3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

yay ive booked my scan! well moved the date...was so difficult to get a date!!!!!!!! i couldnt do the original sat coz OH is working all over bank hol weekend now :( and then i couldnt do the week day late dates they do as im fishing and then they were full...then my mum couldnt do another late date as its her wedding anni and then MIL was away the sat after........so nopw its booked for the 11th May at 7.35 pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!! il be 29+5 so still gives room for a re-scan if baby isnt cooperative yay!!!!!!!!!! x
OH OH OH OH EVEN MORE GOOD NEWS! I just got the 100% confirmed ive been picked for the magazine article!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooooooooooop im so excited! and scared LOL .................me in a bikini right now isnt amazing! gona have to start exfoliating, wax the bush i have growing....which i cant even see, tan! OMG! x
Yay for you Samira! I am sure you look absolutely fabulous in a bikini!

And get OH to do the bush, I have given up trying to do it myself , think I might just let it go wild untill 38 weeks and then Ill book a wax, eek!
AHH awesome news Samira!! I did my hollywood yesteray, i dunno how id cope trying to wax with huge bump haha!!!!

Tanasha - LOL!!!! Thats one thing i regret about when M was born, i let it "be" for a while, planning on full wax before she was born, and the amounts of times those midwives saw my hairy minnie i gave up being embarrassed hahahahhahahaha!!!
AHH awesome news Samira!! I did my hollywood yesteray, i dunno how id cope trying to wax with huge bump haha!!!!

Tanasha - LOL!!!! Thats one thing i regret about when M was born, i let it "be" for a while, planning on full wax before she was born, and the amounts of times those midwives saw my hairy minnie i gave up being embarrassed hahahahhahahaha!!!
Aw poor Natalie! I get really sick too during growth spurts & get dizzy & stuff, but I don't know :( I hope you feel better soon!

BattyNora, glad your holiday went well! :) I am sure it was a nice break! I like the name Megan :)

Samira, congrats!!! I am sure you'll be beautiful in the magazine! You'll have to post pics once it comes out since I'm in the states and have no way of seeing your moment of fame! Haha I am sure you'll look amazing in a bikini! Lol @ waxing ... I'm scared of waxing, but I can shave it bare, but now I can't see it, even with my best effort so I just do it blindly and try to feel and make sure it's done, I already told DH if I got so big I couldn't reach anymore then he would have to do it! I hate hair! I even shave the fine hairs off my arms, & now I have fine hairs covering my belly!! Dh thinks it's funny, I don't know if I should shave it or not but most say it falls off after baby is born! I sure hope so!

Babyboyle good luck!

Today is my day off and it's storming, so I've basically wasted the day away, but it's nice to relax! ... I have been starving today though! I could eat and eat and eat! Baby boy is moving like crazy the past few days too, very strong movement, like I can feel when he drags his arm or leg againsts me or when his butt is sticking out way down low! He has been active though!

Yay for people starting to move to 3rd trimester!!! Only a couple weeks for me! I am ready!!!
Tanasha - yeeeep I'm ok, knees bruised, back aches but everything seems fine today :) Just got to be extra careful walking now lol! Glad to hear you're off your bedrest! Did you find it started to get a bit boring?

Natalie - try not to take extra iron tablets until you know it is low iron - I've heard taking extra iron when you don't need it can be dangerous?! Is it any better now though? :( Baby might be pressing on a nerve or something that might be causing it!

Samira - yay for the magazine :D - What one is it? Do you know when it might be out :D

And talking about waxing/shaving - I'm like Krystal - I shave blindly just hoping I've got it all :haha: - then about 2 weeks before I gave birth first time around I let it grow a bit, then when my hind waters went I was in the bath shaving away before the midwife took a look! And then, you have no chance of shaving for ages after - too sore and too tired lol :)
i've ordered some preganacare so hopefully that will come tomorrow as i cant find any in cupboard at the min!!
samira how exciting!! well done!!!
TaNasha im so glad your off bed rest must be a relief!!
Lovekrystal your storms sound scary!!!!! no chance of tornadoes?!
with shaving i have so far been doing it from memory, and feel your way around lol!!!
No just thunderstorms today, sounds scary but not too dangerous. This is one of our tornado seasons though so we've been having those a lot. The last one last week touched down about 20 mins north of here then again 10 minutes south, but not here. Hopefully no tornadoes this week though, just rain. Made for a nice nap though!

Lol that's what I do feel my way around, works out ok my only worry is if I'll still be able to reach it at the end lol
eak hopefully i can still reach.... scary thoughts!!
i used to hate thunderstorms, im better with them now!! i would be soooo scared of tornadoes i wouldnt know what to do!!!! xx
Well the thunderstorms here can be just as bad as tornadoes... Straight line winds up to 90 mph tonight! ... I just worry bc my new house has 4 Very large trees next to it or close and I'm scared they are going to fall on the house! We get a quote tomorrow to get rid of them, but I'm afraid we won't be able to afford it! We will see I suppose! Tornadoes do scare me some, they've been around my whole life & I've seen the damage they've done, like last week it tore up the entire main highway my brother lives off of but didn't hit his place, but i've yet to have a close personal encounter with one ... And I pray I never do!!

