35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi ladies, so far behind. We had a rough weekend, have not caught up yet. Hope all moms and bumps are doing great...

It was my last Monday off (my extended mat leave) yesterday so I am adjusting to going back to work full-time for real now. On Sunday we found out my in-laws won't make it to Zoëlle's birthday party on Saturday June 4th because my FIL has new tumours in his hips :cry: He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 2007, did radiation and chemo. Then he had a relapse in 2009, more radiation and chemo. Now, it's officially in every bone of his body so he's palliative. We're having a really hard time accepting it :cry: Will probably lay low for a while, I'll pop in in a few days.

Hugs to everyone :hugs:

afternoon all!!

sorry to have been MIA thee past few days. Weekend was good then getting caught up at work. I have been a little busy. I did take notes so . . .

MA,so glad last scan went so wel!! I know the pain relief must be scary. Don't worry about the big 40. I will turn 40 a little more than a month after the girl is born, it's right around the corner.

Junebug/ CJ,so sorry about FIL. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer last fall. She is in remission right now,but it's a difficult thing to deal with. Plus . . . Are you crazy?!! Birthday party and house guests?? That's a lot to take on espically when working full time. I feel for you,good luck, you can do it!

Svet, so glad the baby shower went well!! Still not sure if I'll have one. Friends have talked about it, but not holding my breath. Al my friends here in town don't have kids and don't aspire to. I do have one friend that has a little girl,but she's more of a goer than a planer of parties. I guess we'll see what happens. What was your favorite present? I know I still owe you a belly picture, it's coming I promise!

Austin, LOL on the drinking calories, I think that way all the time! So good to hear your girls are on the move! Sorry about the insomnia, mine comes in waves. Glad DH has stepped up re: house hold chores. Finally HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Sunshine, isn't there anyone to throw you a shower? I'll come out and we can throw each other a shower! Glad for the good doc appt! And yes I think they do a scan at end of third trimester.

codegirl and steph HI!

Vivienne, I like your birth plan, sounds a lot like mine. Minus the quick exit.

rottpaw, thanks for the epi story. It helps hearing everyones experiences.

LynnB, wishing you a healthy nine months! Welcome!!

skye, thinking of you and hope all is well.

AFM, thanks forr all the syrup support. My mother has always been that way, I just have a shorter fuse these days. Plus I FEAR her making comments like that to my daughter! I do not want her to get a complex about her body or her weight. Had doc appt on tuesday and all is good. I've gained 19 lbs so far so take that syrup nazi. Feeling good, but back still bothering me. Finally got a chair to sit on at work so I can take some breaks. Have a good evening all!! Anna

Buy a bottle of it and drink it in front of her!!!! Hehehehehehe
Man I need to

Anna I get cramps, I used to worry but I was told it was nothing so I just drink some milk or water and they often go away?

Rebekah you cannot catch a break can you! :cry:

HI to everyone else :flower:

AFM, glucose perfect, no GD, bloods great, blood pressure textbook, no swelling. It sounds like a gloat list! If it wasn't for the reflux it would be a good time!

At midwife today, he's measuring 1 week ahead-ish but is transverse still, no hurry to point downward!

Have a lovely weekend all, it's a long weekend here, Queen's birthday, most people will be on holiday but I'm a sucker for punishment and am working right through! :dohh:

PS Junebug, so sorry about your FIL and please don't tire yourself out with the birthday so much that you don't enjoy it!

:hi: Good morning, everyone!

Junebug, good luck w/Zoe's party tomorrow! Don't stress yourself out too much with the planning, and post a picture!!

Anna - not sure what the cramping was, but most likely it was just another one of the many "pregnancy ailments." It probably wouldn't hurt to call the doctor, though - just to be sure. There must've been something in the air yesterday. I had steady period-type cramping all morning, and called the doc to make sure it was normal. He told me to go directly to Labor & Delivery... :shock: Turns out I have BV. Even though I had no symptoms. Weird... Anyhow, I guess that's what caused the cramping. But the LO's fine and was practically doing summersaults for them, so all looks good. :thumbup:

And unfortunately, I don't have a soul here to throw me a shower. Well, that's not entirely true - there's my MIL. But she's not currently speaking to us. Of course, that'll change MANY times over the course of the next three months... Sigh... the joys of family... :nope: I put up w/her antics, but I want nothing from her. Just thinking about her raises the old blood pressure... But I do like the idea of us throwing each other a shower! :haha: How's about we meet in the middle. And slightly south. Like Cancun. :thumbup: When are your birthing classes? Are you doing the multiple day thing, or all in one shot? We've signed up for an all dayer - it was the only one we could realistically do with the hubby's schedule.

