35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Wow... I feel like a selfish hooker complaing after hearing what you have been enduring, Svet... That sounds just awful, you poor thing! Yes, many hopes that this new Rx will bring you relief ASAP!!!! BIG HUG!!!!
Congrats on all the baby shower love!! It really hits home when you realize how many peeps are there for you!

Chris/Sunshine - You are my blonde twin, I think! :) I'm dark haired... LOVE the Mitch Rapp books... I have read several, but not in the right order... think I shall go online today & figure out which ones I haven't read & get them qued up on the Kindle... My rec for you is an author named Harlan Coben, if you haven't read him... He writes some pretty good mysteries and a series about a sports agent/lawyer... good reads!
Also - tattoo question for you - I too, have one... in the very low bikini area... if yours is similarly located, have you noticed any stretching? Mine is just starting to creep upwards... yikes!!! :)

Anna - Your poor DH! ouch! Enjoy your shower & your girlfriends this weekend!!!!

All well here... no changes... which is a good thing!

I need to ask... have any of you heard from Rebekah???? It's not like her to not pop in and has me worried about what's going on...... Rebekah - pop in and let us know how you are sweetie!!! Hugs!!!
Soooo sorry you are going through that! Did your DH give you that nickname? Very naughty! ;) Sounds like my DH ... he's me calling me Nau-say-a! Lovely! I really hope you are feeling better soon.

All those book recs sound good. I liked the Red Tent, but prefer mystery/suspense/
CIA/serial killer books too.

So excited for y'all for the birthing center visits, the showers ... you ladies are getting close!

I got my NT screening test results back and they are really good so I am relieved. Will talk to the doctor at our next appt on Aug. 8th to discuss whether we need amnio. Now I can hopefully enjoy this pregnancy and stop stressing! Thanks everyone for your support! Oh, and I bought some maternity clothes and a Snoogle body pillow this weekend, but stuffed them in the back of my closet until I got my results back. Maybe after I announce the pregnancy to family & friends, I will start using them! :)

Can't remember who announced to their dad with a Happy Birthday Grandpa card and a sonogram pic, but that gave me chills b/c that is what my DH suggested. Will let you know how it goes!

Take care! Hope everyone gets some much-needed rest!
Okay, Chris #1... let's hear the story!! :) You made me laugh about the "tattooed biker chick"! I must admit, I DO have a tattoo, but not where anyone's going to see it. Unless I show them... :blush:

I think its totally cool you like to ride, I just really pictured you as one of those typical hardcore back country biker chicks :rofl: I have NO idea why!!! :shrug: Like Anna said, the whole girlie girl/biker chick balance is awesome! I've always been a tom boy growing up but love clean hair and makeup. :haha:

morning all!

Svet, that is one CRAZY story. You told it so well!! And I am sooooo sorry you have been sufering! I find it interesting that they just assumed it was PUPPS just because you were pregnant. How frustrating! I had friends that got scabies in college from an old couch sitting outside. I think it cleared up in a week, so crossing my fingers for you! You must be miserable! I have a bunch of misquito bites from last wekend and i'm going out of my mind with the itch, can't imagine your agony.

as for the exam, I was wondering when you were going to take it. Maybe the examinor will take pity on you. I know being as smart as you are you will pass!!

best of luck on the nursery, can't wait to see pictures!! An IKEA store just opened in denver ( closest one was in utah). So we are doing the happy dance and going down to pick up some last minute items.

OOooooh I hope I am like your friend and start to feel better soon! thanks for the encouragement. I can't wait to get the nursery done. Just finishing the painting relieved me of some stress. If I can stop itching, and start sleeping, I'll feel more energized and positive to get stuff done. Now I just have to put work behind me. Sooo looking forward to next Tuesday, MY LAST DAY!!! Thanks for having faith in me for this exam. I just keep telling myself I have no choice but to pass! Failing is not option!!!! I'll have 7 full days without work before I write so I should have enough time to prepare. Problem is I was always prepared... it's the format of the exam I can't seem to conquer.

