35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Oh - Chris, I am extremely claustraphobic as well and I had a similar fear, however for me once I was done with the c-section and back in my room, I was starting to get some feeling back - it was extremely slow, but it made my anxiety go away.
Steph, I felt my spinal. It was AWFUL getting that catheter in even though they numbed my back on the right side and put it in what I "thought was the middle or left side. I did NOT like that sucker going in at all!!

CJ, ((FAINT)) No WAY in Gods green earth would I handle that very well! I get shivers even THINKING about that extra step. Uh uh. If I need that, they may have to give me a sedative to calm my bum down. :haha:

That's the issue for me....the numb feeling an inability to walk on out or even get up during contractions if I want to. I want the tub for the most part, however I'll have to get up to get to the bed or wherever else I'm allowed to birth.

The other thing I didn't like with Jackson was I wasn't given the option to get out of bed. It was a HORRIBLE position to push just very clinical-like. Not at all comfortable to birth. In all actuality though I think that reason was because I was preterm and it wasn't a normal birth anyways but it did give me hopes that if I DO have a normal delivery that I won't have to stay in that gawd awful bed. lol I'm sure if I could've I would have had a home-birth but given the risks, there's no WAY anyone would touch my case. I don't think a hospital delivery with my peri will be so bad though. She's one of the ones that doesn't mind the Doula. A little bit of balance is the key I think.

"TRYING" to keep an open mind for anything...but I'm NOT a happy camper about said catheter in back after my own spinal two weeks ago, or numbing sensations so I can't move! :lol: Makes me wanna run the other way! :haha: :wacko:

Chris, don't let me scare the heck outa ya. I may have had a totally different experience gathered by all the others who didn't mind it. I'm just not a fan of anesthesia that makes me feel sedated/fluffy/or numbing. I think I must be a Head-case. :haha: :wacko:
I don't think your a head case at all MA lol. Youre feelings are very similar to mine.
I thank all you girls for sharing your experiences and advice! :thumbup: I'm going to speak to my gyno and see if a 'walking' epidural is an option at my hospital. I think that would be a great compromise for me if I feel I need drug intervention, which I most likely will :haha:
Oh and I had my baby shower today! Wow did I get spoiled. I'm such a lucky girl!!!! When I get home I'll post some pics to my journal :cloud9:

Hope the ultra sound tech didn't make a mistake or we are going to have a very confused lil boy :rofl:
Oh and I had my baby shower today! Wow did I get spoiled. I'm such a lucky girl!!!! When I get home I'll post some pics to my journal :cloud9:

Hope the ultra sound tech didn't make a mistake or we are going to have a very confused lil boy :rofl:

Oh Chris, I can't WAIT to see everything!:happydance: Must have been SO fun! We're praying the same as it will be quite funny for a boy to have all girl things. We haven't had our shower yet and I'm sure our next anomaly scan in 3 weeks will share that information if it's different.:thumbup:

I purchased 2 dozen cloth diapers today. Can't wait for them to come in the mail. Decided I'd need some on hand and figured if I needed 3 dozen I could buy more, but I wanted to have a few newborn size on hand not knowing how big little Amelia will be. I'll buy the covers next paycheck then closer to third trimester I'll buy the bigger sizes. Took a leap of faith though today and bought them with excitement.

Also received the refrigerator that's now in our room. It actually has a tiny freezer too so I can put some ice cream in.:happydance:

Also had a great outing with Doug after a couple visits from family and friends. Dr. approved of course though I don't think I'll do that all the time. Took a lot out of me this go around and I think this dose of 17P caused me to have nausea again. I've been pretty sick today.

