35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

checking in quickly...

Morning girls! :flower:

Too funny, Austin - I thought the same thing about the squash last week! Get used to it - I think we're squash for close to a month.

Anna - congrats on the promotion!!! :happydance::thumbup::happydance: Sorry the DH rained on the parade, but don't you pay him no "nevermind" - sometimes men just don't get it. :nope:

NMG - sorry about loosing the job, but it sounds like you're looking at it perfectly. Here's to the next exciting chapter!

Have fun on vaca, Angela!
morning girls,

It's been quiet for us,not much chatter.

First, thanks so much for all the kind words of congads and support. Means a lot.

second, has anyone been experiencing bad leg cramps? The last two mornings i've woken up to horrible leg cramps that have me howling in pain. DH for all his faults, jumps out of bed and starts rubbing them before I know it, so sweet. Just wondering if anyone else is suffering and may have a solution. I am going to google it too. Also y'all would be proud, I turned down a hike this am. After the other day, think my hiking days are reduced to mellow strolls for the next 6 weeks.

Chris #1 / Svet, bump buddy, how are you doing? Haven't heard from you in a while and hope all is well.

NMG, glad you have come to peace with job loss and have a new direction! Think that's awesome!

Sunshine, you didn't tell us how the scan went??
ok, nothing new, have a good day!!
Hey girls!!! Sorry I have been MIA. Actually it took me ALL week to catch up on all your chatter. :haha: A few things that I remember... Skye- could you be any cuter??? lol Loving the bump! NMG- sorry about the job, but it sounds like you have come up with a good solution.
I agree we can all live on less than we do, but for me to be a SAHM we'd have to sell our house. We don`t live beyond our means, but my DH's salary alone would not cover our mortgage and bills. So cutting out luxuries isn't always enough. I dream of being a SAHM. Not going to happen. *Sigh

Anna- I have leg cramps. Mostly hip pain that comes in the night and makes me toss and turn, then comes the leg cramps. I just do some stretches in bed and try to fall back asleep.

Just at work now, but I'll try to update better later tonight or this weekend.

love you all! xoxo
Ok, this is a bit embarrassing, but since my OB appt is not until Tues, I thought maybe you ladies would be able to tell me if this is normal. My DH noticed that I have a red rash on my backside. It almost looks like a bruise, with little red spots. It isn't itchy & the bumps aren't raised. Should I worry?
Quick check in . . .

Lava, haven't heard of that, maybe some else has, but no question is too embarrassing.

Svet, sounds exactly like my pain, hip pain all night then leg cramps early in the am. From what I've gathered, it's very common in pregnant women, they don't know what causes it, and there's no know cure. Some say it's due to a lack of magnesium, but there's little proof. So I guess suffer. trying to drink more water and stretching before bed may help.

Have a good night! Anna
Hi everyone!

Today was THE BEST day! FINALLY we hear good news for a change. Had Amelia's sonogram this morning and while she's uncooperative with her positioning each time (bum up head down in breach position) they were able to tell that she is right on target. 2.5 lbs and measurements are right on.

Amniotic fluid is abundant (thank you God) and all seems to be well.

Went to the perinatal appointment after and things are so good that she is letting me off bed rest. Of course this means I have to STILL be careful. Just because the stitch and injections are working doesn't mean that walking a ton and lifting or doing too much won't cause me to go into PTL. But I'm told I can go to the beach and SWIM. :happydance: I can take a walk -light walk and can go to the wedding...no major dancing but we can have a few slow dances.

We don't need the steroid injections for her lungs. She said while I could still get them, the issue is that if she gets them and the med does it's job in the next few weeks without any signs of PTL, IF we were to go in the weeks thereafter, it's possible the drug won't work it's magic when it's really needed. She thinks we're better off having the injections once symptoms start so I'm trusting her with that.

While my cervix is still funneling the good news is that my cervical length went up to 2.5cm's now. :happydance: The baby is above the funneling and not even CLOSE to the stitch quite yet. The bed rest HAS been working so I probably should be cautious in exactly how much I take on and not do it all at once.

Amelia has her pediatric cardiology appointment a week from this tuesday at the ungodly hour of 8am. :wacko: still praying that she doesn't have VSD.

