35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

You're adorable Anna. I take it, you used to spend a ton of time with your family and not his? Which is fine, really. If I had my family here I'd see them all the time, but I probably wouldn't drag DH all the time. Where as here, I feel I have to be a part of everything :wacko:
The dynamic is fine. We have seen them less this month because each weekend seemed to have one thing or another going on. Sophie did spend the night with them a couple weekends ago for the first time ever! It went really well. I'd do it again. Problem is she's still in a crib (which I don't see as a problem!) but that means if she's at their house she's in the playpen, which she is really getting too big for. She's 3ft tall and 35lbs!!! So, with the growing of my belly as well... we're going to have to do the inevitable and put her in a big girl bed within the next month or so. I'm not going to be able to pick her up and out of the crib soon. Ahhhh I am so scared to take her crib away though. She's so happy and safe there. Any advice moms?

I totally get your need to count down to the next trip! I do stuff like that too. I think it's important in life to have things to look forward to.
Hi ladies sorry I haven't written a long time.

Chris I was huge the second time around and I seem to be bigger earlier on so it's completely normal. Breast-feeding is actually a lot easier this time around as well because I know what I'm doing and know what she supposed be doing so hopefully that's helpful to you. Yay on almost being 12 weeks I actually told my boss earlier as well because I was just so sick at work that there was no way around it. As for converting Sophie's crib into a bed katelyn loved it. I was really concerned that she wouldn't be okay with it but as soon as it went into a bed she loved it and was like oh my big girl bed. The only bad thing is that she can now get out whenever she wants so be prepared for that.

Angela glad to hear that everybody starting to feel little bit better and I totally understand because we're going through sickness here at my house as well. i never actually got over being sick and now I'm sick again as is Katelyn and now is Madelyn poor thing. I so love your supper club and the meal swap that is really cool. I'm going to have to try to copy that somehow with some of my friends here. keep me posted and sendme some recipes of something you've done I'm really intrigued by it

Anna I can't believe snow is there already wow I guess summer is now officially over and fall is in the Colorado area or I should say winter. So sorry to hear about Jo being sick on your last camping trip. that must've been miserable for both of you. poor baby I hope she's better now. I love that you go camping a lot. I feel that I stay at home too much and should be taking katelyn out more and doing more outside stuff like camping but I'm just not a camper. My husband was the camp I'm just not the one though I try for him.

AFM Just trying to adjust with two babies now and balance my time between both of them. My mom left on Saturday and then my dad got here on Monday so that's been nice to have help. I have a bit of the baby blues but that's normal and at least I know that it's all hormonal. Still doing a bit too much and need to be resting and recovering I keep forgetting I'm not superwoman and try to clean and do stuff that I shouldn't be at the moment. But I will say having two is a challenge and I'm just trying to get used to it hoping within the next month or so I'll have a routine down. I also apologize for not posting pictures I'm just been slacking on that. as soon as I get on my real computer I will upload some promising sorry for the delay ladies.

Miss you all

Chris thank you but is so far from the truth. This morning katelyn only wanted to eat goldfish for breakfast while she watches The Little Mermaid for the umpteenth time. :-(
lol We do what we have to! Sophie zoned to Caillou this morning so I could have a shower. She does this everyday. Caillou or Petit Ours Brun. The fact that it's in French makes me feel less guilty, but tv is tv. It won't kill them! And mmmm goldfish crackers! Why wouldn't you want that for breakfast?
LOL!! Jo sometimes lives on gold fish too!! and as far as I'm concerned all moms are super heroes!!

Chris, hugs! So good to hear all is going well. Yes we spend a lot of time with my family, so I've been better about him sitting out some events.

Steph, I so want pictures, but totally understand how busy you must be. Glad all is going well but so sorry you are all sick! That's just plain yucky. Lots and lots of hugs!!

AFM, I feel just plain crappy this morning, headache, nauseous. Too much wine last night. Box wine is the worst because you can't tell how much you're drinking!! I m too old to feel this badly. Anyway, self inflicted so I can't really complain. Other than that just taking it day by day! Hugs to all!

Hey Girls :))

Angela that allergy episode with Reece is a shocker. It really is scary to see your little one get so sick. Shirin had a febrile convulsion once and I thought she was dying. I almost lost my mind within 5 mins. How old is he now exactly? Poor little lad. A friend of mine used hydrolised formulas too and she was very happy with it. Her older one was allergic and when she had the second she just carried on using the same formula. I hope the prayers worked. U really do need a break from all the bugs.

Hey Chris pregnanacy buddy :))) How r u doing? Sorry about the nausea. Can't remember did you have it last time too? :)) I feel just like u, not throwing up but massive headache in the afternoons. And the tummy is significantly there. The stomach muscles are just lazy this time I guess. I ordered some Trofolastin creme from ebay. Didn't have any cracks last time but the second time is more likely I think. I also already have insomnia. Do you too?
With the crib-bed transition the only one I know is my friend's boys. She got them beds that looked like cars and they loved it. There must be a girl's version of fancy beds. Or maybe some colorful themed bed linen and pillows might do the trick. I have another problem with Shirin. She wakes up 2-3 times a night and expects me to hug her back to sleep. So I end up in the spare bed half the night wide awake. Don't know how to break the habit. Must resolve before my tummy gets bigger. Any suggestions?