I can't sleep now bc of the storms! But baby Silas is moving like crazy as well :) he is moving harder and getting longer bc I can feel his arms and legs at the same time both on opposite ends of me! I think he is practicing karate or something!!! It still startles me to feel him move ESP so hard, I always jump! Oh well at least he is keeping me company thru the storm! DH & my dog Stella are both sound asleep! Haha
Hi and welcome MommyJuly :) We're pretty close in due date- only 3 days apart!

How is everyone doing today? Can't believe what gorgeous weather it is at the moment :) Hope it stays like this for a good while yet- I'm off work from tomorrow until a week on Tuesday :)
Just spent ages catching up! Been a bit busy to get on here lately

Charlie- sorry to hear you had a fall! I too have been super clumsy! Feels like I can't walk straight lol I'm sure if you didn't catch your belly the bubba will be fine!

Natalie- hope you get this dizziness sorted out. I've been very lightheaded and weak this last week.. Getting my iron levels checked too. I was a vegetarian for years and years ans even tho I now eat meat I am constantly struggling with anemia. I wouldn't take iron until your sure tho, purely coz it makes you (well me anyway) so so constipated!

So I had an interesting weekend. Saturday night I woke about midnight with severe intense pain accross my chest and I was struggling to breathe. Pain was so bad i was in tears. Luckily I was staying at my mums for the night and she took me to the hospital.. Went straight up to the labour ward to be checked out. I was terrified and convinced myself something was wrong with the twins... After a couple of hours I was told that what I had experienced was nothing more than bad indigestion! I was so embarrassed, but it was pretty funny really lol... I didn't think indigestion could be that painful! Not all bad coz I got to hear the bubs heartbeats again..

I've been having terrible cramps in my bum and legs in the middle of the night too! Very annoying and uncomfortable!

I have also been getting pain really bad under my right rib at the front and all the way round to my back.. So bad sometimes, yesterday I had to lay down in the middle of target! Very embarrassing! Anyone else have this? Not too concerned about the twinkles coz they are so so active lately! I'm sure they are fine.. The pain is ok if I lay down, but I can't just lay down for the rest of my pregnancy!

After a number of lengthy discussions with my ob, I have decided to go with an elective cesarean for the twins birth.. Absolutely terrified but I'm told it is the less risky option for the babies.. Twin two in particilar.. Had a lot of negative comments from dh sisters.. Its like they think its taking the easy way out.. Dont think they realise it is major surgery and i wouldnt have even considered it unless it was seen as necessary! Really upsets me that im trying to do whats best for my babies and im being judged! Has anyone had
cesarean and can offer any advice? It will be booked for 37 weeks which is full term
For twins.. So 14 weeks left!!

Oh and samira that's so exciting! I bet you'll look gorgeous!

Morning mommies!

It feels like a Friday today and we have a 4 day weekend ahead, woohoo!

How is everyone? Anyone doing anything exciting this weekend?

I had my babyshower yesterday! My best friend is moving back to the UK this weekend, and so she planned it all before she leaves, sneaky lil thing! I got so many nice things, and my work even pitched in and got me a designer nappy bag i really wanted!
I'm knackered! Didn't get out of bed until about 10 and still on the sofa in my PJs doing as little work as possible!!
hey! its pregnancy and birth mag, she is calling me on Monday now to do an over the phone interview and then i go down to the shoot (or up shall i say...i cant go down any more being south....!) on the 4th may! they pay for travel expenses for me and 1 other person so im takin the old dear as chris is busy busy working! nice day out with the mother though!

ooooooooh i love storms! my fav is with lightning! i think id be a bit scared with tornado scares though! ur v brave krystal!!! do you get bad tornados in alabama?

Welcome mommyjuly!!! i dare you to try catch up :p cant believe we are on over 200 pages!!!! chatterholics!

Urgh waitin the weather depresses me at the mo! its so beautiful 24 degrees here today and im stuck in my office with no windows!!! all my windows go out into the corridors :( so the only time i know its nice is when i nip out to my car or something! last day at work today though and then its a nice loooooooooooooong break!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have to nip in on tuesday buit only for an hour then no work till the 3rd eeeeeeeeeek! i will try and get on here but no net at home at the mo so i may have to love u and leave you for a week! :(((

TTC im so sorry about what you went through but how exciting that you know when your babas are gona be here!!!!!!!!!!! super exciting!!!!! 14 weeks will fly!!!!!

awww tanasha yay to the baby shower! i cant wait for mine, i have no idea about it other than its happening!!!!! did u play any games? im so excited for mine hehe! x
Hey TTC, just wanted to let you know that I had an emergency c-section with my son and although it was the scariest moment of my life, I had a fairly easy recovery and the scar can't be seen when I'm wearing a bikini. Don't listen to anyone tell you its the "easy" way... you have to do what you and the doctors think is best for the babies! Let me know if you have any specific questions about c-sections, I'm happy to share!
I've had my bloods cone back all clear, so I guess I was over doing it? But it's still not much better.... So now I don't know?!?! I thought If I'd overdone it a few days of rest I would be better?
TTC DH FIFO I am veggie too I dont think I could ever go back to meat!!! Have u seen your doc or midwife about it? Hope your results come back ok! U must let me know how u get on!!!

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