35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hello Ladies!

Some of you I know from my other posts :flower: and for those I don't know yet :hi:

I am newly pg with my first and am so excited but so sick...ugh. but my first ultrasound is this thursday morning!

:hugs: to you all, please excuse me while I go throw up...again. what makes it worse for me today is I had to go into work (rather than my usual working from home) so I was sick on the train and now I have to go eat lunch with my boss' boss....Nice guy but not liking the fact I have to eat food.

WELCOME Newmarriedgirl.
What a great wedding present, a baby!
Sorry about the nausea, any questions feel free to ask, I had it quite bad too and I know it's so unpleasant to have to act 'normal' around people at this time!! :hugs:
Hi all,
Lots to read again. I'm trying not to sit at computer too much as I'm training my boy to get head down and stop alternating between transverse and breech, little sod!

In NZ we have an aftercare facility called Plunket which visits you at home each week for first year of baby's life. Also the midwives tend to visit for 6 weeks after birth as well. We don't do pediatric doctors here unless there are issues, the baby just gets registered with your GP and he will refer if necessary to a Ped. Most GP's here have had Ped training, plus there are a whole host of other free drop in clinics if you have concerns plus a free 24 hour baby healthline.

Anna, yes the Penguin is all over the news here. They call him/her HappyFeet :haha: They haven't been able to sex the penguin yet, so it's a good name. He/she is doing well and hopefully they will be able to release him deep in our Southern Ocean so he can swim back to Antarctica. There should be other emperor penguins in that area, juveniles, that hang out there so he should find his way back. We can't fly him back because it's the polar winter and there are no flights while it's dark and a boat may take too long. Also there is the Antarctic treaty 46 countries ratified, which states, no live birds can be transported there without a permit! So he essentially needs a passport to land on the continent!!

Happy weekend all.:hugs:
Hey all :hi:
Hope everyone's having a lovely sunny TGI Friday :coolio: hahahahahahaa

Steph I didn't know Katelyn was born early. How early was she? She looks great now. Not small at all. is nursing much more difficult than bottle feeding even if it's your own milk. I guess if you are outside bottle would be ideal but is it different when you are at hm as well? Pls add in more photos as she plumps up if you have the time. She is a real cutieee.

Angela does the grandparents live far from you? I'm sure they're happy with the photos never the less. I'm really curious about the den now. I bet my flat will turn into that once I have the baby. hahaha Post the photo if you can even if it's 4 months later. :)

Austin some favorite snacks? dunno if you would be allowed after csection but I think you would deserve a good bar of chocolate after all that no? Lol!!!! And clothes, nappies etc for girls.

Lucy, how's little Tilly doing? :)))

MA no wonder you feel depressed, sleep deprivation is really bad for the moods. Why could you not sleep? Do you get uncomfortable. It takes me sometimes a long time to fall back to sleep once I wake up for toilet. (too warm, too cold, uncomfortable on side etc etc) Also all the hormone imbalance, insulin extra meds you are taking might have depression as side effects. And all the worry about Amelia's health :wacko: On a good note you are on a double digit today Yaaaay!!!
And you will hopefully feel a little better once you start getting out a bit. Hope you wouldn't have PPD :hugs::hugs:

Anna let us know how the birthing classes go :) You have only 3 months to goo. How exciting.
We all aspire to the Duchess and the Duchess aspires to fake tans and boobs Hahahahaaa!!! C, you can never take the desire of having massive boobs out of a girl :haha: After all she isn't very gifted on that department. :rofl: It's like the two peas in Duke's bed.:rofl::rofl:

Hey Lava, how u doing hon :))) Can't wait to hear about your appt. Are they gonna give you photos as well? You will see that now the bbs are more shaped like a gummy bear. So cuteee. How's the nausea? Maybe it would start settling down soon. if it's hormone related (although the evidence isn't for sure) my hormones started settling about that time. You probobly have it more cause you have 2 :)) How is the exhaustion? I cannot open my eyes in the mornings and in the evenings still. Just wanna sleep and rest all the time. Can't bring myself to go to gym but I try to do some walking everyday at least. And my tummy is really defined. :) Not sure how much is fat. I bet you'll have a bigger tummy soon. :)

My pregnancy research has lead to one and only discovery yet. A cream called Trofalastine to prevent the stretch marks. Apparently only ointment that actuall works which has been researched by a group of dermatologists. However it is only produced in Spain by novartis. And very hard to get hold of. I will order from ebay. Thought i should share with u girls...

