35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

morning all!

austin, hope you are feeling calmer. Any luck with alternitive routes to finding the baby stroller?

vivienne, hope the plumber didn't make you wait too long. How's the foot? Poor thing! And as for getting close, can't believe you only have 14 days left!!

Sunshine,we haven't watched the video yet. DH was out of town over the weekend and we had class last night, so i'm hoping tonight. Glad you liked it I will get back to you tomorrow!

MA, in class last night we had an anasteologist ( i'm sure I killed that typing from my phone with no spell check). Anyway he talked about epidurals and it was interesting. I was espicaly curious about the walking epidural I had read about and he said they don't do those here as people kept faling down. Go figure. Our teacher and doula also wanted to stress how hooked up to machinery you are when you have an epidural. Also different hospitals use different mixes of numbing medicine. Here it's pretty gentle and you control how much you get so you can control how much feeling you have. I found it very informative and I would suggest you talk to an anasteologist (sorry again) if you're still concerned about the epidural. Different hospitals seem to have different protocols.

AFM, I think the pain in my hips is enough to keep me from doing this again. Sleep is aweful!! On the positive side class last night was good and we watched "the video". DH handeled it pretty good, but was definitely taken aback. ( I just realized sunshine, is this the video you were referring to or the happiest baby on the block video?)

I think we're both on the same page: natural for as long as possible epidural if it gets to be too much. I want to be able to move through the contractions, walk, sit on exercise ball, take a bath, etc. All of which you can't do with an epidural, at least not at our hospital. Does anyone feel as if they're going to go early? I keep having this feeling i'm going early. May be wishful thinking.

one last note, thanks for the advice about amazon mom, but i'm still screwed up. Let this be a lesson to anyone. I ordered some diapers and wipes yesterday and the web site said not eligible or amazon prime free shipping. Then last night got an email saying my amazom prime benefits have been extended throughh amazon mom for two more months???!! WTF!! Where were they yesterday when I spent $20 on shipping. I am confused. I am going to call and try and find out what lm doing wrong.
ok this wasn't going to be a long post and it's turned into another novel so . . .

have a good hump day! Anna
MA - good luck w/your checkup!

Anna - you're right, I was referring to the delivery video. The one we saw had hardly any blood at all. I realize it's not horribly bloody to begin with, but it still seemed like the video showed less than there should be. I'm sure that's on purpose to lessen the freak-out factor...

That's weird about the Amazon thing - although I know that not all baby related items are eligible, I thought that only those that are can extend your Prime benefits. But maybe not. (As you're looking through the items, the ones that are eligible will be marked with the "Prime" symbol). I maxed mine out to a year with my first few purchases because we bought the crib, so I haven't had to pay attention to that part of it. But I still have to pay attention to whether it qualifies for Prime or not for shipping purposes. It'll be interesting to hear what you find out, because I'm thinking of opening one up in the hubby's name when I get close to the end of my year.

Have a good afternoon, ladies! :kiss:
Happy Wednesday All!
Thanks for all your support re: my "meltdown"... Hopefully problem solved. The BRUs Mgr called back and said we will have it by the end of August and he is expediting the shipping. FINGERS CROSSED! We *could* order from another retailer, but we nearly have enough in gift cards from BRUs AND they will give us the 15% registry completion discount... Hopefully.....

Which reminds me of ONE more point for NMG - Be sure to check out registries, because even if you don't have a shower, most of the baby stores offer a discount for what you "don't receive" as a gift... So go ahead & set one up, even if no shower planned!

MA - Hope your appt goes well! Keep us posted on how you're doing!!!

Anna - Glad the classes are good... I understand about the "feelings" of going early... I have really scaled back my activity level this week... I call it now "Recliner Rest", as my bed is too uncomfortable... I have found that when I really take it easy, the pressure lessens and I feel less like a big ol' ticking time bomb... or Hindenburg :)

Viv - Hope your plumber showed, Little Mama!

AFM - I am finally throwing in the work towel tomorrow and going on FMLA leave... I think it is time. I am just not getting all that much work done and its hard to "manufacture" the time... Boss is supportive and says she is amazed I lasted this long! Man, I am gonna miss that paycheck, though! STDisability won't kick in til the Csection... Better than nothing for a while, I guess!

