35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Holy you-know-what, Junebug - I can't believe someone stole your $$ while being a guest in your house! :growlmad: What's wrong with people?? I had someone do that to me at a party I threw once - it's enough to make you sick. Good idea about the next one being at a different location. And that same thunderstorm hit us, too - quite the doozy, wasn't it? I think there's more coming through this week, too. Ah, well, as long as it's while I'm at work I guess I don't much care.

On a more positive note, that's so great that your sister will be able to stay with you - how awesome is that?? :thumbup:

Lucy, I've been thinking about the whole church thing, too. I've actually been "church shopping" lately. Like you I was raised Catholic. But I've always had a bit of a problem with a lot of the hypocrisies found in many of the organized religions, so I've been trying to find a church that feels "real" to me. If that makes any sense... :shrug: And I truly mean no offense to the various denominations out there, I'm just trying to find the right fit for me. It's funny how having a little one makes you reevaluate things...

Oh, and Junebug - I really admire your love of your career. I wish I'd found something that I enjoyed doing, instead of settling for doing something only because it was what I knew how to do.

Unfortunately, I haven't found any job openings for a World Travelling Wine Sampler & Jewelry Buyer. I keep lookin', though... :thumbup:
Oh, and Junebug - I really admire your love of your career. I wish I'd found something that I enjoyed doing, instead of settling for doing something only because it was what I knew how to do.

Unfortunately, I haven't found any job openings for a World Travelling Wine Sampler & Jewelry Buyer. I keep lookin', though... :thumbup:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Awesome!!! I know, I feel very fortunate that I love what I do. I feel like I help people and so thankful to have that opportunity!

Yeah, I know... I've narrowed it down to the 5 year old who knows what money is and whom I caught wandering around the the 3rd floor, and another person... Still pissed about it. DH was focussed on the fact that it might be misplaced, refusing to believe someone took it, but nope, we searched the office inside out.
happy monday morning all!

Sunshine, your experience has spured me to call my doctor. Even though my cramps were last week, I have felt that things smelled funny "down there" for a while, so I've got a call into the doc. (sorry t.m.i) I should have called last week but I fear being "that patient" the one that calls over nothing, but i'm siding with caution and made the call. As for cancun i'm in! Although Mexico without cocktails sounds just plain wrong. Our birthing clases are every tuesday evening for an hour and a half. For like 6 weeks. Should be interesting to watch DH during the classes. LOL!!!

Austin, yeh week 23! How were the showers? How was the drive to houston? Swelling, I have total kankles by the end of the day. My acupuncturist said eat rice which pulls moisture out of rhe body and two cups of green tea which will act as a diruretic.

MA, glad things are on the up swing and you sound much more positive. Congrads on week 22, looking foreward to week 24 and beyond!

Vivienne,so glad all the tests came back good. I have my sugar test in a couple of weeks.

CJ, thank for the swelling advice. Happy early birthday to you! As for the party . . . Can't believe someone would have the nerve to steel from their host!!! I know it sounds cheesy, but I was at a McDonalds yesterday with a big play yard and I was thinking this is the place for a party, let everyone run wild!! Of ourse it's mcdonals,but maybe something along that line. How's your first monday back?

Happy auntie So good to hear from you! Thanks for the BFP news, I will definitely check it out on the other thread!

Rottpaw, wow acid reflux info! I didn't realize it was that common. I have heard the swings are a life saver and we will register for one. The Batteries are duly noted.

Steph, so sorry the sleep thing is so hard. I'm like you and need sleep so i'm worried about the stress of not getting any. Hand in there mama.

Lucy, I wish I could stay home too!! A rich hubby would be nice, but I wouldn't trade my poor one in for anything. Although I wish I didn't have to go back to work until she is in school. The cost of day care here is so high! I think if all works out we will only have to use day care one day a week. Problem is a lot of them have minimums. Like three days a week minimum. So we'll have to work it out. I should already be on a wait list. All the day care centers have up to three month waiting lists. It's crazzy!

