35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Oh no Viv! I am so sorry both for the foot and the idiot technician. But you and Chris are SO close girls! I am so excited for you both!

And Chris I bet it feels like a watermelon by this point too! :rofl: I know I did. I delivered at 38 weeks exactly so you are super close to where our journey ended! Hugs and I can't WAIT to see these babies start arriving!

girls I am so sorry I have not yet caught up on the back pages. Will work on that this week. Hugs and love to ALL, I am out the door to go to the store for hubbys birthday dinner!

Love to all!
It's Monday... :) Hi girlies!

Viv - Bless your heart!!! How scary! I am so sorry about the ankle - I agree with Chris... You have had a helluva time this pregnancy and just about the most upbeat person I know, taking everything in stride! I'm tellin' ya... Your LO is gonna be a go getter, with nerves of steele just like Momma! I hope you don't have to use crutches, I can't imagine with a newborn AND snow! Big hugs, honey & soooo glad you have your mother there to help you!
And can I just say.... STUPID ARSE DOCTOR!!!!

MA - I am sure that Doug is just grateful you are doing so well... he knows how much pain you have endured. So exciting that you are nearly off of your bedrest time... Now, if only we could get these ridiculously high temps under control and could go outside, right?

Steph - Sounds like Katelyn is doing so well & YOU, TOO! Haha... comment about "Chris's outfit" was awesome... :)

Chris/Svet - Good luck studying!!! I know it can't be easy... I am trying to wrap up some work projects and have to DRAG myself into the home office... You can do it!

Anna - How was your girls' weekend & shower??? Hope you had an awesome time!!! LOVE the cashmere booties!!!!!!! :cloud9: What a little princess.... :)

Chris/Sunshine - You & Anna make me sooo jealous! You with the bike & her hiking... it is so awesome you girls feel good & are so active! And, yes, the tatoo "aftereffects" will be interesting.... I haven't noticed any real stretching until the last few weeks, but.... :dohh: not quite as "sexy" as it used to be... lol....

AFM - Again, just rockin' along... we are in "any day now" mode... The bag is packed... Watching my BP & the contractions... it is REALLY hard to sleep and my back and neck hurt constantly... I can't really complain though, as I have had a pretty easy ride (esp for trips)...

Interesting thing, Baby A, who for the entire pg has been at the bottom of my belly, lying side-to-side, has moved drastically up... She is now vertical, head down, right smack in the middle between her sisters, B on my left and C on my right... Scary to see that, 'cause it is like she's saying, "ok - I'm getting ready!" So they are all 3 running out of room... Looking down I have A in the middle, B to her left and C on the right..... CRAAAAAZY!!! We FINALLY get another growth scan on Thurs... need to make sure they are still growing well, as that is another reason they could take them early even if I am doing okay.... Hope this week goes fast!

Love and good wishes to all!!!! Forgive me for not mentioning everyone by name...
Oh - we went to my hubby's 20th reunion last night. Just can't believe the audacity of some people! First, some woman walked past me, put BOTH her hands on my belly, and started furiously rubbing like I was some sort of damn genie lamp! So I "subtly" swatted (i.e. hit) them away. Hard. She left me alone after that. :haha: That happened about 10 minutes after we arrived. Set the tone for the whole evening... sigh... I also got the inevitable question "Are you breastfeeding?" So I just said no, I started on solids years ago.

Some people, right?

:rofl: :thumbup: Friggin hilarious!!!

Yup I rescheduled the exam. I am due to write on August 10th. I better get studying. :wacko: I finish work Tuesday, thank GOD, so that will give me 7 full days without distraction to focus on the task at hand. Then, its all about getting ready for baby and relaxing. I have NO energy anymore at all.

MA- Hope Doug feels better soon! 10 yrs??? Dang, you guys need a vacay, even if it's just to a cabin a couple hours away. Seriously. You need to think about a babymoon, NOW.

Nice to hear from you Steph! Glad to hear Katelyn is getting stronger everyday. She is so darn cute. I think I have that same outfit she is wearing in your avatar. Can't wait to have to time to actually go through all the stuff I have been given. All the cute little outfits have been in a suitcase since May. :nope:

Anna- hope you have a blast at your baby shower!!! you are too cute missing DH already. I am the same way. I find the longer we are together the less I like to be apart from him. We've been married only 1 1/2 yrs but have have been together 7 :cloud9: I can't even have proper sexy dreams. :haha: he always manages to creep into my fantasies.... :dohh:

Another hot Saturday here. It's not as humid as it was last night thank goodness. Waiting for DH to get out of the shower so we can go shopping. Going to pick up some odds and ends for the baby's room so we can start to put it together. :happydance: I promise to post pics as soon as it's ready!