I talked with the perinatologist about a 3D scan and she pulled her weight for the next sono at 32wks "IF" Amelia cooperates. Your prayers are coveted as alot of the scans we've had so far are fuzzy. We'd LOVE a good one of her and we'd also like the sonographers to get good views to rule out VSD and other issues. So far she's on target and doing well, but we're concerned about getting confirmation that she's clear of medical issues.

All in all it was a GREAT day! :happydance: 28wks is Sunday and I told everyone I'd be celebrating. I had lobster today. :haha: Looking forward to celebrating more in the upcoming weeks. At this point there are no guarantee's as to how early or late she'll be. She could come now but by the looks of my son, she's not even at the stitch yet. More likely I could go between 34wks and my due date of Oct. 8th. Stitch comes out and injections stop at 36wks so that's unpredictable in itself but I'm confident all will be well with our dear girl by the love and grace of God! \o/

Stress test starts in 4wks and the Doula has started us both in thinking of a "birth plan". Obviously it's more of an idea than a plan as we all know but the mere fact I'm open to things going differently is a pretty good sign. I'm still not into spinals or epidurals as you all know my issue of not feeling anything and being unable to move around. THAT issue I seem to be stubborn with but again, if the contractions in the front are any worse than they have been now (front contractions are new to me as I had all back labor with Jackson) then things my change to the point that I won't even care if I get one.

Enough talking for now...I'm just so happy I could DANCE right now. Good news for crying out loud...good news that makes me excited and pushes me forward to continuing our plans!


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Just a quick drop in as baby shower tomorrow and I am cleaning just a bit!!! I've gone mad with vacuuming and dusting :wacko:

Anna wahoo!!!:happydance: DH, ppffttttt forget about him and just enjoy your rewards!!! Oh and please please take it easy.
As for cramps, I'm getting them most nights, and when I feel it coming I stretch my toes out straight away and it pretty much disappears.

Lava, sorry not sure about rash, but if it isn't itchy or sore or bleeding then I think it is probably just hormonal and you should be ok until you see your midwife.

NMG, so sorry to hear about job, but yes a SAHM is the best job!!!!! You have a great attitude. :thumbup:

Angela, yay for vacays!

MA, so good to see you having good news for a change :thumbup:

AFM, had a scan, baby is a little bigger than average, 5 pounds 15 now with 4 weeks to go, so probably gonna be a 7 pound something?? No 4d scan as he is facing to the rear, head down, bum in my ribcage so YAY! Please stay that way.
Cut down work to 2 days and think this will be my last week as the standing for 5/6 hours is doing my back in.

HI to all :flower: And have a great weekend
Morning all!

It's sunday and fur baby is spun up so instead of sleeping in sitting on the back patio while the fur hunts the wilds of my parents back yard. We're in Denver to go to the baseball game today.

MA, that is just the greatest news ever!! I am so excited for you. FINALLY some good news! I just bet she makes it to pretty close to the due date,however 28 weeks is great!! Remember when you just wanted to get to 24? Good luck on the next scan. Also off bed rest woohoo!!! Look out!

Vivienne, have so much fun at the shower today! I know what you mean about work. Take care of your body and the baby, time to take some much deserved time off. BTW that's not such a big baby. There's a lady in Texas who just had a 16 LB baby!!! She was diabetic and thank god it was a cesarian birth,but the story scared the beejeezus out of me. Where we live babies tend to be smaller due to altitude, but given my and DH's height i'll be happy if she's under 8lbs. Got off track, have a great time at shower and can't wait to hear about it!!

hope everyone has a lovely sunday!! Anna
Hi ladies!!

Viv, sounds like everything is coming along nicely with baby and SO glad your cutting down the hours and not overworking yourself! :hugs:

Anna, How are you feeling since that walk the other day?!

Anyone watching girls soccer today?!

AFM, didn't sleep good again last night. Can't seem to find a good position. I'm noticing anxiety and depression again today. The good news is that the Doulas are watching me closely as are the Perinatologists and some close friends and family. I'll be taking a nap in a few minutes with hopes I get some needed rest and maybe that wandering mind and sadness will go. It comes and goes. Doesn't really seem to have rhymn or reason behind it. I have EVERYTHING to be grateful and happy for. It's just not making much sense at all.

Anyways, to bed I go for a nap. Have the rest of a great weekend ladies. :hug:
Hi girls! :flower:

MA - YAY! for good news! :happydance: Get some rest - you've earned it!

