35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi all!

austin, yes healthy babies is what we have to look foreward to. Hope you are spending some quality time in the pool. I think even with being a vampire it's too hot to go out after dark. Heard last night on the news that dallas was still 90 degrees at 10:00 p.m.

MA, I hope I don't become a heliopter mom either. As for round ligament pain, never even heard of it before your post,sorry. Hope you are feeling better today!

Vivienne, yeh on the breast feeding class! That sounds awesome! Pass along any words of wisdom you get. I am happy you have a hospital to go to. My hospital has a lactation woman who visits all the moms in the hospital,but it would be nice to have a coach before hand.

Lucy, woohoo 5 hrs a night. I REALLY hope that happens for us too. I am one solid sleeper so hope she takes after me. Thanks for the reminder on the nursery. I have to get on a waiting list and i'm dragging my feet. Good news is I think between my flexible work schedule, DH, and my parents, we will only use it one day a week.

AFM, birthing class starts tonight!! Don't know why i'm so excited. Also doc appt yesterday went well and no protein in urine, so good news there. Finally, prenatal yoga class ruled and I slept pain free last night for the first time in weeks!! Woohooo!!

have a good tuesday! Anna
Hi Ladies,

I have a question for you who are already moms....I am scared (naturally) but am concerned about sleeping based on all my nieces and nephews habits....or lack of them.....also my best friend had her baby 1.5 years ago and he never sleeps through the night. literally every 3 hours he gets up.

My own sisters and brothers also let their kids stay up all hours, my brother has taken his year old out to home depot with him at 11pm at night, and it was not to make him fall asleep.

I told them that I wanted to start a bedtime routine when the baby was about 4 weeks old, meaning I want to put toys away and either give a bath or rub in lotion when it signifies bedtime and wrap them up tight and they all laughed at me, telling me I was ridiculous and have NO idea what I'm getting into and so on. It really has made me doubt myself and I certainly didn't mean to sound as if I knew better than them (they told me I was acting superior)

am I crazy? will a bedtime routine work? Will I be a stick in the mud if I insist on not going out every night like them and actually put my baby to bed around 7pm? Is that too early? Will I just be getting up at midnight and 3am every night?

I'm a little upset as I know I need to ignore them but they are all older with 4 kids apiece so maybe I don't know what I'm doing here???
It depends on you, your baby and your household. For some people the bedtime routine works fantastic.

My firstborn was a crap sleeper right from the get go. We struggled for the first year and it was hard. BUT I really believed strongly in making sleep a good experience so we never did CIO and I just nighttime parented beyond tired. We started a serious nighttime routine at ~4 months but he still woke frequently.

Fast forward to month 12 and beyond (he's 2.5 years now). He sleeps through the night 99% of the time. If he gets up it's for a really good reason. He goes to bed between 7:30 and 8 (use to be 7 and 7:30 but it's a bit later right now). He sleeps till 8am. He also naps everyday for 1.5 to 2 hours average.

Eric, on the other hand, is a much better sleeper. He is going down for bedtime around 9:30 and sleep between 3 and 4 hours at a stretch. Sometimes he even goes 6+ hours. I don't expect more bfing and compared to his brother its fantastic. We have a bit more routine with him because his brother has a routine so Eric had to "fit in".

I don't know if that makes you feel better or worse. I just believe that if you make sleep a safe place for your child then it might be more painful at the beginning but will make longer term night time parenting waaaay easier.

But that's just my opinion :)
NMG, just because you have a lot of kids does not make you an expert on child rearing. I know i'm not a mom yet, but i've been reading and what i've learned so far is that some kids go for the routine and some don't, but kids that have regular normal bed time seem to do better. I have a friend who had twins that slept from 6-6 by month four. For sure there are different schools of thought, read and educate yourself and see what works best for you and your baby. (my two cents)

Skye, I forgot you earlier, I think you are right as I am still active it may give the impression that nothing has changed. I hope you are well!!
oh, and we pretty much have little to no night life right now. Edward's bedtime is very serious and one of us is always home (except for the odd football game) to put him to bed.

As for evenings with an infant. Lots of people find them pretty portable so don't understand wanting to be home in the evenings with them. Mine, however, both clusterfed really intensly in the evening so I wanted to be home anyways. It was too hard to feed them, what felt like, every couple of minutes for hours on end and be out and about.

