35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi girls!!!
Rebekah - SO glad to hear you are doing well... Hoping for the best of results for Doug! Congrats on 30 weeks!

NMG - I agree with all these other girls... I am sorry your mother behaves like this... I have my issues with mine, too, but my heart hurts for you that she says such things to you. Hugs!!! Oh - and I really LOVE the ideas of the sip n' sees... I went to one at a friend's home a few months ago, hosted by the couple themselves, and meant to be a celebration of their child's birth... We brought a gift, even though they didn't put registry info in the invite, and think most would do the same for you! I thought it was a fantastic idea for a party!

Anna - (and everyone!) Hope I didn't offend with the "hooker" remark... Its actually a term of endearment my GF's and I use with each other... no offense intended! Oh yes... the teen books rock ~ much better than the ones at our age! I want to read the "Hunger Games" series... have you read those? And, btw, BOO for a bad morning!!! Wishing you a FAB weekend!!!!

As far as "Mommie Dearest" stories go... my folks were in this past weekend & when she walked into my house, my mom saw me and started laughing! THEN, at dinner, she commented something to the effect that I could always sew myself "plus-size MuMus"... I burst out in tears and went to the ladies' room... And I wonder why I have weight issues!!! Mothers!!! Urgggggh!!! And I have 3 daughters coming! Lord, help me! :)

31 weeks today... I had steroid injections, as they are starting to prepare for the onset of PTL... BP and all are still good, so I'm not losing hope for several more weeks! :)

You at least need to get to 5 more weeks! Glad their giving you steroid shots though! A friend of a friend just had her triplets too and she made it to 36ks at 4lbs a piece. They are healthy and beautiful! All seems to be going well on your end. Just try to take it easy the next few weeks so you can get that far! Are They still checking your length or did they stop at 24/28wks? They gave this other girl progesterone when she started showing signs of PTL (not sure if it was my form or not) and she made it to 36wks. Will they do that with you?

It sounds like you have a pretty awesome team! Wish I were there for the medical care....NOT the heat though. :rofl:

As for the comments your mom makes. Darlin, if you were that bad you may not have carried the triplets this far. Your in pretty damn good shape to be carrying triplets. They're going to weigh you down a bit. your carrying twice more the load that the rest of us are..with exception to lava!! :winkwink:

I WOULD try to keep bounderies with mom as well when the girls are here. Last thing you want for them is gramma encouraging unhealthy weight issues and eating habits from her thoughtless remarks.:wacko:

Push her remarks to the side. Sounds like she's more uneasy with her own body issues and needs to pass them off to you sadly.:nope:

Thank you, Rebekah.... You are such a sweet dear!!! I read an article the other day about young girls... Author (female author/editor) commented on how the first thing people say to young girls is a comment on how "pretty", "cute", etc., they are... Her theory was that those type of comments systemically ingrain a sense of self-worth based on looks, etc... I confess to being guilty, as did the author, who said she now makes a concentrated effort to comment on school, books, sports, etc... I don't think folks mean anything negative by such comments, but when you think about it... it sure makes a lot of sense. Sorry to digress, just something to ponder for us moms-to-be of girls...

Oh - on the dress front - I bought ridiculously priced strapless sundresses for all my showers and just absolutely hate how I look in the pics... On the other hand, I have another knit long/maxi dress with little cap sleeves, solid black, that I got at Target in the plus section (which fits me better now than maternity)... Anyway, paired with BIG, BOLD, BRIGHT colored necklace, it looks FAR better than the pricey stuff I bought! You can't go wrong with black, IMHO... I had big ol' hot pink beaded necklace on and it looked cute!! Maybe look for something like that? ... Good luck!!!

Your friend did great!!!! I am going to certainly try... Forgot to mention & since you asked... Peri checked my cervix today and is 0.5 cm dilated... he seemed to think this was normal... But OMG... that HURT!!!! FYI.. things are a lot more swollen and tender "down there" than before... sheesh! Just an FYI... :)
Hi girls!!!
Rebekah - SO glad to hear you are doing well... Hoping for the best of results for Doug! Congrats on 30 weeks!

NMG - I agree with all these other girls... I am sorry your mother behaves like this... I have my issues with mine, too, but my heart hurts for you that she says such things to you. Hugs!!! Oh - and I really LOVE the ideas of the sip n' sees... I went to one at a friend's home a few months ago, hosted by the couple themselves, and meant to be a celebration of their child's birth... We brought a gift, even though they didn't put registry info in the invite, and think most would do the same for you! I thought it was a fantastic idea for a party!

