35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hey Angela, just wondering if you may be suffering from maybe a small bout of PPD?? I've heard it can cause issues with sleep deprivation.

Also, I can't remember if your bf'ing or if you went to bottle-feeding. If your bottle-feeding is it possible for them to prescribe Ambien for you?? You have to be sure you get at least 8 hours, but if you time it correctly and dh will watch the little guy in the morning and when you get to sleep then this could be an AWESOME drug for you for a short while.

I LOVE Ambien! :happydance: I can't take it now or if I'm bf'ing...however, I WILL if I end up with insomnia again.

I only used it once in awhile when I had insomnia issues. Oh the loveliness of Ambien when you need it!!

AFM, ended up at the perinatal center because I could breathe. Think it has to do with the 100 degree weather we're having and the horrible humidity which puts us over 106. Went in and they prescribed an inhaler. I can now breathe! Also had a scare when we couldn't hear Amelia's heartbeat. SO, they did a sono and found she moved UP. My fault I suppose since she was kicking me in the bladder when I decided to do the cat pose. It moved her right up there! :happydance:

THEN We were heading onto the highway with our right of way when an SUV full of 20-somethings ran the light and LITERALLY came within an inch or two of the driver side of our NEW minivan with Doug driving. Those idiots didn't even flinch or look at us. I was in hysterics. Praising God for his mighty protection! \o/
MA can't believe those hooligans. Some young kids are mad and don't care how harmful they are for themselves and others.

Anna , I googled the Happiest Baby on the Block I saw Dr Harvey Karp's videos and there is a really good one where it shows the swaddling. This baby is really calm but there was another video where the baby was crying and it really stopped after the whole routine so have a look and see what u think. If the book's good I'll get it as well.
Angela - I take tryptophan when I can't sleep. Because it's a natural amino acid that our body needs and uses anyways it is safe during pregancy and bfing AND is non addicitive.

It does not work as well as a sleeping pill BUT if you wake up after taking it before getting in 8 hours (say during a night feeding ect) you won't feel all ucky and sleepy. Well, no more than you would normally anyways :haha:

AM - :shock: I'm glad you are ok!

I love Happiest Baby on the Block. It really does work to calm a baby. Used it with both boys and I give it a big :thumbup:
Codegirl, is the book really good too or just the cd? Can't wait to have the bb to see the effects :)) Another 6 months wait :sleep:
I only have the book, so I can only comment that I loved the book :thumbup: Not sure about the rest of the "system"
quick post as work is busy, but skye,i am about half way through the book and like it. Not sure I buy into all his theories, but the reasons behind the calming steps seem to make sense. I only got the book too.

MA, glad you are ok!

Rottpaw, my heart goes out to you too! Maybe check with doc re: your thyroid, if levels off it can ause insomnia. Many hugs and prayers!!

AFM, going camping this weekend, may be the last one this summer as I don't want to be hours from a hospital near my due date.LOL

have a good weekend!! Anna
:)) I'm gonna order the one that comes in a pack. Thax hon :)))

Anna have fun with camping, r u gonna be in a forest ?
Hi ladies, thanks for the encouragement! Finally had Doug's Glucose Intolerance test. He was low at fasting then during the process he got to 185 and a half hour after his testing he was fixated on getting to work. I could see BAD signs so I had to stop at a restaurant while arguing with him WHY we needed to be there. Good thing I did. We had to get him orange juice. He was 60 and going lower quickly. It took him about an hour to get stable. Needless to say he's been off work today.

We're not sure if stress is the underlying cause here. Lord knows our lives haven't exactly been stress free since Jackson passed away. He's been bottoming out frequently and it's been scary. Especially when he drives! He's been pairing small meals with protein and complex carbs and this STILL happens. Something is causing his pancreas to work overtime. He doesn't think it's type I because the pancreas wouldn't work at all. It's Def. not what I have or he'd have MUCH higher levels. Worse case is cancer....when he told me that I had to hide my fear and emotions. I'm thinking if it were that, we'd KNOW because he's been to the hospital several times for this over the course of 3 years.

Stress is something that "could" be the issue...however there HAS to be another issue that's the underlying cause.

Poor guy. I let him sleep when he got home. I'm all freaked out lately. I haven't been able to sleep since getting into 3rd trimester. First it was acid reflux keeping me up, then finding the right position, anxiety, now it's the flippin heat and a bit of anxiety from the unknown.

