3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

I would hate having the national insurance because if they decide you can't have something it's tough luck- where as we can have choices. I don't want an epidural- trying to go all natural.

sequeena- I have a birthing center in my hosp and all our rooms are private and amazing. They have a hydro tub in one (you just can't birth in it ) but you can relax until that point. And it's not extra from the insurance because they tell them it's just a big bath tub. So you don't have to pay extra for private rooms- it's really nice that way. :) and ur gtt will be a piece of cake I'm sure!
The birthing units here are free, and they don't allow epidurals because it's supposed to be a natural birthing experience where you are free to walk about etc and if you have an epidural it restricts you from doing that! Though they do offer other pain relief such as Gas and Air and Pethidine (cannot wait to have that again lol) and that's where they have hte birthing pools usually too! :)
I'm hoping SO BAD to go for a birthing centre - although called midwife-led unit at my place. It's just across from the consultant-led ward to so close if there are any problems, and I think its the closest thing to having a home birth in a hospital.

Hope everyone's okay, I've been a little absent - so busy with work and getting quite stressed. I don't know if anyone remembers I was having trouble with my best friend who had split from her fiance...yeah, she's still going. I've lost count of how many times I've cried over her or worried or got stressed. Been getting messages at 1am in the morning a lot. Last night she went "off on one" telling me that nothing us group of friends have done is enough, slagging off the people I'm closest to and me...so I let her have it a bit. I feel so guilty about it now...and she slipped into it "I should have gone under that train".... but I can't do it anymore.

I've been so stressed with it recently, and I know its affecting baby. I hardly felt her move the last few days (I have, I got a count the kick bracelet..but been worrying as its been harder to feel her/less frequent) and I just know its down to how I'm feeling.

Grrr. sorry, I'll stop moaning about it..I just can't moan too much out loud to my friends at the moment because they'd all turn on her.
I have, I got a count the kick bracelet

Ooooh, what's this?

Sorry to hear about your situation with your friend. I know how hard it is, it just wears you down doesn't it? I don't really have any useful advice... you want to be there for your friend, but at the same time her negativity is having an impact on you & your baby :-( Is she speaking to any other friends about her problems, or is it just you she turns to?
I have, I got a count the kick bracelet

Ooooh, what's this?

Sorry to hear about your situation with your friend. I know how hard it is, it just wears you down doesn't it? I don't really have any useful advice... you want to be there for your friend, but at the same time her negativity is having an impact on you & your baby :-( Is she speaking to any other friends about her problems, or is it just you she turns to?

Count the kicks is a charity and they sell a braclet for £3.50 on their website - countthekicks [dot] org [dot] uk - that has a little plastic bit you move over the printed numbers to help you keep a check that babs is moving around enough for you not to worry. I think it's an awesome idea.

As for my friend...she's always leant on me most. She's upset all of our friends by being quite abusive but I was the only one not to turn my back at all. We all still see her, but she claims I'm the only that listens....which is why I've put up with it so long. I don't want to be the last one to turn away and leave her with no one.
Battynora I will buying one of those bracelets, thanks!
Hey Batty - she may be going through a stressful time but it's unfair to be nasty to you or just lean on you constantly. You're pregnant which is just as stressful mentally and physically!! To me, it sounds like maybe you do need to back off a little bit until she sorts herself out, when she realises she has no one else to turn to then maybe her attitude will change? Plus when your LO arrives, it will put everything into perspective and she will be pushed to the back of the queue - your baby comes first and you won't have the time to put her first anymore! (sorry if I sound a bit harsh?)
Plus, friends don't turn round and treat other friends like that even if they are going through difficult times!
Batty, I'm so sorry you're having such a tough time, she shouldn't be putting you through this!!!
Batty good to see you & I'm sorry you are going thru so much .... I'm one of those friends who puts up with a lot too but this is one instance where u and the baby need to come first. You can be kind but not jump at her every whim & be so available. She is grown, she will learn to handle things on her own. You don't need stress ESP right now! Babys brain is developing & stress can hurt the development .... It's good to be patient and always be there as the friend but this is once where as hard as it may be you need to put yourself first! Besides it may be good for her to learn to handle issues on her own. Hang in there I hope things get better!