Anna - (and everyone!) Hope I didn't offend with the "hooker" remark... Its actually a term of endearment my GF's and I use with each other... no offense intended! Oh yes... the teen books rock ~ much better than the ones at our age! I want to read the "Hunger Games" series... have you read those? And, btw, BOO for a bad morning!!! Wishing you a FAB weekend!!!!

As far as "Mommie Dearest" stories go... my folks were in this past weekend & when she walked into my house, my mom saw me and started laughing! THEN, at dinner, she commented something to the effect that I could always sew myself "plus-size MuMus"... I burst out in tears and went to the ladies' room... And I wonder why I have weight issues!!! Mothers!!! Urgggggh!!! And I have 3 daughters coming! Lord, help me! :)

31 weeks today... I had steroid injections, as they are starting to prepare for the onset of PTL... BP and all are still good, so I'm not losing hope for several more weeks! :)

You at least need to get to 5 more weeks! Glad their giving you steroid shots though! A friend of a friend just had her triplets too and she made it to 36ks at 4lbs a piece. They are healthy and beautiful! All seems to be going well on your end. Just try to take it easy the next few weeks so you can get that far! Are They still checking your length or did they stop at 24/28wks? They gave this other girl progesterone when she started showing signs of PTL (not sure if it was my form or not) and she made it to 36wks. Will they do that with you?

It sounds like you have a pretty awesome team! Wish I were there for the medical care....NOT the heat though. :rofl:

As for the comments your mom makes. Darlin, if you were that bad you may not have carried the triplets this far. Your in pretty damn good shape to be carrying triplets. They're going to weigh you down a bit. your carrying twice more the load that the rest of us are..with exception to lava!! :winkwink:

I WOULD try to keep bounderies with mom as well when the girls are here. Last thing you want for them is gramma encouraging unhealthy weight issues and eating habits from her thoughtless remarks.:wacko:

Push her remarks to the side. Sounds like she's more uneasy with her own body issues and needs to pass them off to you sadly.:nope:

Thank you, Rebekah.... You are such a sweet dear!!! I read an article the other day about young girls... Author (female author/editor) commented on how the first thing people say to young girls is a comment on how "pretty", "cute", etc., they are... Her theory was that those type of comments systemically ingrain a sense of self-worth based on looks, etc... I confess to being guilty, as did the author, who said she now makes a concentrated effort to comment on school, books, sports, etc... I don't think folks mean anything negative by such comments, but when you think about it... it sure makes a lot of sense. Sorry to digress, just something to ponder for us moms-to-be of girls...

Oh - on the dress front - I bought ridiculously priced strapless sundresses for all my showers and just absolutely hate how I look in the pics... On the other hand, I have another knit long/maxi dress with little cap sleeves, solid black, that I got at Target in the plus section (which fits me better now than maternity)... Anyway, paired with BIG, BOLD, BRIGHT colored necklace, it looks FAR better than the pricey stuff I bought! You can't go wrong with black, IMHO... I had big ol' hot pink beaded necklace on and it looked cute!! Maybe look for something like that? ... Good luck!!!

Your friend did great!!!! I am going to certainly try... Forgot to mention & since you asked... Peri checked my cervix today and is 0.5 cm dilated... he seemed to think this was normal... But OMG... that HURT!!!! FYI.. things are a lot more swollen and tender "down there" than before... sheesh! Just an FYI... :)

Well that makes sense as to why your getting the injections then though I will off you some hope here. Usually women with singletons and sometimes twins go for weeks at 2cm's dilated. So .5cm's isn't at all that much to worry about. The only thing I'd tell you is to take it easy a little bit more. No long walks, no major exercising, picking up,etc. I'm sure you've already got this down as you have some pretty awesome Dr.'s on your side. Since your already dilating just a bit though, it's good to go slower because you at least want that 36 wks for the triplets. Will they give you progesterone suppositories if you start to dilate further? It honestly sounds like you could go the 36wks and that's why they're not fretting. They're taking precaution to keep the babies safe with lung development. I'm really excited that you have awesome healthcare over there.

