3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

I"ve had several of those bad dreams as well- I hate how they leave you so unsettled when you wake up! I have a new symptom for you- I feel like someone has kicked my lady parts- its so sore down there, whats up with that???
Not having the lady part pain BUT i am having the weirdo dreams. Although most of them are not really bad, but when they are it's awful. I always had vivid dreams in my life but they have def. gotten worse!

As for me and mum we are meeting today to try to work things out again-spoke to her briefly last night and she admits that she is screwing things up- which is much better than normal, where i get blamed for everything so hoping we really can work this out. I want her to be around for the baby but we will see.

Have a mw appt today, and am starting the first in the 2 week visits now instead of monthly. that's kind of scary!
Charlie my DH is a radiator too! It got so much cooler in here when he got up for work lol ... We are usually both cuddled all over one another bc I used to always be cold. ... But now these horomones make me hot all the time!

Aw that's good about the baby sleeping! You just need to get to bed earlier so you can get more sleep too!

Ttc I've had soreness down there too ,... Along with lots of other new symptoms or syptoms reappearing from 1st tri like extreme exhaustion! My hips feel like they grind together when I walk ... I wonder if they are just moving apart or something. And the heartburn! Eek it's so bad that even a glass of water sets it off and it makes me cough and comes in my throat enough to make it feel like my ears are burning! It's terrible! I think the baby will have more hair than a small monkey at this rate! And sleeping is not so comfortable either, if my bump is ever not propped on something I wake up with the worst soreness in it & feeling nauseous! Oh the joys :) haha

It doesn't bother me so much, except that I can't do all that I used to do & be as active and on the go bc I get exhausted so quickly, but it's def all worth the little man growing in my belly ..... I can't wait to meet him, but I think when he is born I will miss his being in my belly kicking away all day too bc it's so sweet knowing he is there :)
Dare I hope things work out with your mom. I'm
glad it seems that she knows she was wrong ... I hope she stays that way and starts treating you better!

Woo hoo! My appt is friday (all of mine are on Friday bc it's the day DH can go & he doesn't like me to go alone) ... And then I start every 2 weeks too!!! Won't be many of those and we will down to every week! :) it's getting closer!
Hi Summer Mums, :hi: I have spent all my time on 1st then 2nd tri forums and not found these threads until now :wacko:

Can I join please? I am due our first on 11th August. Team Pink :cloud9:
Need to go back and do some serious catching up! Been off for a while...

This might sound stupid.. Anyone else have tummy pains, like mild period pain feeling to them.. Mostly at night, dont hurt just feel a bit achy at times?? Babies moving fine tho

hi silverwillow :flower:

Oh i'm so pleased you are going to talk to your mum dare - i hope you sort it out
i feel for you Krystal the tiredness i'm getting alot of but apart from a bit of a sore back and not able to bend over i feel really well :shrug:
TTCnumbertwo - i get that really bad - i think its because he is breech at the moment and constantly kicks in that area so it must be bruised.
TTC DH - i have been getting them alot lately especially at night - just feel uncomfy - do you get any tightness with them - i do - my midwife says its just braxton hicks

As for me i went to my consultant and scan appointments yesterday - spent 3 hours in the damn hospital - they did my 28 week bloods including random blood sugar which i wil get the results for soon - they told me he is weighing 3lb 6oz already and i'm measuring at 32 weeks - looks like i'm going to have a big baby eekkk - the consultant said if he gets to 11lb then they will give me a c section - i should well hope so ouch :haha:

Krystal... I was the same always cold but being pregnant just seems to raise the temperature!

Dare - hope everything gets sorted out :)

Hiiiii Silverwillow :)

TTC - yep feeling achey/period painy - Whenever I say to OH 'I feel like I've got bad period pains' he comes back with 'how, you can't get a period' :dohh: I think it's stretching/their positions/braxton hicks! :)

Had my midwife appt yesterday :D Baby was kicking the doppler but we DID get to hear his HB and he's head down!! Which is (hopefully) one less thing to worry about :D Plus, I'm measuring at 30+ weeks at 27+4.... but she asked if Stephen was the same and he was until about 34 weeks and then he slowed down, so she said she wasn't concerned! Still NO mention about a GTT test.... though she did take my 28 week bloods (which she said one was to see if I had sugar in my blood? Is that a GTT?? I didn't fast though?) ANDDDD she said I should have no problems getting booked into the ABC unit (which is the midwife led birthing unit!) again! So here's to hoping everythign stays normal!
oooo thats good your getting ABC charlie - the random blood is not the gtt test but more of a test to see if you need to have a gtt - if your results are clear you wont need to have one - i had mine done yesterday too

Looks like we are going to have some big babies around here!!! I have my appt. on Monday but I just don't feel as big as I did with DS #1, so who knows!

TTC- I have gotten a few random period pains, who knows what that's about!? But you're going to feel everything double, so that has to be a pain!
Hi all, i had me 28 week check this morning, all is well and im measuring 29 weeks so 1 week ahead, hope its just a growth spurt and not a massive baby growig in there lol x
Hi all, i had me 28 week check this morning, all is well and im measuring 29 weeks so 1 week ahead, hope its just a growth spurt and not a massive baby growig in there lol x

i think baby should even out as that is not much :flower: - i'm measuring at 32 weeks :haha:

Gosh - sounds like we have a lot of big babies coming along!

Glad to hear you can get your ABC spot Charlie!

I need your opinions on nursery - we're finally going to make a start! Hubby wants to do a two coloured wall with a winnie the pooh border in between...now we're stuck on yellow and blue, or yellow and pink (yellow on top, other colour on the bottom)...what do you girls think? They aren't bright colours, quite "dusky" or muted!
I think yellow and blue go better together, but I bet either would be cute. How is everyone else coming on their nurseries? Mine is almost done and DH keeps making fun of me saying its done way to early, but its so much fun to put together a nursery!!!
Oh I wish we were almost done - I have this ridiculously strong urge to be able to go and sit in there and read to her and just take in what that room means now!

PS...Just been out and bought the yellow and blue paint, and white for the skirting!! Going to start on it tomorrow...having two of our friends over on Sat (one is our other birthing partner and they are both going to be babies "fairy godmother's") to help with the border! Yay! Excited! ...now off to order the furniture online!!! Yay!!!
You better put pics up of your nursery Batty! :) and you TTC!

well I can only get my ABC spot if all my bloods come back 100% and if I go into labour after 37 weeks.... oh and if it's not busy! Though I have heard UK maternity wards are going to be FULL come August and September due to more couples getting pregnant during the bad snow we had!

Noooooooooo not a big baby! We want a small one! Even OH stroked my belly earlier and said 'He's gonna be a big boy! At least over 9lbs I reckon' ..... I wasn't allowed to hit him for that comment as it's his birthday! He knows anything over 8.5lbs and he's dead :haha:
I'm scared!! My GTT is tomorrow morning :( I just had my last supper :rofl:

I'm seeing the midwife too, can't wait to hear Thomas and see how far I'm measuring :D
Did you try and leave dinner as late as possible so you wouldn't be as hungry when you go tomorrow? Good luck though :)

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