Chris it sounds like you are having a nightmare with this tooth. Maybe they need to make an emergency culture and see which antibiotics would work. Hope they could sort it out fast. Also you are right about the PTL so talk to your ob and ask about advice. Maybe draining procedure is more beneficial than the risk? Better find out hon. :hugs::hugs::hugs: You poor girl :hugs::hugs: Uuughhh!!! I absolutely hate dental pain...

Viv:wacko: surprised that your MS came back. :dohh: Hope it goes away soon. I saw the article for the penguin. Poor traveling sod. hahahhaha!!! I wonder if he can make it all the way back?

Hello Code girl and New Married Girl xxx
Morning ladies!

Not much sleep for me last night again, I am afraid. And I was doing so well there finally for about a week! Sigh. Oh well. I am resolved to stop letting these bad nights become bad days too. onward to a great day!

So today we are celebrating Ethan's four month birthday! Not formally of course lol but I can't believe he is four months today!

Okay typing with one hand not working so well lol more later!
Hi everyone :hugs:

Tilly is doing well thanks Skye, just had her 8 week check up (early) and first injections next Friday. She weighs about 11 lbs now, so getting nice and chubby. We are even getting decent sleep, she will sometimes go 6 hours and not wake up, usually we get 7/8 hours a night, broken for me though with one feed. :thumbup:

I used this moisturising cream made for pregnancy that we have here made by Sanctuary called 'mum to be', I didn't get any stretch marks, but I don't know if it's down to the cream or genetics. :shrug: I would LOVE a cream to make my saggy tummy nice and tight again lol

Hi Rottpaw, happy birthday to Ethan, 4 months already! Hope you will get better sleep soon. :kiss:

Anna, don't be too worried about the birth, it's just something you have to get through, and you just do when the time comes. :hugs:It's good to make sure you have all the info beforehand, so you have some say in what happens.
morning all,

Lucy, you're right of course, I am hoping the birthing classes will help. Hope I don't have this baby before their over. LoL. Sounds like Tilly is doing really well! Good luck with the tummy thing, sounds like it just takes some time and a million sit ups.

Skye, you make me laugh! I have little boobs, still do, I can wear a lot of my pre pregnancy bras still! I hope they have a good trip. At least their not going to the Jersey shore, I would die of embarassment. No offense to the east coast people. How far along are you now?

Just realized I sound colorado biased. I am of course, but we too have our fair share of dumb asses.

Lava, good luck at doctor today. Enjoy the long weekend, it's much deserved and needed. I remember being soooo tired the first trimester. It gets better.

Vivienne, hope Happy Feet makes it! I think as much as I wanted to keep working 40 hrs to the end, I will cut down to 32 in augest. Between leg pain and just plain fatigue these 40 hr work weeks are really hard. On the good side, I made an appt with the physical therapist this am for next tues. Am hoping she can help with the pelvic and hip pain.

I love that you have such good support after the baby is born. We don't have anything like that here. I think it's awesome!

MA, thanks for explaining the NCIU thing. I had no idea! I think it's best to be prepared, sounds like she will be in very good hands, fingers crossed that she will need none of it.

Rottpaw, good luck on the sleep front.

Austin, sunshine, codegirl, and everyone I missed, have a great weeknd.

AFM, it's friday and i'm in survival mode for the day. By the end of the week i'm just so tired. Plus only one day off as the holiday traffic will make the store crazy, taking next wednesday off instead of sunday. Ok enough self pitty. Hope everyone has a good weekend and Happy 4th of July to all the US girls.
Catching up with you ladies in here. I slept for the first time really well last night. It's 2pm though and I feel so lethargic that I need a nap. Side effects for the week are nausea from the shot. Good news is that the injection site today didn't spew out blood. Tried the best we could to get a good spot and rub the gel to disperse it. Hopefully this weeks injections will be minimal side effects though the 17P IS working so far.

Get some needed rest Anna, enjoy the 4th dear! Angela, are you not sleeping because of bf'ing or is the babes having a tough evening schedule? So sorry you didn't get sleep.

skye, your right about all the combined issues causing the blues. Doug (the bed rest police) is letting me go to my cousins up the road for a 4th of July party. It's supposed to be 90 and I think humid here. He's not a fan of the heat and won't be there to tell me to go home so he's assigned my cousin and my parents to take me home in the case it gets too hot. :haha: Hopefully I'll be just fine as the outing is something I need to get past the blues.

No creams are going to help me. I already have stretch marks so there's no point to the creams. I consider them battle scars. :rofl:

Love to you all! :hug:
Got to see our two little gummy bears on ultrasound today. Yay! Hope everyone is doing well & has a great weekend (and holiday for the U.S. girls)!
hahahaahaaa Anna don't really think that they would go there to check out the boobs either but I just wrote that cause it is funny. Hahahahahaaa. Didn't mean to offense any small booby ladies. Sorry!!!