...ok I forget, who got the coach bag as a baby shower gift?? Awesome!

:hi: That was me!!!! :happydance:

Wow... I feel like a selfish hooker complaing after hearing what you have been enduring, Svet... That sounds just awful, you poor thing! Yes, many hopes that this new Rx will bring you relief ASAP!!!! BIG HUG!!!!
Congrats on all the baby shower love!! It really hits home when you realize how many peeps are there for you!

:rofl: Don't!!!!! We are ALL allowed to have our ailments and I was only joking the other day about mine winning over everyone elses. :haha: Complain away!!! You have three babies playing around in there. :baby::baby::baby: :dohh:
And yes I agree, it's so nice to see how many people are truly happy for you. I feel very fortunate.

....I need to ask... have any of you heard from Rebekah???? It's not like her to not pop in and has me worried about what's going on...... Rebekah - pop in and let us know how you are sweetie!!! Hugs!!!

:| This is true...... I hope everything is ok. Rebekah!!!!!!!

Soooo sorry you are going through that! Did your DH give you that nickname? Very naughty! ;) Sounds like my DH ... he's me calling me Nau-say-a! Lovely! I really hope you are feeling better soon......!

:wacko: Yes, who else, lol They are so sensitive aren't they??? :growlmad:

I got my NT screening test results back and they are really good so I am relieved. Will talk to the doctor at our next appt on Aug. 8th to discuss whether we need amnio. Now I can hopefully enjoy this pregnancy and stop stressing! Thanks everyone for your support!

:thumbup: Awesome news re. the NT results! Hopefully you can relax a bit now. xo
hello lovely ladies!

I have been a bad poster - been away from this one for awhile, the nausea is finally letting up a bit - meaning I get maybe 15 extra minutes a day of not being nauseous! I think I'm up to about 2 hours in the afternoon when I feel good! I'm confident it is on the way out. but man the hormones have been going WILD. :haha:

sunshine - the pics of your baby actually brought tears to my eyes with a big smile with it (see hormone reference above!). And your own pic is so darn cute! you look happy healthy and absolutely lovely!

Svet - holy cow, what an ordeal you have gone through! I'm so sorry!

Lava - so glad everything turned out great with your appt..... I have been praying for you!

Hello and big :hugs: to everyone else, there are too many awesome ladies to mention!

AFM: I have a 10 week scan this coming Monday! can't wait. We already bought the crib and dresser/changing table :haha::haha: and I went for paint samples already! I'm jumping the gun, I know, but I like to be prepared!

nothing much new - I posted this in another post, so if this is a repeat for you, I'm so sorry - but my mom told me that nobody will be throwing me a baby shower, she has made sure of it as she doesn't like them at all - meaning she told my sister and best friend NOT to do it (best friend was shocked, sister expected it). oh well. just another drama moment here.

much love and hugs to you all.....been very restless at night, which I suppose is a good thing as it gets me caught up on the novel I'm reading - the unabridged version of the Count of Monte Cristo - all 1300 pages of it!!!! :) hugs to you all!
Why on earth would your mom do that???? :cry: that's so mean!!!

thank you! it is mean! :(

she said nobody she knows has them (I'm her last baby and I'm 36! times have changed) and that it can jinx the baby...when I had laughed and told her that we have something called an ultrasound to make sure all is ok, she got very very mad at me and told me she didn't believe in them at all. After my best friend called me to say she was told not to do one, I asked mom why..... she said because of 3 reasons:. 1. she doesn't like them, 2. people who have them are greedy and just want gifts and she will NOT keep giving gifts and 3. if I throw it myself (as she instructed everyone else not to) then I am being ridiculous and it would show the family in a bad light as everyone would wonder why I am throwing it myself.... I told her I didn't care about the gifts I just wanted people together to eat and hang out and celebrate a new life and she said no, even if I had one that said no gifts, she wouldn't go as people would feel obligated to bring gifts and she doesn't believe/like that.

