them bringing me meals or offering to help Doug out unless we travel the hour to THEIR home. They're only in their 50's so they're not old at all.

I've determined I love my parents, but will never be able to change them or make them satisfied in any way. I refuse to support their selfishness any longer though and this summer will be the last we pay for lawncare. In fact, it makes me want to move from this state even more to get away. I decided I just couldn't name my daughter after such selfish people who have no intention of emotionally being supportive unless it's all good times. My daughter will go through ups n downs and she'll need stability and a good foundation. One sadly my parents haven't give to me and will only give to her what they actually know how. If it has to do with money, they are there, any emotional support and forget it. They just aren't equipped.

I sound like such a witch saying all this, and honestly it took me time to make this decision, but I don't feel comfortable naming my daughter after her grandparents. :cry:

Sorry I got TMI with the subject. On a more happier note:

I LOVE the name as well and it just sounds nice together. It's why I decided to change her middle name. It's beautiful.

Amelia- Hebrew for "work of the Lord" Gabrielle-Hebrew for "God is my might". We just found out that her great grandfathers sister on daddy's side was named Amelia. So there IS history there.:winkwink::flower:
TBH MA I'd feel the same way and totally understand, so no, in my books you're definitely not a witch!!! How horrible of them, I'm so sorry they're not there to provide you much needed support when you need it so :cry: So very selfish and self-centered! Come to Toronto ;-)
TBH MA I'd feel the same way and totally understand, so no, in my books you're definitely not a witch!!! How horrible of them, I'm so sorry they're not there to provide you much needed support when you need it so :cry: So very selfish and self-centered! Come to Toronto ;-)

Love to! :haha: I think we need passports now to get to Canada. I was talking to my husband asking if we needed an infant passport too. I want to renew mine but he doesn't have one. I LOVE Canada. Though I'm not a fan of the snow you send our way. :rofl:

As for my parents, it's something I'll never change. My paternal grandparents raised me. After my grandfather died, my gram and I were separated and my parents thought they could take the "parental role" back as a preteen but got a pretty rebellious kid because the roles were set. My grandparents took the parental role and THEY took on the role of my siblings like my dads siblings. I suppose everyone has some kind of dysfunction in the family.

There's a huge difference between my husbands parents and mine. His parents have everything filed in the case they pass away. Mine? No files of what needs to be paid, what is needed in the case the other passes away...in fact, there's no life insurance. Dad is laid off, mom works at walmart. They keep making suggestions that we're moving in with them. Ugh, NO WAY!:wacko: Been there done that.

It's OUR time now! We're having a child of our own and my priorities have changed. Take it or leave it. Doug told them about me being in the hospital for the cerclage because he said "they have to grow up".

What does my mom do, she calls a cousin I have't spoken to in awhile, gives her my number to call me This is the same girl after the funeral told me I should hurry up and have more kids before my clock runs out.:wacko::haha:

So, ((sigh)) they put me over the edge. They know the buttons to push. You should have heard her sigh when I told her I was on bedrest for 20wks. You'd think I'd gone and ruined her summer plans!

Anyways, it's been alot more quieter around here and I consider that a calming peace of bedrest though my bum and hips may hurt already from laying low.

By the way, tonight someone from church found out we needed a dorm refrigerator and said she would bring one over tomorrow!:happydance:

Looking at the bright side of things, where I lack in my life with my parents, God has provided with others who honestly care for us. It's honestly been humbling. I'm not a fan of taking things from people. In fact, I'm one who loves to give more than I receive. So it's been a lesson in being GRATEFUL instead of embarrassed.:thumbup:

I REALLY hope we can all get together sometime. I've really come to love you girls.:cry::hugs::kiss::flower:
Junebug :rofl: how articulate of Zoe to strike her chest to make sure everyone knows "Who is the Dada" Hahahhhahahahahaha... I love babies at that age. I can come over and take a small nibble out of her cute cheeks. Hahhahahaahhaa

Sushi is ok as Junebug mentioned as long as the fish is frozen previously 24 hours. So high street sushi is better than any fancy sushi restaurant who serve fresh fish. MA :flower: u can get a take away no probs :)

Girls gotta run for a blood test but I will catch up properly this afternoon. xx
Good morning everyone! :hi:

I've just skimmed through the last few pages (and didn't take notes!), so forgive me if I miss anyone...