Angela, so sorry to hear about the girl on the March Mummies thread - what a heartbreaker. :cry: Like you, SIDS is something I'm terrified of.

Steph - Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you had a great day! And 38's not so bad! Beats 40, anyway... :dohh: Poor Katelyn :( Fingers crossed that the script will do the trick. Hopefully between that and the rice cereal, she'll be chubby & happy and you'll be BFing in no time!

MA - dear Lord! You're just having quite the time of this whole thing, aren't you? :hugs: to you, my friend!

Austin, Chris #1, LynnB, Skye, Terri - mornin', ladies! :howdy:

Have a great weekend, all! :kiss:
Steph, happy belated bday, same day as Zoë! AND you're exactly 5 days older than me, my turn on Tuesday for turning 38. Zoë had fun with her cupcake and gifts. Now for the big day tomorrow!

I had really bad baby blues, cried several times per day for almost 3 months. It sucked. I really should have seen someone in retrospect. And Zoë had weight gain issues too, they wanted me to start formula but I said no. I was making a LOT of milk and there was no reason to, period. I hate the formula-pushing the second something "seems" off. Turns out she had major reflux (which I knew, but kept being told "all babies puke"). Finally someone took me seriously, started her on Prevacid, and her weight picked up instantly. She still puked, but less, and stopped crying with feeds because her acid reflux didn't hurt her as much. What a difference. I'm glad I held out and resisted the formula attempts. I just kept it out of the house altogether because I did read somewhere that if you do have some in the house, the second there is an apparent issue, you're much more tempted to stop BF'ing and go over to formula. And it's true. Had it been in the house on my bad days I would have. Now that Katelyn's on meds for her reflux her weight might pick up, fingers crossed!!!

I had bad swelling in third tri. Like wearing flip flops to work bad swelling :wacko: Nothing helps: decreasing salt (all that did was make my blood pressure go dangerously low), increasing fluids (all that did was make me pee more) or foot elevation (this helped just a tad but not enough to let me wear normal shoes!)... Went away within 2 days of the C-section. Your growing uterus is pressing down on the inferior vena cava (the main vein that brings blood back to heart), which then leads to a back up in the lymphatic system. Only emptying the uterus by birth solves it! Obviously though it can also be a sign of preeclampsia so it's good to have your blood pressure checked and urine dipped for protein just in case.

Hope the crampings/insomnias and other aches and pains improve :hugs:

MA when is the heart scan?

Gotta run to clinic...
Hey ladies - just had to pop in to tell you Lavalux got a :bfp: today! I'm pretty sure she's 14 dpIUI today, and her beta this morning looked perfect. :wohoo:
Hey ladies!

Okay, I've finally read back a bit, so hopefully I can comment a little more intelligently this time than my usual drive bys lately! :) On the flip side this may be a long post LOL!

First, happy birthdays all around it seems - Steph, CJ and Austin!

Rebekah - On the formula question, we started out with the ready-made Similac Advanced. It was the one the hospital used and it is what our ped recommended (until we ran into acid reflux issues; more on that in a moment). We are now feeding Enfamil A/R (acid reflux formula) which has rice cereal "built into" it. Steph, if you eventually go on to formula (and hopefully you won't need to), you could ask your doc about it. Ethan has a fair bit of reflux (though he rarely actually spits up, so that's good from a "calories in" perspective). I can tell it's happening because he will "urp" up, choke on it, swallow with a concerned look on his face and then start to cry. And I know just how he feels because GERD runs in our family. I have it alll the time anyway, but Viv, as you noted, it gets a LOT worse for some of us during pregnancy. Mine got so bad in 3rd tri that I would literally wake up choking and had to switch to sleeping propped up on a foam wedge made for that purpose. It helped so much I have actually continued to sleep on it. Keep Tums or similar by your bed and carry them with you everywhere! Everyone told me to drink milk, but dairy actually feels good going down then makes heartburn worse, and water only contributes more volume to the problem. So I found the antacids really helped and the Tums are basically just calcium so are safe during pg. On the infant GERD, our dr. said the A/R forumla (being thicker because of the rice cereal) can help food stay down better because gravity holds down thicker milk better than runnier milk lol. So far it seems to be helping. She wrote us a script for Zantac but hubby does not want to start Ethan on any continuous meds this early, so we're holding that in reserve. He is 3 months now, and the dr. said it should improve with age so here's hoping. She said all babies basically have an incompetent esophageal sphincter (the valve that holds the stomach closed) and so it's a very common problem.