Chris #1 & Anna - I've read that hip pain/leg cramps are extremely common, unfortunately. I think I read somewhere that when the leg cramps hit to try stretching your heel out and toes up? :shrug: Ahh, the joys of pregnancy...

Lava - bummer about the rash. (No pun intended...) :lol: I can't remember what part of the world you live in - could it be some kind of heat rash? Although Viv's probably right - it's more than likely something hormonal. I swear, my body's done the weirdest things since I've gotten pregnant...

Viv - hope you had fun at the shower!

AFM - unfortunately the scan didn't go so well. And not for lack of trying on the tech's part. We paid for a 30 minute session - 1 hour and 20 minutes later, we STILL couldn't get a face shot. That dang baby just wouldn't cooperate. She was jacknifed in half with her hands AND feet up in front of her face and kept turning her head away from the probe. Gave us another good money shot, though. Yep. Still a girl.

We're going back for one more try this Saturday. If she STILL doesn't cooperate, well... I guess we'll have to wait to see that precious little face until she makes her grand entrance into the world.

We had our all day Prepared Childbirth class yesterday - it was pretty interesting, but LOOONG. We took a tour of the birthing area (although I'd already seen some of it when I was sent to L&D last month). BUT - this time I was able to check out one of their two birthing suites as well as the regular rooms they offer. They're an additional $100/night, but I don't care. If there's one available when I deliver, I'm getting one. They come with a big flat screen TV, coffee maker, fridge... which, by the way, the nurse kept calling a "mini-bar" before she'd say "Oops - I mean fridge!" I was thinking, no - you were right the first time, honey... :haha:

I hope everyone has a good week - I probably won't be on too much to check in, as I'm still training my work replacement. She's very nice, but dear Lord - she's driving me nuts!!! I step away from my desk, and she's on my heels. I pull up an amusing article to quickly scan, and she's laughing as she's reading it over my shoulder... I'm grateful to have a replacement this soon so I'll have the flexibility to take whatever time I need towards the end, and I'm thrilled she's picking things up and is eager to learn, but AAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!! :wacko: Breathing room! Look it up!!!

Okay - I'm done bi+ching now. :) Have a good week, all! :kiss:
Sounds like a lot of fun Chris! I'm trying to figure out if I should have a "REAL" tour since it's the same hospital I birthed Jackson in. Maybe I'll have a different point of view if I take a tour. I'm not even sure I plan to take birthing classes either as I got through without it when birthing Jackson. I had doug doing accupressure. I also think my Doula plans to share a little bit of all the birthing class options and teach me. I better not wait too long to figure it out, or I won't have a choice! :haha:

I'm still trying to figure out what Doug and I are going to do for an aggressive workout plan for the winter. WHY do I make the mistake of asking peoples opinion on fb?! :shrug: I KNOW better. Already I'm getting people responding to do workouts at home so our baby wont end up sick. Obviously I'm concerned about it and I'd RATHER not go without Doug, but I'm unsure about leaving Amelia too in her early months.

If anyone has an ideas I'd appreciate it. Because I have hypothyroid and type II diabetes I NEED an aggressive weight training workout. What a lot of the fb people don't get is that without the aggressive weight training, the hypothyroid makes my metabolism sluggish. Weight training melts that fat. This is life or death as I want us both to be around to actually RAISE Amelia. so staying home with a basic routine won't do one thing but keep my weight the same. :wacko:
HI ladies :flower:

Shower was great. I was spoilt but everyone had a blast and there were plenty of games and food!

Ha, I had cut down my hours but they were so desperate this week that I agreed to 4 shifts, but I did stipulate that this would be my last week on call. I mean he could pretty much make an entrance any time now, and I'd rather not go into labour at work! Oh the embarrassment! :blush:

MA you are doing so well, but a little depression and anxiety are fine. You are a caring and sensitive lady who has been through the wringer :hugs:

Sorry about the scan Chris, we had the same problem :dohh:

Anna, that lady and her baby made the news here, and it came up in our ante natal class last week. I do not know how they let her get that big. They must have known she had GD and that he was so big????????

Happy Monday :hugs:
Hi ladies!!!!
Lots of good news on here...
Rebekah - Sounds really good, hon! I think a little anxiety is normal, too... I have at least 2 cranky days a week now... and usually I recognize when its happening... For me, then usually coincide with hearing about friends fun summers, their fantastic vacations, etc... all things we would normally be doing, but for... THEN I try to remember how blessed we are and that its just one summer... :) If that fails, I take a bath!