We went to get flowers and Doug planted some beautiful purple flowers in the stone pots within Jacksons stone at the cemetery. They look SO BEAUTIFUL along with the cute little statue we bought. Very simplistic, but beautiful. I was glad to get out today. :happydance:

As far as talking with your OB, let me know what he or she says about "walking epi" (special doseage or something? ) Maybe it's something a bit less given but I was told at the hospital this go around from the anesthetist that she couldn't guarantee how the epi would affect me and that some women did have full numbing sensation. Not sure if that was a reaction to the med that causes that with certain women or if she just refused to guarantee it but it didn't sit good with me after my experience. I'd LOVE to know if there is a less potent epi that would help but not hinder the ability to walk completely. As you said, if the pain gets too awful I'll probably want something too. Don't suppose there's that magic anesthesia that would fulfill my anxieties. In my head though, I just can't seem to get past the odd sensation and would rather forgo it altogether. What a nutcase. lol What normal person would do that?!:haha: With all these women talking good about the epi though, I must be making mountains out of molehills. Maybe the spinal is much different. :shrug:
MA, sounds like you had a horrible experience.....hopefully your labour will be so quick you won't need extra pain relief! :hugs:

I asked for an epidural but I was already 10cms, so was too late. My 2nd stage labour was very fast, maybe in a few years I will just go for it again on gas and air. :coffee:

Codegirl, a few years after giving birth, do you just forget the pain of it? I guess women must or no-one would have another baby lol :shrug:

I learnt some painful lessons this time round, I guess 2nd time would be easier? :blush:

Sveta how lovely you had a baby shower, we don't do that over here.......can't wait to see pics :kiss:

Miss Muffet how is your little one now? Any new pics? :hugs:
MA, sounds like you had a horrible experience.....hopefully your labour will be so quick you won't need extra pain relief! :hugs:

I asked for an epidural but I was already 10cms, so was too late. My 2nd stage labour was very fast, maybe in a few years I will just go for it again on gas and air. :coffee:

Codegirl, a few years after giving birth, do you just forget the pain of it? I guess women must or no-one would have another baby lol :shrug:

I learnt some painful lessons this time round, I guess 2nd time would be easier? :blush:

Sveta how lovely you had a baby shower, we don't do that over here.......can't wait to see pics :kiss:

Miss Muffet how is your little one now? Any new pics? :hugs:

Thank you, it wasn't anything I couldn't get through of course. So in that aspect I know I made it. The anesthetist I had though seemed to run the show with the medical staff. I wonder if that's the norm? They asked her if they could do certain things and she'd tell them yes or no. For instance we had hoped Doug would be able to go in and sit with me since he was an RN for the hospital anyways....She said no. She WAS going to take my glasses until I told her NO WAY! She said I wouldn't need to see what what going on anyways and I told her I'd need to see in general. Take my sight away and I'd panic. She left them on with trepidation but she even gave the Dr. a hard time when the Dr. wanted her to slant the table a bit more. Do you believe she told the Dr. NO twice before she finally gave in? The Dr. thanked her for taking the "chance" :rofl: :dohh:

I'm just wondering if maybe I had a bad anesthetist this go around, though the catheter insertion wasn't my most favorite moment in any situation. Had something happened like what CJ went through I'd be flat on the floor fainted and then quite miffed that it happened at all. :haha:

Well, I didn't get to bed until 4am this morning and ended up taking Zofran to stop the nausea only to be nauseated again right now. It's SO odd how I had it the first two weeks, it tapered off and now I have nausea again from the 17P. Two friends of mine had different experiences. One just the pain, the other had the same side effects as me. She said she was MISERABLE but got through it well and has her sweet daughter to prove it.:thumbup:

Hope your all having a lovely day. My parents are coming over and my brother and sister in law with all my nieces and nephews are coming later tonight

Wondering if maybe we'll go for a short ride later on to get some ice cream. I don't think I'll be going out the rest of the week though.
Codegirl, a few years after giving birth, do you just forget the pain of it? I guess women must or no-one would have another baby lol :shrug:

I had a very tramatic experience the first time (don't like to share too much because I dont' want to scare anyone) so it took me a while to get my head around having another.

But Edward is so wonderful it started outwaying the memories. I won't ever really forget what I went through, and during my transition phase with Eric I paniced and everyone thought it was related to Edward's birth not transition :haha: And now having a good birth experience makes me confident that I could have a third.

Does that make sense? that you won't ever forget, but that the good will outway it.