As a totally unrelated side note, I am sitting here next to Ethan's cradle swing and have two things to say about this swing: 1 - best invention EVER, and something we cannot live without right now as he takes ALL his naps in it, and 2 - NEVER allow yourself to run out of batteries for such a device. :dohh: I'm literally sitting here pushing the swing by hand to try to get my child to nap, so don't let this happen to you! :rofl: We are anxiously awaiting Daddy's return from work with batteries before mommy and Ethan go insane LOL!

Steph and CJ, I can relate on the baby blues. I think mine is mostly from the lack of sleep, as I simply do NOT deal well without sleep. And the 3-4 hours a night I've been getting lately is just not getting the job done. I regularly get up (notice I didn't say wake up!) in tears from having been awake for hours before the baby actually cries to get up in the morning. It's definitely the hardest, most exhausting job I have ever done, but well worth it. I know I will feel better once I get some normal rest and get into a good routine where I haev energy to exercise and get out more, etc.

Viv, Austin and others - on the ankle and foot swelling - I literally had "pitting edema" (where you can press your finger into your skin and make an actual pit) from the knees down for the last tri. It was so bad I could not really walk comfortably, not only because I could not get my shoes on (and it was winter here, so flipflops weren't really an option) but also because my ankles would not bend! I literally started to worry that I would have STRETCH MARKS around my ankles! :rofl: :rofl: And mine took about 3 weeks to go away entirely. I agree with others who've said nothing really helps - putting my feet up made absolutely no difference (even in the hospital, AFTER delivery!) and avoiding salt or drinking more water made no noticeable difference. Everyone who saw me was shocked at the size of my ankles and feet. But happily, there was no lasting damage so I can report that this, too shall pass!

Sveta, congrats on the shower! Aren't they so much fun!? I LOVED mine and we got almost everything we needed, at least for the early days. Anna and Sunshine and Lynn, if no one else is able to throw you ladies a shower, maybe we can do something online for you! Just a thought! It's just not the same without a baby shower and I know that for me it was a real bright spot in an otherwise depressing few months with all our family losses.

Auntie, thanks for updating about Lava! I follow her as well and I am SO delighted for her BFP and good beta's! Can't wait for her to join us and for YOU to join us too sweet friend!

Skye honey, are you still lurking? Hope all is still well and you are still feeling good!

So meanwhile I seriously need to get some video of this whole "mommy operated swing" thing for you guys. You should see EThan's little face cloud up and pout everytime the swing slows down. The motion is too erratic I guess for him to fall asleep like he normally would, but at least he is being patient and quiet. He doesn't eat again for about 45 minutes and I've used up all my entertainment repertoire. Oh dear!

Lucy and Terri, HI!

Well, he's tiring of that routine so I'd better run. HUGS to all and if I missed anyone I am so sorry!
Hi everyone! :hi:

Not much going on here. Appointment was today for regular Peri. I honestly have NO IDEA why I went only to check the heartbeat, make sure the sugars are normal. We waited 4 hours! It's becoming habitual and Doug went into work late again. I was ticked off today and told them I had to leave to get my husband and I lunch and get him to work. We were waiting on new settings for my pump but she can call them in to me. I wasn't waiting over 4 hours. :wacko:

Aside from that, Amelia kicked the nurse again, she's kicking right now and she was kicking up a storm from 10pm last night until AT LEAST 4am this morning. I started to worry a bit when I was lying down because it feels like she's kicking the doors out. :haha: Apparently it's normal and the stitches are okay!

LOVE feeling her move and kick though. I can't imagine how hard she'll be kicking in the later months.

The nurse said she measured more on 20wks than almost 22wks. She said something about it being inaccurate because of the fluff on my pelvis. I'm assuming she means the puffy pelvic area which seems to be an issue with PCOS. I'm not honestly sure WHY but I think I mentioned here that I believe my pelvic muscles are crap which could be the reasoning behind the IC issues as well as me pee'ing when I sneeze. :shrug: Should I be worried about the measurements? The nurse said the sono's are more accurate, so since my sono's have been excellent, next weeks should prove her measurements inaccurate.