Sunshine - Sorry your girlie didn't cooperate! Next time!!! You crack me up with the room and I completely agree, it is absoultely worth it to get the suite if one is available!! They sound awesome, mini-bar and all!!!

Viv - Congrats on the shower! SOUnds like you had a great time!! Hope your work week goes by quickly... You are SO in the HOME STRETCH!!!!!! :) :) :)

Everyone else - HI!!!

AFM - not much news... again, that's good! Doc appt on Fri was all good... BP 113/70 and looking good! I gained another 4 lbs... This one was HARD mentally & emotionally as I am now OFFICIALLY in the 200 club! It's just comical really, but I just NEVER dreamed I would get on a scale and see that number.... Hopefully, I will have some chubby & healthy baby girls to show for it!!!!!!

Went to 2 neighborhood parties on Sat... Very interesting... We live in the 'burbs, and the 1st party was all parents of young children (only 1 child over 2yo), but the coolest thing was all the parents were around our age! I was kinda shocked... Very awesome to know... I have dreaded being the "old mom" for school events, etc... and am sure there will be some of that, but it was really reassuring and everyone was so nice and laid back.... heard a new term that I thought was so funny... "Helicopter Moms" - evidently they are the ones that "hover" all the time and get into everyone elses beeswax... note to self - don't be one!!!

Happy Monday everyone!!!!

Anna - Congrats on the promotion!!!! That is just fantastic & shows what an asset you are to your company! Yay for you!!!! I have only had minimal leg cramps, but have also heard its really common... I try to get up and "walk it off", which must look hysterical, but works...
hi all!!

Sunshine, LOL on the mini bar! We start birthing classes tomorrow. I am sorry about your replacement, that is one eager beaver. Hope she chills a little as things become more comfortable for her. As much as my new hire was driving me nuts, he's coming around and the store looked great this am, so starting to think he will work out after all. It is great that you have a replacement in the works, takes some of the pressure off.

MA, sorry about the mood swings. I am very happy there are people looking out for you! I do think it's kind of normal, this whole worry wort thing. Goes along with being a new mom, but keep an eye on it. As for the exercise thing, i'm hypothyroid too, think it's why I try and exercise all the time. This is just an idea, but our local rec center offers free day care in the mornings. You can also hire a personal trainer that will develop a weight routine for you for an 8 week stretch. That way you only really pay for one or two trainer sessions but get an 8 week workout plan. You could drop amelia off at day care and work out, but be close by if she needs anything. Don't know if there's anything like that around you,but it's an idea. Also don't know if doug could participate.

Austin, things sound so great for you! I'll let you in on a little secrete that i've barely admitted to myself, but I think i'm at the 200 mark myself. Every time I go I tell them not to tell me the number and I look away, but last week it seemed they slid one of the weights to a new position. . . Ahhhh and i'm only carrying one!!! Hope that makes you feel better because admiting it out loud makes me feel like crap! LOL just kidding but it doesn't sit very well. I am hoping it will mean you will have three very healthy babies!

Vivienne, so glad shower went so well, what fun! You are a sucker girl, picking up four shifts. Be careful! Do not droop that baby in isle 10 of the store! It's hard to say no I know. Hope you are taking care of yourself. Where are you having this baby anyway? Did you find another birthing center???

rottpaw, lucy, codegirl hi ladies!!

NMG, skye, lava, hope you aare well!

Svet, steph, hope all is good.

CJ, still thinking of you . . .

I hope that's everyone but i'm sure I forgot some, sorry.

AFM, went to baseball game yesterday, great seats, horrible game ( the Rockies sucked), and it was 98 degrees. Remind me next time to stay home. Too hot for a pregnant lady. I kept getting cold paper towles from the bathroom and squirting water on myself, but we were in the sun and there was no mercy. As a result, I blew up like a puffer fish. Don't think there's any relationship to preclampsia, but I have another doc appt today so I will find out if all is well. Baby is moving around just fine. Is anyone having trouble explaining to friends and family you can't do what you used to do? I feel like people keep expecting me to pull off what I used to and I an't. I'm tired and have six more weeks left in this pregnancy. Cut me some slack. Anyway, now i'm bitching and rambeling. This week is the last full week of work! Down to four days next week!

ok, have a good monday!! Anna
Ohhh... Anna, sweetie... thanks for commiserating with me!! I wish I didn't know, but cannot look away on the scale.... It will all be fine and we will get all the weight off! Doesnt' help at all that we are prego in the summertime!!!