Speaking of sensitive...I've been feeling a bit of stretching when I'm pee'ing. I'm thinking she's hit the stitch. Her feet are down and I felt the other day as though she really kicked the heck outa my stitch. It was a shooting pain down there. I'm "hoping" she's not there yet, but if she is, that's what the stitch is there for...to hold her in. I'm just praying there won't be any issues with water breaking early. The dear girl in the IC forum freaked me the heck out when her water broke at 34wks at her shower. SAME time as mine. She of course had different circumstances behind her issues so I'm hopeful we'll go at least to 36wks. Would LOVE to go to 39wks and get to October. We'll see.

Your doing good though. I really believe your body was in good shape to begin with and has helped these little ones stay put without issue. It's something to be proud of little momma!:hugs:
MA I'm so glad that you are here :))And you are at 30 weeks :happydance::happydance: I actually stalked you last night just to make sure you are ok :blush:. Amelia still has time to turn so let's hope she has a summersault soon. Remember Mrs J's daughter Scarlet did it at the last minute :)) So here is some turning vibes for Amelia "Turn Amelia turn and get ready :)))" My SIL used to talk about some moves with the exercise ball that helped the baby to turn. But I have no idea what they are or where to find it. :shrug: I googled pregnant celebs on red carpet, they are all big and very beautiful at that stage. Austin's tip is a good one. Most wear black with dramatic jewelry. I think a long tiered strapless dress with rushed top might work well. If you can't find anything and get desperate, it's really easy to make. Basically different lengths of squares stitched together from less wide to widest. And the top rushing is elastic bands stitched in rows. Wouldn't take anymore than 3 hrs to make.

Austin I'm so excited about your girls :kiss: Hope they stay there as long as they need to be healthy and dare I say "Cute" when they come out. :haha: You know I understand where that man is coming from but I must say I don't like that view that much. Little girls are cute and pretty and they grow to be beautiful women. Women add a lot of beauty, elegance and grace in our world. There is no other creature whose female is so beautiful. And that's amazing. I don't see why this quality should be traded for academic encouragement. Cause there is no reason a girl can not be both cute, beautiful, sweet and also very sharp academically. There is nothing I find distasteful as the women who have managed to climb the work ladder when they are butchy, bossy, look and act like men. Cause a woman can never be a man. She would be lacking other qualities men would have that gives them the sort of manly grace. Also encouraging a child academically is a different thing than encouraging him/her to be who they are: a boy or a girl. We praise little boys for being so strong and boystorous and handsome as well. It's both necessary and gives them satisfaction and helps them find their little shoes in this world. The gender differentiation is necessary in my view to give kids their identity as long as the encouragement isn't limiting or prejudiced. Like "Boys don't cry" "Boys are better at sports" "Girls shouldn't have fun when the are teenagers " etc etc... As for books and academic encouragement, if kids feel that they are forced they start hating it anyway. I think it's best to find every child's own boundaries and push that gently but strongly as much as they can take. Not to a point where the child is unhappy.

NMG I don't want to comment anymore on your mum cause I said enough but I want to remind you that every child is a miracle. They are all precious and beautiful and needs being valued appreciated and celebrated. If you actually don't start celebrating this child from the beginning it might cause bonding problems later on. Baby showers, birth celebrations, birthdays, christmass, first tooth, weddings even holidays are in every culture that celebrates every individual's being in this world and bonding with others. They are all there to welcome the individuals milestones in life. Your baby is already a human being in this world. It's tiny but it's little heart is beating. And whatever celebrations you will have will be precious for him or her. You can keep photos and memories of it to her once he/she is old enough. It's also the first time you introduce him/her to your circle of friends and family. :hugs::hugs: Just sthg to think about :)
Glad you & Amelia are well. I hope Doug's health issues can be properly diagnosed & treated. He is certainly in good hands with your love & advocacy. Thanks for updating us & congrats on 30 weeks.

Don't you have a doctor's appt & scan today? I'm sending you & Furry lots of good, sticky vibes! Please keep us posted.

I told my section leader yesterday that I was pregnant with twins and she was lovely about it. She teared up & gave me a big hug, told me we'd figure out the leave situation if I needed to go on bed rest, etc. Will tell my other coworkers in a couple weeks. I know some have been asking whether we are going to start a family, which is an understandable question. But, apparently, my paralegal asked my boss if I was pg b/c she thought I'd gained some weight. She is an annoying busybody so I'm not surprised, but she will ask in front of everyone whether I used fertility drugs etc and I need to prepare a decent response. I don't mind telling close family & friends, but I don't need the whole office knowing all my private business. I really hate the idea people are talking about my weight behind my back. Guess I need to get used to them commenting to my face now. Ggrrr. Anyway, I'm happy because I made it to 12 weeks and feel glad that I will be finishing my first trimester soon.