So we wait for a call and I think he'll end up seeing my endochrinologist who I'm confident will have the answers. He's my ONLY Dr. I trust here. He won't touch me while I'm pregnant though...I miss him dearly!

This weekend we're going to the beach. I figure it will be a nice time and hopefully stress free for Doug.

Anna, your going camping again. I love hearing your camping excursions. What is everyone else doing this weekend??

Have a good time ladies! :hug:
MA sweety, :hugs::hugs::hugs: you have had so many issues since Jackson and all unexpected worrying health problems that you are quite worked up I think. Please try not to think of the worst scenario. I don't know anything about the sugar levels and I can't interpret the levels you mentioned. We are at a certain age where our bodies react to stress and exhaustion by giving signs like this. You mentioned Doug had left the front door open last week. Poor guy is probably much more worried and stressed than he lets out. Have good fun in the beach, relaxing will be good for him :)) And you can get your endocrinologist to investigate but in the mean time you can assume it isn't anything to worry about. :kiss: Hope all will be clear. :kiss::kiss:

I missed the beach. I'm kind of busy and decided not to go to Scotland. I might be bored going alone anyway as Dh's really busy. We will have a holiday in September :) I'm really looking fwd to that.
Girls, I just had an email from my national child birth trust about the antenatal classes. They are offering 2 classes+ 1 breastfeeding class and 1 more meeting after the birth. Does that sound adequate? How many classes do you normally need? I think there are some private classes as well. I don't know which one is more helpful?
Skye, I just did the NHS classes which were all on one day from 9 to 3pm. They pretty much just went through what to expect with the birth, and virtually nothing about breastfeeding. Your classes sound pretty good compared to that....meeting after the birth is especially helpful, although you should also have midwives and health visitors visiting to ask questions to as well. I would just get as many classes as you can...breastfeeding very important as it isn't always easy in the beginning. :hugs::hugs:
I also got given a book called 'What to expect in the first year' which was useful the first month when I knew nothing about babies. :kiss:
Does anyone have a body pillow/maternity pillow that they can recommend and let me know where to buy it?
Skye, not much use as I'm on other side of world, but we get 7 classes ante natal and 3 for breast feeding, free. And it has been great, so I think any class you can get into is worth it.

PS It's snowing here today.

We also did our dry runs to the hospital and the 3 aftercare birth units I could get sent too, today.

3 weeks to go!

Have made down payment on curtains of 500 dollars, hope they get here within the 3 weeks!! Also accidentally spent 300 dollars at a baby store today on wool products as it is so cold here at the moment! :dohh:

Love to all :flower:
Thank you Lucy I will email that I want the classes :)

Lava I am wondering about the same question. There is loads on amazon, dunno which one is more easy to use.

Viv Woooow can't believe you are that close. Is everything planned, set and ready to go? Let us know if you head for the hospital if u can xxx
We go in for our NT scan tomorrow. Prayers and good vibes are appreciate that the babies are healthy & developing normally please. I am excited about the prospect of seeing them on ultrasound but nervous too! Hope we get good results in the test or it will be very worrisome & a damper on announcing the pregnancy to our family, friends & co-workers in a couple weeks. I am starting to show so we can't wait too much longer to announce!

Woo Hoo Viv! Counting down the days and praying for a smooth labor & delivery when the time comes for baby. You are getting close!
Lava...hope all goes well today...thinking positive thoughts for you and your two babies :hugs:

;)))Good luck with the scan Lava :) Hopefully it will be all fine and you can see your two minute babies having summersaults or sucking their finger. It really is cute :) Is Dh coming too? I think he would really enjoy it.

Nevernever, how are u baby? Are you going to come back to us from your lurkdom xxx
When is your next scan? Thinking good, sticky thoughts for Furry!
Good morning ladies - hope everyone had a good weekend!

Again, not much time to post, but we had our second 3D scan on Saturday with slightly better results than the first, so I'm going to TRY and upload a photo or two...

Good luck w/your scan today, Lava!!


Okay - not working. Will try to do the photo later. Have a good day, girls!


Okay I think I figured it out! Sorry they're so big - not quite sure how to resize. I'll play around with it when I have more time.

Might as well throw in my only bump picture in existence, too, while I'm at it...


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