35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi ladies, so far behind. We had a rough weekend, have not caught up yet. Hope all moms and bumps are doing great...

It was my last Monday off (my extended mat leave) yesterday so I am adjusting to going back to work full-time for real now. On Sunday we found out my in-laws won't make it to Zoëlle's birthday party on Saturday June 4th because my FIL has new tumours in his hips :cry: He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 2007, did radiation and chemo. Then he had a relapse in 2009, more radiation and chemo. Now, it's officially in every bone of his body so he's palliative. We're having a really hard time accepting it :cry: Will probably lay low for a while, I'll pop in in a few days.

Hugs to everyone :hugs:
Oh CJ, :hugs: come see us when you can and know that you and yours are in my thoughts and prayers!
CJ, Oh dear. :hugs: Such hard news to take. My heart and prayers go out to you all. I'm sure there are emotions just as high going back to work full time too. That's hard enough on it's own without finding a loved one is sick. Please let us know if there is anything you need. I know I'm in NY but I could send something if there is a need.
:hugs: CJ! I am so sorry about your FIL. Having just dealt with a loss of a family member to cancer, I totally understand that horrible battle. Hugs and prayers to your family!

I have not had time to read back too far, but saw some commentary around epidurals. MA, I cannot speak to what the spinal may feel like, but I know an epidural block and a spinal block are two different things. With my epi, even after multiple "doses" of the medication as we went along, I never really lost complete feeling. I could still move my feet and legs at all times and never felt much more than a really "tired" feeling in my legs (like they were really heavy, but I could still move them). I did not have any of the other problems that are listed as side effects except that I think it dropped my BP some (a good thing, in my case, becuase I was induced in part for PE). Mine was not specifically called a walking epi, but I could have walked had I needed to. My hospital does not let you out of bed once you get the epi, but I didn't mind. I was so tired I just wanted to rest as much as I could, and then by the time I started to push, things went very quickly. I only pushed for about an hour. My only complaint with the epi was that it did not completely kill my pain. I'd been warned that it only handles "pain," not "pressure." But what I was feeling was definitely both - to the point that when I had to have stitches right after the birth, I needed a local becuase I still had that much sensation. And hwat they call pressure, I call pain!! But otherwise, the epi was GREAT. It did not hurt at all to have it put in and the relief (at that point during labor) was instant and amazing. I highly recommend it!

Viv, I totally understand the hip pain. By the end, I had SPD so bad I could barely hobble! But it gets better once you deliver; it will just take a while for your joints to firm up again after delivery. Mine still aren't quite right LOL!

Okay ladies, off to feed the munchkin, but will try to respond in greater detail soon. Hugs and I miss you guys! Hope all is well with every one and every baby!
PS Welcome Lynn! Happy birthday Austin! And Sunshine, the 3D's are SO cool! Ethan ended up looking EXACTLY like his 3D, so I will definitely do it again if we are blessed with a second! Glad you enjoyed yours!
:hugs: CJ! I am so sorry about your FIL. Having just dealt with a loss of a family member to cancer, I totally understand that horrible battle. Hugs and prayers to your family!

I have not had time to read back too far, but saw some commentary around epidurals. MA, I cannot speak to what the spinal may feel like, but I know an epidural block and a spinal block are two different things. With my epi, even after multiple "doses" of the medication as we went along, I never really lost complete feeling. I could still move my feet and legs at all times and never felt much more than a really "tired" feeling in my legs (like they were really heavy, but I could still move them). I did not have any of the other problems that are listed as side effects except that I think it dropped my BP some (a good thing, in my case, becuase I was induced in part for PE). Mine was not specifically called a walking epi, but I could have walked had I needed to. My hospital does not let you out of bed once you get the epi, but I didn't mind. I was so tired I just wanted to rest as much as I could, and then by the time I started to push, things went very quickly. I only pushed for about an hour. My only complaint with the epi was that it did not completely kill my pain. I'd been warned that it only handles "pain," not "pressure." But what I was feeling was definitely both - to the point that when I had to have stitches right after the birth, I needed a local becuase I still had that much sensation. And hwat they call pressure, I call pain!! But otherwise, the epi was GREAT. It did not hurt at all to have it put in and the relief (at that point during labor) was instant and amazing. I highly recommend it!

Viv, I totally understand the hip pain. By the end, I had SPD so bad I could barely hobble! But it gets better once you deliver; it will just take a while for your joints to firm up again after delivery. Mine still aren't quite right LOL!