Oh by the way, reading Hunger Games right now & it's awesome. ;)
Lava!!! I didn't realize it was 12 weeks already!!!
BIG CONGRATS to you!!!! That is awesome!! :) :) :)

As far as office stuff goes, I found that everyone was really supportive and nice (esp my boss)... And yes, you are correct, as we are older, the FIRST question out of everyone's mouth is, "Did you use Fertility Drugs?" I decided early on that, for me, I would be completely open about the use of drugs and a FS, because when I was going through it, I thought I was the ONLY person I knew. It's what led me here, actually, to all the fantastic supportive ladies... BUT, we did decide that no one really needed to know about IUI's, etc.... Don't know why but that seemed more personal to me...

SO, when asked that question, my response is, "Yes.... we sure did. And you know, when they say there's a chance of multiples, believe me, there's a chance." :) Another good response I have heard from others, though, is simply, "Why do you ask?" which shuts it down pretty quickly.

Sorry for the novel! And "Hunger Games" is next on the Kindle! Thanks for the rec!

If I got asked about drugs I think I would just stare at them... with a "seriously?" look on my face and see what they say.

I find uncomfortable silence is a great way to shut people down. Or it will make them keep talking and sound even more rediculious. :haha:
Hey girls,

Just a quick pop in to see how everyone is doing.

Lava and Austin, read the hunger games over the last year, finished the last one a few months ago and really liked them. I am jealous you have such good reading ahead!!! Austin, no offense on the hooker comment, I thought it was funny!!! Lava, congrads on 12 weeks!!! That's awesome.

Ma, glad you are ok, sorry about Doug. Sounds like he is in good hands. Congrads to you on 30 weeks!!! It's a good news day.

NMG, sounds like you have a handle on your mum and a good out look. I like the idea of an online baby shower!!

Svet, when is the test again???

AFM, not much to tell, must be the hormones but I miss DH already. He's camping solo this weekend while my girlfriends are here. Shower is Sunday and I've been trying to figure out what I was going to wear, and was thinking about target. So I'm going to go tomorrow and see what they have.
Hope everyone has a good night!!!

P.S. A friends who's in town this weekend but leaving on Saturday before the shower gave me a pair of cashmere pink booties. A mutual friend of ours was on the Ellen Degeneras show and they were having a mommy give away day and this was one of the gifts. So apparently they're the big thing in LA and now I have a pair! LOL she'll be the biggest fashionista in Breckenrdige that's for sure!!!

Ok I'm out!! Anna
Thanks everyone. Dougs appointment found me surprised. Apparently they think he's type II diabetic even with the hypos. He's taking more labs to be sure. It's gotten us both hesitating because it's just odd. Doug has been asked to continue his lows without doing anything UNLESS It goes to 50. He panics and was quite nervous when the Dr. asked this. I must add I'm concerned too because he's just AWFUL during these episodes. I feel as though we're torturing the poor guy BUT we'll try what the Dr. has asked just to see if it works itself out before he gives himself sugar pills. We also think stress has alot to do with it but in conjunction with diabetes he can't do anything to stop dougs stress that's causing the hypo's because it's about coping. SO we're both going to figure something out with diet, exercise and something for relaxation. We haven't had a real vacay in 10 years. I think this is telling us we need to lighten up and take vacations not just work, work, work.

We'll see next week what his labs say. :winkwink:
Hi Ladies,

It has been ages since I have posted! Don't seem to have the same kind of time - perhaps when i go back to work I will have more time to slack off LOL!!!

I have tried to keep up and take notes, but if I miss something or someone, I apologize in advance.

Happy Belated Bday Viv! - Hope you had a great day and are still celebrating!

Austin - The Red Tent is a FANTASTIC Book. I too like murder mystery - One of my fav authors is Patricia Cornwell. I am also a big fan of the "cozy" murder mysterys - you know the ones that feature a caterer or inn keeper solving murders (ala Murder she wrote or diagnosis murder). I love Diane Mott Davidson.

Anna - I hope that you shower is Awesome and that you get some really good and needed items (as well as frivilous stuff that is just plain cute and fun!)