it really puts a damper on my spirits. Not that I wanted gifts to be greedy but showers are fun and I couldn't wait for this as it was a new chapter in life......

ugh....oh well, such drama! Charlie told me to register anyways and he would just buy the things for me on our joint credit card :haha:
Can't some girlfriends throw you a shower? I have thrown probably 10 baby showers for friends over the last decade. I usually go in and co-host. They are such fun. Bypass your mom and tell her she's being mean and you will be ignoring her future hurtful comments.
Hi Girls :))

Anna looks like a tough situation with parents, hope you all the luck to get through the crisis in peace :) By the way best mosquito bite cure ever is(it works better if you apply right after you get bitten) : You apply wet soap where you are bitten and leave a slime of hand soap on top of the bite and let it dry. Don't scratch. Guaranteed that it calms down in a few hours. Nothing left the next day. Have fun with bb shower and hope you would get a lot of nice pressies.

Vivienne happy belated birthday sweety. Did you manage that birthday dinner finally?

Lava congratulations on good test results and finally giving into maternity clothes :) Did you get the U shaped pillow? i'll get one soon too. Let me know once you use it if u like it.

Austin the weight gain is one thing but the boob gain. i can't get over. Really dunno how much can they grow. Heeelp!!!

I was wondering about Junebug actually. Good to hear she is on holiday enjoying herself.

What's happening with Rebekkah though. Need a search warrant soon if she still doesn't show up..

Chris I actually thought you look more like a barbie girl than a biker chic :))) Perfect shiny blonde hair and long limbs :)) Hahahhahaha!!!

Sweta, Ohhh nooo!! That's scary more than anything. I always get very sceptical about the pedicure salons. A friend of mine had some horrible microbe once that made her whole leg inflamed from a salon. I didn't go to pedicure for a while but than I started again. Did they tell you what to do to prevent after a pedicure? Good luck with the test I'm sure you will do very well this time :)

Austin :)) It's only normal that your tatoo will stretch. The belly is stretchn it. Hahahahahaa!!! I guess you didn't think of triplets when u were getting it done.

NMG did you decide what to with the shower than? Do't forget it's your first baby and you should enjoy it.

AFM I have a wedding to attend next months so I desperately need to find a dress that I could wear. I thought of making one but I can't imagine what would look good on me anymore as my body is so distorted all of a sudden. Can't imagine how much would my belly would grow either. :( I think I will google some pregnant attendees on red carpet to get some ideas about a shape. :))

NMG. I hope I am not out of turn here, as I can be pretty opinionated and outspoken. But honestlybif I was you I would simply tell my friend I would LOVE. A shower if she is inclined to throw one and don't even tell or invite your mom. Your mom is being ridiculous and it sods like she is really ruining whT should be. VERY happy time for you, honey. Please don't let her do that to you. You are a grown womAn and if she cannot be happynfor you then that is her problem, not yours! This is YOUR baby and if you want a shower you should certainly have one. We had FOUR and they were all wonderful and it was so great to see how happy everyone was for us. If your mom does not give you any gifts at least you will have freedom from her interference. Just my two cents but I hope you will not let her ruin this fantastic time in your life! Hugs!!!

And ps Chris I am so jealous of your coach bag! I really would love one but could not settle on one that I just loved so have not bought aything yet. :rofl:

Hugs to all. So sorry I have been away so much recently, trying to get back on track!

Also - does anyone know if we can post video on bnb?