Junebug, I'm glad you had a good time in Buffalo - the Walden Galleria Mall is the mall I was referring to. Did you get a chance to check out the kids store?

Skye - very happy that things are looking promising! And I agree with everyone else on this thread - the whole doubling thing is just a guide, and not set in stone. Mine started really slowing down at the beginning (with an insanely low 1.2 progesterone level) and everything turned out fine. I'm praying that you continue to get good reports! :flower:

Anna, we DID get a motorcycle ride in this weekend! It was sunny and about 80 degrees - absolutely beautiful. I was even able to ride w/out a jacket, so I got a little pink on my shoulders/back - yay! First sunburn of the year! It won't be long until nice weather now... :thumbup:

MA, sorry about your parents :cry: It's too bad they won't give you the support you need, but you're right - you've been blessed with a wonderful circle of friends at your church to step in. :flow:

I love hearing what everyone's doing with their nurseries. I think I've decided, too. (At least on where to start...) It's going to be a little more on the modern/clean side, and a little less on the frilly side. I kind of like the brown/pink combo, so we're ripping out the carpet and going with a dark brown wood floor, and I'll paint the walls a very light pink. I've also seen these really cool brown circle wall decals that I plan on getting to put along one wall. Most of the furniture's also dark brown in color. But I agree with you all on not overdoing the pink thing - a little can go a long way with that. Once I get that far, then I'll see what else it needs. I don't want to get too much stuff right away, because I don't want it too cluttered. I've never really been a big fan of too many knick-knacks. Oh, and I'll probably get a lighter colored throw-rug for the center of the room. But not one big enough to lie under the changing station... that would spell disaster... :wacko:

So anyway, we're going shopping for the flooring/paint next weekend, and I think I've found the 4 in 1 convertible crib that I want. One thing concerns me, though - it gives a max. weight capacity of 35 lbs, when most of the other 4 in 1's give a max. weight cap. of 50 lbs. First of all, what exactly do they mean by that? This is supposed to turn in to a double bed - are they saying that it won't hold more than 35 (or even 50) lbs??? That just doesn't make any sense. I tried calling Target, but surprise surprise - they didn't know what it meant either. They only sell the stuff, why on earth would they have any knowledge of it? :dohh: So now I have to contact the manufacturer and see if I can actually get some answers... wonder how long THAT phone call's gonna take... :nope:

We go in this afternoon for another ultrasound - can't wait! I just love being able to see our little girl :cloud9: The doctor at our anomaly scan had ordered it so we could "keep an eye" on my dwindling sub chorionic hematoma and ovarian cyst (that had already shrunk from 18cm to 3cm...) I love that guy - medically, there really wasn't a need for another u/s as they'd both been consistently shrinking, but he used those as an excuse to give us another look at her. What a sweetheart he is!

Okay, ladies, I guess I'd better get to work. Hope everyone has a great day! :kiss:
Good morning, all!! Have been away for a while & like Sunshine, trying to catch up...
Skye - Excellent news!!! Those numbers WILL be good!!! We saw heartbeat(s) at 8 weeks... much to our surprise, we saw three!
Anna - More snow??? Wow... love your fur baby got in bed with ya! Ours sleep with us regularly... I know, we are such pushovers... :)
MA - Good girl on the bedrest!!! Glad you have so much support, even if not from your parents... Those issues are so hard, especially when everyone talks about moms especially, helping out, etc.. I have a bit of a situation, but not as challenging as yours... My parents are both in the 70's and they both smoke. I know that they would love to help, but 1) they just physically can't and 2) the stench from the cigs is just awful... and I'm an ex-smoker... sometimes think that's why it bugs me so... Anyway, they are not going to change so I made the choice to love them and accept them as they are, I just have to put what boundaries I need to, in place... Good luck... I know it is hard.... But all sounds really well with you!!! Godspeed....
Junebug, Sunshine, Codegirl... everyone else! - HI!!!!