Okay ladies, off to feed the munchkin, but will try to respond in greater detail soon. Hugs and I miss you guys! Hope all is well with every one and every baby!

Now THAT sounds a little more hopeful. I guess I'll ask the Peri on Friday if there is a "walking" epi in case I need it. I think you had back labor like I did with Jackson am I right?? My labor was ALL back labor. I felt the pressure but pushed through it.

As for still feeling some of the pain. I'd actually be okay with it...kinda taking the edge off but not completely. I know, I'm nuts. :haha: If I DO need stitches, which I hope I won't need an episiotomy, I don't mind the "local"...I just don't want to NOT feel, move, etc.

I would use THAT as a last resort. Now if they actually do it will be another issue. I'm sure they must have it since everyone else can get it.

When is the cutoff for the Epi?

I want to walk around so that is an issue for me. I DO NOT like the comfort of that bed for some reason. It doesn't feel natural for my hips. wondering if thats because I'm tipped. Even the Peri said my cervix is way up and back. Just tipped odd.

We'll see how it all goes. I know I had full on back labor with Jackson, but I'm not feeling as though Amelia is back there like he was. I feel more front, though she's lower right now and I'm waiting for her to move up some. So I have this feeling the birth will be MUCH different than last time. I have a high tolerance for pain in some cases...I think the reason I was good with the back labor is because I had lower back cramps all the time even before him. So I was able to push through the pain.

Now with regular labor and the cramping or contraction of the front muscles I may not be so great. My front muscles are crap!:haha: I'm being honest when I say they are weak. I think part of the reason i have IC is because of the week pelvic muscles. I could be having crazy talk here but I KNOW I have week muscles in my lower abdomen. So as I said, the pain may be MORE intense and I may say to heck with it and not care.

It's going to be interesting! :rofl:

Charmaine...I knew I forgot something in my last post!!:wacko:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!:happydance::kiss::flower:
AAAAAWWWWW.... you girls are sweet!!! Thanks bunches!!!!

Insomnia strikes again.... It's 4:22 am and I am wide awake... only to crash around 6, I am sure... ah well...
Junebug, I'm deeply sorry about your FIL - your family is in my prayers.
Austin, sorry about the insomnia - I get that all the time. Totally sucks... I'll usually wake up about 1am, then fall asleep on the couch at 5am when I'm SUPPOSED to be getting up and ready for work... :wacko:

I'll tell ya - if I didn't need the $$ I'd have left my job already! Don't think that'd fly with the hubby, though... :nope:
Thanks ladies, means a lot to know I'll have the support I need as we go through this...

Charmaine, Happy B-day!!!! Another Gemini :) Mine is June 7th, I'll be 38 in 6 days!

I've been frantically trying to get ready for Zoë's bday party. Last night I wrapped her gifts. My friend is making a giraffe cake and Nathan will be barbecuing. All I need to do really is buy a fruit and veggie platter, make bean and potato salad and make sure we have juices for the 10 kids, and beer/wine for the 22 adults! Thank heavens our cleaning lady is coming on Monday, I can't imagine how our hard wood floor will look with 10 kids 5 and under running around, eating, puking, etc... :wacko:

Since it is my bday too, my father is coming from 5 hours away, and my sister with my 2 month old nephew and other sister from the other direction 5 hours away too. My mom can't make it, she's just had foot surgery for her bunion. But my family is also crashing at our house for the Saturday night (2 day trip for sisters and nephew) and dad is arriving tomorrow leaving Sunday. Arghhhhhhhhh feeling overwhelmed :dohh:

OK off to work! Will check in later if possible, have a great day ladies :hugs:
Boy, I totally get the insomnia! I had it regularly before pregnancy, and it has returned with a vengeance. I think mine is hormonal; my AMH numbers show very low (like almost menopausal) and even though my estrogen level is within normal "range," I do not think it is normal for my body. In many ways I felt so much better (and slept much better) with the elevated estrogen levels of pregnancy. I now have horrible hot flashes again when I awake in the middle of the night and have so much more trouble sleeping.