Sleepless nights !!! I guess that's what's awaiting all of us expectant ladies sooner or later. So double hugs for you Angela :)) :hugs::hugs:

Lucy Tilly sounds like very good about sleeping. Touch wood. Some of my friends didn't sleep at all for a quite a long time. :)

MA have a great 4th July party. :)) U need a bit of fun so that would be great. :)

Lava Yaaaaayyyyy!!! Did you get any pictures? When is the next scan? Mine started looking more like human after 10 weeks. Jigging it's little hands and feet :)) So funny :)

Have a nice weekend girls :)) And a nice 4th July Us ladies :))
Happy Canada Day and Fourth of July ladies!!!!

I am all caught up now, but WAY too much to comment on. Sounds like everyone is doing well. Lava, YAY!!!!! :yipee: I just had a feeling it was going to be fine. I really did :thumbup:

Someone mentioned something about peeing... I think it was MA... well don't worry I do it all the time!!!!! Started around 24 weeks for me. Mostly it will happen if I sneeze, but it has happened in the past from just changing leg positions standing :wacko: I find it quite funny really. Wear a pad and chalk it up to pregnancy blunders. I really wouldn't read more into it than that. As for kegals... the nurse at my birthing class says you shouldn't do them before birth :huh: but after instead. She said around 36 weeks you should actually be going in there and stretching the muscles out to help aid delivery. :shock: Not saying she is right, just putting it out there!

TGIF and have a nice weekend ladies. We are working on the babies room. It's a lot bigger a job than anticipated. We have had to do a lot of plastering on the walls because of nicks and holes. We'll have to prime now too AND paint the ceiling... It will be a good week or two before we can even begin colour. Oh well.

Oh, and I failed my 2nd exam. :cry: I really am not a stupid person. It's the exam. I am soooooo frustrated. I have decided to re-write one final time before baby comes. i don't want this looming over me while on mat leave. Third times a charm??? Let's hope!!! :thumbup: I have been asking around and it seems most people in my office only passed on the third go too. Misery loves company in this scenario! it's such a blow to my pride. I have NEVER failed anything ever in my life until these courses.

k, going to go watch the new season of Top Gear now! vroooom! vrooooooom!
Thanks Chris! :hugs: Amelia seems to be on my bladder kicking the heck out of it today. I have to pee every two minutes. I think I'm going to try the cat position again and see if she moves out of where she is right now. She's too funny though. I asked for it. She's been quiet for most of the day. Now she's kicking away. I'd rather have her kick me in the bladder than not feel her at all. :winkwink:

Ugh, that stupid test! I know some places make them that way for some reason. If it's taken most people 3 tries, I wonder why they just don't make it easier. Seems as though they're doing it on purpose. Do you have to pay for each test out of pocket?? Hopefully not. How frustrating though.
Unfortunately I have to pay $220 each shot. Well, each re-write. The course and the first try was paid for by my company. Buuuuuuuut, with the 3rd try and some study notes I bought the other day, I am into this for $530+ UGH. At the most inopportune time too. Oh well. Try try try again right?

Yay for Amelia kicking around! It's truly the best feeling in the world. xo (Even if it makes you pee :haha: )
Happy weekend!

Skye- Katelyn was about ten wks early. I bad severe preeclampsia that came on ssuddenly. I will definitely keep sendinb photo. Because shhe was early she was n the nicu so she nad to bottlefeed but it was with my breastmilk. Kaiseris very pro bfding so i spoke with latation consultants abouttwice a week. Katelyn now does both bottlle and booby.

Angela - i hear u on th no sleep at night. I can normally get 20-30min btw feedings.
Rebekah- no sleep will definitely give u the blues. I would cry to my mom about how tired i was. I still get the baby blues every now and then but that is mainly because we cant really go anywhere yet. Ped said to wait til aug. Got a bit of cabin fever. Starting to hate my house and tv. Thank goodess for my nook.

Hope everone else is doing well. Only a few more weeks for some of you!
Evening everyone!! No time to catch up but have to share a quick picture of the boys.

tn_Canada Day_2011 07 02_0013.jpg
Awww, too cute!

Well, ((sigh)) I'm allergic to macrobid. Or at least thats what we're thinking. Ive broken out in hives, have hot flashes, am nauseated. Trying Benedryl, but it only takes the itching sensation away for awhile. Dr on call says give it a couple days. :wacko: I'm ITCHY!! :haha:
Hi all
Hope USA is having a great long weekend.

MA my word you are just being put through the ringer!!