Lava - Congrats on the results of your NT scan and 12 week milestone! Also, I got my body pillow from Walmart. It looks like a big candy cane.

NMG - I agree with everyone else, particularly Anna - This shower is for you and YOUR baby not your mom so who cares is SHE doesn't like them. It aint for her or about her. Call your friend and tell her that you would love a shower and that your mom is crazy. Besides the fun of having people celebrate the birth of your child, the games and advice (and cake) are great too. Also, you will want the gifts as well because getting gifts is fun and the gifts. Besides the gifts are for the baby really :).

Rebekah - Congratulations on 30 weeks! Also, please dont think you look yucky in plus size clothes. You are pregnant and now is the BEST time to wear mumu dresses and rock them! Get one and jazz it up with some funky earrings and necklace. Nothing is cuter than a pregnant women in a dress. I am sure what ever you wear you and Amelia will look fabulous!Also keep us posted on Doug!

To everyone else I didn't address personally, HI!!!!!! Hope you are well!

AFM - Katelyn and I have been having "mommy and me" play dates with one of the other mommies I met in the NICU. Her daughter is a few days older than katelyn and at one time were the only two babies in the NICU for about a week. She lives about 20 minutes away and it has been fantastic to hang out with not only another mommie, but another mommy of a preemie.

Katelyn had her 4 month check up today (she is about 1 1/2 weeks from being 4 months, but her dr is going on vacation for 3 weeks) and she now weighs 8 1/2 lbs and is 21 inches long! She is starting to catch up with full term babies in terms of weight and height. She also had her 4 month immunizations shots too. Not fun. Earlier in the week she had her eye exam, even less fun to watch them prior your childs eye open and move it around with some wire looking device. Broke my heart to hear her cry/scream while it was going on. I cried. :-(. As soon as it was over she was fine.

At last she is starting to sleep more at night. I am giving her a bath between 8-9. She will eat afterwards and then sleep for about 3-4 hours. Then get up around 1am to eat again and then not again until about 4:30/5 and then again at around 7:45/8. My husband bless his heart will then get up and take her downstairs so that I can sleep for about 2 -3 hours uninterrupted.

I am so looking forward to the rest of you all to have your babies. there is nothing quite like looking at your baby and them looking back at you and then smiling. My cup runneth over with love and joy. I wouldn't change anything (even the lack of sleep) for anything in the world! I will try and post some recent photos of Katelyn tomorrow.

Miss you guys!
Good morning ladies!!

I have a few minutes to myself before the weekend gets rolling, so I thought I'd pop in to see how everyone's doing.

Austin - Yep - we just might be twins of different mothers. :) I've read Harlen Coben, too, and really enjoyed him. I must say, you have excellent taste in authors. :winkwink::thumbup: As far as the tattoo, mine's on my stomach too, but a little higher up. But it IS stretching. I can only hope that it'll eventually find it's way back to normal when this is all over. If not, well, it's not like I wear half shirts anymore. I'll just chalk it up to one more thing on my body that'll never be like it used to. :dohh:

Lava - great news on the NT results, and congrats on finally making it to 12 weeks! One trimester almost down, two to go... Did you tell your family yet? Looking forward to hearing about it!

NMG - I'm so sorry for what your mom's putting you through. Just remember, right now is all about YOU. Not her. I could go on, but it probably wouldn't be appropriate. However, if she wants to contact me I'll be more than happy to elaborate. In fact, I'd look forward to it. And I agree with everyone else on here - if you want a shower then you should have one. Period!

MA - very glad you're okay, and I'm sure hubby will be okay too. :flower:

Terri - thanks for popping in! Hope all's well with you!

Anna - have fun at your shower! LOVE the pink booties, BTW... :thumbup:

Steph - hey stranger! It sounds like Katelyn's doing great - yay!!! Get those pictures posted - we want to see updates! I'm so happy to see that your little girl is thriving. :cloud9: You're truly blessed. :flow:

Chris #1 - forgive me, but I think I read that you're rescheduled for your test? (Sorry... I took lousy notes...) Good luck!