Viv, LOVE that your not GD and your health is excellent. :happydance: It makes such a difference when you have a clean bill of health!

Chris#2 sorry you don't have more support on your end nor a means to a shower. Wish I could share mine with you. My mom is planning one with the church and Dougs family all together. I'm excited yet I'm nervous as my mom has this need to be loved by her own mother who is LITERALLY mentally ill. Every function she's at seems to be centered around her horrifying behavior and she knows she does this to get attention. The only reason she's coming is because of my mother...but if she starts something with my other family members in front of my friends and church family, I'm going to want someone to cart her off back home to spite my mothers need for love from this woman. I'm slightly on edge because of this. Also I feel funny having a gift-giving party centered around me. I LOVE giving gifts...I LOVE hosting parties...just not ones where I am the center. I suppose I should look at it as Amelia is the center and it's NOTHING to do with me. :haha: :winkwink:

Now for the REALLY scary thought. The shower will be Sept. 3rd and I'll be 34 wks. I'm terribly nervous I could go to labor at any time then. HOPEFULLY it won't be until after 36 wks when the stitches are taken out and the 17P has stopped but nobody can guarantee. It just all depends on how my body reacts to everything. The nurse tells me 34 weeks is MUCH safer than in the early 20's. So I'm trying to keep a steady pace of excitement moving past milestones.

Which brings me to this week. SUNDAY is 22wks. Thursday will be the day last pregnancy that I lost my son. It is a week I can't WAIT to pass! This pregnancy seems different so I'm trying to keep my chin up. After passing this milestone, the next will be two weeks later during viability date. :happydance: Looking forward to reaching past 36wks though.

CJ, the next cardiac scan isn't until week 28 in July. :wacko: I'm slightly on edge but because my perinatologist decided to do another anatomy scan with extras on the heart next week at her own sonographers I'm feeling confident we'll see what we can and/or need to see concerning a heart defect if any. It's all in Gods hands!

Thanks HA for sharing the news! I noticed it before I got in here myself and it's exciting news about the potential bfp's that may be coming to graduates. Can't wait until they ALL get in here though! :happydance: I love to celebrate so need a reason to PARTY! One big fat growing forum of graduates would be a way for me to let loose alittle. :haha: :happydance:

Angela, thanks for sharing the information about the formula. It will help a great deal to know what we need.

Hoped for a note of medical necessity and script for a pump and didn't get one. I'll try next week when I actually see my peri. I'll go over the nurses heads and get it so I can hurry up and buy one. NOT sure though if the nurses are right. They certainly could be. But it doesn't hurt to try buying one early with the insurance. :thumbup:

Well, I'm tired so I'm going back to bed. Had my injection today and just feeling moody and emotional. Too funny honestly! Things could be so much worse. I'm doing alright ladies. :thumbup: Nothing too bad that I couldn't get through. I'm sure other women go through MUCH harder moments than I and my outlook on things since the stitch have been much more upbeat!

Love to you all! :flower: :hug:
Rebekah so glad you are feeling a bit more upbeat, side effects and hassle aside. I know you have been through SO much to have this baby but I know that Amelia is going to be perfect and every bit of the struggle and long days will be forgotten!

Someone asked in an earlier post whether you finally forget the pain of labor and I will have to say YES, you definitely do forget. You also forget the day to day misery of pg side effects, swelling, nausea, etc. I remember last summer I was going through 1st tri, and it felt like FOREVER, but here I am and can barely remember that. It's like a hazy memory. I think God lets us forget any unpleasant parts pretty quickly, or we'd never do it again LOL! But it is all so worth it!

I know it is frustrating to go to the docs for something as quick as a heartbeat check and BP and blood sugar check. Most of my OB and peri appts took a full morning of time off work, but time spent with the actual doc was like 15-20 mins max. Very frustrating but again, all worth it in the end. I always seemed to end up with my doc out for a delivery, so that always added to the wait.

And I remember it can sometimes feel like these babies are going to kick their way completely out LOL! I went through a phase (and thankfully it did not last long) where he would get in a certain position and I swear he must have been kicking directly into my cervix. The pain would drop me to my knees and it came out of nowhere! Very sharp pain but turned out (like everything else I worried over) to be nothing unusual. And actually, as they head into the 30's weeks, they get too big to move around as much and you will actually notice less kicking and more tumbling and pushing. Lower impact, if that makes sense.