Had a major mental emotional breakdown last night... Told DH I look & feel like a monster, that I fear we will be destitute and never able to travel or have our lifestyle again ... I feel kinda bad, like I was telling him he doesn't make enough money... which is totally not true. I think this is just finally getting to me. I am tired of waiting and ready to move on ... BUT need to drop that for the next few weeks!! Trying to get that attitude adjustment today... *** deep breaths ***

On a good note, my neighbor came over (she has a 5 mo old boy) and brought a super cute baby gift... She is quite a bit younger (8 yrs, I think) but also stopped working after her MBA and had baby.... During our chat, she told me how lonely she is and how much she loves her baby, but that it is so hard to have no adult interaction.... Made me feel a bit better and made me really want to get to know her better... I told her to hang on for a few months and we can get out and walk the babies, etc...
It's nice to see that everyone else feels crazy at times too... :hugs:

Dr appts and 32 wk growth scans tomorrow!!! Hoping for 4 lb'ers!!!
Hi ladies. Came back from the Perinatal Center on an emergency visit. My husband insisted I go in because I had back cramping similar to what I had with my son. I kinda figured all would be well because if it wasn't, there'd be obvious pulling and bleeding from the stitch I have placed.

I went in though and got to see my baby girl. She's pretty rambunctious in there which is why not only am I feeling heaviness on my bladder but my lower back is in constant pain. She's HILLARIOUS! Her head is at my belly button which is why I feel an odd bump there once in awhile. Her spine is just curving to my left side and her bum down from that. Her feet are over toward my lower right side which I've been getting some swift HARD kicks. When the nurse put the sonogram over her bum, she used her bum to push up because she was NOT having any of it! :rofl: Kicked me a few times in the lower corner of the pelvic area as well.

THEN, when they put me on the contraction monitor (which I new would come out fine because it's above the navel and my lower back is the issue) they also put her on the stress test for her heart. She kept moving around and hitting the nurse again. :haha: Her heart rate is excellent and all was well but we found it quite comical that she was pretty rambunctious. Oh how I think she's taking after her mother. My own mother said I was an only child, but she felt like she had 6 kids at once with me. :rofl: Will I be able to keep up with our little miss Amelia?! :shrug:

I need some SLEEP! I'm dying from lack of sleep lately. THIS is something I praise...at least it's a normal pregnancy issue. It's nothing serious, though I did beg for some sleeping pills for relief. They didn't budge though. :rofl:


I'm the same way. I don't want to be stuck on all the wiring, not a fan of not being able to walk so I'm going to try to go as long as I can without it. I DID go natural with Jackson, but then that was at 22wks and he was quite small. TOTALLY different this time I'm sure as Amelia will be bigger.

I'm hoping to labor at home with the Doula as long as I can and THEN go in. IF I need the Epi then I won't fret.

As it looks now (and there's still time) Amelia is STILL in breech position. It has me on edge a bit as this will change EVERYTHING and I won't have a choice about c-sections or spinals. :wacko: There's still time, but the fact that both Jackson AND Amelia have liked breech for most of their terms I'm slightly panicking. This pregnancy is new to me and I'm much further along so maybe she will turn at the very last second. We shall see.

I meet with NICU the end of August. I'm thinking I should take a tour of the darn hospital even though I don't want to. I know the 7th floor nurses well since having been there 3 times over this pregnancy. LOVE them dearly. What I"m leary of is going BACK to labor and delivery on the 8th floor which carries some bitter sweet memories and an attending who is now a regular Dr. who sat on crucial time to try specific meds in hopes to stop the infection I had with Jackson. Instead she left it for the morning Docs and by 23 hours it was too late to do anything. SHE has been asked to stay FAR far away from me.

I've heard that some hospitals put the port for epi's as soon as you get to the hospital. I"m going to ask they NOT do it....unless of course she's breech and I have no choice anyways. :shrug:

As far as early...I keep prepping because I could go anywhere from now up to my due date. I'm unsure how far I'll get....but watch me end up two weeks late. :rofl: I won't mind because I'd like her to be born in Oct. I just don't know when I'll go. It's so freaky because I'm a planner. I've totally been out of my comfort zone. I better get used to it with a baby/child on the way. Life will NEVER be the way I plan....I need flexibility! :winkwink:

I'm not sure about the Amazonmom thing. It honestly doesn't look any different from regular amazon. I've heard that disposable diapers are pretty cheap through them but since I'm not using them regularly it wouldn't be worth it to me. I mean, what else can you actually buy on it that would save money?? :shrug:
Happy Wednesday All!
Thanks for all your support re: my "meltdown"... Hopefully problem solved. The BRUs Mgr called back and said we will have it by the end of August and he is expediting the shipping. FINGERS CROSSED! We *could* order from another retailer, but we nearly have enough in gift cards from BRUs AND they will give us the 15% registry completion discount... Hopefully.....