Thanks ladies!
thanks Ladies -

there isn't much I can do about the shower, I am resigning myself to accept not having one. My longtime best friend died 2 years ago and she would have dared to defy my mom, but my other dear friends wouldn't dare and I really can't blame them. I am more hurt by my sister that I am the closest to as she just shrugged and said, mom said no. When I said, but it's me and my first, this should be happy times, she just said she never has been pg so she has no idea what its like nor really is that interested so no, no shower.

last year when I was engaged, I made a wedding website with pictures, history, links to the wedding registry (we registered for the honeymoon, which by the way NOBODY in my family got anything off of it) and just some nice things I wrote about the wedding party. I sent it to my mom and then asked her a few days later if she looked at it. Nope. I asked her about 3 times and the last time I asked why and she said the idea was ridiculous and why the hell should she look at it, she knows what I look like so why bother to look at the pics, doesn't like the idea of the registry so why would she appear to approve of it. WHY didn't I know then that a baby registry would be out of the question. My sister-in-law had showers for 3 of her 4 kids and we all went to it but she still gripes about it. My other sisters didn't but friends threw them but mom already called my friends to say not to do it, so she has pre-empted everything.

too bad, I thought it would be fun to register but oh well. Charlie's sisters don't know about this, but they are so scattered Charlie says they will not do this and go against mom either.

It's really ok, I know I'm going on about it and i'm sorry, but i should have expected it and not got excited over a silly registry.

Needless to say, charlie is not a happy camper

a coach bag......ahhhh I can only dream now! :)
NMG, that does it,where do you live? I am coming there and throwing you a shower!! I am sorry this is probably out of turn, but your mother is a bully! And everything she says is a "me" statement. She doesn't want a shower, she doesn't like them, she will be embarrassed! Holly cow does this woman ever think of anyone but herself. I'm serious, I am throwing you a shower and if "she" has a problem then "she" can deal with me!!! Rottpaw is right,this is a really special time in your life and your mom should not be able to spoil it for you!

ok now i'm all riled up! Bring it on!

Lava, so glad the test results were so good!! When are you telling people?

Austin, selfish hooker?? LOL never heard that one. I really liked the red tent, but I prefer a good murder mystery too. Love the JD Robb books, but will look into the author you like. Had to stop reading serial killer books, too many nightmares. Currently trapped in the young adult cycle. Give me a vampire, werewolf, or angel and tenage angst and i'm happy. Glad no news is good news,hang in there!

Svet, you will pass! Good luck with the itching, hope relief comes quickly.

Skye, I am in desperate need of a pedicure and now i'm terrified! But the need for cute toes out weighs my fear. Good luck with the wedding clothes shopping. Maybe wait until last minute so you know how your body will be shaped? Good luck!

where the heck is rebecca? Yep, i'm worried too.

AFM, well I was going to start this post by complaining, but my leg cramps, lost keys and messed up peanut butter and jelly just sound trivial compared to everything else, so I will just say it was a tough morning. However, the sun is shinning, my bug bites don't itch anymore, it's my friday, and all my best girl friends are in town for my shower so life is pretty good. Hope everyone else has a good day!! Xxx anna
Anna what better material to complain about but cramps, lost keys and messed up peanut butter and jam sandwich? :)) Go ahead bb.

NMG I'm afraid at some point you will have to gather all your courage together, stand up to your mama and say "NO!" Just that! Very clear. Otherwise it looks like you have a lot of unhappiness coming towards your way. Especially when it comes to raising your kid. If you let her interfere with the upbringing you will be pulling your hair in the end. If you believe that your mum is tough and you don't have it in you to do that, I'll say, you are her child and I'm sure there must be somewhere in there some tough part of her in you too. She is being selfish and unreasonable and you actually know that. I'm sure she knows it too but pulls it anyway cause no one dares opposing.
Mum's eh!!!! Why are they there for but to drive you mad? Well I'm sure they have other qualities too like nurturing and loving etc but sometimes that doesn't stop them from being selfish.
I must admit one thing I fear the most about having this baby is that I would end up like my mother. :shrug: i really hope not. :flower:
skye, you said that much more diplomatically than I did. I agree with you, I am terrified of having the same relationship with my daughter that I have with my mum. Hope that since we're aware of it, it won't happen.
I think you both said it wonderfully! Thank you for understanding me and not thinking I'm this horrible selfish greedy person for being disappointed in not getting a shower. You bolster my spirits and make me realize that this is not normal and sad, actually. It makes me sad as we used to be so close but she just isn't excited about this pregnancy at all. When I say that to her, she just says, I have enough grandkids, why would I get excited over another one, so maybe she feels like she is getting old or something. ugh. but enough on that, I'll get over it and get my own coach diaper bag, darn it! :haha::haha:

Charlie says we should all throw a big BnB shower for each other - by buying something we really would want for ourselves, wrapping it up and then getting a piece of cake and sit in a big online forum and open the gifts, eat cake and chat together...and post pics of what we all got ourselves. For a man, he really does get me and I couldn't be happier with him. Esp when he talks about getting me some cake. :haha::haha::haha::haha:
Just checking on Rebekah.... she hasn't posted in her journal since the 23rd either..... :huh: I am starting to get worried.
awww NMG, I just don't know what to say that the others didn't already. How old is your mom??? I am sorry she is being like this. I just can not even imagine someone saying they aren't excited because they already have so many grandkids??? Makes me mad. I love your husband! He sounds like a real treasure. Focus on what's important and right now that is you, your baby and your relationship with your husband. You can't change your mom. We just have to accept them for who they are or move on.
I wish you all had better realtionships with your moms. I am very close with mine, but things aren't always perfect. I also moved away to the other side of the country with a 5 hour plane ride separating us. It's very hard at times especially with the baby coming. It's harder on my dad than my mom, so throughout the years I'll get the attitude from my dad like he doesn't care etc.... and make comments like- no one forced you to move so far away. In the end I know it's a defense mechanism because he does care so much. Just because they're older than us doesn't automatically make them wiser. NMG, maybe your mom is being distant because she saving her own emotions from getting attached thinking she won't get to see this new grandchild grow up? I really don't know, but try not to dwell. :hugs:

Let's start a 'get NMG a coach bag fund'!!!!! :happydance:
Hi ladies. Sorry for the worry! It's been a bit hectic over here. Not sure if I've mentioned that Doug has been having hypoglycemic episodes so we've been going in for tests for him. I postponed my own appointment tomorrow because the specialist got him in quickly or he'd have to wait until November. I've been calling to be sure they are sending the reports to the specialist and doing my own research based on my own findings when he goes through these episodes. My thought is that the stress is causing a particular hormone to release too much insulin in his body. I HIGHLY doubt it's cancer or they would have caught it over the 3 year period he's had this and he's been in and out of the hospital ...now the episodes are more frequent...I'm thinking the fact that the baby is almost here, he's taken on so much PLUS his own job in the cardiac unit and he's not without stress that's for sure.

I'll also be sure to have his thyroid tested and also his glands to be sure it's not a tumor but those are worse cases and my gutt is telling me he needs a new diet, exercise and STRESS plan. Not sure WHAT he'll do as he doesn't like yoga because of the overall foundation of it all. Yoga philosophy goes against his moral belief. I honor that, though honestly He doesn't have to think about their philosophy...he can STILL take on the breathing aspect while still praising the Lord for heavens sake. :rofl:

Amelia is doing well so far. We'll be at 30wks on Sunday. :happydance: As for the cardiac consult. Well, I didn't get the result I wanted to hear but it was overall positive. She's still breech and still refusing to move for ANYONE that wants a picture from her. She's her mother's daughter that's for sure! :haha: They were able to get pics of her heart but it was blurry. Basically one of the other cardiac specialists came in and examined the pics and everything. He said he didn't see a thing! He did say though (and this is what I DIDN'T want) was that even though he didn't see it, doesn't mean something small isn't there. :wacko: With the wiggly little uncooperative Amelia, he couldn't rule out something small because the pictures were fuzzy.

Conclusion is that they will wait until she's actually born and perform another ultrasound on her heart in the hospital before she leaves just to be sure there's nothing there. What he DID say is that even IF there was VSD. It's so small that he was confident it'd either close up on it's own OR the surgery would be minimal. So that's good. But this momma wanted confirmation that everything was closed and just be able to leave carefree!