Try to remember that every birth is a very different journey too.:flower::hugs:
Lucy to honest I'm not thrilled at the prospect of being booted out into a cold night or day with a newborn to find my way across town to another strange bed :cry:

This was one story I read about but there are heaps more about women having to leave to make room for others
Afternoon all :flower:
Svet/Chris lucky you on your baby shower and I'm glad the trip to BC was so good. I get the hip pain now and it is hard to get comfy. Sorry your exam didn't go the way of a pass.

Lucy I loved all the info on your birth, very helpful. I really do not want pethidine as anything in the morphia range knocks me about too much.

Junebug, Yay for AF. It's weird to say that when we have all for so long bemoaning her arrival when trying to conceive!
Sorry you are having to wean now but it will get better :hugs:

Anna I haven't peed myself yet!!!! But I'm sure it will happen. I have been practicing my kegel exercises since day one so it doesn't but who knows!

And as for BF'ing at 4 and even 6. If my child can run up to me and ask for a snack then they are too old to BF and old enough to open the fridge!

MA, I'm plus sized and felt and saw bubs from 26 weeks so I think you will be surprised. It's hilarious to watch your tummy 'roll' and 'ripple'
And yay for a decent appt and people who listen.

I wish you were having Amelia down under here as age really isn't too big a deal until after about 41/42 years young. They do keep more of an eye on you but they don't ram the age thing and genetic testing etc down your throat. They advise, ask and listen.

AFM I have had terrible reflux/regurgitation, I sleep sitting up now which is slightly more bearable.

My birth plan is to go as natural as possible but I will be open to reason and have asked that I do be listened too as well so we are all on the same page! I too am not thrilled on the loss of control angle but I am flexible, especially if I'm still labouring after 12-24 hours. At the same time I am keen to move as much as possible and birth crouching or standing, then I'll lie down!!! My midwives are all happy with this plan so yay for that part. Now I just have to make sure I can hang about in the hospital long enough to get a handle on the BF'ing thing! Of course if I tear during the 'ring of fire moment' I may get to stay longer. Oh joy.
I really want the birth my friend has just had. First child, hardly any pain and over in 4 hours from contractions to placenta delivery!!!!:happydance:

This was one story I read about but there are heaps more about women having to leave to make room for others

That's just mortifying! :nope::dohh::growlmad:
Afternoon all :flower:
Svet/Chris lucky you on your baby shower and I'm glad the trip to BC was so good. I get the hip pain now and it is hard to get comfy. Sorry your exam didn't go the way of a pass.

Lucy I loved all the info on your birth, very helpful. I really do not want pethidine as anything in the morphia range knocks me about too much.

Junebug, Yay for AF. It's weird to say that when we have all for so long bemoaning her arrival when trying to conceive!
Sorry you are having to wean now but it will get better :hugs:

Anna I haven't peed myself yet!!!! But I'm sure it will happen. I have been practicing my kegel exercises since day one so it doesn't but who knows!

And as for BF'ing at 4 and even 6. If my child can run up to me and ask for a snack then they are too old to BF and old enough to open the fridge!

MA, I'm plus sized and felt and saw bubs from 26 weeks so I think you will be surprised. It's hilarious to watch your tummy 'roll' and 'ripple'
And yay for a decent appt and people who listen.

I wish you were having Amelia down under here as age really isn't too big a deal until after about 41/42 years young. They do keep more of an eye on you but they don't ram the age thing and genetic testing etc down your throat. They advise, ask and listen.

AFM I have had terrible reflux/regurgitation, I sleep sitting up now which is slightly more bearable.

My birth plan is to go as natural as possible but I will be open to reason and have asked that I do be listened too as well so we are all on the same page! I too am not thrilled on the loss of control angle but I am flexible, especially if I'm still labouring after 12-24 hours. At the same time I am keen to move as much as possible and birth crouching or standing, then I'll lie down!!! My midwives are all happy with this plan so yay for that part. Now I just have to make sure I can hang about in the hospital long enough to get a handle on the BF'ing thing! Of course if I tear during the 'ring of fire moment' I may get to stay longer. Oh joy.
I really want the birth my friend has just had. First child, hardly any pain and over in 4 hours from contractions to placenta delivery!!!!:happydance:

Doug would LOVE to move there! :happydance: Would be a dream of ours. Fun to meet up too. :winkwink: :hugs:
Good morning ladies!