Which reminds me of ONE more point for NMG - Be sure to check out registries, because even if you don't have a shower, most of the baby stores offer a discount for what you "don't receive" as a gift... So go ahead & set one up, even if no shower planned!

MA - Hope your appt goes well! Keep us posted on how you're doing!!!

Anna - Glad the classes are good... I understand about the "feelings" of going early... I have really scaled back my activity level this week... I call it now "Recliner Rest", as my bed is too uncomfortable... I have found that when I really take it easy, the pressure lessens and I feel less like a big ol' ticking time bomb... or Hindenburg :)

Viv - Hope your plumber showed, Little Mama!

AFM - I am finally throwing in the work towel tomorrow and going on FMLA leave... I think it is time. I am just not getting all that much work done and its hard to "manufacture" the time... Boss is supportive and says she is amazed I lasted this long! Man, I am gonna miss that paycheck, though! STDisability won't kick in til the Csection... Better than nothing for a while, I guess!

Had a major mental emotional breakdown last night... Told DH I look & feel like a monster, that I fear we will be destitute and never able to travel or have our lifestyle again ... I feel kinda bad, like I was telling him he doesn't make enough money... which is totally not true. I think this is just finally getting to me. I am tired of waiting and ready to move on ... BUT need to drop that for the next few weeks!! Trying to get that attitude adjustment today... *** deep breaths ***

On a good note, my neighbor came over (she has a 5 mo old boy) and brought a super cute baby gift... She is quite a bit younger (8 yrs, I think) but also stopped working after her MBA and had baby.... During our chat, she told me how lonely she is and how much she loves her baby, but that it is so hard to have no adult interaction.... Made me feel a bit better and made me really want to get to know her better... I told her to hang on for a few months and we can get out and walk the babies, etc...
It's nice to see that everyone else feels crazy at times too... :hugs:

Dr appts and 32 wk growth scans tomorrow!!! Hoping for 4 lb'ers!!!
:hugs::flower: I hear you! I felt terrible today too. I just cried in the car because I feel fat, ugly and after our trip to the grocery store- as if nobody cared to know I was alive. I have to sit in a motorcart thingy and people not only look at me funny but just as soon run me the heck over than say excuse me. :cry: I was in the wheelchair accessible line and the guy said he was closed leaving me to find somewhere the buggy fit. NOWHERE! There was nobody in his line that had a motorcart OR wheelchair and yet here I needed that stinkin line and the idiot sent me off. I talked to the store manager who defended him as new and said most lines but two would fit the cart. Ummm tried 3 and sideswiped EVERYTHING while almost backing into a lady. People already look at me because I'm in the darn thing...makes it worse when they see I can't control it because of limited space. :wacko: I'm going to write the stores CEO and tell him what I thought of my day. Maybe a bit too far but I haven't slept in DAYS and I'm overemotional with a little one kicking the heck out of my bladder and sitting full force on my lower back. To say I'm bitchy is an overstatement! :wacko::dohh:

Hoping you feel better soon dear. I can imagine it's scary with multiples but you'll be great parents and in my opinion God will provide for all your needs.:hugs::kiss::flower:
Hi girls!!! :hi:

Anna- OMIGOD I feel the same way. I don't see myself as all that big, until I catch a profile view :rofl: Too funny! I am glad you had a great time with your girlfriends. So when you say they partied.... lol massive hangovers the next day? I certainly do not miss that! Sorry about the poop on your shoe! :sick: The video we watched at our prenatal class wasn't bad at all. Our friend who had taken the same course months earlier was scarred for life from it, but we clearly got a different video than him, lol I have the same hip pain... maybe not as bad but it wakes me up every night and forces me to toss and turn. I have the exact same feelings as you re. the epidural. Unfortunately I just found out today that I have the strep bacteria so I will be administered an antibiotic drip while in labour which totally sucks, because it means I'll be attached to a friggin IV! :growlmad: Just what I wanted to avoid!! Oh well..... it's just part of the plan now. I too have a feeling I will be early. How early I don't know, but feeling pretty sure I'll go into labour before my due date :shrug:

MA- YAY for your upcoming shower!!! You are going to have so much fun! Glad to hear everything went well at the hospital. Amelia sounds like a tough little cookie!