As for the wedding, nope, it's not until the 26th of August. I'm actually in a frenzy over here ready to cry because I too am having issues finding something nice to wear to both the wedding AND my shower. I'm plus size so they have crap clothes for me anyways. The pants they now sell are the stupid lycra panels that don't hold for us plus size women. Those suckers fall down easily on me and honestly with the PCOS apron I have, it looks ridiculous! I just look ugly! Maternity dresses in plus size either are UGLY or look like flippin moo moo's. :wacko: I've found ONE dress that may work but the company is an online only and I'm unsure if it's safe to do business with them.

I have ONE pair of capri's I've been wearing that have the old cotton panel that feels night and looks nice. Can't seem to find any like them in thrift stores. I'm honestly not sure WHAT to do. Even for church. What do I keep wearing one pair of capri's and changing shirts each week?? ((sigh)) I'm feeling big and ugly right now. I love my little girl, but it sucks to be a size that has no nice clothing to make me feel and look like a woman.

Okay, enough about me.

nmg. Honestly I'd throw a sip and see after the baby is here. Register somewhere and I would keep mom out. She's too much flippin drama! My mom is actually helping to throw mine. She keeps wanting to invite her mother who hates me and I told her the party would be over. It's hard enough to let my mother throw the party since while I KNOW she loves me, she hasn't at all been supportive through the loss of my son. When I need her most she's emotionally unavailable. In fact, most people coming to the shower are from the church. I have VERY FEW family members coming to my shower. All in all though, the people who are there have been the ones who have supported us through both tragedy AND joy.

Please try to create a boundary with mom. I've been through something similar all my life and it's caused nothing but emotional turmoil and heartache for my husband and I. If you can't have family and friends that are supportive then it's time to cut the cord and move forward in making your own family and newfound friends who WILL support both you and your husband! If you want a shower, throw one yourself and DON'T invite those who refuse to support you. I wouldn't even invite your mother with the crappy attitude she's had. THAT will turn back and bite her in the ass when her grandkid comes. Sorry, I don't swear often, but it's sickening and I get frustrated with my own parental drama. It's hard to see this happening to others.

I'd say throw one yourself and invite those who would be supportive OR have a "sip n see" with tea and hors d'oeuvres. Get invites and make sure you add a little paper sharing where your registered. As nice as it would be to have family and/or friends support you...if they're not willing....there's nothing wrong with you throwing your own. I wouldn't give a DAMN that it embarrasses your mother. Lay that responsibility in HER lap..it's NOT your embarrassment to hold onto. YOU'VE done NOTHING wrong!

Anna, good golly I'm frustrated with your parents too. I know they love you like mine do...in an odd sort of way, but HOLY CATS! Can there Palease be some safe boundaries here please?! I think that talk will help a great deal. Again, lay the lines down...DON'T hold on to HER hurt. Her anger and her disappointment is HERS, not YOURS to deal with. They should have asked how you felt about this or asked what your plans were. You have EVERY right to move forward with YOUR plans and say NO to theirs. THEY were the ones that made the decision without thought so THEY need to reap the consequences when "no" is said on those occasions!

Oooee. I think I'm hormonal. Sorry for the aggressive talk. I think I'm getting tired of fighting and advocating in all directions that my mouth is starting to spew what I think at inappropriate times. I don't know, maybe this will be a good thing for others in that it will force them to face certain facts about the boundaries I have for myself and my immediate family. Enough is enough already and I'm living my own darn life the best I can!! If nobody likes it, the door is right in front of them! :winkwink:
Just on the bus so this will be quick but holy cow MA 30 weeks!!!!! :happydance: Amazing!!!!!!! Sorry for your husbands health troubles bur he's very lucky to have you looking over him.
Glad you and Amelia are ok :thumbup:
Hi girls!!!
Rebekah - SO glad to hear you are doing well... Hoping for the best of results for Doug! Congrats on 30 weeks!