Good morning, Skye! :hi:

AFM - Not much. We went to the Motley Crue/Poison concert last Friday, and had 4th row center seats to the Disturbed/Godsmack concert on Tuesday. AWESOME time. :) And we're heading out on the bike this afternoon for what will probably be my last ride of the season. :cry: Yep. I've decided that starting in August I'll go back to being a cautious and good girl. We're so close to the end now, that from now on it's all about her. Not that it wasn't before, but I was still living a modified version of my old life. Time to move to the next phase. Makes me a little sad (and teary-eyed!), but I know that once she's here the rewards will be limitless.

Oh - we went to my hubby's 20th reunion last night. Just can't believe the audacity of some people! First, some woman walked past me, put BOTH her hands on my belly, and started furiously rubbing like I was some sort of damn genie lamp! So I "subtly" swatted (i.e. hit) them away. Hard. She left me alone after that. :haha: That happened about 10 minutes after we arrived. Set the tone for the whole evening... sigh... I also got the inevitable question "Are you breastfeeding?" So I just said no, I started on solids years ago.

Some people, right?

Wow! Now that I've written a novella, I guess I'd better get my butt in gear for the day. I hope everyone has a great weekend! :kiss:
Just popped in before heading out an errand - but I must say...

CHRIS/Sunshine - You made me laugh so hard I hearly peed my drawers with the breastfeeding comment!!!! THAT WAS AWESOME...
morning all!!

quick note to say, Sunshine, you kill me! Whatt a great response !! I wish I was that quick whitted. I never think of things like that on the spot, it's aways hours after that I think, damn I should have said . . . Anyway,awesome!!

will write a proper post later . . .have a good saturday!! Anna
Oh - we went to my hubby's 20th reunion last night. Just can't believe the audacity of some people! First, some woman walked past me, put BOTH her hands on my belly, and started furiously rubbing like I was some sort of damn genie lamp! So I "subtly" swatted (i.e. hit) them away. Hard. She left me alone after that. :haha: That happened about 10 minutes after we arrived. Set the tone for the whole evening... sigh... I also got the inevitable question "Are you breastfeeding?" So I just said no, I started on solids years ago.

Some people, right?

:rofl: :thumbup: Friggin hilarious!!!

Yup I rescheduled the exam. I am due to write on August 10th. I better get studying. :wacko: I finish work Tuesday, thank GOD, so that will give me 7 full days without distraction to focus on the task at hand. Then, its all about getting ready for baby and relaxing. I have NO energy anymore at all.

MA- Hope Doug feels better soon! 10 yrs??? Dang, you guys need a vacay, even if it's just to a cabin a couple hours away. Seriously. You need to think about a babymoon, NOW.

Nice to hear from you Steph! Glad to hear Katelyn is getting stronger everyday. She is so darn cute. I think I have that same outfit she is wearing in your avatar. Can't wait to have to time to actually go through all the stuff I have been given. All the cute little outfits have been in a suitcase since May. :nope:

Anna- hope you have a blast at your baby shower!!! you are too cute missing DH already. I am the same way. I find the longer we are together the less I like to be apart from him. We've been married only 1 1/2 yrs but have have been together 7 :cloud9: I can't even have proper sexy dreams. :haha: he always manages to creep into my fantasies.... :dohh:

Another hot Saturday here. It's not as humid as it was last night thank goodness. Waiting for DH to get out of the shower so we can go shopping. Going to pick up some odds and ends for the baby's room so we can start to put it together. :happydance: I promise to post pics as soon as it's ready!

I am still itching like mad, BUT I dare say this.... I think I am getting better. Everywhere I read it says you can itch for weeks after, until your top layer of skin sloughs off, so I have been using an exfoliant every night now in my cold pre-bed shower. I then slather up in calamine, pop a Chlor-Tripolon and have been sleeping really decently for the first time in over a month! I just can't wait to be rid of this nightmare. It feels like I will never be normal again. I had a really scary thought yesterday... that if this doesn't clear up fast, I wouldn't be able to hold my brand new baby for fear of contamination. :cry::cry::cry: Thank goodness she isn't due for three more weeks, and tell her every night to stay in there for three more weeks.