Lavalux- :yipee: for telling people! What have their reactions been?

AustinGurrl- as Anna said, your rant is well deserved girl! I say have a glass of wine! Everytime I take a sip or two I tell myself, if this were Paris my doctor would let me have the whole bottle! :haha: But yes, it gives me heartburn real bad too. :cry: It totally sucks how much more expensive it is to have triplets, but thankfully from the sounds of it, you and your DH are better equipped financially to deal with it. God only gives us what we can handle right? I say wait for the three baby stroller. In the long run it will make your life easier. Now tell me, how the heck do you fit three car seats in the back seat of a car? :wacko: That is really cool you have a neighbour in the same boat. I think it will really help with your sanity to have someone near you to interact with and understand (at least by 1/3rd) what you are going through. I am realyl lucky to have three friends on Mat leave at the same tome as me, so I'll be sure to get plenty of adult time in. Don't worry about the emotional breakdown :hugs: I think we're all experiencing it. I was ready to divorce my husband last Monday night because he didn't hug and me and say he was sorry I had scabies. :rofl: You guys WILL be able to have your life back, and you will see, it will be so much better because you are going to fall madly in love with your three little girls. :hug:

AFM- apart from the updates above........ I finished work yesterday!!! :yipee: It's so surreal. I had my Doctor's appt. today, then popped by work to drop some thank-you cards off to people. On the bus ride home I got all emotional as it totally hit me... in a few weeks time I am going to be a mommy! So exciting and terrifying at the same time. I am so glad we all have eachother to help us through. Cyber world or not! :hugs: My itching is still pretty bad but dare I say subsiding? I forgot to ask my Doctor if I can use sulphur soap while pregnant. Depends what site you read online. Some say you can, some say you can't :shrug: It's supposed to really help with itch and kill scabies mites. I did a 2nd treatment Sunday night. I am sure if that is what I had they are all gone. But when will the itching go away??!?!!

Today I had a two hr nap this afternoon. It was bliss. :cloud9: TOmorrow I HAVE to study for at least 2-3 hrs. I have to pass this exam once and for all. After next Wed. I'll have an entire year to think baby and not work, so these next few days I have to stay focused.

Hi to everyone else!!!
Plumber was 2 hours late but at least he turned up!

Foot OK, trying to keep off it as much as possible but went shopping for 3 hours today which wasn't the smartest!

Yay Svet we are so close! :happydance: Although midwife said today it didn't look like much was happening for me so you and Anna could beat me!

Thank goodness all is OK with Amelia Rebekah :happydance:

Another small rant for me. Had a letter from people making our curtyains saying the fabric had been held up and wouldn't be in the country until 8th of Sept!!! ARGH. :growlmad:

Also in the TMI category I have a haemorrhoid, just the one but dam it!:cry:

Ok on to a new day

Hi to all :flower:
hey ladies :) just popping in - glad everyones doing ok

MA you crack me up :)
Booo to hemorrhoids! Sorry Viv! :hugs: Now stay off that foot!

I can't believe how close we are! I hope I am not experiencing the 'nesting' just yet, lol as I just spent two hours in the yard mowing the lawn, weed eating, weeding the beds, and blowing the driveway :dohh: It was a cooler morning and its been weeks since any of it has been done so I took advantage! :thumbup: Just heating up my lunch, then I HAVE to study for three hours today. That's my goal. No rest for the wicked! My vacation can start next Thursday. It helped that I didn't sleep in this morning. Got up at 8:30am. I was rested. Maybe I'll treat myself to a nap after study time. :thumbup:

I am really going to like being a housewife :haha:

:hi: Rowan75! I see you're 19 weeks along. Congrats! Are you a 35+ graduate! Stay!
hi all!

ma, glad everything looks good with Amelia! Better to be safe than sorry. As for breach, you still have time if she gets to term. Acupuncture has a really good success rate of turning babies, something with the little toe I think. Maybe something to consider.