In the long run it's a short term sacrifice (IMO) for long term gain. but that's just me.
thanks codegirl and pablo,

I guess I will just have to wait and see what happens but that doesn't ease my worry.

As far as going out at night, I didn't mean to come across that I wanted to. I do not, I am a homebody and want to nest with DH and LO. My family are the ones who insist on going out all the time at night (complaining they never get out) and then always want to host things very late. When I told them that was going to be curtailed, I got bad comments and am being made to feel like a stick-in-the-mud or whatever. So I don't find it to be a sacrifice to stay at home at all. I guess I didn't explain myself very well here.
NMG sometimes you have to ignore your family and their opinions, you are your own person, and you are the best person to know what is good for your child. My sister did controlled crying to get her little ones to go to bed early and sleep through, and seems to think I should, but at the moment I am not comfortable to leave my baby crying and upset. She might go down at 11, but I am getting 8 hours sleep a night so right now I don't care. As they get older they sleep a lot less in the day, and should naturally start to go to bed earlier....we will see....I am still a learner too. You have to go with your instincts and what feels right, everyone else will always have opinions, but just ignore them and do what you want to do, they will have to understand....:hugs::kiss:


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thanks codegirl and pablo,

I guess I will just have to wait and see what happens but that doesn't ease my worry.

As far as going out at night, I didn't mean to come across that I wanted to. I do not, I am a homebody and want to nest with DH and LO. My family are the ones who insist on going out all the time at night (complaining they never get out) and then always want to host things very late. When I told them that was going to be curtailed, I got bad comments and am being made to feel like a stick-in-the-mud or whatever. So I don't find it to be a sacrifice to stay at home at all. I guess I didn't explain myself very well here.

I didn't mean sacrifice in a bad way. Staying home most evenings is the easiest "sacrifice" I've made in this parenting journey. Truthfully, giving up Starbucks was harder, and I only did that because now it's horribly inconvinent :rofl:

I figure I just look at the results. The people that had kids sleeping the way that I wanted my kids to sleep, that behave like I would like my kids to model tend to stick closer to home during the "witching hours" (those last few hours before bed). Don't get me wrong, I know great kids and parents that are out and about lots, but the majority took the time to set a routine and nighttime parent.

I just don't know if you will get the results you want as early as you want, but I know you will get them. :thumbup:
Hey all, I've been lurking these last few days, had a guest visiting this weekend and a big dinner party on Saturday night which wore me out! Just caught up on everyone's posts!

Where did you go on vacation? I hope you had a wonderful, relaxing time!

Great news on the scan. That baby is in a good position for natural birth, right!? That is wonderful. Hang in there baby! I'm glad to hear that you cut your work down to two days! You need to rest and gather your strength and energy. So much going on with you now that you are in the homestretch. I'm glad you had a wonderful shower. You deserve to be completely pampered and spoilt. How did your breastfeeding class go?

You crack me up with the minibar birthing suite! That sounds totally worth it IMHO. Sorry that you couldn't get a good head shot of your baby girl. Good luck with your next visit this Saturday! We want pictures! Glad your replacement at work is going well.

Sorry you've been feeling that hip/leg pain. Obviously, I'm not sure what remedies to try, but I hope some of the other girls with experience can help you find some relief. Yoga, swimming maybe? I relate to your post about wanting to be a SAHM, but not being able to do that right now. We are in the same boat. I've already gotten Baby A&B (as I've been instructed to call them on my applications) on four different waiting lists for nurseries/daycares in my area and they are expensive, but not so bad that it justifies me staying home financially. On the flip side, I work with a lot of people that have young babies and have them in daycare or with a nanny while they work full-time and they say that they enjoy their jobs and it makes time with their kids that much more special. I'm so grateful for my job and for the opportunity to raise a family and I think I'm going to be happy doing both. It's all about making the very best with what you have.

Yay for Amelia being right on target. I loved reading about your awesome day. When will you schedule your 3D scan?

Can't believe you are already 33 weeks. Woo hoo! I'm glad to hear you are cutting down your work week for now. Sounds like your work environment is very supportive. I hope your husband has started celebrating your exciting promotion with you! So, how was Denver? That baseball game was a hot one! I am not even out of my first trimester and I already have had to learn that I cannot do everything and need to get to bed early. I am going to an outdoor concert next Wed and will be getting home LATE and although I'm excited about the venue and the concert (and spending time with one of my good friends and our moms), I wonder how I will keep my eyes open!