I am still itching like mad, BUT I dare say this.... I think I am getting better. Everywhere I read it says you can itch for weeks after, until your top layer of skin sloughs off, so I have been using an exfoliant every night now in my cold pre-bed shower. I then slather up in calamine, pop a Chlor-Tripolon and have been sleeping really decently for the first time in over a month! I just can't wait to be rid of this nightmare. It feels like I will never be normal again. I had a really scary thought yesterday... that if this doesn't clear up fast, I wouldn't be able to hold my brand new baby for fear of contamination. :cry::cry::cry: Thank goodness she isn't due for three more weeks, and tell her every night to stay in there for three more weeks.

My favourite moment of pregancy: feeling her little bony body protruding out the right side of me. Elbow? knee? foot? I can't imagine loving someone more than I already lover her. :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

promise to get all caught up tonight, but svet I learned from a friend this weekend of a skin condition that comes on during pregnancy and effects people of swedish and chilean decent. I donlt know the name off hand, but bet you can google it. It causes terrible itching. Just wondering if you could have it,not scabbies. Something to look into.

will write more latr . .anna
I've just googled it and it's the liver disease that can cause itching. I mentioned it to my doctor last week and she brushed me off fast. She said- I'm not worried about you and a liver disease. :shrug:
svet, it's called Cholestasis of preegnancy or Pruritus Gravidarum. Donlt know what your ethnic back ground is, but worth checking out. However I donlt want to scare you. Itls most common in women with multiples, but it's weird to me you are still itchy. Ok i'm out!
Hi ladies!

Charmaine, can't believe baby A has moved up to center position. :wacko: Must be freaky!

I haven't done any packing yet and I, like you could go anytime. HOPEFULLY to term but I should have a bag packed. :lol: Praying your scan goes well. It'd be nice to see those babies go as far as they can. :thumbup:

Doug bought Chipotle for lunch today and while it used to be my favorite. It's made me quite sick now. :rofl: I'm heading for a nap to sleep it off.

Had itching last night and ended up with some sort of odd rash on my left leg. I put some pink stuff on it and took some allergy meds in hope it works. I'm not on any antibiotic that would cause it so I'm not sure what the culprit is. Hopefully it will go away.

Nothing else really going on. Poor Doug is sick with a sore throat but other than that..I'm prepping for the next few weeks ahead. Maid comes on Wed. We rec'd our first baby registry gift in the mail from my cousin who's getting married. She send bibs, Medala bf'ing kit and a Medala storage organizer. :happydance: I put those items on the list and decided I'd take the Medala pump off since I'll be using the one at the hospital. Then we'll just rent the hospital grade at B R U to see if I'll actually need to buy one outright. In the meantime, we could use the kits so I'm excited about that! One less necessity we'll need to buy.

Also found out that people started purchasing the AOI diapers. :happydance: They can be expensive per diaper and people are buying 2 and 4 at a time. I also have the wet bag and one pack of cotton wipes. :happydance: Can't WAIT for the shower. Not just for the gifts of course but to see everyone in the same room. I designed the cake (the only thing they allowed me to do to keep me occupied) and am waiting for a part in the mail then we'll take it to the cake decorator who has my design. In the end, I won't honestly know what the final product will look like. THAT will be a surprise, but I LOVE to plan parties and design menu's so it's made me a happy camper over the past few weeks to work on the design of the cake. Just a basic buttercream sheet cake. Nothing like what you'd see on Food network as those are expensive and I HIGHLY doubt Duff would do a cake for me. :haha: Overall though, I think my cake will come out cute. I did the half and half Vanilla/Chocolate with no filling. I'm a no frills kinda gal, though I DID think of changing to pink champagne flavor for cake. Wasn't sure what it tasted like and whether everyone would like it so went more along the lines of traditional. If it was for a tea party or something like that...I'd get the pink champagne with a light frosting. Oh how I LOVE to party plan! :rofl:
Hi ladies!