Vivienne, sorry about the curtains. That sucks, but in the grand scheme it's not a broken foot or another earth quake. I hope you are well and resting. I couldn't do three hrs of shopping right now! Let alone with a broken foot!

Sunshine, hope things are well. Ok birthing video, wasn't that bad, not much blood, but no interventions and no screaming from the mom. Pretty tame. DH found it interesting how many positions she was in. I found it interesting that her contractions never got closer together than 7 min. I wasn't planning on going to the hospital until they were 5 min apart. So I guess i'l just have to evaluate based on pain level?

Svet, glad things are getting better. Wooohoo for last day of work. I am SO over work right now. Good luck on the studyingj you can do it!!

Austin, I hear you on the melt down front . . . Will explain later. I am glad you have a neighbor you can talk to. I don't really have anyone here to talk to and I fear the lonliness. Hope the appointment goes well today, crossing fingers for three four pounders!

AFM, I 'm beat and with good reason, last night was a fiasco! It started with the best of intentions and ended up with me bawling in the shower. So I got home from work and took the fur baby to the lake for some good swimming exercise. To get to the point in the lake I wanted had to high step through some swamp water, calf deep. Long story short, an hour later as I was headed back to my car realized my keys had fallen out of my pocket. And of course I had left my phone at home. Parking lot was empty as it was about 7:00 p.m.. So with no other option we started walking home,around 7 miles, along the highway! Remember I live in the mtns. Couldn't really hitch as I had the dog. About a mile later I got to a gas station where the girls were really sweet and let me use their phone to call DH. No anwer so I left a message. 30 min later left another message. 20 min later called a girlfriend and while she was working her DH was going to come and pick me up. By 8:45 no ride home so I called my DH and got a hold of him and finally got home around 9:00. BUT DH was so pissed at me. Wouldn't talk to me, silent treatment the whole way home and again this morning. WTF!! It's not like I intentionally lost my keys. The reason I took the fur to the lake in the first place is because DH was pissed at him for taking off after a racoon that morning so he didn't come by at lunch and let him out. I asked him if he knew what happened to Matt, my original ride home, and I think he talked to someone saying I had a ride home so matt didn't come. I was outside waitting for a ride and girls from the gas station thought I had left so when my DH called the gas station he was told I had left. Did he then call off my ride home? Then I think he panicked when 45 min later I still wasn't home. This is all conjecture as he still won't talk to me. So I finally got home, no dinner and just got into a hot shower where I lost it. I had worked all day on my feet, been up all evening and hanging out on the cement by the dirty ash tray waiting for a ride that never showed. I was tired, hungry, and it had started to rain. Thank god for the fur baby that kept me company. BTW, where was he??!! Last time I talked to him he was going to be home around 6:30 or 7.

ok rant over, but I am so over him right now. Then I started thinking . . Am I bringing a baby into the right family? Should I give her up? Thus the bawling in the shower.

sorry I said rant was over. Needless to say pretty tired today and taking tylenol for hips as they are killing me! Wow soorry for all the "me" talk.

Ok it's thursday and one more day until friday! Have a good one! Anna
Oh wow Anna......... what a night!! :nope: I am so glad you got home safe. I really don't know what to say about DH's behaviour. Could his cold reaction be that he was really mad that you put yourself in that situation? Sometimes men react really differently and standoffish like that when they are beyond worried for our well-beings. I really don't know what to say. I hope you guys can talk it through tonight. I know my dad would always get mad at us if we hurt ourselves. :wacko: Like it was the last thing we needed but it is how he copes :shrug: After the initial anger wore off he'd come around and shower us with affection. I hope you get that from DH tonight. Thank goodness for the love of dogs. I would hate that you were waiting there all alone.
Don't worry about such big things right now as are you bringing your daughter into the right situation. YOU are the right situation and I am confident your lil one is going to be so loved. He could be very stressed that her birth is right around the corner. Men deal with emotions so differently. Hang in there girl. :hugs:
I think Svet is right. For one, your DH is probably worried sick about you and his inability to protect you and the LO from the world right now, scared he is not going to be an adequate father, and then on top of that probably mad at himself that he screwed everything up and didn't get your message until late and he caused you to sit at the gas station by yourself for hours. His worry/fear has translated to anger and he is processing right now (guys definitely take longer to do that than women) hence the silent treatment. Is that right? Is that fair to you? No, but it might be what is going on with him right now.