Again, I have a lot of catching up to do... for those of you in the US, I hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend!

Junebug - how exciting that Zoe's calling you "mama" now! What an adorable picture... :cloud9: And thank you for being such a huge fountain of information for us - it's truly appreciated. :flower:

MA - sorry about all you've gone through lately, but it sounds like things are looking up. You're definitely looking at it the right way - just hang in there, friend. In the immortal words of Bob Marley, "Everyting's gonna be allright" :hugs:

Anna - I totally agree with what was said earlier... pour on the syrup!! This is the only time in our lives when we'll be forgiven for a little weight gain - even if there are a few who seem to condemn us for it. You're an active person, you'll have no problem loosing it once the baby comes. Oh, and if there's still a due date list being formed, mine is 9/22.

Chris #1 - Happy you had a good visit with your family, and sorry about the results for exam #2. And by only one question, too! :growlmad: BUT - the upside of that is because you were so close, hopefully taking it the 2nd time won't be so nerve wracking. Good luck to you! And I'm glad you had such a great shower - getting good stuff is always fun. Wish I had people around me to celebrate with. BUT - as long as I have the hubby cheering me on, it's all good. :thumbup:

Hey, Austin - how was your Friday night date night? Hope you guys had a good time. :) And yay on the working from home! Sounds like you've got a pretty cool boss.

Viv - congrats on 3rd trimester! You're finally in the home stretch! I read the article you posted the link to - what a horrible situation! Fingers crossed that they'll have it a little more rectified by the time it's your turn.

Lucy, thank you for sharing your birth story - I really believe it benefits us all to hear about all the different experiences out there. :thumbup:

Steph, so glad you and Katelyn are doing well! Hope you're catching up on your sleep and things are getting a little less hectic for you. :flower:

Has anyone heard from Skye? I hope everything's okay in her neck of the woods.

Angela & Terri - hi! :hi:

AFM, not too much. We had another scan last week, and everything looks good. The hematoma has completely gone away, and the ovarian cyst has shrunk down to almost nothing. OH! And come to find out, they DO have 3D capability where I go - they just never told me! (Dirty rotten you-know-whats!!!) I happened to find out because there was a doctor on site that day they were hoping to hire, and she sat in on my session. They were trying to impress her so they switched over to 3D, and I was able to get a look at our little girl's face! :cloud9: I have my regular monthly appt. with the OB this afternoon - I'll have to ask if I'll get another scan before this is all over. I think there's supposed to be one more in the 3rd trimester, but I really don't know. I hope so!

Have a great day, girls!
Hi everyone!! Hope all my US gals had a good long weekend & hope my friends abroad are having a great week!!

Chris/Sunshine - Yay for no hematoma! Glad that's all gone! I have heard the 3d scans are cool.. that's awesome you got to see her!

Viv - Good to see you! That hospital business in NZ is tough.... I hope for things to improve before its your turn!

MA - Hope your weekend was good & you got to have an outing!

Chris #1 - Sorry about the exam, hon... worst part is the just not being finished... Been there... BUT you will do it, I'm sure! Congrats on the shower!!! Love to see your pictures!!!

Pablo - Eat up, sugah! I am so sorry you hare feeling guilt from your mom... I think I have gotten over the "shock" of the weight gain... I even wore a bathing suit yesterday when we had neighbors over - granted, it had a SKIRT (god forbid...) and the bottoms were XL... but my outlook is, "what the hell...." I figure that I am not drinking, so that frees up all kinds of calories... lol... and of course, remember, YOU GOT A BABY IN THERE!!!! :)

CJ - I second Sunshine's thanks for your input!!! Congrats on AF!

Hi to everyone else (I can't remember very far back these days... )!!!!!