Viv & Chris #1 (the watermelon girls :)) - it just dawned on me that you're both considered full term now!! How exciting! :thumbup:

Viv, you poor thing - I'm so sorry about the ankle! Like being pregnant isn't uncomfortable enough... Not quite sure what to say about the X-ray tech... maybe that's what happens when you let too many rays fry your brain. :shrug:

MA - how fun that you get to design the cake for your shower! I must admit, I like doing that sort of thing, too. Of course, I don't actually DO any of it... I just take my ideas to the stationer, florist, cake designer, etc... with my skills (or lack thereof) it's best to leave the actual hands-on work to the professionals. :blush:

Austin, sounds like the girlies are getting ready to make their appearance! I thought of you today - I saw a show on TLC about multiples, and the mama gave birth to 3 very healthy girls. If I remember correctly, she was at 35 weeks when they were born, and they were all sent home within 3 or 4 days after the birth. I know that you're exactly 1 week behind me, and I'll be 33 weeks this Thursday. Which would put you at 32 weeks this Thursday. (Yes, I know - I'm a numerical genius). :) So it sounds to me like you're rapidly approaching the point where there could be minimal NICU time. That's awesome! :happydance:

To everyone else... :hi:

Nothing going on with me. Hubby FINALLY finished the baby's room and put the crib together. :happydance: Now I have to start looking for a few decor-type items. Unfortunately I didn't see anything that spoke to me on Amazon, so it looks like I'll have to do it the old fashioned way and hit the stores. Bummer. I live in east-nowhere, and the only time I'm near civilization is at work. And after a long day at work the LAST thing I want to do is go shopping. I find I'm getting cranky(er) in my 3rd trimester...

Have a good evening, all!
Hi ladies!

Viv & Chris #1 (the watermelon girls :)) - it just dawned on me that you're both considered full term now!! How exciting! :thumbup:

Viv, you poor thing - I'm so sorry about the ankle! Like being pregnant isn't uncomfortable enough... Not quite sure what to say about the X-ray tech... maybe that's what happens when you let too many rays fry your brain. :shrug:

MA - how fun that you get to design the cake for your shower! I must admit, I like doing that sort of thing, too. Of course, I don't actually DO any of it... I just take my ideas to the stationer, florist, cake designer, etc... with my skills (or lack thereof) it's best to leave the actual hands-on work to the professionals. :blush:

Austin, sounds like the girlies are getting ready to make their appearance! I thought of you today - I saw a show on TLC about multiples, and the mama gave birth to 3 very healthy girls. If I remember correctly, she was at 35 weeks when they were born, and they were all sent home within 3 or 4 days after the birth. I know that you're exactly 1 week behind me, and I'll be 33 weeks this Thursday. Which would put you at 32 weeks this Thursday. (Yes, I know - I'm a numerical genius). :) So it sounds to me like you're rapidly approaching the point where there could be minimal NICU time. That's awesome! :happydance:

To everyone else... :hi:

Nothing going on with me. Hubby FINALLY finished the baby's room and put the crib together. :happydance: Now I have to start looking for a few decor-type items. Unfortunately I didn't see anything that spoke to me on Amazon, so it looks like I'll have to do it the old fashioned way and hit the stores. Bummer. I live in east-nowhere, and the only time I'm near civilization is at work. And after a long day at work the LAST thing I want to do is go shopping. I find I'm getting cranky(er) in my 3rd trimester...

Have a good evening, all!

Thanks. I think they knew they had to give me something to keep me occupied I was trying to work my way into the party planning phase. In other words, trying to put my nose where it didn't belong. :dohh::haha: I can't help myself though. I like to party plan and haven't done it in awhile. I help with the church Thanksgiving Dinner and while that's great, I'm getting the itch to plan parties. :rofl:

Oh, can't wait to see pics of the room! We have the furniture but I'm waiting on Doug to get it together on a day off. Tomorrow is a day off but he's got a sore throat so I've decided not to press the matter and give him some space to relax on his day off. If he picks it up on his own, that's great. If not, I won't.

I'm having a hard time finding crib decor as well. As you know I like bright floral prints in primary colors. All I seem to be finding are pastels though.:wacko: Etsy has some beautiful options but they're NOT cheap and some don't come with the blanket. If I spend 300.00 on crib bedding, I want the darn blanket and will use it for her when she's in her toddler bed.

I'm surprised though, you live in or near Rochester. They actually have better stores than here in Syracuse! I like Buy, Buy Baby and wish we had it here, though I haven't seen their bedding lately. Can't wait to see what you choose for your final choice. Ugh how I wish things were easier to choose. :lol: Good luck with your shopping!:hugs::flower:
Evening Ladies,

Sorry I have been lurking the last few days.