AFM, nothing new to tell ( the doc hasn't called back yet). We played golf all weekend nine holes on sat and nine holes on sunday. Weather was georgeous. I have friends that say they played their best golf while pregnant . . . So NOT my case, but it was fun anyway.

ok that's everyone I think. . . Skye,hope you're well! Svet, hope you had a good weekend!

xx anna
Hi Pablo, how are you feeling? 27 weeks already, can still remember your bfp how funny! I had an infection at 38 weeks pregnant, its good to get these things sorted....hope you can sort it out quickly and easily. :hugs:
I wouldn't change my OH for anything especially not money.....I just know going back to work will be so hard in December! :wacko:

Junebug it's great to have something for a job that you love isn't it? I am a special needs teacher, and I miss my little sweeties even after just 2 months away...:flower: Maybe that will make it easier to go back to work....:thumbup:
Lucy, I knew what you meant. There's not a day that goes by that I don't dream of winning the lottery. And I agree going back to work can be espically hard. However, it sounds like you have a very rewarding career if not lucrative (sp?). When i'm President all teachers will get a ten fold raise. I have friends who work in special ed and it takes a very special person to do what you do. I hope that reward will make it easier for you.

I just went to the bank this afternoon to see a girlfrind I haven't seen in a while and found out she's due early november. I now have two other local friends that are due one in early october and one early nov. Nice to have baby budies.

have a good one! Anna
Junebug, I would be livid if that happened to me and to honest I would give everyone who was there the third degree!!! But also I am (as my OH puts it delicately) a bit of terrier and extremely blunt when it comes to people doing wrong either to me or anyone else! It embarrasses him :blush:

AFM, have been prescribed Ranitidine for the reflux and regurgitation (TMI) so I can get a bit of kip at night, as I cannot sleep sitting up and when I slide down the bed I end up choking on acid (sorry tmi again). Bleurgh. :cry:

Also I am cutting back hours at work as I cannot stand for 9 hours a day anymore sadly. :cry: I do have a stool I can sit on but I am constantly having to get up and down off it so it's no good really. My bosses are great about it though and said whatever I can manage. I just feel a bit useless now.

OH and I have discussed going back to work after baby's born. He says I don't need to (money is not an issue for us as he makes a very good living -I am embarrassed to say that when so many people are struggling) but I would like to work at least a half day a week from 2 months on just to have adult time, if you know what I mean? Selfish I know when I am the one that pushed for us to try for a baby. :cry:

Sorry, feeling sorry for myself moment over, :blush:.

Much love to all. :flower:

PS Anna, how are you sleeping at the moment, do you get reflux? Oh and what did doctor say about 'down there'?
Happy Birthday, Junebug!!! :cake:

Pablo - I'm glad you called the doctor. I'm the same way with calling - I dont' want to be "that patient" either. I even apologized to them when I first called! But I guess if we don't call them every other day, we're okay.

To everyone else - good morning!
mornin' all!

vivienne, I am feeling fine, no reflux, cross your fingers I escape it. I am sorry it has been so hard for you. I hope the meds will help. As for work I know what you mean. I have a chair,but I try an get up to great everyone so I think i'm more up and down than just plain standing. However the chair does help to take breaks. I plan on cutting my hours back in the next month or so to maybe 32 hrs a week. I need to keep working as long as possible, but we'll see. Finally, please don't feel guilty for being able to stay home! Am I jealous? Yes, but so happy you can do that for your baby. Our silver linning is that I will be making the $,,so DH is daddy day care which is the next best thing.

Steph, and vivienne, thanks for asking doctor finally returned my call and is seeing me this afternoon. I feel a bit silly, but I guess better safe than sorry. I'm also going to ask for some guide lines re: when to be worried and call and when it's ok to just ride it out.

