3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Is anyone else getting LOADS of movement now all of a sudden!

She just won't stop. Seriously, I think a grand total of about two hours yesterday from waking up and about three in the morning she wasn't wriggling around. My whole belly was moving and flicking from all directions! Hubby things we're going to have a very special girly because it looks like she's been trying to excape from me!!!

awww thats lovely!! im getting more movements than i have been recently so im slowly getting there!!
Batty I have also had alot more movements, and my belly has also been abit lobsided, i think she might be snuggled up on 1 side?
I am finally starting to get more movements too! Not a lot and nothing really ever strong...but definitely more noticeable :) The baby must be growing because my bump most definitely is!!!
Tanasha it sounds like baby is comfy on one side I had this other day but she soon moved!!!
Awww estar I'm glad you are getting more movement too!! My bump is also getting big!!!! I was getting worried as this woman at work kept saying oh it's gonna be a big baby!! I was getting so upset and worried but mw said she seems to be a good size and where she has done the growth chart she has measured me at 28 weeks and the measurement was 28cm so that's got to be bang on target right?!!?!
I'm also scared my bump is getting too big, I keep thinking i still have about 14 weeks to go, how much bigger can it get?!
I've been having lots of movements too! So exciting!!

Our gtt here either taste like orange or lime I think :-/ they say hope u get the orange one but I don't know!

We have terrible storms here today ... Tornado hit my neighborhood/street/backyard at 5 am this morning ... It's 745 now...Dh had just left the house and I was crying bc I was worried bc his dad had called to say storm was coming ... Well it hit within a half mile of him leaving he was still in the neighborhood...large trees fell all around our him trapping his truck where he couldn't go back or forward...he had to run home in the storm in the dark, waiting for lighting to flash so he could see to climb over trees and avoid power lines...he had to go all in the ditches and all sorts of craziness! He finally made it home and we were both in tears. Scariest day of my life. We were trapped at our house bc of trees and power lines down but we walked through the woods and my dad met us and helped us get to their house....the worst is suppose to hit at 2 pm and go as late as 10 pm. We have no power and lines and trees down so bad and in so many places that we may not have power for days or a week! Lots of our neighbors homes were hurt by trees and vehicles destroyed .. As well as some friends outside our neighborhood who had their homes destroyed. My dad is out trying to clean up trees with men in the neighborhood so we can get in an out and get DH's truck. It's calm for now but scary knowing it won't last. Pray for us if you pray, it's going to be scary riding out the storm in the darkness and I'm worried about people who are trapped in their cars and homes. Inwas so scared this morning I was going to put myself in preterm labor or hurt the baby bc I was so afraid. I slipped and fell and hurt my hip but otherwise I think baby and I are ok! Talk about an adventure at 5 am. I am so thankful that the Lord protected DH, had he left a second earlier or later he would have been killed by trees Falling on his car & I am thankful he protected me and baby Silas with the trees falling all around us!
Oh My Goodness Love-Krystal- I keep watching about all those storms on TV, how scary it must be! I will be keeping the whole of Tornado alley in my prayers, the storms seem so bad early this year, I wonder why!

On another note, I'm glad everyone's gtt tests went well, I have mine next week. I don't remember it being too bad, I think I remember the stuff tasting like Orange Soda, which I like.
Lovekrystal that sounds sooooooo scary!!! Please please please stay safe!!! U and your family are all in my thoughts!! Please update us that u are ok as and When u can!! Xxx
I'm also scared my bump is getting too big, I keep thinking i still have about 14 weeks to go, how much bigger can it get?!

I think if u measure from where bra rests or just below to below belly button area(where bump stops) how many cm's is how many weeks u are...
I think that's how it works!!
Thanks! We are trying, it is sunny for now and the men are all doing clean up and clearing out the streets so people can get what they need before it hits again in 3 or 4 hours. I'm praying it passes over tonight ... I've lived in tornado area my entire life & always been afraid but never personally been involved. Knowing how quickly and unexpectantly I could have lost DH this morning or been killed is really frightening ... Had he been any faster or slower he would prob have had a tree fall on him... I try not to think about it and to only be thankful that God was gracious and protected us all. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers I will update as I can!
krystal- mine was orange flavored! Similar to tang. Not bad!

charlie- vitamin k injection can actually kill them. It's very rare but like any injection could have serious side effects. Did a bunch of research on it before. I don't think my hosp even does that one. But not positive. Either way- we will be getting it. It's just kind of scary they are so young and getting shots you know?

hope everyone is having a good day. I'm at work and it's hard to read on my cell! Sorry if I missed anything important!!!
Krystal - glad everyone is okay. It must have been so scary, and just make sure you stay safe and as calm as possible.

Just decided when to officialy go on maternity leave - last official working day will be 21st July so that will make me 37+6. I do work from home though so I can really slow down whenever I need to - and in all honestly I'll be doing bits and bob up until she's here.

Have you all decided when you are finishing?

i'm finishing may 19th i think, all dependant on when we move and if we have to pay another months rent etc bit complicated haha if i take a weeks holiday to move will finish around 26th may!!!
I cant wait as being on your feet in hot environment for 8 hours is exhausting!!!
Natalie - if the midwife thought you were having a big baby, she'd have said something... if you were measuring by 2 weeks + then you might be referred for growth scans! Stephen was always measuring 1 week ahead until 34 weeks and then he slowed down! So the fact you're bang on is perfect :)

Dare - it can kill them?? Really? I thought it was more dangerous NOT to have the injection? :-/

Krystal - Hope everyone's ok and that you and baby Silas and Dh are all kept safe! As well as everyone else there!
charlie- yeah I was reading up on it actually because another bnb member told me about it. So I looked and yeah it can actually kill them. I think it's more about HOW it's given though. It's very rare but it does happen.

my mother was telling me that when I was a toddler they gave me an injection and my head literally swelled and then finally went down. The dr couldn't explain it. Vaccines can cause all kinds of crazy things- but as long as we are prepared and know the risks usually we can spot signs.
Natalie - if the midwife thought you were having a big baby, she'd have said something... if you were measuring by 2 weeks + then you might be referred for growth scans! Stephen was always measuring 1 week ahead until 34 weeks and then he slowed down! So the fact you're bang on is perfect :)

it just frustrates me when this one woman at work in particualar keeps looking at me and saying oh its gonna be a big baby!! i cant wait to say to her well actually she is measuring perfect size!! hahaha see what she says to that probably make a dig about my weight or summin lol :happydance:
ladie I just got a call from the dr- I failed the gtt and now have to take the three hour fasting one. I am also borderline anemic. I'm pretty upset about this news.
Awww dare :hugs: I'm not sure what it really means if u Fail the gtt, I am hoping my results are back tomorrow! With anemic u just need to take some iron tablets so that's ok :hugs: xxx
Natalie - usually it's cause they have no idea how 'big' you're supposed to be week by week (and you do end up forgetting even after having a baby) and every bump is different! You may actually be carrying a lot of water or the baby might be positioned in a way that makes your bump look big etc - :dohh: stupid people! lol People think they can make comments about weight or anything when you're pregnant - cause apparently pregnant women DON'T get offended.............!!

Dare - hopefully the 3 hour one gives you back good results!! And at least by taking iron tablets you can boost those iron levels! :) I hope it all works out ok!

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