We are also fighting with our insurance co to cover the breast pump fees. So far they are saying they won't (even though we had a note of medical necessity and a diagnosis) but I'm still hoping. And if not oh well, we would have spent that money on formula had we not spent it on the pump :wacko:

Okay ladies, I am off to see what I can scramble up for dinner. Then I'm going to take some benadryl and see if I can sleep for a change! LOL!

Happy weekend!
Rebekah so glad you are feeling a bit more upbeat, side effects and hassle aside. I know you have been through SO much to have this baby but I know that Amelia is going to be perfect and every bit of the struggle and long days will be forgotten!

Someone asked in an earlier post whether you finally forget the pain of labor and I will have to say YES, you definitely do forget. You also forget the day to day misery of pg side effects, swelling, nausea, etc. I remember last summer I was going through 1st tri, and it felt like FOREVER, but here I am and can barely remember that. It's like a hazy memory. I think God lets us forget any unpleasant parts pretty quickly, or we'd never do it again LOL! But it is all so worth it!

I know it is frustrating to go to the docs for something as quick as a heartbeat check and BP and blood sugar check. Most of my OB and peri appts took a full morning of time off work, but time spent with the actual doc was like 15-20 mins max. Very frustrating but again, all worth it in the end. I always seemed to end up with my doc out for a delivery, so that always added to the wait.

And I remember it can sometimes feel like these babies are going to kick their way completely out LOL! I went through a phase (and thankfully it did not last long) where he would get in a certain position and I swear he must have been kicking directly into my cervix. The pain would drop me to my knees and it came out of nowhere! Very sharp pain but turned out (like everything else I worried over) to be nothing unusual. And actually, as they head into the 30's weeks, they get too big to move around as much and you will actually notice less kicking and more tumbling and pushing. Lower impact, if that makes sense.

We are also fighting with our insurance co to cover the breast pump fees. So far they are saying they won't (even though we had a note of medical necessity and a diagnosis) but I'm still hoping. And if not oh well, we would have spent that money on formula had we not spent it on the pump :wacko:

Okay ladies, I am off to see what I can scramble up for dinner. Then I'm going to take some benadryl and see if I can sleep for a change! LOL!

Happy weekend!

Was it your insurance company that has the flex account? I'm thinking that the flex account issue is ILLEGAL to deny with the new laws to cover them. Keep the receipt anyways because during tax time you "should" be able to get that back fully!

They try to pull that with me and I'm going to shove the IRS information up they're rears!:growlmad::haha: I've been hearing good things about the Ameda pumps and instead of buying the other brand I think I may splurge for that EVEN IF we have to pay for it ourselves. I want it paid for though.:winkwink::thumbup:

Dr. called me and left a message on my cell bless her heart. We waited the 4 hours and never saw her. Of course it was because there was an emergency and that is understandable BUT, Im not about to stay that long ever again. I told them she can call me to change the sugar ratings. "Technically the nurse practitioner can do it. I'm sure they're capable BUT given the time with the other nurse practitioner my last pregnancy, the ONLY ONE I'll listen to is the Dr. It may be a bit convenient at times, but I'm nobodies guinea pig anymore!:winkwink: Thing is, Since she left the message tonight I now have her private cell number:happydance:

Now I'm not going to stalk her or misuse it but I'm thinking in my head if she's not at the hospital when I give birth and they give me issues I'm calling her DIRECTLY!:haha::thumbup:

Doug just gave me another dose of injections tonight and it's adding to the nausea I already have. I must say the side effects are kinda funny as they vary from one week to another. At least it keeps me on my toes. :rofl:
hi all,

Thanks for all the birthday wishes.

CJ and Angela - Thank for the info about reflux and formula. Katelyn is on Zantac...her ped told me that she was taking it previously in the NICU, but since she is having the reflux problem he prescribed it again for a while. So far I ahven't had to give her formula as I have enough breastmilk in the freezer and I am still pumping every 3-4 hours each day. I add the rice cereal to that. I will say she blows out her diapers less frequently,but with more intensity. WOW that rice makes more of a mess and stink! LOL.

As for the baby blues - I do believe it is mainly due to sleep deprivation. I am the same way Angela, I don't do well on little sleep. I don't know what I am going to do when my mom leaves because currently she takes the baby around 7am and I sleep until about 11 (though I get up at 9am to pump).