Anna, do you get poisonous creatures where you camp? (scorpions etc) Even in the snow??? (I might sound a bit green about wild life :) At this age it's hard to give them a sense of danger right. They just grab whatever they see. I bet she loves the camp though :)) So will you be doing walks with her? Are you going just 3 of you or do you have friends coming along too?

Steph how's Madelyn. Is she still unwell? Is she an easy baby? How is the sleeping times with Katelyn. Do you get any resting time during the day? I remember being so tired with Shirin but I used to take a nap when she slept. With two it must be hard. Now you still have to feed and entertain Katelyn.

I love the idea of the supper club too :))) :))) Angela Recipes pls...

Better post this before my internet plays a trick on me. XXXXXX
Sorry about the hangover Anna! I feel like that everyday but without the fun :wacko:

Skye- so good to hear from you! Have you wrapped your mind around the fact that you are having twins???? Gosh, sometimes I think I am having twins too. Honestly, it's a feeling I haven't been able to shake since I got pregnant. It's because of what my Doctor said when she phoned with my betas. She said "the numbers have more than doubled" :wacko: I know that doesn't mean anything, but that, with the massive belly, and the nausea. I was never this sick with Sophie, but they do say every pregnancy is different. I had massive headaches and insomnia with Sophie, so far, not this time. Had some trouble sleeping a couple weeks ago, but knock on wood, all is going well now. Just the incessant nausea and my supersonic nose! All smells turn my stomach. It's really tough taking the bus home these days.

Sophie has been terrible at night lately. She used to go to bed so well, of course she's had her phases... and now we seem to be going through another one. It's been ten days now that when we put her to bed, she stays awake and plays for upwards of an hour or more. It wouldn't bother me so much, except she calls us every 10-15min. for something or another. I try to ignore her because I know as long as I respond she'll continue, but she's clever this little girl. She starts to moan and make noises like she's hurt, so I go running, then find her smiling brightly up at me. :dohh: How am I supposed to put her in a bed when she is behaving like this? We already have the bed and the sheets. I think she'll be so excited to see the sheets, because we have a blanket that's the same (It's white with black doggies on it). Her puppy blanky she calls it. So having sheets of the same will be a great surprise for her. It's just keeping her in bed when right now... ugh

K gotta run, a colleague is here!
Morning ladies!

Ohh my poor mommies that are pregnant. I'm so sorry you are feeling MS today Chris. When is your scan again? Do you know for sure you're not having twins???

Skye, we often camp with friends, sometime they have kids sometimes they don't. As to dangerous creatures, it's more of a danger when we camp in the desert in Utah. We have happened upon a scorpion once, a few years ago, before baby. And there are rattle snakes, although I've never seen one in camp. I am definitely more cautious when we're out there. But there are always bees and a few years back, when I was 9 months pregnant, our dog got into a fire ant nest. Blew up like a puffer fish. We gave him some Claritin and a few hours later he was much better. Poor little fur. Next week we'll be sleeping on the boat at lake Powell, but it's desert all around and snakes and scorpions are a threat, as are coyotes , so and land adventures will be closely supervised.

Chris, when I was pregnant my nose was so sensitive, especially to chemical smells!! The bus must be torture! As for the hangover, I wish I had done something to deserve it, like a wild night out with the girls. Alas, just hanging on the couch with hubby, just didn't realize how much I was drinking. Plus AF arrived today and alcohol always affects me differently when the witch is here. But I feel much better today!

Steph, how ya doing today sweetie?

Angela, hope you are better today too.

Beth, thinking of you.

Plum, you too!

AFM, rain/snow today, blah!! I've officially given up on the garden. I harvested all the green tomatoes, so they'll ripen in the window. Good news, weather is in the 70s-80s and sunny and clear at lake Powell so woohoo!!!! This weekend, packing and prepping for trip, making the pulled pork, grocery shopping, and getting all our gear together. Since I'm working right up until the afternoon we leave I need to get everything together. Speaking of, anyone have any ideas of how to entertain a toddler in the car for 7 hours!! I'm a little scared. I know she'll nap for part of the trip, and eventually fall asleep. Plus well stop for bathroom/dinner/dog breaks. But any suggestions are much appreciated.

Ok hugs to all!!
Does anyone have any good tricks/tips for getting babies to burp? Madelyn's extremely hard to burp. I will pat her I various position for 15-20 minutes and no burp. The minute I lay her down she is spitting up any suggestions?
I used to burb Sophie in the sitting position with my hand under chin holding her head up. It was the only position that worked. But I am sure you've already tried that :wacko: I wish I could be of more help!
Happy Monday!!

Steph, I'm with chris, that's what I used too. Sorry I'm not more help.