Then there is the "forced insomina" of the munchkin waking us :rofl: Lately he's been sleeping like a champ (though I have not; can't get out of the "waking at 2 am" rut) - but last night, out of nowhere, he woke us first at 1:30 (needing to be rocked back to sleep) and then again at 4:30 (needing to be fed) and finally at his usual 6:15, wanting to be up for the day! :dohh: Hubby and I are both completely exhausted today. I was already running a serious sleep deficit (say, oh, about four months' worth LOL!!!) but this is getting ridiculous. I am going to try some melatonin and if that doesn't work I will have to go see a dr for something stronger. Usually I can take half a valium and sleep like a rock, but even that has failed me lately. :nope:

But enough whining on my part. One of the girls on my March mummies thread reported a SIDS loss, and that has just broken my heart for her and reminded me how much I have to be thankful for. Just coming out of our 35+ group, I KNOW how much I have to be thankful for with our precious baby, but her loss just devastated me because SIDS is something I'm so fearful of. I know God is in control, but I also know he allows that to happen sometimes and I am so worried about it. I try not to let my head run away with me, but it scares me so much!

Anyway, wow, didn't mean to write such a downer post! Sorry ladies. I get more emotional when I get tired.

MA (and anyone else concerned about the epidural effects) - definitely ask about the "walking" epi. I do not know if that is what they gave me, or if my experience was just due to my body's reaction to the drug, but it worked pretty well for me. I am not sure what back labor actually is. My biggest issue was what felt like bowel cramps - like I was about to have a major "stomach upset." :blush: That went on for hours and was just miserable. I think I could have handled back pain but this was more urgent, like a bowel movement urge (the worst ever LOL) and I was almost hysterical with the pain when I realized the epi would not touch that particular pain.

The GOOD news is, labor doesn't last forever LOL!

CJ I can also totally get the entertaining exhaustion. We entertained Saturday, Sunday and had planned a get together for Monday, and by Monday morning (after no sleep again) was just in tears at the thought of getting through the day. Those guests ended up canceling on their own, which was best and I was thankful for the break. Between shopping, cooking, and cleaning (and just visiting and being social) I was extra exhausted. Even Ethan slept ALL day Monday - I think he was as tired as mommy LOL! I slept so badly Saturday night that I was up at 4:30 Sunday morning washing dishes!! :dohh:

Anyway, I am off to find some breakfast and try to adjust my attitude LOL. Hugs to all and hope you ladies are having a great week!
afternoon all!!

sorry to have been MIA thee past few days. Weekend was good then getting caught up at work. I have been a little busy. I did take notes so . . .

MA,so glad last scan went so wel!! I know the pain relief must be scary. Don't worry about the big 40. I will turn 40 a little more than a month after the girl is born, it's right around the corner.

Junebug/ CJ,so sorry about FIL. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer last fall. She is in remission right now,but it's a difficult thing to deal with. Plus . . . Are you crazy?!! Birthday party and house guests?? That's a lot to take on espically when working full time. I feel for you,good luck, you can do it!

Svet, so glad the baby shower went well!! Still not sure if I'll have one. Friends have talked about it, but not holding my breath. Al my friends here in town don't have kids and don't aspire to. I do have one friend that has a little girl,but she's more of a goer than a planer of parties. I guess we'll see what happens. What was your favorite present? I know I still owe you a belly picture, it's coming I promise!

Austin, LOL on the drinking calories, I think that way all the time! So good to hear your girls are on the move! Sorry about the insomnia, mine comes in waves. Glad DH has stepped up re: house hold chores. Finally HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Sunshine, isn't there anyone to throw you a shower? I'll come out and we can throw each other a shower! Glad for the good doc appt! And yes I think they do a scan at end of third trimester.

codegirl and steph HI!

Vivienne, I like your birth plan, sounds a lot like mine. Minus the quick exit.

rottpaw, thanks for the epi story. It helps hearing everyones experiences.

LynnB, wishing you a healthy nine months! Welcome!!

skye, thinking of you and hope all is well.

AFM, thanks forr all the syrup support. My mother has always been that way, I just have a shorter fuse these days. Plus I FEAR her making comments like that to my daughter! I do not want her to get a complex about her body or her weight. Had doc appt on tuesday and all is good. I've gained 19 lbs so far so take that syrup nazi. Feeling good, but back still bothering me. Finally got a chair to sit on at work so I can take some breaks. Have a good evening all!! Anna
two things I forgot, rottpaw, such sad news about the SIDS episode! My heart just breaks for her!

lastly,we finally signed up for birthing classes,better late than never. I'll get a tour of the birth rooms too. Very exciting.

ok now i'm really out . . .
Hi Everyone! :hi:

Anna, sounds fun that your going through birthing classes and a tour. I'm unsure if I'm going through the birthing classes at the hospital. I didn't really have them in time when I was with Jackson and while I DO want some kind of class, I'm almost thinking I'll use the Doulas training classes. I know most take Lamaze training, but I actually like the Bradley Method. ((here I go again being a pain in the rump with my theories. :haha: ))

Last I checked, we didn't have the Bradley classes around but I think the Doulas teach a combination of birthing techniques that may benefit me more and if she throws in the lamaze, It'll be nice to have on hand. Little bit of everything.