AFM, nothin to report. Started my day with nice long walk with my fur baby. The rivers are ragging here as we went from a record snow fall to summer in one week. So the hound got to swim lots and I got a good walk in. Favorite way to start the day. Hope you all are having a good day!! Anna
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNEBUG!!!!!!!! I hope you are having a fantastic day!!!!!

Viv - I agree with Anna! Do not feel guilty because you don't have to work! Shoot I wish I were in that position. That is great! I am like Anna - I am working and my DH will probably stay home with the baby for a while.

Anna/Chris 2- What my Ob told me was if you think it is important enough to call about, just GO IN! She said that when you talk to people on the phone it is a crap shoot that they will really understand what is going on. That is one of the reasons I went to Labor and Delivery 2 days before I had Katelyn. Instead of calling I just went in and glad i did!

AFM - Today is the last day my mom will be in town for a while. She leaves tomorrow morning. I am very bummed. 2 1/2weeks went by very quickly. I am trying not to be depressed about it. The only positive thing about her leaving is that my and DH will start Weight Watchers tomorrow. I think he gained just as much as I did! LOL

Morning/Afternoon to everyone else. I hope that any DR appointments are going well and that everything is good!

Morning, Everyone!!!

Lots to catch up on....

First, congrats to Lava from the other board for her BFP! Hope we will see her here soon!

Junebug - Happy Belated Bday!!! Hope it was a good one... On the other note, WTH???? Someone STOLE $$$ at your baby's birthday party???? Un-freakin-believable.... Sorry and I hope that doesn't completely spoil your memories of the day!!!

Anna - Hope you are well & dr appt gave you some peace of mind. Good for you for deciding to call & make appt! I am the same way, don't want to "bother" folks... a mind set that we HAVE to get past for a while, right? Sounds like you and the fur baby had a great time!!!! We have a lab/swimmer, too.... Nothing like the pure, unadulterated joy of watching a pup jump in the water, is there? :))

Steph - Good luck on your own!! I am sure it must be hard to see your mom go & sure it is hard for her, too! Deep breaths... you will do great!!!

Viv - Sorry the reflux is so bad!!! I have heartburn & the lovely little gas/acid bubble that follows all my many burps, but not true reflux... luckily. Yay for a stool! Don't know about everyone else, but the sheer extra weight I'm carrying makes my feet hurt with as little as walking from the parking lot into the grocery store now! Much less standing all day... ouch!!!

Sunshine - If you need a partner in the world-traveling, wine sampler / shopper business, let me know!!! I'd have a Top-Knotch Resume!!!! LOL!

MA - Prayers & BIG HUG for you this week, my friend!!

Svet, Skye, Lucy, Codegirl, and everybody else I can't remember at this moment - :hi:

AFM - Was a BIG weekend... Two baby shower from DG's family & friends on Saturday... was SO AWESOME!! Everyone is so supportive & so generous... Crazy to unwrap THREE of everything... and people got the cutest stuff!!! All sorts of little dresses, onesies, got TWO of our carseats, FOUR playpens, THREE swings, THREE bouncers... but my favorite presents were three absolutely LOVELY pink afghans (baby size) all crocheted by DH's only living grandmother... :cloud9: Priceless gifts for these little girls!!!

One shower left to go this weekend... I am a very lucky and blessed girl... :cloud9:

Had one scary day this week - OB has told me to expect contractions... I am measuring at 37 weeks this week... Not to worry, except if they are painful OR have 4-5 at reg intervals in a one hour period. Problem is... I have tightening ALL the time!!! So Monday afternoon/night, the tightening just didn't go away... ALMOST went to ER & prob should have... SO SCARY!!! Week 24 is a HUGE milestone, but still waaaaaay too early for these babies to come!

One cool thing... next week I am having some kind of test, where they can test somethng in your cervix which may tell if you are likely to deliver in the next 2 weeks... positive result is not really determinative, but a negative result is pretty accurate. PRAYERS FOR NEG RESULTS!!!! And can have the test every 2 weeks after week 24....

