35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

:hugs: cj! I think having kids is stressful for all marriages. Lord knows between the stress of ttc in the first place then dealing with all the change once the baby arrives, it is enough to test any marriage. Case in point - the cover of this month's parents magazine says "childproof your marriage" or something like that. A whole article on the issue. :) so don't feel like it is just you!

Hope everyone ishaving a good day! Another sleepless night for me but not Ethan's fault. I am determined not to let it ruin my day. Somehow I am going to have to learn to run on 5 hours or less of sleep for a few more weeks I guess!
Hi, just popping in, internet was down for a whole week how annoying! :growlmad:

Sorry to hear about your roomate Rebecca, it's just too sad to think of anyone having to lose a baby, especially so far on.....poor woman..:cry:
glad you are ok though and everything went well, especially that your little Amelia is doing great....time will speed up now for you, and before you know it she will be there, and it is the most amazing thing ever! :happydance:

Rottpaw, feel for you on the lack of sleep thing. Tilly goes to sleep between 12 and 2am, but is very fussy before she goes down, and then is up a few hours later for another feed. I am sleeping during the day whenever she does or I wouldn't function. BF has been a struggle, I now got Mastitis, and am on Antibiotics, have to keep on feeding her on painful breast....hopefully it will go, and the breast feeding will start to get easier.....:blush:

Pablo, I would insist on a BF consultant, I got sent home 7 hours after giving birth with no help at all, so the last 2 weeks I have struggled and had to learn by myself. :wacko:

Hope everyone else is ok....who is the next one to pop, I am going to have a look :winkwink::happydance::hugs:
morning girls, or afternoon for some . . .

Lucy, you're kidding me 7 hrs!! I thought they at least kept you over night. I am sure it's the insurance companies. I am going to make sure we have a consultant, even if it's out of pocket. I am sorry BFing is such a sturggle right now, I hope it gets better soon.

Rottpaw, sorry not much sleep. I woke up again last night at 3 and it was getting light when I finally fell back to sleep. Then alarm went off. I hope we all get some rest this weekend.

CJ, marriage is hard. And baby and finances just make it harder. I am glad you found a way around the system! I keep thinking we need it too before baby comes, I have kiiller insurance that covers a lot of it, I just need to get my keister in gear and find someone. Plus have to convince DH we need one. Hope things get better.

MA, yep pretty excited for masage tonight! I feel for you, my hips bother me too. Hang in there!

AFM, nothing new to report, going camping again this weekend. Looking foreward to some good long walks and a little outside yoga practice. Have a good weekend all!! Anna
Couldn't resist to post pic DH just sent me of Zoë cuddling George (stuffed monkey) and her nameless panda PaciPlushie :cloud9:


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Junebug, what a cutie! :hugs:

Pablo, I was surprised they let me go so soon with a first baby, would have been better to spend one night at least...I think over here in the NHS places, they are so busy, they won't have you in until the last minute, and then kick you out as soon as poss! :dohh:

Got loads of family coming over the next week as it's bank holiday and school hols....looking forward to everyone meeting Tilly, and now I am feeling a bit better, I will start going out to the park with her, and going to mother and baby groups to meet other mums. :flower:
Thanks ladies! Her new nickname is little monkey as she is into EVERYTHING!!!
LUCY!! :hugs: Wondered how you were doing! Glad you stopped by. Thank you for your encouragement.

CJ, LOVE the pic. She's too cute for words. Those eyes melt my heart!

Anna, sounds like another fun-filled camping trip. Our friends have a camper and seem to start up the season and have it FILLED with camping dates. I'm totally missing that. It's a hot sunny day outside. Would LOVE to get out, but I'm okay where I am. I told Doug we need a Yacht so I can have my bed rest outside on the water. :haha: Get to work Hunny! :rofl:

I had a visitor today! :happydance: Third time this week someone from the church came to deliver us a meal. I expected only a couple meals a week but they've honestly gone over the top. These ladies are such a blessing. She came upstairs to visit so it was AWESOME. I had contact with someone from the outside. :rofl:

We have our appointment tomorrow to check the stitch and see where Amelia is. If all looks well I'm going to ask if it's alright if I can go for a ride with Doug on Sat. just to get out. Who knows, maybe I'll get to go to a cafe tomorrow while we're out. I'm getting to the point where even people watching is becoming fun. :haha: :wacko:

Took out the material mom bought for me to make a table runner. I have the top and the batting but no backing so I may send Doug out to get some hunter green backing so I can hand sew the table runner. At least it will keep me occupied.

I have a kicker and puncher the past few days. I feel as if Amelia is kicking me in the bladder and have to pee each time. :lol: I like it when I can feel her moving. It gives me a sense of sanity. I REALLY got used to hearing the heartbeat every 4 hours at the hospital and kinda missed it when I came home. Such is life and it makes it that much more precious when we have our appointments to hear her little heart beating.