My favourite moment of pregancy: feeling her little bony body protruding out the right side of me. Elbow? knee? foot? I can't imagine loving someone more than I already lover her. :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:
Chris2 lmao about the breastfeeding comment

Chris1 ok guess im still tired cuz when i first read that u had the same outfit that katelynnhas n the avatar, my first thought was they make that in adukt size lol. Then i kept reading and realized u meant for the baby. Hahahahaha sleep deprivation it willnmess with your mind!
Hi ladies. First I have a funny story for a change:

Woke up out of sleep at 430am this morning SCREAMING because I had a charlie horse. I couldn't function enough to tell Doug I wasn't in labor so he started to panic! Turned the main bright lights on in the house and tried to assess the situation (he's a nurse) and I screamed for him to turn the darn lights off. He FINALLY figured out it was my leg and started rubbing the wrong direction. The WHOLE time he kept saying he was sorry for the lights and whatever else he may have done. Poor guy! I finally was able to stand or should I say LIMP to the bathroom and he came in to rub my back.

Poor guy....he's literally been on edge since the Dr. told me I could slowly come off bedrest. He's FREAKING out about every excursion and I think he's getting nervous about delivery day. :rofl: Nothing like waking him out of sound sleep screaming. He thought the whole time I was in labor! :rofl:

Honestly the poor guy deserves the push present more than I do. He's put up with my mood swings and all the stress that comes with the injections which hurt like all getup now. (don't know why it's changed so much)

Chris you made me laugh with what happened at the reunion. Honestly I'm not sure I would have been so nice about the rubbing like a genie part. I'm not even sure I would have handled that well by someone I actually knew let alone someone I didn't.

Steph, SO glad things are going well with that beautiful little girl of yours. Made me cry listening to the love you have for her. I can't wait to experience the same thing. It blesses my heart!

Nothing is going on here today thank goodness. It's been quite the busy week last week. I'm looking forward to some rest. We have Amelia's furniture in her room though it's in boxes and has to be put together. I told Doug to relax and we'll get it done on another day off. He's been through far too much this week and needed a break. I wish I could get my moodswings under control! I'm starting to feel just terrible with the way I sometimes speak to him. He honestly doesn't deserve it. Last night It was like I was possessed when he injected me with the 17P. It's been hurting like a son of a gun and the right butt cheak spews out blood for some reason. I'm almost thinking that there's not much space left to go into the muscles. I have rock hard pilling areas and they itch REALLY bad!

Anyways, much of this has been funny to deal with "after the fact" but I'm stressing myself out because I'm afraid I'm not only stressing Doug from the screaming in pain, but I keep wondering if I'm stressing Amelia the heck out! :wacko: I keep telling myself to be brave for crying out loud. Suck it up and take the pain girl!
Ok, here it is……… it’s gross so I probably shouldn’t be so willing to share it with the world, but we tend to share everything here don’t we? Plus I could use some good old fashioned sympathy :haha:

Well… a month ago I started itching really badly remember? It started on my feet, then spread to my arms. I chalked it up to heat rash because it’s been an unbelievably hot summer and everywhere I read online it can be a real problem when pregnant because our bodies are already overheated. Ten days later it was getting worse not better and mentioned it to my OB at my doctor’s appt. At this point it was mostly on the insides of my arms, but soooooo bad. The rash was red and scabby from scratching. I thought maybe I had picked up a bug or something from gardening, because it literally appeared days after I spent the afternoon elbow deep in dirt. She said not likely and diagnosed me with PUPPS. Google it. Apparently it can afflict 1 in 200 people in their first pregnancy. It’s an excruciatingly itchy rash that usually starts on your belly and can spread all over your body. There is no cure, just maintenance until you give birth. I never really felt like my rash looked like those I had read online for PUPPS but I’m not the one with the medical degree. Anyway, so she prescribed my Cortisone cream and Benadryl cream and I continued to pop antihistamines so I could fall asleep at night. It started to get better, and actually completely healed up on my arms… until it spread to my back, legs and butt! The itching is an absolute nightmare I can not even begin to tell you the agony I have been in. I started taking the antihistamines again, because the Cortisone would only work temporarily and the Benadryl cream was pretty much useless. I spend a lot of time with ice packs all over my body as it’s the only thing that really helps with the itch. I really try not to scratch but when I do, it makes it worse and inflamed and I literally need someone to tie my hands behind my back to not rip off the top layer of my skin. :cry: All this and being 9 months pregnant. Anyway, I spent all weekend trying not to tear my skin off, popping antihistamines and applying ice packs, reminding myself it’s already been 4 weeks… I can endure this for 4 more.
Monday I had my 36 week doctor’s appt. and she asked me how I was. I told her if it wasn’t for the PUPPS I’d be ok. Sure I suffer from bouts of insomnia that aren’t itch related, swollen feet and hip pain, but really, that’s child’s play in comparison to the agony of my rash. I showed her how it cleared up on my arms but has spread to my legs, back, hips and bum. She called in another OB for a second opinion and *drumroll* I no longer have PUPPS. What I have been suffering from is scabies. :cry: :cry: :cry: How horrifyingly humiliating! She assured me it has nothing to do with hygiene. I looked at her and laughed, because I am seriously probably one of the CLEANEST people you could meet. I shower twice a day (especially in the summer) and my house is always immaculate you could eat off the floors most days. I asked her how? How the hell do you get this??? Then we both remembered the gardening story. She said I most likely got it from gardening. GROSS. :sick: Apart from prolonged skin to skin contact you can get it from fabrics, bus seats etc… I also went for a pedicure about a week before the symptoms started, so I am skeptical of the cleanliness there. In any respect, how I got it is irrelevant, the fact that I have it is awful. So Monday night I filled my prescription, took my shower and lubed up with the medicated cream head to toe and crawled into bed hoping for a better day Tuesday. My husband had to do the same, even though he wasn’t experiencing any symptoms, but just to be safe.
I spent the night cleaning my house. I had a total mental breakdown and cried hysterically for an hour. Got into a huge fight with my husband. It was just the cherry on the cake of a long, hormonal, increasingly uncomfortable 36 weeks. I just couldn’t take it anymore and the humiliation on top of the agony I was suffering from was the last straw. We made up and then were even able to laugh about it later that night as we creamed down each others backs. My nickname now is scabby. :wacko: Niiiiice.