Sorry for the novel, girls... I am needing to go back and catch up on a few pages here and on the old board where I still go to stalk and hope for more ladies to join us here!!! Hope the week is going well!!!

Quick question related to my "tightening"/contractions issue mentioned above:

Only thing I can possibly think of that I ate differently that day (thinking maybe a lot of gas????) is watermelon.... And I ate a LOT of it that day...

Any thoughts, girls???
Steph, you'll do great! I know what you mean though when my mom left I cried. She was with me for the first 2 weeks. And while DH was extremely helpful, my mom was the one to take her from 6AM to 9AM so DH and I could get a bit of sleep...

Steph/Anna, I'm so glad others are in the same boat as myself! It's rare to find other couples where the mother needs to work (earning more bottom line) and the father is the stay at home parent. I'm usually the odd-woman-out here and have no one to sympathize with me! It's so sweet to see small babies being cared for by their fathers, I really love watching DH in action :cloud9:

Anna, how did your apt go yesterday? Hope you got some answers!

Viv I started slowing down at work too at 30 weeks! I still worked the same amount of hours but just saw less patients and sat a lot more! I had bad reflux too, was taking 150mg ranitidine at bed time PLUS propping my upper body up with 3 pillows to get some relief :wacko: Hope the ranitidine helps!

Austin/MA/Svet/Rottpaw/Code/Chris/Lucy :hugs:

AFM, had a nice BDay :) Sushi with my little family (Zoë LOVES edemame!), and then a nice quiet evening with DH playing New Super Mario Bros on Wii with wine :) DH gave me a gorgeous silver charm bracelet with a pendant enscribed with Zoë's full name, Zoëlle Sarah Danica, and another pendant with her birthstone. He says he'll get one of each again for baby #2. OH and last night we discussed something that I've been thinking about for a while... I've been feeling that my family won't feel complete after baby #2, that I "need" to meet our baby #3 too... Turns out he feels the same way, but was afraid to bring it up since I was adamant for 5 months after Zoë's birth that I was DONE. I promised him I'll go on anti-depressants right after or even during the next pregnancy, since I was NOT in a good place for almost 6 months (REALLY bad for 3 and slowly recovering for 3). Obviously if we have twins the next time around, we'll be done ;-) But I'm so relieved to have that off my chest!!!

OK off to see my first patient, will check in later!
Austin we posted at the same time!!!

RE: foods that cause labour/contractions/tightening. The jury is still out on most, to me it appears a lot is just old wives's tales. I'm sure there is someone out there who will swear that watermelon triggered her labour. I'm a bit suspicious of all these claims, essentially the uterus will start contracting when it is going to start contracting, regardless of what one ate!

That being said, tightening of the uterus is common, even for singleton pregnancies. I guess it would start earlier when carrying triplets. But I did have some Braxton-Hicks starting at 26 weeks when my uterus just went rock hard and it actually made me stop dead in my tracks. I say, go in and get checked out, no matter how benign they may seem! It's definitely worth it for the peace of mind and if something is happening, at least you'll already be at the hospital!

Sounds like you got spoiled indeed, lucky girl! The best gifts to me are the ones that are hand-made, what a gorgeous treasure your DH's grandmother gave you :cloud9: Of course car seats, bouncy chairs and playpens are VERY useful too ;-) So glad you had a blast!!!
Okay, Austin - just as soon as our kids are out of diapers, off we go! The tough part will be getting the hubbies to warm up to the idea... :haha:

Did you ever call your doctor about the tightening thing? If you did (or do), keep us posted on what s/he said. That IS cool about that test you're having done next week. It should really help put your mind at ease. And/or prepare you for the big day! (Just not yet!!) It's funny you mentioned that test - I just read about it for the first time a few days ago. The article didn't go into detail, it just said that it existed. Is it a new test, or has it been around for a while?

