Growth and wellbeing scan this morning. Was very detailed, like the 19 week anatomy scan and seemed to take ages.. Two perfect little baby boys and they are very similar in size (about 1100g each) which I'm told is a perfect weight for my dates. All their organs and both placentas are holding up well (which is always a risk with twins), and fluid levels, cervix etc all looking good! So I'm a very happy girl! This dizziness is gtting silly tho. I laid on the table for my scan and was dizzy in about 30 seconds so she put a wedge under my back and DH held it in place so she scanned me on each side once she new where bubs where.. But I was still so terribly short of breath and dizzy! Twin A is head down and twin b was breach so makes sense with the places I've been getting movement lately!
Gonna see about booking my section date tomorrow
only about 9 weeks and 3 days to go for me now! Were all getting so close.. It's starting to feel real!! Ahh!