Not much else is going on here. We started to watch the Kings Speech before Doug went to work. I like it alot! May even buy it.:thumbup:

Have a good day ladies!
Hi all!! A happy Thursday to everyone...

glad to hear I am not the only one who is testy & gets in battles with DH... not battles really, just spats... I feel he is that realistic about what it will be like with 3 babies... but then I remind myself to let it go... so his "bubble" of reality isn't what he thinks it will be? there are worse things...

Lucy - glad you're home, but jeez.... 7 hours??? that is worse than here in the US!!! you're a champ, girl!!!

CJ - one word... ADORABLE!!!!

Pablo - I am soooo jealous over the hikes, walks, and yoga... I hope that after this pg, I will appreciate when I am able to be active again... You go, girl!!! It is so awesome to be active like that!

MA - You are doing great on the bedrest!! I am sure a little outing will be fine... will keep fingers crossed for ya! So awesome you have such a supportive extended church family!

Sunshine, Rottpaw, Steph, Code, Viv, Skye.... HI!!!!

AFM - 22 weeks!!! yay! Had ob appt today & all is pretty good... Doc stressed staying off my feet & trying to tell me how to monitor contractions... Physically, my body (uterus size-wise) measures 36 weeks... so need to make sure it doesn't send me into labor... Just taking each day as it comes.. I feel HUGE.... oh what the hell, I AM HUGE! lol.....

Swelling is a big problem... not helped by the fact that we hit 100 yesterday... in MAY! ugh... hope it cools off a bit... spent yesterday in the pool - yes, it is awesome... can almost forget that I feel like a hippo on land.. lol...

Have a date night on Friday planned and really hope I feel up to it... nothing exciting, just going to a movie, "The Hangover 2".... got the tix a few weeks back for DH... he can quote most of the first one... oh heck, I loved it, too...

Have a great Memorial Day (US ladies) and a lovely weekend, should I not check back in!
MA sounds like you're handling bed rest really well! Great idea to work on projects too. I hope they let you go for a bit of a ride and hang out at a coffee shop, that would be awesome! Good luck at the apt tomorrow, keep us posted!!!

Lucy, 7 HOURS??? What the heck were they thinking?? That's really too bad that you got so little support for nursing :-(

Anna, have a great camping weekend!!!

Charmaine, go girl! 22 weeks with triplets, you're doing awesome!!!
Hey girls!!! This is going to be short because I am on my iPhone. Just caught up on 15 pages!!! :dohh: it took me hours on and off throughout the day. I wish I was able to comment on everything but here goes a little recap: MA sorry for the scare but I'm very happy you got your cerclage. I just feel in my heart Amelia is going to be a full term baby. Sounds like you have a good support system and are taking good care of yourself. xo. Junebug Zoe is absolutely adorable! Also we are so lucky to have you in this group. You are a real fountain of knowledge for us all. Hope you start ovulating soon!!! Pablo my bump buddy!!! Pour on the syrup girl! :haha: All we can do is ignore ignorant comments even if they come from our mothers . I'll bet you look gorgeous you are so active. Still waiting on a bump pic!!! Chris #2, I can't believe you are still riding s motorcycle!!! Just be careful!!! Love your pink and brown plan for the nursery. We are going with white and a fun apple green and pink accents. Can't wait to get started!! Angela, hang in there the sleep should be getting better soon. At least I hope for your sake! So exciting you guys are going to be ttc again soon! :happydance: Viv, nice to see you pop in here and there. I'm feeling huge too. Steph, happy to hear you're baby girl is home where she belongs!!! Can't wait to see more pics! Lucy- congrats on Matilda!!! :yipee: she is sooo cute!!! Hope your mastitis clears up soon! I can't believe they discharged you after 7 hrs!!! May I ask how was your labour? I'd love to read about your birth story. Skye- welcome!!!! I wish you a very happy and healthy 9 mos!!!! So nice to see a new graduate xo Austingirrl- that is fantastic news about working from home! What a relief for you! How are the three wee ones? :cloud9: I can't imagine at 22 wks your uterus is already like at 36 weeks :|

AFM I'm in BC right now visiting my family. I'll be back home on Monday so will be hopefully staying up to date more regularly. Its been nice seeing my family and friends. I have been getting tons of lovely gifts. My mom and aunt are throwing me a baby shower on Saturday so i'm really excited. My bumps has really grown in the last couple weeks I feel massive!!! Baby is kicking lots and getting really strong. Its sooo cool! still feeling pretty good but as third tri approaches this weekend I really feel exhaustion setting in. I also have a tendency to pee myself a little bit from time to time :wacko: :haha: So weird. My other latest issue is leg cramps and hip pain that wakes me up at night. Guess I can thank that to the relaxin.

