3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

We live on the third floor so we have no basement to hide in. :/ Will be praying you stay nice and safe ttc!!!

Natalie- so glad everything is ok!!!

Krystal - lovely photos! thanks for sharing!!! :)

Can't believe how fast time is moving. My ticker says 66 days left!! And, maternity leave for me starts tomorrow! What happened to the time?!
Thank u!!
TTC stay safe I hope u don't get storms!!!
Must be so scary!!!!
Lovely pics krystal!!!
Yikes! Dare are there storms there? Be careful! I'm so nervous about them now after seeing my town and state destroyed! ... I can't drive thru town bc it upsets ms so much! Ttc let us know youre safe when your storms pass!

Wow dare maternity leave! Go you! Today was so hard at work, after a super busy hard day yesterday that I almost quit! I was in tears bc I was hurting so bad and exhausted and they let me go home (which should have been done before then anyhow they just take advantage bc even though I'm pregnant I can handle more than most & work harder than most and don't complain!) ... I talked to them a little about how hard the busy shifts were on my body not being able to sit down at all for 7 hours straight & running around the whole time carrying things etc! ... They are suppose to put it in the manager notes and try to be more aware of it. I don't like to complain bc I want to pull my weight of the work and not be a burden ... But I'd like to work until as close to the end as possible .. Mainly for the exercise & staying busy & the extra cash is nice as well... But I won't be able to if I don't take it easier! Part of me longs for maternity leave though!
hi, how is everyone feeling. if anything like me very pregnant and stretched. I was amazed tonight to look in the mirror at how big my belly is actually getting and its almost as if its a litle transparent and you can see every single vein in my belly!! SOO weird! plus i have now got stretch marks on my boobs. aside from a couple on 1 hip from my last pregnancy i had been lucky not to get any so i hope this isnt a sign of things to come..

I have my 4d ultra sound tomorrow i am soo excited to see our little girls beautiful face. I hope she puts on a nice show for us. is anyone else doing a 4d ultrsa sound or maternity photo shoot? With my Ultrasound i got a voucher to have a photo shoot, not sure if i really want to though.

Hope everyone is well, cant believe how fast time has gone since we all joined this group now only a few weeks left eek only 5 for me :)
Storms passed by us with no incidents last night. There is some damage around, and people without electricity still, but no deaths or major injuries have been reported so thankfully we were spared!!!

Love_Krystal- I'm so sorry you're having such a rough time at work, I have an "on your feet" job and I know how exhausted I am at the end of the day! Luckily I'm a teacher so I only have two weeks left. I wish we had a way to take a little bit of paid time before the baby comes here in the US, I never thought we had it bad until I saw how great the ladies in the UK have maternity leave. Good luck anyhow!!!

Hi Mum2Miller- I can't believe you're down to 5 weeks, how exciting!
Ttc so glad you are ok!

I know it would be nice if we did get better maternity leave. I am just a waitress at a semi nice place, I used to work there in college but came back when I was 13 weeks I think to make extra money and stay in shape... but there is no such thing as paid maternity leave there! Granted I can quit whenever I Want and still come back anytime I'm ready, there is just no money involved! Good thing you are out in 2 weeks! Schools here are finished already, they ended this past week.

Mumtomiller! Great to see you! Glad you are well! Your scan sounds exciting!!! And 5 weeks! That's awesome ... So soon!!! That's really exciting! I know you can't wait to bring her home!

Ugh last night was horrible for me ... I slept less than an hour from 2-3 am and was up peeing every 20-25 mins. Then finally drifted off at at 3 am I woke up with terrible pains from my breastbone all the way thru to my back ... I almost woke DH bc I was scared then I realized it was prob indigestion or heartburn or something or the babys feet up in my ribs. DH left to go fishing with his dad for the day at 430 ... And then about 530 I finally managed to get back to sleep....and slept til 7 when the pains hit again. I think it's indigestion bc cold water relieves the pain some and eating crackers and such, at Least for a little bit! .... But my tums are not helping! To make it worse my dr appt was for this morning and the stupid lady that was rude to us purposely scheduled our appt for the wrong day (tues) knowing I can only come on Fridays...I didn't know until the computer called to confirm it which was after hours... So I called last night and left a message about what happened and that I needed to be seen today otherwise I couldn't see the doctor for 2 weeks ... Which would be my next appt anyways! I am keeping my fingers x-Ed that they get me in today so maybe she will prescribe something to help me! I am exhausted!
How frustrating for you! i hope you are able to be seen today. I am the same with peeing it has increased so much in the last 2 weeks its as if the second i stand up i could go again and often have lol TMI but it is crazy! I am also having some odd pains like that often i have reflux aswell though so i think mine is more reflux than heartburn very annoying though!
Im going to see if I can bring my Mat leave forward by 2 weeks. Im exhausted. If I can bring it forward 2 weeks then i only have 10 weeks left at work wohoo.

Been to see the physio again today for my acupuncture, she has also given me crutches to help with my hobbling. Some days arent as bad as others so im not planning on using them religiously every day.