28 weeks today!!! Yay! .... Happy Mothers Day (in US) :)
oh batty that sounds terrible but i agree with charlie keys perhaps a step back for the sake of bubba is the way.
Thanks for the info about kick count i will be getting on too :thumbup:

Well i went for my 4d scan on saturday and it was brilliant - the pictures turned out great and the whole experience is something i would recommend.
I also booked my tour of watford hospital including the knutsford suite for 20th june just after i finish for mat leave - now thinking of it am i leaving it too late should i be going sooner :shrug:

HI ladies, will have to go back and catch up on what has been happening the last few days with you all. I am out of hospital now and feeling a bit better. My BP is still a little higher than normal but not to a point that its an issue so i was allowed to come home just in time for mothers day yesterday :) overnight though my ankles have swollen up like crazy. i think its just a normal pregnancy thing.. is anyone else having this?? They are actually sore to walk on :( On the positive all this has made DH very worried and completely at my beckon call!! its fantastic, whenever i am doing something he says "you just sit down with your feet up, ill do it for you" i certainly could get use to this!! Did you all do something nice for mothers day??

Angie your scan pic looks fantastic, you can see all the little features so well! 20th of june gives you over a month doesnt it?? I would think that would be fine unless you are concerned you wont like it then wont be able to book in somewhere else? or is it more if you go into labour early that you are worried about?

Hope everyone is well x
Mum2Miller, glad to hear you could make it home for mother's day! I haven't started to get much swelling yet, but I did with my 1st, it was horrible. I'm anticipating that will happen soon as it starts to get warmer- is it hot where you live, because I think that affects the swelling!

I had a wonderful mother's day yesterday, got some flowers and a beautiful new Vera bag to use as a diaper bag for the new baby (that we still can't decide on a name for). I had two fab meals (one with my mom, and one with MIL), and played outside with DS in the wonderful weather- I wish everyday was Mother's day!
mum - glad you are out of the hospital and got to be home for mother's day!

Batty- i'm so sorry you are going through all of that. I don't remember all the details- but still you don't need that stress. I had this friend a long time ago that was always talking about how horrible her life was, how she was just going to kill herself. And she loved having people tell her how great she was, and how sad they would all be. And then she would go on and on about killing herself to get a rise and compliments. One day i was fed up with worrying about her- and said you know, for as long as i've known you you've been tlaking about killing yourself. And you've never done it, and i'm pretty sure it's just a game you are playing. So, unless you are ACTUALLY planning on doing it- stop making everyone feel sorry for you and take some responsibility for your life. She stopped. Didn't talk about that for a long time after it. It did hurt our relationship slightly but then she tried to be happier or at least stop making people feel so horrible. You don't need the drama!

As for me, yesterday for mother's day, we went to visit my mil, and had lunch with them, then i had maternity photos done at 430 with dh. It was a 2 hour session! And lovely! it's nice working with a friend who won't laugh at me or thinks that we are great together and a good boost of confidence. AND feeling really pretty- i really suggest to all of you if you have been on the fence about it- go get them done! you will feel lovely!

We were going to go to my moms after the shoot- and i was telling her on saturday i would be there later in the day- she FLIPPED out, told me that if i coudln't come around the time the photos were set up- NOT TO COME AT ALL! My mother just told me not to come to her house because i wouldn't make it to the bbq.

I was furious! I didn't even know about it- and i was going to come by and spend time- then she was mad because we were going to mil's earlier, and i reminded her we always leave everything early or don't go to events because my mother picked a particular time- and she shouldn't banish me because ONE TIME i had to switch a time. This is my day too! But no if she doesn't get her way, she doesn't budge for anyone. we fought for a while until i said i was done with it.