Svet, glad to hear that the doc had heard of the disease and it's not in the cards for you. good luck studying. Watermelon eh?? I definately feel like one lately. It's not so bad when I look straight down, but when I get a profile view I am amazed how big I look.

Rottpaw, glad you are doing well. How's the sleep thing going?

MA, I am so sorry for the charlie horse, welcome to the leg cramp club. Sucks and wouldn't wish it on anyone. Sometime I wake up just because I am afraid I will get one. Seems to always strike me in the early morning too. I think my body starts to stretch and that's when they hit. I always try now to flex my feet when I'm stretching if I'm, awake enough to think about it. It does help if you can swing your legs out of bed and stand, sounds impossible but works like a charm. Thank goodness we have DHs that are kind enough to rub our legs eh??

Steph, Katelyn looks and sounds so good!! I am so happy she is doing so well.

Sunshine, I hope you are well.

Austin, I bet you are ready to go. Happy you have your bag packed. Are you at all dialated?? So exciting and scarry eh? Everyone asks all the time if I'm exccited and I said yes, with some trepidation. You will be a great mom, can't wait to meet all the girls.

Vivienne, I am so sorry about your foot!!! And really . . . what a stupid tech.

I'm sure I've forgotten some folks, sorry!!

AFM, my weekend was awesome!!! I miss my good girlfriends so much! Cried when they left. But we got to spend some great time together. Kinda made me glad I was pregnant though because they PARTIED!!! Baby shower was fun and they did a really good job. We got some awesome gifts including a pack and play that we are going to use as a bassinet. They had an arts and crafts project where everyone picked a onsie and then got to pick a design to put on it and fabric swatches to choose from, then you ironed it onto the onsie. People were really creative and it made some great personalized gifts.

So that's all from here. Friends thinking I will go early, but I guess time will only tell.

Have a good night. Anna
Just think ... soon you can plan all of Amelia's birthday parties! ;)

Chris, Charmaine, Anna, Viv ... y'all are so close! Get those bags packed so you can put your feet up and relax.

Not much to report with me. We've started announcing to friends & family so that has been fun!

I owe you a post. Should have more time tomorrow morning.

Hi to everyone else. Sorry I haven't remembered everyone by name. I've been so busy at work. Talk soon.
Sorry girls! I am just soooo frustrated at the moment....

As one would guess, your choices of strollers are VERY limited with triplets... so we decided to go with a modular system by Peg Perego that has a chassis that will hold the infant car seats when they are little bitty and then has snap in "big" seats when they outgrow the infant carseats....

We go in to order it (none are available AT a store, of course) and are told that it is "not available for order"... there are none in inventory at BRUS now. But they expect some soon... THAT WAS 2 MONTHS AGO...

There are a couple other brands, but none that will hold infants (<20lbs)... We won't need the the stroller for a while obviously, but we WILL need the carseats by the end of Sept. to get the babies home, at least.

Issue is, if I can't get the Peg Perego stroller, I don't want to keep the Peg Perego carseats... because they were $250 each!!!! Ridiculous, right? We were fortunate enough to be given ALL 3 at showers... But I know I can get good car seats for less than that!

Now, we are being told that it will be at least another MONTH before the Peg Perego stroller is available... but that we are "on the top of the list"... My dilemma: DO I TRUST THESE GUYS AT BRUS? If the month timeframe is accurate, it should be okay, as babies prob won't leave hosp til their actual "due date" 9/29.... and I won't need car seats til then...

Our only other option is to go with a twin & a single frame... and there are MUCH more in choices.... but will need 2 adults to go anywhere...

Needless to say, this is just such a crock... the stupid stroller is $1000! So the total investment in this system is quite a lot... Is this the way it will be with triplets????? Forever????? Urrrgggghhhh......

Sorrry to sound like a whiny brat! I am just soooooo fed up with this!!!!
Vent over.... deep breath.... god, I wish I could have a glass of vino..... :dohh:
Afternoon all!

Austin, rant is well deserved!! Can you go straight to pre -prego and order the system from then thereby by-passing BRUS? Do you already have the car seats? So you can get home from the hospital? Very frustrating indeed. What do the parents of multiples in your community say??? I hope it all gets resolved. I myself have been having the occasional glass of vino. Not often, but here and there. There are different schools of thought and to each their own, but I have been know to par take of the vino. If not now, then soon my friend you can pump and dump!!