Two days later I am still in agony, but I have to believe it will work soon. I read online you can still itch for up to a month after treatment. :sick: :cry: I am hoping relief will come to me sooner. Gross gross gross gross gross!

So yeah, that’s my story. :sigh:

On a happier note, we finished painting the nursery Sunday night. Just getting it cleaned up so we can put out the furniture and start to decorate. I hope to have it completed by the end of the weekend, minus some decorations. As soon as it’s ready I’ll post some pics. :thumbup:

Next Tuesday is my last day of work, thank goodness! The lack of sleep and 6:30am alarm is really starting to take it’s toll.

I re-booked my last and final attempt at my exam for August 10th. I’ll be 38 weeks + 3 days. How insane am I???? :rofl: Pas de choix! I HAVE to get passed this and put it behind me so when my beautiful little girl is here I can devote all my time and attention to her.

My MIL threw me a baby shower on the 17th. We are sooooo spoiled! I can’t believe how lucky we have been. My boss threw me a luncheon/baby shower on Friday too and I got more presents! This time for me :haha: The pièce de résistance was a beautiful leather COACH hand bag. :cloud9: I have never had something so elegant before!!! Then just yesterday, at 4pm I was going into a meeting at work, and it was a surprise celebration for me with cake and everyone chipped in and got us a gift certificate to Costco. :D It’s nice to feel so loved. I am a very lucky girl.

Hope everyone is doing well. I have been following all your posts. I don’t mean to make this all about me and not comment on your recent posts but I got soooo behind it would be nearly impossible to comment on everyone. I should have more time soon to stay on top of everyone. I can’t believe how close so many of us are!! It’s going to be a very exciting thread in a few weeks. xoxoxo

HOLY CRAP Svet!! What a nightmare for you. :cry:I think you win hands down for the worst preggie problem!!!!!
Yay Lava 12 weeks and good NT result.

For all you ladies who are having mum issues (especially NMG), I feel for you. My mum is my best friend next to OH and will be there when I labour. I couldn't imagine her not being there.

Thank you for all the lovely birthday wishes. Not snowed in anymore but am not having birthday dinner til Tuesday.

To be honest I am rather over being pregnant. I slipped on ice on our porch on Thursday and broke my left foot so I can do even less now than I could before.
And the icing on the cake?? When I went for an xray the technician said, "Is there any chance you could be pregnant?"
Me under my breath, "Is there any chance you could be blind?????":growlmad:

But out loud I said, well I have been eating more but this is a baby (pointing to LARGE bump) not pies. :dohh:

Rant over.
Oh Viv!!! I think you win love. You broke a friggin bone!!! :dohh: Dude that totally sucks. What a moron they guy was! What was his reaction after you said that???? Not long now girl. I feel so bad for you to have a broken foot. Are you on crutches? Or do you have one of those walkable casts?

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