As for the exams...... I am one for one. I unfortunately failed #2 by one question!!!!!! I need a 60% to pass. I'm over it now. Just gonna have to rewrite in a few weeks. Par for the course in my industry. So a few more weeks of studying when I get back.

Well love you girls!!! :hugs: I gotta close my eyes now. I am Sooooo tired. xoxo

As fir

Wow I hope I didn't miss anyone :wacko:
Tried to edit that last bit but my phone wouldn't scroll down. Sorry foe the typos!!!! I really only have one bump, not bumps. :rofl:
Hey Anna,
Yes I am getting a bit sore in the back area after a day on my feet and it is getting more difficult to get comfy in bed but hey at least I can still lie down knowing no-one will want me up in 5 minutes!
morning girls, or afternoon for some . . .

Lucy, you're kidding me 7 hrs!! I thought they at least kept you over night. I am sure it's the insurance companies. I am going to make sure we have a consultant, even if it's out of pocket. I am sorry BFing is such a sturggle right now, I hope it gets better soon.

Rottpaw, sorry not much sleep. I woke up again last night at 3 and it was getting light when I finally fell back to sleep. Then alarm went off. I hope we all get some rest this weekend.

CJ, marriage is hard. And baby and finances just make it harder. I am glad you found a way around the system! I keep thinking we need it too before baby comes, I have kiiller insurance that covers a lot of it, I just need to get my keister in gear and find someone. Plus have to convince DH we need one. Hope things get better.

MA, yep pretty excited for masage tonight! I feel for you, my hips bother me too. Hang in there!

AFM, nothing new to report, going camping again this weekend. Looking foreward to some good long walks and a little outside yoga practice. Have a good weekend all!! Anna

Oh hey you have the same sleep pattern as me. Useless isn't it. We will be so ready for the night feeds at this rate!
Junebug, what a cutie! :hugs:

Pablo, I was surprised they let me go so soon with a first baby, would have been better to spend one night at least...I think over here in the NHS places, they are so busy, they won't have you in until the last minute, and then kick you out as soon as poss! :dohh:

Got loads of family coming over the next week as it's bank holiday and school hols....looking forward to everyone meeting Tilly, and now I am feeling a bit better, I will start going out to the park with her, and going to mother and baby groups to meet other mums. :flower:

At the moment with the earthquake taking out one of the major birth units here, you get 2 hours after the birth and if you are ok, then they ask you to leave, either to go home or to one of the secondary care units which are always full. It's getting a bit desperate to be honest :cry:
Vivienne, 2 hours? I was only just stitched up after 2 hours...it is a bit desperate, must be a bit worrying for you. :hugs:

While Tilly is having a nap, I will say a little bit about the birth, but also more because there is some advice in there, things I know now, that I didn't at the time. :wacko:

I had a show, very red :blush: on 10th May, quite a lot, and got worried, so went to get checked out at hospital, and all was well, it was just a normal bloody show....yuck sorry.....promise I won't say a lot of yuck things....labour is a VERY messy business, but by the end you don't care. :shrug:

So I had been having mild period pain cramps since evening of 8th May. After I got checked out at hospital, the cramps stopped for a few hours, then started again May 10th 2PM. They were about 15 mins apart. By 6PM, they were 6/7 mins apart and I started to use the TENS machine, which I would highly recommend, it helped me stay at home a lot longer. :thumbup:

By 10PM, contractions strong and painful every 5 mins, rang hospital (which is around corner) and they said they were full and I might have to go to another hospital 30 miles away. They also said they wouldn't take me in until contractions lasting 90 seconds which they weren't. Coped at home another 3.5 hours, then just couldn't take it anymore.....phoned hospital and since last phone call, 3 women had given birth so I could go in. :happydance:

Got on gas and air which helped a bit, was 3 to 4 cm so midwife just popped in every 20 mins. At 4am pain alot worse so asked for pethadin......midwife gave this to me without checking to see how dilated I was.....always make sure they examine you before having this drug......it affected the rest of the birth. :dohh:

At 6am on 11th my waters broke and I was fully dilated at 7am.....because of the late dose of pethadin I was too drugged out to know how to push, couldn't feel the urge to do it, so spent 5 hours at the pushing stage.....eekk.....in the end they had to induce me on a drip as contractions were actually slowing down, and the consultant was hanging around saying if we don't get baby out soon, he would come with forceps.....:wacko:

After a short time on the drip, contractions became stronger and at last I felt the urge to push, at the end I was so tired and wanted the baby out so I didn't let things stretch and just pushed....this is why I got a lot of stitches.....girls when you feel it stinging down there, the head is about to come so don't push.....anyway there was a funny sensation a big woosh and loads of water and she was there. The next minute there was a baby on my chest, blinking and looking around. It was amazing because at one point I never thought I would get her out. It's true what they say though, the minute the baby is there you start to forget about the labour.....it's the most incredible thing I have ever done.

