3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

I'm terrified of my waters breaking in public, with DS #1 they had to be broken at the hospital- I hope that happens again!
Hope everyone is feeling well! I'm hoping my waters don't break until The time of my c- section!

We went to my parents for dinner last night. Had a great night but I was such a guts! We had Indian and I just couldn't stop myself eating.. I was a woman possessed lol... So I woke up at 3am with the most intense indigestion (at least I think it was indigestion!). I was in tears and couldn't talk to tell DH what was wrong. The pain was right accross my chest and into my upper back! Lasted for ages too! Ouch!!

This is a little embarrassing to ask.. But has anyone else noticed swelling in their labia? The last week I've had what feels like babies pushing down really low.. And then yesterday I noticed that one side of my labia minora (right near the vaginal opening) is quite swollen! Anyone else gave this or no what it is? No itching or pain either so I don't think it's infection... Just feels pressurized!

Crikey 2 types of waters? Eak!! Is it a lot when they go? X

The hind ones are just like you've wet yourself - but you still need a pad on - I was like god that's not a lot (as I thought it was the main ones!) then as my main waters ruptured there was a massive pop andthen it flooded the whole hospital bed :D AND even after he was born more water came out lol! I drenched the midwife :haha:
Ttc - hope you're feeling better today :) and swelling down there I think is due to increased blood supply and the pressure baby (or in your case babies :) ) are putting on your pelvic area!

Krystal - glad you had a nice babyshower :) and I bet you're glad you got to eat a bit of cake hey? :)
Hi girls i'm back - i was away in yarmouth for the week - had a lovely time and just chilled out - ahhh

I hope everyone is ok and doing well - love all the nurserys coming along and the doggie in one of the pics.
Did i miss much?

I have just started to get back ache and it always happens at night so i'm not sleeping great. I'm also putting the final touches to the nursery next week and both mine and bubbas hospital bags are packed - just have this funny feeling he is coming early

Krystal so happy for u that u had a lovely baby shower!!!!
TTC hope your feeling better!!!!
Angie welcome back!!! Glad u had a lovely holiday!!!! I also have the panic this madam gonna be early will probably be late tho!!!

I'm moaning again!!!!!! Dh slept on sofa last night as last few nights he had kept me up with his snoring!! So that was lovely of him!! But I had the worst nights sleep!!! Could not get comfy cos of pain in hips and tummy :( and felt full of a cold :( was horrid :(
Keep thinking I've dropped, how do u know if u have dropped?
ahhh no sounds terrible :hugs: and there is me moaning about my night time back pain

Aww I can totally sympathise with the night time back pain!!!
I asked hubby if stomach looked a bit lower he agreed that it did look a little bit lower!!?? Eak!!! Do u drop gradually?? Xx
i think every one is different - i think i will drop very quickly when it does happen as i'm so high. Glad i'm not the only person with night time back pain

I think after 6 mos you start to drop gradually .. That's what it looks like in the drawn pictures I've seen outlining it.

Thank you I did have a lovely shower & I did get to eat some cake & fruit & have some yummy punch.... I paid for it as well as the eating so often though bc I've had terrible indigestion & tummy aches! I told DH I have to talk to the Doctor bc I can NOt go from eating once or twice to eating 6 time ... My belly aches and feels like it will pop!

This morning a friend is going to scan us (just reg scan) but I am really excited about seeing the baby although they said he may be too big for clear pictures on a reg scan I still am excited to see him! & for DH to be there!
Natalie- I hear ya with the back pain keeping you up, I'm so used to snoring, but the back and hip pain wakes me up every night!
TTC- I had swelling down there with DS #1, it was a little bit later, but it would make sense you get everything earlier with two!
Welcome back Angie!

We had such a nice day yesterday- took the dog for a swim at the lake, of course DS tried to get in too, grilled steaks for dinner... I wish every day was like that!
Natalie- I hear ya with the back pain keeping you up, I'm so used to snoring, but the back and hip pain wakes me up every night!
TTC- I had swelling down there with DS #1, it was a little bit later, but it would make sense you get everything earlier with two!
Welcome back Angie!

We had such a nice day yesterday- took the dog for a swim at the lake, of course DS tried to get in too, grilled steaks for dinner... I wish every day was like that!

thanks :flower:

Are you worried about your dogs reaction to lo

Angie- not really, he's a lab and he was great when we brought home DS#1. He is a very kind natured dog, but we've been spending time in the nursery and sniffing baby clothes and all that.
i have 2 staffie's and despite there reputation are lovely caring and well mannered dogs but i do worry about one of them as he thinks anything small is a female dog and tries to mount them :haha: when the female is already sleeping in the nursery

Had my small baby shower with DH's family today :) it was lovely :) we got lots of wonderful little things for baby Silas! I am really excited :)

:) That's awesome love!!! can't wait to have my first one- in two weeks from now! It's making me nervous not having anything and being told i'm not allowed to buy anything. but i have nothing and my head is going insane!!! oh, btw, happy 30 weeks!!!! :happydance:

Hope everyone is feeling well! I'm hoping my waters don't break until The time of my c- section!