Rebekah - that is awesome about your DR appointment and Amelia kicking the nurse...too funny.Glad that she is kicking up a storm... i do miss that actually. And it is ok to be moody and emotional and I couldn't agree more. When I am boo hooing, I think that other women are going through far worse than what I am and I am extremely thankful for what I have.

Hi HA - Good to hear from you and thanks for the info on Lux

Viv - YAY on not having GD and everything being good with you health wise!

I think Austin you asked how long Katelyn was in the NICU - about 5 1/2 weeks.

In terms of swelling, I was reading in a pamphlet from Kasier that reducing your salt intake actually doesn't really help much as you need salt during pregnancy. Also, if you are swelling a great deal please please please get your bp checked out and a urine test. I had a lot of swelling and it turned out to be pre eclampsia (which I believe they are now calling pregnancy induced hypertension - PIH).

Well I am off to bed - baby girl will be hungry in an hour or so and I want to try and get some sleep before we start the feeding (which sometimes takes her an hour to finish a bottle), burping (that can take another 30 minutes), and changing diaper routine...yes it is tiring, but SOOOOO worth it. I could stare at her little face and kiss her plump cheeks all day long (her cheeks are nice and round - now we just need to get the rest of her that way LOL).

To anyone I may have missed, HI and HUGS. Have a good evening.

Hi, I have a minute to pop in as Tilly is having a nap, don't seem to have time to do anything during the day these days....:winkwink:

I had baby blue badly Miss Muffet, for just a little over 2 weeks, just kept bursting into tears all the time for no reason, and feeling huge anxiety about the baby, terrified of SIDS so much I didn't want to sleep, just wanted to watch her all night. Thankfully it has passed, and the hormones are sorting themselves out....feeling more relaxed and a lot less anxious. :flower: You must put another pic of your little one..must be great having her home. :kiss:

Sleep deprivation is very hard, and when OH went back to work last week, and I woke up with the pain of mastitis I was deperate! Things do get better though. :thumbup: Tilly slept 5 hours in one go last night, then up for 90 mins and back to sleep for 3 hours! :happydance:

MA glad you got the number of someone you trust....sorry you are still getting the sickness, will it go on until the end? :shrug::hugs: I am hoping you will get to enjoy the end of the pregnancy a bit more.....I know you are going through your milestone soon (sorry if you have already, I didn't check b4 writing). :hugs: but yay for passing 22 weeks!:happydance:

Rottpaw, hope everything is ok with you, I didn't believe I would ever forget the labour, but only 3 weeks later it's like a distant memory! :thumbup:

Hi to everyone else pablo, sveta, junebug, sunshine, Skye, and anyone my silly baby brain has forgotten. :blush:

Going to check out a nursery today and hopefully put Tilly's name down. :hugs:

Have a good weekend everyone :hugs::happydance:
Steph, Forgot to mention at my appointment yesterday they gave me an Albumin specimen container. (basically a pee container that looks like a half gallon jug) I have to start pee'ing in it next thursday morning and keep it on ice. ICK! Apparently that's suppose to see what my albumin count is or something and will help them know when or if I'm dealing with pre-eclampsia. I had no idea it did that, but apparently it detects something in the liver or kidneys? I guess that's a great way to be aware for the next few months.

Angela. I'm not really sure how long the nausea will last. The progesterone injections can cause some of those symptoms and for some reason the side effects are varying from week to week. I'm assuming they'll stop when the injections stop which will be wk 36.

Your right. I'm heading into that dreaded milestone. Things seem to be okay though with this little one so far. I didn't lose my mucus plug, the BV has been taken care of, I FINALLY have the stitch and I'm on the 17P injection to stop preterm labor. While it isn't guaranteed they'll be 100% effective, studies have shown they work for MANY pregnant women so I'm trying to keep my head up. Sunday (tomorrow starts wk 22) Thursday will be tough as that was the day I actually gave birth with my son last time. Once I get past this week I'll celebrate a bit, then two more weeks I'll celebrate even more, 4 weeks after that, I'll be excited, 6weeks from that I'll start feeling pretty darn EXTATIC, and if I can get past 37 wks WATCH OUT! :happydance:
Good morning - hope everyone had a good weekend :flower:

Wow - hearing about the baby blues is getting me nervous... I'm already in a permanent state of "bummed" because of how big I've gotten. Hope the whole postpartum thing doesn't do me in! :wacko: At least it's supposed to be only temporary.