I am so so so feeling your pain at the ball game... Honestly, I don't venture out before dusk... I'm like a vampire, except I don't look cool at all!

Sorry folks aren't being understanding for you! I admit that everyone I see is pretty dern accomodating for me and they all say, "OH, you look great! Can't believe you're still getting around!" I think people heard triplets and expected me to grow another head or something! LOL...
Just remember, you do what you can and tell 'em all to bugg off! :)
Hey Girls :)))

Thanks for all the compliments about my bump. I'm just taken back how quickly it grows. Still not sure half is just fat stored away on my belly. I talked to a good high school friend. She had put on a lot of weight after she got married and had a bb. She lost it all by seeing a nutritionist and taking her advice. She lost 20 kilos that is 44 ibs.:shock: She says she went back to her high school figure ;) So I guess any excess can be lost afterwords. Half is probobly water retention from heat anyways :)

Austin really glad you didn't grow another head but 3 girls who are looking healthy. Hahahaha!! Congratulations that they have become a squash :) They are not far off from an egg plant. Over 35 pregnancy isn't considered old anymore in the UK, I think they only consider you older after 45 :))) Isn't that great. And I see a lot of 40+ mums on the school runs (my flat is located on the school's street, there's 5-6 on it. Not good for traffic though) I get annoyed with the mum's who let their kids dive into my dogs without asking for permission than leaving without even saying "thank you" or "Good bye" as if we are all a circus act for their precious kids entertainment and education.

Anna well done on the promotion especially while you are pregnant. Sorry about DH's reaction. U can ask if he is jealous and annoy him back. :winkwink: Hahahahaha! How are you feeling nowadays? You are a lot more active than many girls even though you are pregnant so perhaps people can't guess that u do get tired. You have 1,5 months to go. Are you getting ready for the birth? Bag, plan etc or are you gonna do that once you have the classes?

Vivienne sounds like you have the nesting feelings. Meaning the baby is gonna come soon which is true you are exactly a month away. Yaaaay! Go easy on the hoovering though.

MA dunno anything about weight training. I'm probobly the laziest girl on the thread. :blush: I go to swimming every other day for half an hour and get smug with myself as if I ran the marathon. Hahahahaha. The news from the dr visit is great. Now you can go to the sea and have a nice swim finally :) Great u can attend your cousin's wedding as well. She is a strong girl. :thumbup: Getting over a horrible thing like that must have been difficult. Also thank u for the support. I think we have similar family situations :shrug:

Lucy, woow Tilly is doing really well. For a 2 month old baby, she is plump :) and very very pretty too.

NMG it probably is hard for you to find a full time job in your condition anyway. Freelance might be a good idea. Otherwise see how it goes. I'm sure DH would love you regardless. :)

Sveta, Missmuffet, Sunshine, Lava and Junebug :hi:

Wishing u all a great week xx
Hi ladies!!!!
L heard a new term that I thought was so funny... "Helicopter Moms" - evidently they are the ones that "hover" all the time and get into everyone elses beeswax... note to self - don't be one!!!

:rofl: :winkwink: :thumbup:

My goodness I hope I won't be one either! :rofl: :wacko:

Too funny!
Hi ladies...quite note to say hello! Skye, your SO funny! :rofl: All smug doing your swimming. Your in great shape so there's no real need to overdo yourself anyways! :thumbup:

Anna, I've been going through that with my mom and dad. They know I've been on bed rest. I think they must think I'm just lazy. :wacko:

I'm tired around the clock now. SO odd feeling this way EVEN after I get some sleep. It's in the 90's today and going to be for the rest of the week. We're going to the beach on Sat. :happydance:

I've been having nosebleeds alot. Oh also, do you ladies know the difference from round ligament pain and BH's? Doug and the nurses at Peri keep saying I'm having Round ligament pain but I'm having cramping which goes across the pelvic area just under my belly button. It's a tightening sensation and hurts almost like it would if I were running a marathon and had cramps. I keep getting told contractions are much higher toward the belly button or higher. I think they all may be wrong...Amelia has always been low she's not above my belly button and seems to kick close to the door. :haha: The pains are close to where she is. Those like me with IC tend to carry lower so I'm wondering if they will get accurate readings when they check because the darn belt is WAY too high!