So happy for you that you had such great showers! And I know what you mean about the baby afghan - a VERY precious gift. I had a very special aunt (a second mom, really) in my life that passed away a few years ago. She was always knitting, and I've since found out she knitted a baby afghan years ago that my mother was hanging on to. It will now have a proud position in the nursery.

Junebug, so you're going for three, huh? How awesome that hubby was thinking the same thing! I think if I said that to MY hubby, he'd run away screaming. Good thing I'm more of a "One and Done" girl. :)

MA - hang on, girlfriend - the week's almost over!

Anna, Chris #1, Angela, Terri, Viv, Steph... Good morning!

Happy Hump Day, all!
Quick question related to my "tightening"/contractions issue mentioned above:

Only thing I can possibly think of that I ate differently that day (thinking maybe a lot of gas????) is watermelon.... And I ate a LOT of it that day...

Any thoughts, girls???

Watermelon contains a lot of fructose & if you can't digest it all it turns into gas & makes you bloated. There are quite a few fruits that can cause the same reaction.
Morning ladies!! Gotta run but wanted to say :hi:

PS. CJ - I want three as well :thumbup:
AAAAAAHHHHHH Terri you have me all excited now!!! When would you be planning #3?
morning ladies, you make me laugh!

sunshine, I too am well qualified to travel, drink and shop, just say the word and I'll leave the exciting world of T shirt sales behind. Also I think we're a one and done couple too. It took us so long to get just the one, I would be ancient by number two or three.

Austin, I agree and think getting the tightening cheked out is important. Beter to be safe than sorry. I can just imagine the weight you're carrying! I am barely managing one, could not even think of three. Fingers crossed for negative test results next week. I too have been having plain tightening but it dosen't hurt, just feels weird. Watermellon, ate way too much a week ago and holy moley did it clean me out, also had pretty good gas cramps. Sorry TMI. Lastly,love the afghans! such a sweet gift! So glad you got so hooked up! That's awesome.

Steph, LOL on DH gaining weight. I am sorry your mom is leaving, but I know you'll be great too! If not a little tired.

Junebug, go girl, three babies! Thanks for the working mom support. It's hard. Did you have any guilt? The dr.sears book makes it sound like you're horrible if you have to go back to work.

Lynnb and codegirl, hi!!

AFM, thanks for all the inqueries. Turns out yes, I had contractions last week and should have gotten my butt to the ER. However, she checked my cervix and all is well. She also tested me for BV and lo and behold, positive. Don't know for sure if one caused the other, but i'm on meds for the BV and she said if the cramps happened again to get thy self to the emergency room so they can monitor me. She said always to error on the side of caution. So point taken. I've been working long hours, so may try and chill a little. Take more breaks. Problem is there's just so much to do. Good news is that I have someone coming in today to help for a few hours. You should have seen DH's face last night when I told him I had contractions last week. I think he thought we were going to have the baby right away. He asked if we were going to have a premie. I said I hope not but we still have three more months to go. . . Who can say. Planning on taking the girl all the way to 40 weeks.

that's all I got to say. Have a good hump day! Anna
p.s. MA, where are you? I always worry when you haven't posted in a while.
p.s. MA, where are you? I always worry when you haven't posted in a while.


Holy BV going around isn't it? I guess I should have gotten checked out too for it when I had my symptoms, but all ended up fine. Duly noted for next time though! Yep I agree, ALWAYS err on the side of caution!

I did feel guilty at first Anna TBH. However, I thrive when I have a lot on the go, and happy me equals happy mommy thus happy baby :winkwink: I didn't read enough of Dr. Sears to get to the part where he makes working moms feel guilty but I can see that with what I've read of the book. Staying at home with babies and kids is NOT everyone's cup of tea, and it surely doesn't make one a bad mother if one choses to work! :hugs:

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