I wrote her an email yesterday morning saying happy mothers day and i love her and all that- and she ignored me, and i haven't heard from her since. All because, i coudln't show up exactly when she wanted me there.

I have to admit.... i'm pretty hurt right now.
aww Dare I'm sorry your mum's acting like this! Are you going to wait now until she gets in contact with you or are you going to try talking to her again later?

Mum - glad you're out of hospital and enjoy your DH doing everything for you.... might not last for long :haha:

Angie - where did you get the 4d pics done - my ultra baby?? We had our DS1 done with Babybond but that's all the way back in Essex... Your picture is amazing quality!
charlie- I'm actually not sure what to do. I just can't keep fixing our relationship every single week and getting blamed for all of it. I don't know what to do. I feel confused and lost.
At the end of the day you have to do what's best for you and your little family you've got going now. I know she's your mum and it's not easy to cut family members out of your life (and obviously I don't know every single detail of what's happened over the years) but if it was my mum, I'd tell her I'd had enough and that I'm not putting up with it anymore. But then again that's easier said than done!!
oh dare to - you really dont need all that when you pregnant :hugs: hope your ok

mum2miller - yeah it is more of if i was to go into labour early - i thought perhaps i would feel more comfy in my surroundings if i saw it and knew where i was going etc - i was actually shocked by how well my scan went and i was warned the pics might not be great because of my bmi of 39.

Charliekeys - i had it done in st albans at the verulam clinic - i was so pleased with the pictures - i actually have one that isnt so clear but to me it looks like he is smiling and i love it



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Aw Batty I am sorry you are going through more with your mom :( (((hugs)))) wish I had all the answers! Good for you for standing up for yourself though!

Mum- glad you made it home :) & that the BP is doing better! Drink lots of water, get lots of rest and relaxation and take care of you and baby girl :)

Angie that is a sweet picture :) I am sure you are very proud of theM!

It's 2:30 am here, I went to bed at 10:30 & I've been up to pee at least 4 times since, along with terrible nightmares :-/ About men with trucks and guns stalking out my neighborhood, but I even dreamed some of you all lived here in my neighborhood lol.... I want rest so badly! I was so exhausted yesterday after just 4 1/2 hours of work I couldn't keep my eyes open, but getting up every 40 mins to an hour really is preventing me from getting decent sleep! I guess this is a welcome to 3rd tri!! I am going to try again to sleep, DH gets up in less than 2 hours tho so I'm not sure how much more sleep I'll get! Not to mention the tornadoes deferred the installation of my central heating and air unit & so it's 90 degrees here and no A/C, something I am not at all accustomed to! Hopefully it will be in, in a week or two bc that's not helping my sleep either!
Bad dreams and dreams that seem real are really common! It's just hormones playing about I think, but it can't be nice dreaming all that stuff and then having to pee loads! If you're not at work or before work just try and take as many naps as you can, rest up and take a long hot soak in the bath just to wind down! and.... maybe invest in a fan you can just put on you allllllllll night until the A/C is installed :D

It's really hot here at the moment when it comes to sleeping! Not as hot as the US lol but it doesn't help that my OH is just like one big radiator! He just oozes heat constantly in bed and then he'll get really close to me! I'm one that can't stand being cuddled or hot or anything like that when I'm asleep! So he's usually woken up with a 'STEVE MOVE OVER' - poor bloke! :haha:

On the plus side... Stephen's slept for over 12 hours for the past 3 nights which is good! Normally he sleeps 7pm - 4am then we bring him in with us and he'll sleep until 7.... and then OH ends up on the couch! But the last 3 nights, we've gone in at half 7 cause we panic when we don't hear him all night and he's still fast asleep! :D :D Just wish we would go to bed earlier! 1am is tooooooooooooooo late!

Got my midwife appt today!! Can't wait to hear his HB again!!! :D Not seen her since 16 weeks, so it's going to be nice to go today! Just hope he's not being a stubborn git like last time and she can find him :haha:

What's everyone else got planned today??

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