In fact, I'm wondering if when they do the stress test if it will be accurate because it's basically the same monitor over the same place in the belly.

Either way, I keep having these pains and I'm thinking they're BH's while everyone else is telling me it's round ligament. :wacko: I don't know what the heck to think or watch out for. Should I be timing these tightenings to be sure they don't go into contractions? :wacko: So far they last a few minutes but it's like having a freakin charlie horse.

If this is what the contractions feel like only 100 times more intense...I may opt in for that spinal! :rofl: My muscles in the pelvic area frankly suck! They are weak!
hi all!!

Sunshine, LOL on the mini bar! We start birthing classes tomorrow. I am sorry about your replacement, that is one eager beaver. Hope she chills a little as things become more comfortable for her. As much as my new hire was driving me nuts, he's coming around and the store looked great this am, so starting to think he will work out after all. It is great that you have a replacement in the works, takes some of the pressure off.

MA, sorry about the mood swings. I am very happy there are people looking out for you! I do think it's kind of normal, this whole worry wort thing. Goes along with being a new mom, but keep an eye on it. As for the exercise thing, i'm hypothyroid too, think it's why I try and exercise all the time. This is just an idea, but our local rec center offers free day care in the mornings. You can also hire a personal trainer that will develop a weight routine for you for an 8 week stretch. That way you only really pay for one or two trainer sessions but get an 8 week workout plan. You could drop amelia off at day care and work out, but be close by if she needs anything. Don't know if there's anything like that around you,but it's an idea. Also don't know if doug could participate.

Austin, things sound so great for you! I'll let you in on a little secrete that i've barely admitted to myself, but I think i'm at the 200 mark myself. Every time I go I tell them not to tell me the number and I look away, but last week it seemed they slid one of the weights to a new position. . . Ahhhh and i'm only carrying one!!! Hope that makes you feel better because admiting it out loud makes me feel like crap! LOL just kidding but it doesn't sit very well. I am hoping it will mean you will have three very healthy babies!

Vivienne, so glad shower went so well, what fun! You are a sucker girl, picking up four shifts. Be careful! Do not droop that baby in isle 10 of the store! It's hard to say no I know. Hope you are taking care of yourself. Where are you having this baby anyway? Did you find another birthing center???

rottpaw, lucy, codegirl hi ladies!!

NMG, skye, lava, hope you aare well!

Svet, steph, hope all is good.

CJ, still thinking of you . . .

I hope that's everyone but i'm sure I forgot some, sorry.

AFM, went to baseball game yesterday, great seats, horrible game ( the Rockies sucked), and it was 98 degrees. Remind me next time to stay home. Too hot for a pregnant lady. I kept getting cold paper towles from the bathroom and squirting water on myself, but we were in the sun and there was no mercy. As a result, I blew up like a puffer fish. Don't think there's any relationship to preclampsia, but I have another doc appt today so I will find out if all is well. Baby is moving around just fine. Is anyone having trouble explaining to friends and family you can't do what you used to do? I feel like people keep expecting me to pull off what I used to and I an't. I'm tired and have six more weeks left in this pregnancy. Cut me some slack. Anyway, now i'm bitching and rambeling. This week is the last full week of work! Down to four days next week!

ok, have a good monday!! Anna

Christchurch womens hospital for me, then off to a secondary centre after a couple of hours, hopefully for a couple of days. I have breastfeeding classes coming up at the hospital in two weeks so I am going to have sneaky peek around and see what it's like.
Hi all :hi:

MA, by the time contractions are almost unbearable you will be at the pushing stage...that's what I found, shame it took me 5 hours to push her out LOL I did have round ligament pain it was low and round the sides like stitch almost.....if I did have BH it was more like a low key period pain....so different. Women can feel their labour pain in different places...mine was quite low in the belly. :flower:

Viv, lucky you having BF classes.....that's what everywhere should do!

I realised I should have started looking for a nursery when I found out I was pregnant! Nearly all full! Found one with places, my friend has her twins there, geographically wrong area but it's nice and don't have to pay school hols! :happydance: Tilly is sleeping 9 hours a night now, with a top up feed after 6 hours so pretty good, she does like to go to sleep between 11 and 12 though, little night owl! :wacko:

Hi pablo, austin, sveta, sunshine, lava, skye.....everyone else! :hugs::hugs: Can't wait til these babies start to pop, not long now for quite a few of you...xxxx

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