I had to call my husband at work yesterday because I came home at lunch and couldn't get my keys out of the ignition; had to leave it running outside our condo. Triple A said they couldn't help. My husband left his work meeting, came home furious, not talking to me, threw his car keys at the counter so I could take his car back to work, and drove off to the dealership. I was crying. When he got home, he was all proud of himself for getting the car fixed and acting like it was no big deal, but later confessed that he was upset because he knows I need a new car (mine is a 13 Year old sports car not suitable for driving around twins) and he can't afford to buy me a new one right now so he feels like a heel.

Anyway, this is not nearly the same situation as you were in, but I mention it because guys definitely have a strange way of showing their frustration and at the time it feels awful. I am sure that your husband is a great guy and loves you and your LO very much. You are such a sweet person. Of course, your little one is going to be coming into the right situation. I am so glad that you are home safe and sound. :) I bet that DH comes around and makes it up to you!

As for feeling lonely, that is what this group is for! We will be here for you every step of the way! Congrats on no more work! Try to enjoy the peace and quiet, bonding with your baby, and relax! Love, L
Thanks! Hi everyone - I am indeed a 35+ttc#1 graduate :) Ive been off this week with v low bp so have had time to actually go through all the boards and connect a bit more which has been lovely :)

youre all pretty far on - very exciting! Im 19 weeks expecting Martha Skylar who is very wriggly indeed :)

Anna what a night! phew Im exhausted thinking about it - I agree I think that sounds like a dh reaction to fear and worry - hopefully things are good with you guys tonight x
Lavalux said it better!

YAY Rowan, welcome to our group!! We are all in different stages of pregnancy. Some of us are ready to pop, while others are earlier than you, so definitely stick around.

Sorry to hear about the low BP but good thing you are at home taking it easy. What causes low BP?
Hi everyone!

Anna, so sorry for all you went through. Wish DH would be a bit more compassionate than irritated with you. Praying all will be calm soon. :hugs: Your baby will be blessed to have you as mommy. Emotions from both mommy and daddy are high now but it's because you both were frightened. Men don't show emotion very well.

Lava, oh dear. Sounds like you need a new car. Poor dh. I feel for him but God will provide for all your needs. I don't doubt that. Something will come along at some point.

Rowan, Glad I could make you laugh. It's been an interesting journey this pregnancy of mine. Totally different from my pregnancy with Jackson as I felt great and was quite pleasant to be around. Now it's at the point that everyone around me is an idiot. :rofl: I'm VERY moody! Not at all nice to be around.
thanks all for your kind words and support. I think you all hit the nail on the head re: DH's behavior. He's talking to me now like nothing is amiss. Men are so weird.

Rowan,welcome!! Like svet said some are ready to pop, but we have a few that are near you or earlier along in their pregnancies.
Welcome Roman! You are a month and a half ahead of me. I'm happy to get to know you here. This is such a great group of women. Hope they get your BP stabilized.
Thought I'd mention I had another scare last night. Woke up in terrible lower back pain again. I was in tears. Then after that Amelia started moving really hard. It hurt like a son of a gun! I'm not sure what was going on but I think after that move she caused round ligament pain. The WHOLE time Doug was sleeping through the darn pain. All I could think of was he'd sleep through Amelia's birth. :wacko: :rofl: I went to the bathroom several times because I just felt like she was so big on my bladder that even though I pee'd a little, when I got off I had to pee again. :wacko: Finally I woke is bum up and begged him to rub my lower back. I finally fell asleep at 5am this morning.

She's wiggly but less active then yesterday. I get a few kicks here and there but less pain thank goodness.

Anyone else have lower back pains and terrible pains across the pelvic area? I think this is a normal pregnancy issue. Not sure. It is good to have normal issues. I'm tired all the time too. I've succumbed to being a lazy bum for awhile. :winkwink: :haha:
Good morning, all!

Anna - Lava said it perfectly. I swear, sometimes men just need a good whomp upside the head. :nope: At least he seems to be coming around now. So sorry you had to go through that!

Welcome Rowan!

MA - I wouldn't worry too much. It's most likely normal prego related issues. FWIW I get the pelvic pain ALL the time. Hang in there!

Don't have much time to post, but I wanted to pop in and say have a great weekend, everyone! :flower:

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