Great news on your BP and your weight gain! I just ordered a recommended book from Amazon called "When You Are Expecting Twins, Triplets, Or More" and supposedly it has good weight recommendations and recipies in it. I am looking forward to reading the book. Have you heard of it? Glad you found some cool parents to hang out with and yes, beware the helicopter parents! Hope I don't turn into one! :)

I am really sorry that your visit with your mom didn't end well. I like someone's idea to just send her a card. I have a similar relationship with my mom as well and we love each other so much, but have had plenty of rows with my mom claiming that I don't appreciate her, etc. So frustrating. I find that they really know where to twist the knife so to speak. Try to remember that you are taking care of your little one and need to focus on your own health. You cannot be all things to all people right now. You are doing an amazing job!

Tilly is beautiful! And is sleeping like a champ! I hope we get similarly lucky.

As for sleep schedules, here's a resource you might find helpful. You can buy it from Amazon. It's called Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. My friends swear by it and they have very cooperative kids in the sleep department. They are regimented about it though and do not go out a lot at night unless they have a babysitter that enforces their regimented schedule. A few nights they had to let their babies cry a bit and they said it was SO hard, but shortly after that, the babies got into a rhythm. It's impressive! You can do it!

I had the best day today. We had our 2nd OB appt. I've gained 6 lbs since I started fertility treatments and 4 in the last 10 weeks. We got to hear the babies heartbeats on a handheld Doppler. It was awesome! I was worried we would have to wait until our specialist appt & another U/S to get some reassurance that they were still hanging in there, but hearing the heartbeats was wonderful and gave me some peace of mind. We go for our Nuchal Translucency screening on Monday and I'm a bit nervous about getting worrisome results, but right now, I'm just trying to enjoy today! Also, DH & I are are planning an early 40th birthday/babymoon vacation in mid-September at the beach near Seaside, FL. Four nights! Aaaah, I can just imagine the sand btn my toes and the waves crashing! I won't even care that I have a big belly by then! :)

Hi to Codegirl, Never, anyone else I missed! :)
Anna, how were the classes?? I'm still out as you know. :shrug: WATCH. I'll end up waiting too darn long. :haha:

NMG, I think you'll know what's best for your baby when he or she arrives. As stated, babies are different as are parenting skills. What may work for one, may NOT work for another. You'll get a schedule going that suits baby's. I actually like the idea of massage before bed....as well as baths and reading. I'm learning to be flexible though because NOTHING has turned out as I have planned it. :rofl:

Code, you ALWAYS have good feedback. I appreciate that. Speaking of feedback. I think you use the Rock cleaning for CD? Which type do you use?? I'm trying to figure out what the difference is. :shrug:

Lucy, that little girl of yours has GORGEOUS hair! She's just too cute for words that little one. Blesses my heart!

Lava, 3D is scheduled for 4wks from now. She has to cooperate though. She hasn't been too cooperative with all the other sono's but I love her. Especially love her because she keeps putting her foot in front of her face. It's HILLARIOUS!

AFM Today we purchased a used minivan. We pick it up tomorrow. Stow n Go seating, Air, the seats feel like we're getting a HUG. :rofl: It's a year older than the one we origionally looked at, but found that they wouldn't come down to our budget. With this one it's 2008 with only 29k miles...20k LESS miles than the younger model and make that we were wanting AND it looks brand new. Not sure where it came from but it wasn't even listed yet.

By the grace of God we got it for the price we wanted, the payment we wanted AND the interest rate is AWESOME :happydance: MUCH lower than our Santa Fe. We have a ton more room for baby, dogs and travel. TOTALLY excited and now we can get rid of the santa fe which had safety issues...Oh, the dealership traded it for MORE than it was worth in the Kelly Blue Book. :happydance:

Afterwards, we went to Smokey Bones for pulled pork, smoked wings and veggies....THEN went to the store and splurged on a mini cupcake so I would down a whole cake that I've been craving for.