Lava, glad to hear all is well.
Skye, I forgot you the other day, hope you are well.
NMG, same to you, hang in there.

AFM, had doc appt this am and all is good. Had some cramping off and on all night last night so I was curious to see if anything was amiss. Had the strep B test too. I also pre-registered at the hospital so we're ready to go if need be. Hopefully not for four more weeks. We have birthing class tonight and are watching "the movie". Can't wait to see DHs reaction!!

However best part of the day, besides having it off now that I'm four days a week at work, was that I lost my drivers license a few months ago and went to DMV to get it replaced. I was in and out in 10 minuets!!!! That has got to be some kind of world record!!! I gave myself an hour for the task and was doubtful that would happen. So I have good Karma on my side today. Too bad I also have dog poop on my shoes that is currently wafting up and stinking me out, so I'm going to sign out and take off these shoes and clean them, then maybe take a nap!!

Hope everyone has a good day!! Anna

I was just on amazon mom and they had a sale of maternity dresses for all of you with weddings and special events coming up.

Also I thought that amazon mom offered special deals on diapers etc, but I felt as if I was ordering off just plain amazon. Is there a special way to order straight from amazon mom that I'm not doing??? I ordered diapers, wipes and a something else. Just wondering if I'm doing something wrong. Any advice is appreciated.


I was just on amazon mom and they had a sale of maternity dresses for all of you with weddings and special events coming up.

Also I thought that amazon mom offered special deals on diapers etc, but I felt as if I was ordering off just plain amazon. Is there a special way to order straight from amazon mom that I'm not doing??? I ordered diapers, wipes and a something else. Just wondering if I'm doing something wrong. Any advice is appreciated.


Thanks, Anna... I believe I have calmed a bit now... :) And I have had a bit of vino here and there... but for me, the HEARTBURN I have after even a sip is too big a price to pay for it... No moral problems with it all! Many GF's have a glass a night while prego...

As for your question, I signed up, but have not ordered yet... I think that once you make your purchases and have signed up, you start to accrue the shipping credits, etc... ???? Not sure... Maybe one of our mommas on here can help us out! Glad your shorter schedule is agreeing with you!
Charmaine, Go to Peg Perego US link and see if there's another store that will sell you the triplet stroller. I would also contact the US company and see if they can help you. Tell them your predicament and see if they can expedite things.
Hellooo all.

Oh Charmaine, rant away! :growlmad:

You are so close to welcoming those babies too, how exciting!!!!:baby:
And I have had a sneaky glass of beer or vino over the months, I said I would on my birthday and I did! :winkwink:

Svet, no cast just strapped up as it is a top fracture. How is the itching?? It must be such a b*&@h of a thing to have. :hugs:

Anna, sounds like you had a perfect shower, not long for you now!

AFM, Xray tech was a WOMAN too. I guess they don't like to assume pregnancy even when it is quite obvious I am preg not fat. Also my admit form said 37 weeks pregnant, good to know they read the forms!

Well waiting for a plumber to come, only 1 hour late so far so not too bad. I'll give him 2 hours then I will start to moan.

Love to all :hugs:

PS just looked at my tattoo in the mirror (it is across my lower belly), I was proud of it once, now it looks like a contour map :cry: I'll pretend the stretchies are rivers!
Rant away, Austin! Lord knows, no one would blame you! I'd be ](*,) too if I were in your shoes!

Anna - how'd the DH do with the video? The one we saw wasn't bad at all. I think it was made with hubbies/partners in mind...

Viv - hope the plumber didn't make you wait too long!

As for Amazon Mom, I don't really think it looks like anything different than regular Amazon - you'll just see that a lot of the baby items have the Amazon Prime service with them. Essentially, that's what Amazon Mom is - it's free Amazon Prime for certain baby-related items.

At least, that's my understanding of it... :shrug:
Hi ladies.

having lower back cramps kinda like I had with Jackson so I'm going in at 1pm to be checked. I've asked them not to use speculum. They can either do trans vag. or manual. She's been very low and is kicking lower right corner of the pelvis.

I don't feel the stitch has opened, not seeing any blood so that looks like a good sign.

I'm exhausted and haven't been sleeping so that's another issue. Good thing it's a normal pregnancy Whoa! :happydance:

Anyways, I'm going to eat lunch and go. Have a good day everyone! :flower:

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