AFM - Had a bday yesterday - 39! Gawd.... AT least NOT 40 this year... Was good, spent the wknd lazing around and by the pool... Good news on the home front - I figure someone (not me, of course) must have said something to DH about helping, etc... He really stepped it up this wknd... YAY! I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown... I admit to being kinda a clean freak and it was KILLING me to not be able to clean house! We will hope & see how that plays out....

Am really feeling movement now... CHRIS, YOU??? Little buggers get really riled up at night... but its not keeping me up... lol... Kinda fun & DH can now feel it, too!

Good week to everyone!!!! Stay cool out there!!!
Hi ladies, you may remember from MAs post a while back I got my BFP last month & I'm getting to the stage when I think I might join you.

I had a scan at 6+6 & we got to see lil baby with hb which was good, but as I've been that far before it wasn't as reassuring as I thought it would be. I have my 2nd scan on Monday & I hope after that I will be able to finally relax & really enjoy this pregnancy.

Haven't been lurking much this week so will catch up before next week hopefully but just wanted to stop by & say :hi: to you all.
Happy birthday, Charmaine! Don't feel bad about 39. Mine's next month, and it IS the big 4-0. *Shudder* But at least my hubby knows how I feel about b-days (I hate them. With a capital H) so he knows better than to plan anything. Bless his heart, he knew enough last year not to even mention it to me. Best b-day present I could ask for. :thumbup:

And yes! I FINALLY feel a little movement! Not all the time, but a least a little every day. We even saw my stomach kind of buck out a little - too cute. :) We USED to watch TV... :dohh: It's true that they startle now, too... We went riding yesterday and stoped at this biker bar that had a big Memorial Day party going. I happened to be standing right behind this chopper (with my back to it) when the guy started it up. I jumped a little, and then she gave me a pretty strong kick to let me know what SHE thought about the whole thing! I was like, "okay, okay - I'll move!" :winkwink:

Can't wait 'til my DH can feel it, too. :)
Chris- cute story about the bike and baby!

Congrats Lynn!!!!!!!! :dust: Glad you came here to share with us! A happy and healthy 9 months to you! xo
Hi Ladies,

Chris #2, Those dirty dogs! :lol: I keep wondering about mine too. They say no..but I keep wondering if they have the capabilities and won't do it unless you have a real emergency. I'm going to ask my favorite girl next week if she has the capabilities if we wanted to pay out of pocket. 3 and 4 D actually help you to find issues with heart too so I may qualify for one because of that reason. Not sure though.

Charmaine, if anyone needs a cleaning service it's you! I still can't believe someone from the church had this cleaning service come. She starts tomorrow and I feel so odd that someone is cleaning my house and I'm in the bed. Feel like a lazy you know what. :haha:

Also the fact that your 39 and Chris is almost 40 along with my mil who got pregnant with her 3rd at 39 gives me so much hope that we may have another child after Amelia. I just turned 37 and I'd like to spend a year alone with her breastfeeding before I start. I'm looking at having another one at 39 or 40. ((hopefully by then I'll have lost the weight from the combination of the two pregnancies, hormones and meds I've been on)).

To me your testimonies that it's possible as many other moms 39 and over. I have HIGH hopes that Amelia won't be our last. :thumbup: Not sure how confident I'd be not knowing there were mothers out there like all of you. I think Dr.'s throw out the age factor and make it seem as though it's RARE when in fact I've seen MANY MANY women over 40 have children. In fact, I'm told we all have more patience at our ages than having them in our twenties when we're just starting out with everything. I hope that's true. :haha:

Amelia has been moving like CRAZY! I love it too. She's a night owl like her momma. :winkwink: Lately she kicks me in the bladder and I'm finding I have to pee alot more. :wacko: We caught her punching the last scan. Was funny when Doug said THAT'S what you've been feeling. :rofl:

YAY LYNN! Welcome! :hi: :happydance:

I know Skye was mentioned. I've seen her posting in the original thread and she seems to be fine. Maybe just being a bit cautious as Lynn was and posting once in awhile in here. :thumbup:

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