We went to my parents for dinner last night. Had a great night but I was such a guts! We had Indian and I just couldn't stop myself eating.. I was a woman possessed lol... So I woke up at 3am with the most intense indigestion (at least I think it was indigestion!). I was in tears and couldn't talk to tell DH what was wrong. The pain was right accross my chest and into my upper back! Lasted for ages too! Ouch!!

This is a little embarrassing to ask.. But has anyone else noticed swelling in their labia? The last week I've had what feels like babies pushing down really low.. And then yesterday I noticed that one side of my labia minora (right near the vaginal opening) is quite swollen! Anyone else gave this or no what it is? No itching or pain either so I don't think it's infection... Just feels pressurized!


I was horrified this morning myself to notice how large the um, lady bits have become!!! they are very swollen. Needless to say i won't be doing a good shave down there in fear of nicking something. ouch!!!!!!!!!

Krystal so happy for u that u had a lovely baby shower!!!!
TTC hope your feeling better!!!!
Angie welcome back!!! Glad u had a lovely holiday!!!! I also have the panic this madam gonna be early will probably be late tho!!!

I'm moaning again!!!!!! Dh slept on sofa last night as last few nights he had kept me up with his snoring!! So that was lovely of him!! But I had the worst nights sleep!!! Could not get comfy cos of pain in hips and tummy :( and felt full of a cold :( was horrid :(
Keep thinking I've dropped, how do u know if u have dropped?

I might have to move to the sofa myself- my back is just like yours! terrible!!!!! My hips! agh! But if i go to the sofa there is a nice back support and could take the long pillow with me. Might be worth it. But i hate sleeping alone. :(

When dh snores i shove him and tell him he's snoring- then he rolls over, apologizes and sleeps again. Usually once repositioned he's much better. BUT he doesn't remember me waking him- so, it doesn't make me feel bad!
30 weeks today girls! :dance:

So tired. And i am starting to have some difficulty with walking the dog around. And STAIRS. omg, how i have come to loathe stairs. Up is intense! I am so slow. And going around the block i'm just.... i feel like it's so hard to do.

Last night i was SO warm, and dh woke up and needed to put the quilt back on the bed because he was cold and i was sweating. Guess the heat has begun. My wedding ring is stuck on my finger because of me being so warm it's swelled just enough that i can't get it over the knuckle. Was planning this week or next to take it off and put it on a chain around my neck to not have to worry about having it cut off... but now, i can't even get it off. :(

I suddenly feel so swollen. I mean not like to where i would have to tell anyone that it might be a problem, but JUST enough, that sock wearing bothers me slightly, and i'm just feeling large. So glad this is my last week of work- think it'll be the last week for socks too.

Its so humid out. And summer hasn't even begun. :( Oh man.
Just had our scan it was AMAZING!!! The u/s tech was awesome! It was almost as good or better than 3D though harder to get pics that justify how clear we could see him! We could see his nose (his daddy's nose for sure) and his eye balls & watch him blink & he was swallowing ... And even yawned so big you could see his tongue :) he has a big mouth too although I'm not sure where he gets that from hehe ;) ... She showed us his future fat rolls (wrinkles) down his little sides and belly where he has started getting a little fat to fill them in :) ... His feet were over 2 1/2 inches long :) it was so exciting!! I cannot wait to meet him!!! He is absolutely awesome :) I wish she could have put it on video! :)

Oh and he was measuring perfect in length almost to the day based on his femur length & based on his belly & head he was measuring 31 weeks 3 days average which is about 10 days ahead which isn't all that big at all ... It's actually the least ahead he has measured!

And Dare we've made it to 30 weeks!!! We are in the homestretch now!!! :)
Dare I am in the same boat! I got winded getting back to the car from the hospital today... And the youth at church & DH make fun of me everytime I come up the stairs bc I huff and puff as if I weigh 400 lbs! My
feet are slightly swollen when I get up and put on socks and shoes for work, not noticeably but I can feel the difference as well ... Once I get up and moving at work on my feet it usually goes away though!

The other night the temps here dipped into the 40's again and apparently
the house was freezing ... I had no clue bc I was
sweating & got up and turned on the fan! Poor DH was telling me bye as he left for work & I commented that he felt ice cold & he said "yea it's freezing in here, why did you turn on the fan?" lol
I'm wondering if the sofa will be my best bet to get good nights sleep I will see how it goes tonight only thing worrys me is wake up with bad neck and sometimes back ache and where sofa is I generally have to sleep on right side not left hmmmm hopefully tonight will sleep better!! Oh and everytime sleep on sofa get heartburn!! Haha!!
Oh yes the heat ahhhh I think it must be humid here as well dh gets annoyed with me for always kicking the duvet off cos he gets cold!!! Haha!!

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