Angela, sorry to hear about the friend from March Mummies. My heart aches for her. All these things to worry about. I don't think we'll ever stop worrying about our kids even when they're here with us. In fact, my friend from another board I've been friends with for about 10 years is at the hospital because her 2 year old was getting ready to go down a slide with daddy and before he cold catch her, fell off the platform 5ft. She was airlifted and had brain surgery. They have her sedated with lines through her head trying to get the pressure off her brain. Dad feels SO guilty and it's affecting him terribly and mom is flying on adrenaline and faith. She says though she wants Kenly healed, there is a possibility Gods plan may be different. Whatever the case she's at peace.

i just started BAWLING! :cry: There was no security railing on the platform and dad just feels as though had he caught that BEFORE she took that flying leap, his baby wouldn't have had this.

I'm never taking for granted the gifts we have today. You just never know. :shrug:

AFM: Received a call from a nurse today. She just bummed me the heck out! :haha: Aside from going over EVERY detail I've already been through with the Peri, she called because she was going to be MY personal nurse for questions (I guess its a free service from the insurance company). She told me to drink more fluids to keep preterm labor at bay which I already knew but I let her talk. BUT, she mentioned right after labor even if I get to term, Amelia will be taken directly and have an IV line put in her foot while being monitored for glucose issues.:cry:

Oh goodness! :cry: Poor kid comes into the world and has to deal with that because of MY stupid body. Just makes me sad because I don't want her to go through any pain, ESPECIALLY Pain that's done because of me. I know it's not my literal fault, just feel like My body lets my kids down in one way shape or form.

She also mentioned there's probably cause to be realistic that I may not get to full term. (My Peri may get pissed she's brought this up not really being familiar with my case).

Not sure if I mentioned it, but since pumping is covered under flex spending, I'm having the Dr. write a script and also a medical necessity note and I'm going to purchase a pump next weekend. I have to have it knowing A) there IS possibility of not making it to term even with the cerclage and meds and B) Amelia will be whisked away for either hours or days and will need breast milk.

Another issue NOT in the plan is that women with PCOS sometimes don't produce milk. I've seen MANY on here who do, but have also seen some that don't. So that has me a bit on edge too, but it's worth a try and if there's nothing there, I'm not going to stress about it.

So already things aren't going as hoped. I'm okay with it, but I'm a planner. :lol: So this means if there's a not so hoped for option, I NEED to prepare for it.

NOW, with that said, I think Angela that your using formula. If I can't breastfeed Amelia, I was thinking I'd add some formula to the registry list to be on the safe side.

Which formula do I go with? Also should I get a variety...some WITH iron, some without? Any help would be appreciated.

Other than that. All is well. I DO feel butt pain now:haha: I seem to be dealing with it just fine though. Side effects are normal. Best just to move on.:thumbup:
Hi Ladies,

Wow a lot has gone on in the past few days:

Junebug - Sorry to hear about your FIL. You and your family will be in my prayers

Austin Happy Belated birthday!!!! there are several of us Gemini's. My Birthday is TODAY :).

YAY Lynn B- Welcome we look forward to hearing about your pregnancy!

Svet- Glad that your shower went well. Looking forwrd to seeing photos.'

Anna - Good for you for signing up for birthing class. I liked my Lamaze class and I learned a LOT - even though I didnt use hardly any of it.

Rebekah - I totally understand about wanting to blame your body. I have been trying to deal with that for a while. My mom is here helping me for a couple of weeks and keeps giving me pep talks. We can't blame ourselves. This is God's plan - we need to trust that he knows what he is doing. Easier said than done. You can always talk to me if you need support in that area.

AFM - I have a bit of the baby blues which I think is worse because of lack of sleep. I have been crying on my mom's shoulder almost everyday. I guess that is what mommies are for.

Katelyn had her 2month check up yesterday. Everything is ok, except for her weight gain. I have to start adding rice cereal to my breastmilk - which means I have to put a hold on actually nursing her until she starts gaining weight at a good rate. She also has a bit a reflux so is on a presciption for that. Poor thing there are times when milk shoots out of her nose and mouth. She looks so scared when it happens it makes me want to cry - another baby blue issue for me.

I turn 38 today so I am going to get out of the house for a while and celebrate! I think I also have a bit of cabin fever.