AFM - its been a doozy of a week! Had some bad swelling the other day & doc said take the next day off and start preparing for no work... She really laid it on me... Stressed that my pg is not like a normal one and I can't act like it is... Physically, my body is 10 wks ahead of the pg... She said that I will start experiencing preterm labor issues and really need to slow down....
So I did just that, told my boss I needed to prepare and was aiming for June 1st... She surprised the HECK outta me and offered FULL TIME WORK FROM HOME!!! I am elated... I just check in with my secretary once a day and will go in once a week or so to pick up files, etc... everything else via email or online... SO AWESOME!!! I had feared that I would have to start my FMLA leave and would be up (max of 12 wks in US) before the babies even got here!! SO this is a huge blessing.... HUGE!!!!

Also was told to get a pregnancy support belt... Those of you that have seen this thing, know it looks like a medevil torture device, but I'll be damned, it WORKS!! If any of you have to spend time on your feet for work and have back pain, check it out!!

All of your nurseries sound beautiful... I confess, mine will be traditional... :) and VERY girly... Added benefit, I get to really upramp on my sewing now that I am home, too... We have white cribs, cream/black toile bedding, with light pink taffeta accents... am making reverse for quilts, bumpers with cream, dot "minky" chenille... very soft... My two glider armchairs are pink and we scored a light pink run at PB outlet this weekend, woo hoo! Am working on DH to allow a new chandalier... we'll see how that goes...

Happy Monday everyone!!! I love how upbeat our board is and hope to see some more girls from the old board very soon!!!!!! sorry for the novel...
MA, having tea and scones with our kids is one of the things we would enjoy too. Cause we are in constant search of best scone house in London. Also blue and white stripey cloths + white cotton lace trims go well with bunnies, tea sets, and small dainty flowers. Just a way to avoid all pink and still keep it girly.

:) You know after your post today I went to the clinic and told them I don't want the scan. Cause I'm a bit p.. off they scared the hell out of me on Saturday. It is a very good clinic but our credit card isn't bottomless and I thought "If they won't see the baby I would be stressing the next few days. I'm really not good with worrying. Generally I keep it very level headed and calm but if I do get freaked than I can't hold it together. So I thought I better wait until they're more likely to see it. I hope I didn't anger the dr for not being cooperative.

Anna I have the same issue with DH about clutter. I hate it and he hates throwing away anything at all. Packaging, boxes, old cds, books, clothes you name it. So what I usually do is I wait for an occasion where he is distracted with sthg else and quickly remove the unwanted item. He doesn't even notice before a long time. But if it is as big as a dresser which he would notice than I dodge it and wait until he has his fit. Making him his favorite food, doing him some small favours like a foot massage and ignoring him while he's having the fit helps. :) Afterwards he actually appreciates the space too.

Junebug I just live near the zoo in London but never been yet cause aparently it is quite a small sad zoo. Not much space and all the tropical animals (lions, zebras etc) cuddle inside their caves by the radiators and hardly come out. Hahahhaaaha!!! Poor things. But definitely would pay a visit when we have kids.

Codegirl I really like the jungle theme too. Kids just love animals don't they?

MA, You are a not being mean or witchy at all. Obviously it hurts you so much not being able to have the loving relationship you really want with your parents. But the good thing is once you have your own kids you can make up for the mother-child relationship you lacked all these years. ;))) As for your parents I understand that they don't know how to cope with the slightest stress like mowing the lawn. This is obviously not intentional but they just don't know how else to behave. Only you can protect yourself from getting hurt by them cause I bet they are not even aware that they are hurting you. Good idea to stand your ground and not it let get to you. :hugs: You know I think I'm gonna keep my pregnancy a secret from my mum for a while. At least until i'm sure it's ok. Cause I don't want all my distant cousins and unknown neighbours to know about it just yet. :shrug:

Sunshine, your nursery sounds very nice and neat. Brown and light pink is a good combo. Really easy to break with a little cream or even light blue. I get all so excited now with all these ideas even though I'm no where near thinking about all that :) Hahaahaha. We also don't have the extra room for a nursery. We were planning to move to a house if we can. And than I can think about decorating. But I think I'd still try to squeeze a nursing chair somewhere. I see them in department store nursery toilets and they're really comfy. Pls update what's your little girl up to this afternoon. :haha:

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