All in all I'd say today has been AWESOME. Sat. we pay the layaway off and Amelia's furniture will be in within two weeks. I'm ONE happy momma! :happydance:
morning all!

good discusion on bed times! NMG, I am a home body too and staying home at night nesting sounds great to me too! You will figure it out and find what's best for you and baby. Read a lot, find out what works for different people so you're armed with all the info and go from there!

Codegirl, thanks for the great advice! Hope you are well and happy to hear the boys are letting you get some sleep!

Lucy, she is soooo sweet! What a head of hair!!

Lava, yeh on the doc appt! I love hearing the heartbeat! Also beach, sand,waves??? Sounds like my version of heaven. This is the first year we haven't gone on vacation to the beach for economic reasons. And I miss it!! Already saving for next spring so we can go then. Have a great time!! So jealous!

MA, the class went really well. We have four more every tuesday night. For me so far it's sort of going over what I already know, with some new info,but for DH it's mostly new as he hasn't spent the last 8 months reading up on the subject. So it's doing what I need it to do and educating us both so we're on the same page. They offer an infant CPR and breastfeeding class for free so i'm going to take those too, but the next one isn't until end of aug. Hope I make it til then.

So glad you had such a great day yesterday!! Mini vans, pulled pork ( my favorite),and cup cakes oh my!! Plus you gey furniture off layaway. What a good day. Oh and I learned last night that the difference between round ligament pain and BH is round pain is sharp, ushually on the rt side and should only last a few seconds, where as BH should feel like menstral cramps, and be longer. Hope this helps.

AFM, just chillin. Pain in hips is intense today. Hope to sit most of the day at work. Think I should have gone down to four days a week earlier. Feel kinda nauseaus too. Yuck! Ok, I will make it through, just taking it easy. Hope everyone has a good hump day! anna
morning all!

good discusion on bed times! NMG, I am a home body too and staying home at night nesting sounds great to me too! You will figure it out and find what's best for you and baby. Read a lot, find out what works for different people so you're armed with all the info and go from there!

Codegirl, thanks for the great advice! Hope you are well and happy to hear the boys are letting you get some sleep!

Lucy, she is soooo sweet! What a head of hair!!

Lava, yeh on the doc appt! I love hearing the heartbeat! Also beach, sand,waves??? Sounds like my version of heaven. This is the first year we haven't gone on vacation to the beach for economic reasons. And I miss it!! Already saving for next spring so we can go then. Have a great time!! So jealous!

MA, the class went really well. We have four more every tuesday night. For me so far it's sort of going over what I already know, with some new info,but for DH it's mostly new as he hasn't spent the last 8 months reading up on the subject. So it's doing what I need it to do and educating us both so we're on the same page. They offer an infant CPR and breastfeeding class for free so i'm going to take those too, but the next one isn't until end of aug. Hope I make it til then.

So glad you had such a great day yesterday!! Mini vans, pulled pork ( my favorite),and cup cakes oh my!! Plus you gey furniture off layaway. What a good day. Oh and I learned last night that the difference between round ligament pain and BH is round pain is sharp, ushually on the rt side and should only last a few seconds, where as BH should feel like menstral cramps, and be longer. Hope this helps.

AFM, just chillin. Pain in hips is intense today. Hope to sit most of the day at work. Think I should have gone down to four days a week earlier. Feel kinda nauseaus too. Yuck! Ok, I will make it through, just taking it easy. Hope everyone has a good hump day! anna

Thanks, I'm thinking they may be right then. I get sharp pains on both sides. Sometimes from side to side. Seeing as though my pelvic wall muscles are crap...I'm betting that's why I'm feeling it. It's sharp pain and lasts for a minute or two. Def. not dull pain like cramping. At least I think!:dohh::shrug::haha:

I'd like to take child CPR. I had it before but it's been awhile. Doug obviously has it because he's an RN and it's required to be certified in ALL levels of CPR for the professionals.

I'm thinking I need to do some kind of class, though I'm going to see what the Doula will teach. I'm not really a lamaze type a gal. Again I'm a little odd man out and like the alternative to the "norm" :dohh: What works from some, doesn't work for all so it's good to know we all have options. :rofl: Even the oddball like me. :blush::haha:

Hopefully you'll start feeling better soon!