I hope everyone is having a good day. I will check back later.

hi all!

Steph, HAPPY BIRHDAY!! There are a lot of Geminis. I hope your day goes really well and you get out of the house. Go for a walk! Baby blues are tough,espically with all that you are dealing with both mentally and physically. We are here too to be a shoulder or an ear,or whatever you need. Try and enjoy the day and know I think you are doing an AMAZING job of being a mommy.

MA, sorry about the nurse. Can you request a different one? As far as formula goes, there are SO many choices out there. Here's what i've learned: three different packaging types powdered, liquid concentrate, and ready to feed. Differences between these three vary by price and convenience. Then types of formula are milk based, soy based, and hypoallergenic formula. Milk based seems to be the most recommended. Soy based is for infant with milk allergies, but 50% of babie allergic to cow milk will be alergic to soy. But there are down sides to soy,check it out. Lastly hypoallergenic for infants allergic to milk and soy. But there are draw backs to this type too such as bad taste and corn syrup in some. So that's what I know. I found it in the Dr. Sears baby book. If you get a chance I think you would really enjoy this book, it seems very in line with what you want to accomplish through birth and baby hood.

AFM, woke up last night with bad cramps on just my right side. Anyone else had this. They came and went but didn't get stronger and finally went away. But they were bad enough to freak me out a little. Other than that summer is finally here!!!! Yeh!!!!!!! So happy. Have a good one! Anna
Hi everyone!!! :wave:
Quick shout-outs:

Steph: HAPPPY BDAY!!!! Hope you have an awesome day!!! I cannot imagine how tough it is to have such a small one... but will likely know the trials & tribulations of the weight gain game. Sounds like you are doing an awesome job!!! Having not been where you are yet, I hope to have a philosophy of doing whatever needs to be done for babies' well-being... which sounds like exactly what you're doing! Be it supplementing with formula, rice, you're doing an awesome job!!!! How long was Katelyn in NICU? I can't remember, sorry! Our goal is to get far enough that no one has to spend more than 6 weeks... [-o<

CJ/June - Good luck with the bday party!!!! How fun!!! Cannot wait for birthday parties to plan!! I love entertaining, so do tell all the stories... Just don't wear yourself out!!! :)

Hope everyone else is having a great Thursday!!!

AFM - Celebrating another week today!:happydance: 23!!! Getting close...
We are heading on our last out of town trip this weekend to DH's family in Houston (about 3 hrs by car)... Little worried to travel, but will just take lots of breaks (as I have to potty about every 20 min... lol) and take it easy!! But feeling really good, so staying positive....

We're making the trip for 2 showers... all thrown by DH's family. One for ladies in the morning on Sat & a big couples' shower on Sat night (ie: booze... lol) with more family & DH's friends from way back... Very lucky that he has such a great family support network. I don't really, as no family on my side has volunteered, although my fab girlfriends are doing one in Austin next weekend...

Anyone have any tips for swollen feet/legs issues? I rest & put 'em up, but I end up with fat cankles by about 10 am.... :wacko: Not exactly the glam "yummy mummy" look I want to have for the shower... oh well...

Take care everyone!!!!

PS - thank you again for all your bday wishes!!! :hugs:
Happy Birthday Steph!!

So sorry you have the baby blues!:hugs::kiss: I'm glad though that you have your mom to lean on. That kind of support is so crucial.:thumbup:

Have you been to the bf'ing forum yet? I've found them very helpful even though I'm not quite there yet. I'm sure they too can give you some needed support.

I'm sure she'll get the food she needs and the acid reflux will calm down with the meds. I'm sure it's all so confusing at the same time. I'll have you to talk with by the time I go through it. :winkwink::flower:

Anna, I've had cramps before. I'm not really the one to ask though as I'm not really NORMAL.:wacko::haha: I do know that some women feel braxton hicks contractions or they can be the round ligament pain (though I don't think that's a sign of your symptoms).

Charmaine, I've been told to drink ALOT of water for the swelling. 2 liters or more. Cut down on the salt intake as well. That's been a hard one for me.:wacko:

No news is good news from me.:winkwink::thumbup: I have a regular weekly appointment with the Peri, but nothing with scans. Just to check my sugar levels and make sure I'm feeling okay. I'm sure it will be fine. I'll be waiting to see the following weeks scans though as they will check my length and also they want to see the heart and anatomy before the 8wks to the cardiologist to maybe shed some light on what he saw. I PRAY he didn't see a THING!:winkwink:

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