NMG - I agree with all these other girls... I am sorry your mother behaves like this... I have my issues with mine, too, but my heart hurts for you that she says such things to you. Hugs!!! Oh - and I really LOVE the ideas of the sip n' sees... I went to one at a friend's home a few months ago, hosted by the couple themselves, and meant to be a celebration of their child's birth... We brought a gift, even though they didn't put registry info in the invite, and think most would do the same for you! I thought it was a fantastic idea for a party!

Anna - (and everyone!) Hope I didn't offend with the "hooker" remark... Its actually a term of endearment my GF's and I use with each other... no offense intended! Oh yes... the teen books rock ~ much better than the ones at our age! I want to read the "Hunger Games" series... have you read those? And, btw, BOO for a bad morning!!! Wishing you a FAB weekend!!!!

As far as "Mommie Dearest" stories go... my folks were in this past weekend & when she walked into my house, my mom saw me and started laughing! THEN, at dinner, she commented something to the effect that I could always sew myself "plus-size MuMus"... I burst out in tears and went to the ladies' room... And I wonder why I have weight issues!!! Mothers!!! Urgggggh!!! And I have 3 daughters coming! Lord, help me! :)

31 weeks today... I had steroid injections, as they are starting to prepare for the onset of PTL... BP and all are still good, so I'm not losing hope for several more weeks! :)
Hi girls!!!
Rebekah - SO glad to hear you are doing well... Hoping for the best of results for Doug! Congrats on 30 weeks!

NMG - I agree with all these other girls... I am sorry your mother behaves like this... I have my issues with mine, too, but my heart hurts for you that she says such things to you. Hugs!!! Oh - and I really LOVE the ideas of the sip n' sees... I went to one at a friend's home a few months ago, hosted by the couple themselves, and meant to be a celebration of their child's birth... We brought a gift, even though they didn't put registry info in the invite, and think most would do the same for you! I thought it was a fantastic idea for a party!

Anna - (and everyone!) Hope I didn't offend with the "hooker" remark... Its actually a term of endearment my GF's and I use with each other... no offense intended! Oh yes... the teen books rock ~ much better than the ones at our age! I want to read the "Hunger Games" series... have you read those? And, btw, BOO for a bad morning!!! Wishing you a FAB weekend!!!!

As far as "Mommie Dearest" stories go... my folks were in this past weekend & when she walked into my house, my mom saw me and started laughing! THEN, at dinner, she commented something to the effect that I could always sew myself "plus-size MuMus"... I burst out in tears and went to the ladies' room... And I wonder why I have weight issues!!! Mothers!!! Urgggggh!!! And I have 3 daughters coming! Lord, help me! :)

31 weeks today... I had steroid injections, as they are starting to prepare for the onset of PTL... BP and all are still good, so I'm not losing hope for several more weeks! :)

You at least need to get to 5 more weeks! Glad their giving you steroid shots though! A friend of a friend just had her triplets too and she made it to 36ks at 4lbs a piece. They are healthy and beautiful! All seems to be going well on your end. Just try to take it easy the next few weeks so you can get that far! Are They still checking your length or did they stop at 24/28wks? They gave this other girl progesterone when she started showing signs of PTL (not sure if it was my form or not) and she made it to 36wks. Will they do that with you?

It sounds like you have a pretty awesome team! Wish I were there for the medical care....NOT the heat though. :rofl:

As for the comments your mom makes. Darlin, if you were that bad you may not have carried the triplets this far. Your in pretty damn good shape to be carrying triplets. They're going to weigh you down a bit. your carrying twice more the load that the rest of us are..with exception to lava!! :winkwink:

I WOULD try to keep bounderies with mom as well when the girls are here. Last thing you want for them is gramma encouraging unhealthy weight issues and eating habits from her thoughtless remarks.:wacko:

Push her remarks to the side. Sounds like she's more uneasy with her own body issues and needs to pass them off to you sadly.:nope:

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