Anna, Happy Feet is doing well and they have determined it is a HE. YAY. Now I can tease OH that males really have a lousy sense of direction and don't stop to ask for directions! :dohh:
I had also planned to work as many hours as possible but it just wasn't worth the pain at the end of the day. I hope you get some relief for your hips soon

AFM, we hung the wallpaper last night and it's still up so bonus there. MIL has said they will buy us a baby monitor :happydance:
Still have the MS but not as bad as the first 17 weeks, just a bit frustrating that it has come back.

Well off to the vet now as one furbaby has scratched the eye of the other and it has gone cloudy overnight :dohh:

Love to all.

Eeeeek 6 weeks to go!
Hey Viv!

Yay on the wallpaper staying up. :lol: That's a plus. :winkwink: Sounds like everything is coming along.

Love the joke about males not having sense of direction. :haha: too funny. Though I'm terrible with directions. Shshsh

Ah yes, it's been one thing after another. I feel like a hypochondriac with as many issues as I've been having. Not to mention a "frequent flyer" at the hospital or Dr.'s office. :wacko: Hopefully they won't see me as the boy who cried wolf...well that's not true because I've had an issue each time..but you know, hopefully they won't get sick of me and end up ignoring serious issues that could be present in the future.

Took an oatmeal bath. Well, I can't sit in the tub so I sat on the side and Doug helped to rub me with the oatmeal solution. It's stopped the itching but the spots are spreading. I feel terribly sick. I knew I wasn't feeling the greatest the past few days. Today when I was sick in bed I just knew something was up. Didn't find out it was an allergic reaction until I actually saw my leg this evening in the bathroom. Tried not to panic. :haha:

Hopefully I'll get some sleep tonight and it will be gone tomorrow. :thumbup:

It's been an Interesting pregnancy. My pregnancy with Jackson was free from all this. In fact, I felt my best. Maybe that was a sign my pregnancy wasn't going well. I've been REALLY sick on and off with different issues this whole pregnancy with Amelia. At least I'll have stories afterwards to laugh about! :thumbup:

Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone! :hug:
Happy 4th of July to all my American friends!!!

MA - good dr. don't keep track and think that you are "the boy who cried wolf" when you actually have a lot of issues. I actually appoligized to my baby dr. about how much I had to come in and she was like "don't be silly, your high risk pregnant" :thumbup:
It could only happen you MA :hugs: hope you feel better soon

Ok a little intro about me...

I've been following this thread since the start along with the TTC#1 over 35 thread. I started reading it after my miscarriage back in February as I had turned 35 four day before the loss.

The girls on the TTC thread have and are still being fab at supporting me as it's been a very emotional time and I'll still be staying in there for the next few weeks but wanted to dip my toe in here whilst I am in a positive frame of mind :flower:

Hi gals!!!
Happy 4th to you US girls! And Happy Belated Canada Day to you Northerners! :)
Quick catch up on all the posts...

Never - Congrats to you, hon! I understand the caution... Hope you are feeling well! Please let us know how you are doing!

Code - What cute little men you have!!! awwwhhh....

Svet/Chris - Sorry about the test, that just stinks!! But go ahead and do the 3rd time... for me retaining knowledge is part of the issue, and if you do it now, all the work you've spent so far will be put to good use! You can do it!!! Nursery work sounds good!!!!

Rebekah - Bless your heart!!! I so wish you would catch a break! I think it shows that your little Amelia is a strong-willed little fighter!! I am sure the docs don't see it like that, and feel for you, too... Hope you get to go the party & have a relaxing day!!!!

Angela & Steph - Sorry the sleep is so elusive right now for you girls!! I can commiserate, though not to the extent y'all are going through it, for sure... I agree that lack of sleep makes you blue... I had a rough night & just broke down in tears for nothing... literally. Nuts.....

VENT ALERT!!!!!!!! :(
Positioning is so hard right now... on the side, propped up on pillows, URRRRGGGHHH... My back just aches from lying down all the time!! Only relief I have is in the pool.... Had a brief claustrophobic moment the other day... so stripped down, grabbed a book and just floated a while til I calmed down... Anyone else felt that way? Like you're so huge and you just can't get away from it??? Yes, I DO sound like a crazy woman...

At my ob appt on Thurs., my belly measured at the equivalent of someone who is 41 weeks pg... and I hope to go on like this for another month or so! Trying not to be selfish and make it about "me", but this feeling is so hard... the not being able to breathe, move, get out of bed, etc... making me a bit crazy....

OK, vent over... thank you in advance for letting me rant... I am GOING to have a better day today! Maybe a trip to the movies will help!

Hope you all have a fantastic Monday!!!!

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