Junebug - how'd the party go? Are you still recovering? :)

MA - here's hoping Thursday comes & goes before you know it! Sorry about having to use that weird container contraption. Keeping it in the freezer? Yuck! How often do you have to use it? Just remember to keep it away from the popsicles.. :haha:

AFM... had another little scare on Thursday. I was having period-type cramps all morning, and although there wasn't any blood it felt like it was the first day of a regular cycle. So even though I figured it was nothing (just another pregnancy thing), I called the doc to ease my mind. Instead, they told me to get my butt over to Labor & Delivery. (Who, by the way, were wonderful). Turns out that even though I had absolutely no outward symptoms, I had (have) a bacterial infection. Even the doctor was suprised because everything looked normal when she took the culture. She also said that's what caused the cramping. Who knew? :shrug: So now I'm on flagyl for the rest of the week. I'm so glad I called the doctor - I almost didn't. Guess it goes to show that ANYTIME there's a question - call.

I hope everyone has a good Monday. At least, as good of a Monday as one can have...
Hey Chris, so glad you went and are getting treated. You're right, whenever a new symptoms arises get it checked out no matter what anyone tells you! It may be nothing, it may be something that needs treatment or it may be the sign of something starting early...

The party was crazy. I am still recovering, I'm 2 pages behind here :-( There was a thunderstorm and downpour which of course coincided with the party. So all 9 kids under 5 were playing on the main floor. At some point, it was crazy with 16 adults and kids roaming all over the house so I lost my cool and made an announcement to people to PLEASE stay on the main floor and basement level (where the bathroom is). Turns out we have money that disappeared from the office on the third floor. Lovely. Next year we're having the party somewhere else! (i.e. build a teddy bear or something).

I loved holding my 3 month old nephew, he seems so tiny but Zoë didn't reach is weight until she was over 4.5 months old, crazy! My family left yesterday afternoon, and then Zoë had a 2 hour nap (unheard of, guess she was zonked from her crazy weekend!) and we just vegged in front of the TV for 3 hours, having no energy to clean or do anything. Luckily the cleaning lady comes today :happydance: I did tidy up and wash all the sheets from the guest beds...

This is my first Monday at work since May 2010. Feels WEIRD to be here...

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, and I'll check in later, :hugs: to all!!!
Sunshine, don't worry too much about the baby blues....it goes away very quickly, within a few weeks, it's just a temporary hormone lifestyle change thing messing up your emotions. :wacko::hugs: Glad you sorted yourself out, you are right, if you aren't sure, call the doc....glad you are ok though. :flower:

Junebug....glad Zoe enjoyed her party, wow 1 already, must be wierd being back at work after all that time! I visited a nursery today, and it felt very wierd, even though Tilly won't be there until she is nearly 7 months old, I don't know how I will cope with the separation :cry:.....I suppose you get used to it. Wish I had a rich hubbie sometimes, and could just give up work for a while and just be with Tilly. :growlmad::shrug:

MA, I am going to start going back to church soon, I have been a very lapsed Catholic for years, but having a baby makes me want to get back in touch with my faith, and I want to bring Tilly up with a faith too......when I go I will be praying hard for your little one.....sounds like things are looking better, slowly time is passing and you are getting closer. Life is a miracle and I am so grateful to God for giving me my own little miracle, when this time last year things were so bleak. :thumbup::flower: I can't wait to see all the little miracles on this thread safely in the world! :happydance:

Hope everyone has a good week. :kiss:
Lcuy, it was hard! I went back to work when Zoë turned 7 months, but 4 days per week. My husband is on parental leave until September when he was due to go back to work, but instead he's going to Teacher's College to get his teaching degree! My sister will come live with me (DH will be studying out of town) to be our live-in nanny... We do have a daycare lined up for her "just in case", since for financial and emotional reasons I NEED to work :wacko: I'm not cut out to be a stay-at-home parent, even if I won the lottery I'd still work part-time :haha:
Lucky you have your sister to come and be your nanny junebug! My sister has my parents looking after her two kids, but I live way too far, we have no family round here....and I just found out what nursery fees will cost.....so much!!!! At least I can go back 4 days a week....:happydance: I am not that excited about leaving Tilly with people I don't know, I guess I have to do my homework now.....:shrug:

If I won the lottery I would quit work until I went crazy and probably needed to go back. :wacko::flower:

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