Best thing about a water vacation in September, all the water toys are 70% off!! Loaded up at target. We had a lovely weekend. Jo is going through a nightmare sleeping pattern right now. She's "slept" in our bed the last few nights because she wakes up at 2:30 and when I try and put her back down she clings to me. We're going to go back to cry it out, or console and then cry it out. Can't take another night of no sleep. She's just so cute when she clings. However it's affecting both DH and I and we are grumpy!!!

Quick question, I'm considering going to a mattress on the floor for her. One night this weekend, she woke up and was really crying, I tried to pull her out of her crib and her foot was wedged between the slats of the crib. It's happened twice before with arms. So I don't think converting her bed to toddler will work because there are still slats for her to get caught in. I think it's because she's such a restless sleeper that she's strong enough to force her body into places while she's asleep. Anyone else have a ridiculous sleeper?? I'm a little afraid to put her in the floor as I'm wondering if she'll roll all over and wind up asleep in her closet. But as long as she sleeps I guess that's all that matters. Anyway, and advice is much appreciated!!

Hope everyone had a good weekend!
Super quick girls but i wanted to say hi!

Anna lake Powell sounds awesome! Is it in CO or another state? I'm with you on the sleep mess. Ugh Reece woke me at 1:30 the other night and I didnt get back to sleep till 4!!

Steph, what others are describing with the hand under the chin worked for me, but I had to tweak it a little. I would put my right hand under his left arm so he was sort of sitting w his back against my left arm, then I would try to (simultaneously) support his chin while liftin slightly under his arm (to try and straighten out his stomach a little if tha makes any sense). Also I would lean him slightly forward. It usually worked.

Skye and Chris - I am so sorry about the ms - but so happy for its cause!! (I know, it is SO much easier for me to say that than you to live it!). Chris, my numbers were always more than a double, but I always had singletons - it's fun to wonder though!! That would really be something if you and Skye both have twins!!! :) :)

Beth, plum, Viv - how are you ladies?
Hi ladies thanks for the suggestions. The sitting with head in my hand position is how I normally do it but for some reason she doesn't want to burp. I have patted her for 20 min and nothing. So frustrating. Sorry to have a selfish post. Will remind to everyone else's post tomorrow.
Hi Ladies,

Sorry it's been so long! I missed so much!

We are trying to put the house up for sale and it's almost killing us! We are having the realtor come tomorrow and take pictures, then it goes on sale and our first open house this sunday. yikes! We don't know how we are going to survive this. I found a few houses I would love to see, so that is good. I am exhausted and sore and can't wait for this to be over.

I finally had started the MC bleeding on Sept 5th. The OB told us to wait one full cycle before trying again. I had wrenched my neck and got some pain meds (non-narcotic), and the info sheet said to not take while pg, so I took a test for the hell of it - I was only 3 weeks after the MC, and BFP! I immediately went to the OB and had a blood test (this was Friday). Found out Monday the HCG number was 170, and my progesterone was 31 (which is great). Went back in Monday (yesterday) for another blood test. They called me this morning, it is up to 1304! So that is promising. I am still freaked out and nervous, and won't be able to relax until I am past where Cookie was on the MMC back in Feb, but I go in for an ultrasound on 10/17. I'm getting my HCG tested again on 10/11 to make sure it is really high as they want it at least 20,000 before the U/S.

So, cautiously pregnant!

Now to get back to house cleaning. I'll write more later. Love to you all.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!! Look at you fertile myrtle!!!! Congrats Beth!!! Fx'd and :dust: all around! :yipee:

Beth that is just the greatest news and just want I needed to hear on this totally crap, crap, crapy day!!!

Ok quick vent and then I'll write more later. Our trip is on hold, government shut down means all national parks are closed, including lake Powell. I am heart broken!!!!!! You know how much I was looking forward to this trip, taking Jo, etc. we are waiting it out, will not make any decisions until we have to, hoping beyond hope something changes. We don't really have to leave until tomorrow night. Angela, Powell is in Utah where we will be going, but crosses over into Arizona on the southern end. For us it's about a seven hour drive. But as of now everyone has to be evacuated off the lake by Thursday morning, meaning we would not be able to get our house boat even on the water Thursday morning. I'm so sad I can't tell you. And so freaking mad!!!!!:growlmad:

Ok a friend just texted me, patience, fingers crossed he know something I don't.

Ok will write more later, keep your fingers crossed something changes and we can still go.

Xoxo Anna

P.s. Beth I'm still ecstatic at your news, I've been thinking of you lots,
Awwwww yayyyyyyyyy Beth!!!! :happydance: :happydance: so excited for you and praying all goes smoothly this time!! :) :hugs:

Anna I am SO sorry the stupid govt shutdown is affecting your vacation ! I hope you are able to go after all!!

Hugs and love all!!
Going camping for long weekend, Powell is a bust. While I am really sad and bumbed, I'm trying to keep some perspective. For me it's a vacation, at least I'm not loosing paychecks or medical care. And there are much worse things than having four days to play.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!! Hugs!

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