Well, we're going to pick up the minivan so i should cut this short. Have a good one everybody! :hug:
NMG sometimes you have to ignore your family and their opinions, you are your own person, and you are the best person to know what is good for your child. My sister did controlled crying to get her little ones to go to bed early and sleep through, and seems to think I should, but at the moment I am not comfortable to leave my baby crying and upset. She might go down at 11, but I am getting 8 hours sleep a night so right now I don't care. As they get older they sleep a lot less in the day, and should naturally start to go to bed earlier....we will see....I am still a learner too. You have to go with your instincts and what feels right, everyone else will always have opinions, but just ignore them and do what you want to do, they will have to understand....:hugs::kiss:

Look at ALL that hair!! Gorgeous :kiss:
morning all!

good discusion on bed times! NMG, I am a home body too and staying home at night nesting sounds great to me too! You will figure it out and find what's best for you and baby. Read a lot, find out what works for different people so you're armed with all the info and go from there!

Codegirl, thanks for the great advice! Hope you are well and happy to hear the boys are letting you get some sleep!

Lucy, she is soooo sweet! What a head of hair!!

Lava, yeh on the doc appt! I love hearing the heartbeat! Also beach, sand,waves??? Sounds like my version of heaven. This is the first year we haven't gone on vacation to the beach for economic reasons. And I miss it!! Already saving for next spring so we can go then. Have a great time!! So jealous!

MA, the class went really well. We have four more every tuesday night. For me so far it's sort of going over what I already know, with some new info,but for DH it's mostly new as he hasn't spent the last 8 months reading up on the subject. So it's doing what I need it to do and educating us both so we're on the same page. They offer an infant CPR and breastfeeding class for free so i'm going to take those too, but the next one isn't until end of aug. Hope I make it til then.

So glad you had such a great day yesterday!! Mini vans, pulled pork ( my favorite),and cup cakes oh my!! Plus you gey furniture off layaway. What a good day. Oh and I learned last night that the difference between round ligament pain and BH is round pain is sharp, ushually on the rt side and should only last a few seconds, where as BH should feel like menstral cramps, and be longer. Hope this helps.

AFM, just chillin. Pain in hips is intense today. Hope to sit most of the day at work. Think I should have gone down to four days a week earlier. Feel kinda nauseaus too. Yuck! Ok, I will make it through, just taking it easy. Hope everyone has a good hump day! anna

Thanks, I'm thinking they may be right then. I get sharp pains on both sides. Sometimes from side to side. Seeing as though my pelvic wall muscles are crap...I'm betting that's why I'm feeling it. It's sharp pain and lasts for a minute or two. Def. not dull pain like cramping. At least I think!:dohh::shrug::haha:

I'd like to take child CPR. I had it before but it's been awhile. Doug obviously has it because he's an RN and it's required to be certified in ALL levels of CPR for the professionals.

I'm thinking I need to do some kind of class, though I'm going to see what the Doula will teach. I'm not really a lamaze type a gal. Again I'm a little odd man out and like the alternative to the "norm" :dohh: What works from some, doesn't work for all so it's good to know we all have options. :rofl: Even the oddball like me. :blush::haha:

Hopefully you'll start feeling better soon!

Well, we're going to pick up the minivan so i should cut this short. Have a good one everybody! :hug:

I've taken the CPR classes for infants. Worth it IMO
vivienne, thanks!

just got "Happiest Baby on the Block" in the mail from amazon. We'll see how it reads.

not much chatter, and nothing new here. Have a good day. Anna
Hey girls I am so sorry I've been so scarce online lately. Lots going on and most of it good, but I have REALLY been struggling these last couple of months with insomnia and it just keeps getting worse. I slept okay over our vacation (because we brought along Granna to sit with Ethan during the days and she took the early feedings for us so we could sleep in) but between that and some trouble with the back and neck issues I have (if I sleep, I hurt, if I don't sleep, I don't hurt but am exhausted...hardly a choice!) So I have been extremely exhausted this week and struggling emotionally. Ethan sleeps GREAT most of the time and so I have started to feel really hopeless and helpless about the whole issue, wondering if I will ever sleep normally again. It is so depressing to lie awake while the whole house (including baby) sleep peacefully, knowing he will be up (so then will I) at five a.m. and wondering how I will get thru each day. So sorry for such a downer post, I just need to vent a little bit because the sleep deprivation has really been getting to me and I never DREAMED I would struggle with that beyond the time Ethan was getting us up at night so much.