Hope I didn't scare anyone.....it's like some kind of therapy talking about it. It was a slightly traumatic birth with the pushing stage going on so long, all because I wasn't examined at the right time, but Tilly is fine and I am recovering. I was surprised to be allowed to go so soon, but they only keep women in with C sections, or complications, or when baby poos inside mum.....could have done with some BF help too, I might write a letter to hospital about that. I think also because of my age, they assumed I would be fine, but I am still a first time mum! :shrug:

Anyway despite sleep deprivation I am :cloud9: but don't want to have another baby for quite some time lol :wacko:

Can't wait to hear everyone else's birth stories, everyone's will be different....

Austin girl, imagine how big you will be at 30 weeks! Wow 3 babies! Will you be having some family to come and stay and help you? :hugs:

MA its so great that people are looking after you and bringing food. Can you see your tummy moving yet when Amelia kicks? Its pretty cool when that happens! :hugs:
Lucy, :hugs: sounds like you did great!!! Labour is never what one expects (I think only for a minority of women), mine wasn't either but I had low expectations which helped :rofl: I was in labour for 24 hours with oxytocin on board and never dilated beyond 3 cm since her head couldn't come down in my pelvis. At least we know now with my CPD I can't give birth vaginally so planned C-section the next time around! I swore I was done with having babies until Zoë was 5-6 months old and I started feeling somewhat sane again :flower:

CHRIS so nice to read you!!! I LOVE your summary, you hit all the important points bang on :) Very concise! So glad you're enjoying your trip to BC! Sorry to hear about your one exam, hope the next time around goes better :hugs:

Viv, 2 HOURS? That is crazy :cry: Dire situation indeed...

MA how did your apt go? Been sitting on pins and needles here to read you!

AFM two pieces of exciting news! AF IS HERE!!! Fertility Friend was bang on, the program predicted I ovulated exactly 2 weeks ago today based on BBT and CM, and it was RIGHT!!!! So excited! Now I hope I get regular soon again, and we can start TTC'ing in Aug/Sept/Oct as planned!

Last night I went to my first "Learn To Run" clinic at the Running Room. Because of my ankle fracture in 2009 (due to too much running) and my pregnancy, I had lost my endurance so am starting at the bottom again. It was great! No ankle pain, met a few mommies, one who has a 4 month old and who has totally motivated me to start training again sooner than I did this time around. We're getting together on Sunday AM for another short run :)

This morning Zoë flat out refused to nurse. I'm finding it really hard, this whole weaning thing :cry: I miss the breast feeding and having my baby cuddled up close to me :cry: She's growing up so fast and I'm having mixed feelings... Obviously for TTC'ing this is good, but for my heart, not so much :-(
For those of you wanting exercise DVDs, BabySteals had Linsay Brinn's Moms Into Fitness 60 day Slim Down program on for 24.99 plus shipping! I love her Post-Partum bootcamp program, included in this 4 DVD set! It's 30-45 minutes per day, so doable during a baby nap time!

hey all! Happy friday!

lucy, great birth story,and I mean that in the educational sense. It was good advice and i've never heard of the drug they gave you, is it the same as an epidural? Have fun with family ! I too want to join a mom play group to meet other moms. Let me know how it goes.

ma, i'm going to join you on that yacht! Hope today goes well!! So glad you have such a good support system!

Austin, a 36 week uterus! Wow girl ! So glad you are 22 weeks! I want to start swimming too, starting to feel a little wobble when I walk. Have fun at movie, my DH loves that flick too!!

Svet, bump buddy!! You, me and vivienne are all in a row. Hope the baby shower is fun! I sneezed the other day and peed myself, know how you feel. Sorry about the exam, next time.

Vivienne, two hours. Something has to be done. That just sounds like a recipe for something to go wrong. I'm totally ready for night feeds after this weeks sleep schedule. Actally last night had a great nights sleep. Feel like a new person!

CJ, wow can your little girl be any cuter!! YEH for AF!!! I'm sure BFP will be soon to follow. Like the running class and a good idea. I've had injuries ( planter faschilitis sp? And hip issues due to over training and increasing milage too soon. Sorry Zoe is weaning and it makes you sad. I had a massage last night, and massage theripist said she BFed until her girl was 4. My eyes poped out of my head. To each their own, but I looked at DH with a look that said no way in hell!!

have a good weekend! Anna

p.s. When is evryones due date so we can get a calendar going: near as I can tell this is an approx . .

vivienne , mid augest
Chris #1, mid to late augest
Austin, late augest
pablo, (me), sept. 3rd
MA, october 13th
sunshine, ??

I think i've forgotten someone and some dates I don't know, help me out. Looks like mid aug to beg of sept are going to be interesting. As for next to pop,my money is on Austin,but not until mid aug.! We want big healthy tripets.

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