Anyway, we did have a lovely vacation at Wild Dunes in SC. We love the place and think it will be a lot of fun for Ethan to grow up visiting there. Lots of bike riding, time on the beach (which is blissfully spacious compared to where we usually go in Destin, FL) and relaxing with the little guy. He was too young (and it was way too hot) for the beach or pool just yet, but we got some cute pics of him and I will post a few soon.

I am so sorry I have not caught up on the thread - each day is a struggle right now for me and emotionally I am all over the place. Some days when I feel more rested I feel better, but trying to sleep has become so traumatic for me right now that I am just constantly stressed with it. Not sure what to do but praying constantly that it gets better. God has answered so many of my prayers and this is the one that he just seems to refuse to answer. I don't understand it but have to trust He knows what He is doing.

HUGS to all and I am so glad to hear all the pregnancies are going well. It sounds like all are doing great and I am so excited that some of you are so close!! YAY!!

I will post more soon and promise not to post another downer...I just needed to vent a little and have not felt like I have much of anyplace to do that. Most in my family and among my friends have never struggled with insomnia on top of the usual new baby exhaustion, and so I have not felt like there is anyone that can really understand or help. For those that pray I would appreciate your prayers!

Angela :hugs::hugs::hugs:

I am starting to know a little how you feel, when I feed Tilly in the middle of the night, she goes back to sleep, and a lot of times now I don't, I just lie awake and wish I could sleep. By the afternoon I feel knackered. Hopefully the situation will resolve for you soon, and you will begin to sleep better. :kiss:
Prayin' for ya, Angela!

Hi ladies! Don't really have time to post, just wanted to pop in and say hello...

Hello!!! :hi: Have a good day, everyone!
I am glad you have a nice time on vacation with family & I look forward to seeing pics of Ethan. I have been to Wild Dunes before & it is relaxing and beautiful.

The insomnia is tough. A close friend of mine dealt with that for almost a year and it sounded excrutiating. She tried everything that was suggested ... only using the bedroom to sleep, adjusting the lighting in the bedroom, not drinking or eating before bed, eliminating caffeine, and writing in a journal & getting her to do lists done before bedtime, moving her dog out of her room at night, no naps, walking up at the same time each day, hot baths in the evening. Nothing worked and she didn't have a newborn to take care of and could control her environment better. Finally she saw a doctor and started taking half an Ambien nightly. That worked but she hated feeling like she was reliant on pills to sleep. She weaned herself off of them, but started having trouble again. Finally, she did cognitive behavioral therapy & found complete non-mediated relief. She found that her stress & negative thoughts about sleep were the cause. You have been through so much with the death of your grandmother, father, and the transition of bringing home a new baby, not to mention worrying about Ethan as he sleeps. I am not surprised you are struggling with this. I am so sorry. Talk to your doctor and research cognitive remedies. And feel free to vent away here. ;)
Angela, poor u. My Dh used to suffer from insomnia and it was awful for both of us cause I used to wake up when he did too. It had started off as a side effect of a medication, but than it turned into being a habit. He couldn't sleep as Lava said cause he expected not being able to sleep and used to get himself really worked up before going to bed. He weaned out of it by gradually off loading some of his daily stresses.

As Lava mentioned you did go through a lot recently and her advice is very good about the cognitive behaviour counselling cause when it turns into a habit it's hard to break it.

You also seem physically drained as well. Deep tissue massage might be helpful. Maybe you can get a few massages quite close to each other so you can relax your neck muscles and they stay relaxed. Hot baths. Perhaps if your DH can take the responsibility of looking after Nathan before you fall a sleep so you don't strain your back just before bed time and your body can fully relax before falling a sleep. I think if you could just get out of the habit of not sleeping than you can learn how to sleep.

My DH also has his bed routines which helps. Eg: He has a fan on, to drain out the noise (directed towards the door) eye mask, ear plugs, reads 5 mins in bed before falling a sleep and avoids coffee after 5. He still has the occasional insomnia. But it doesn't last for days anymore. And when he can't sleep one day than he kind of catches on a bit later on the week by going to bed a little earlier.

Good luck, I hope you can resolve it cause I know how painful it is. xxx

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