Love_Krystal sorry your having a rough old time, hope they manage to fit you in with some body today.

hi, how is everyone feeling. if anything like me very pregnant and stretched. I was amazed tonight to look in the mirror at how big my belly is actually getting and its almost as if its a litle transparent and you can see every single vein in my belly!! SOO weird! plus i have now got stretch marks on my boobs. aside from a couple on 1 hip from my last pregnancy i had been lucky not to get any so i hope this isnt a sign of things to come..

I have my 4d ultra sound tomorrow i am soo excited to see our little girls beautiful face. I hope she puts on a nice show for us. is anyone else doing a 4d ultrsa sound or maternity photo shoot? With my Ultrasound i got a voucher to have a photo shoot, not sure if i really want to though.

Hope everyone is well, cant believe how fast time has gone since we all joined this group now only a few weeks left eek only 5 for me :)

Excited about your ultrasound!!!! awesome!! And yes i often stare at my belly in the mirror and can't believe how big it is!!! I have stretch marks all over my boobs, but not my belly. Can't understand that one, but that's how it is right now. Just stretchy boobs. They've grown 2 cup sizes since before. And i also have to pee every five seconds. If i'm sitting i'm ok- but if i stand up i'm going every 5 minutes.

Yikes! Dare are there storms there? Be careful! I'm so nervous about them now after seeing my town and state destroyed! ... I can't drive thru town bc it upsets ms so much! Ttc let us know youre safe when your storms pass!

Wow dare maternity leave! Go you! Today was so hard at work, after a super busy hard day yesterday that I almost quit! I was in tears bc I was hurting so bad and exhausted and they let me go home (which should have been done before then anyhow they just take advantage bc even though I'm pregnant I can handle more than most & work harder than most and don't complain!) ... I talked to them a little about how hard the busy shifts were on my body not being able to sit down at all for 7 hours straight & running around the whole time carrying things etc! ... They are suppose to put it in the manager notes and try to be more aware of it. I don't like to complain bc I want to pull my weight of the work and not be a burden ... But I'd like to work until as close to the end as possible .. Mainly for the exercise & staying busy & the extra cash is nice as well... But I won't be able to if I don't take it easier! Part of me longs for maternity leave though!

I don't think we have any storms right now or in the last few days. I try to ignore that stuff unless someone says 'oh we are in a tornado' i don't really do the news so i don't really know. However i went to the dentist the other day and the lady told me there was a big tornado warning right there in that town and i had drove right into it. :/

Storms passed by us with no incidents last night. There is some damage around, and people without electricity still, but no deaths or major injuries have been reported so thankfully we were spared!!!

So glad you are well!!

Ttc so glad you are ok!

I know it would be nice if we did get better maternity leave. I am just a waitress at a semi nice place, I used to work there in college but came back when I was 13 weeks I think to make extra money and stay in shape... but there is no such thing as paid maternity leave there! Granted I can quit whenever I Want and still come back anytime I'm ready, there is just no money involved! Good thing you are out in 2 weeks! Schools here are finished already, they ended this past week.

Ugh last night was horrible for me ... I slept less than an hour from 2-3 am and was up peeing every 20-25 mins. Then finally drifted off at at 3 am I woke up with terrible pains from my breastbone all the way thru to my back ... I almost woke DH bc I was scared then I realized it was prob indigestion or heartburn or something or the babys feet up in my ribs. DH left to go fishing with his dad for the day at 430 ... And then about 530 I finally managed to get back to sleep....and slept til 7 when the pains hit again. I think it's indigestion bc cold water relieves the pain some and eating crackers and such, at Least for a little bit! .... But my tums are not helping! To make it worse my dr appt was for this morning and the stupid lady that was rude to us purposely scheduled our appt for the wrong day (tues) knowing I can only come on Fridays...I didn't know until the computer called to confirm it which was after hours... So I called last night and left a message about what happened and that I needed to be seen today otherwise I couldn't see the doctor for 2 weeks ... Which would be my next appt anyways! I am keeping my fingers x-Ed that they get me in today so maybe she will prescribe something to help me! I am exhausted!

We don't get paid maternity leave either at my job- not that it matters because i'm not going back. My old job used to pay for it and then they stopped and didn't tell anyone- and like 4 ladies were pg at the same time and they found out after that they didn't have any pay!!! I know a lot of ladies get AFLAC if they are considering ttc as they have great maternity pay.

My birthing class lady told me that we should stop drinking by 7 pm but make sure we have all our fluids for the day- that helps with the peeing. So i tried it- instead i just woke up 3 times instead of the normal like 6. But my back and hip and ugh so warm! Feel like a turtle getting out of bed. Hope that your office calls you back so you can get in there and get things fixed!!!! I hate when you can only leave a message. i'd call again!
Hey ladies! It seems likes loads has been going on for the last few days!

Seems like the weeks are flying by now and can't believe we're all soon gonna have our babies!

I'm with all you on the peeing... though I've got to the point where I refuse to get out of bed to pee unless I'm bursting! It frustrates me when I feel like I really need to go and it's not even worth going to pee for! :haha: But, do have to be careful, cause if I leave it too long I nearly end up wetting myself cause it's so full!!

I do have a question though... me and the OH finally managed to find the time to dtd last night and it was hte most uncomfortable experience ever - it felt like it was burning afterwards and it felt so horrible during it :( He said it was good for him but I felt like I let him down a bit cause we haven't managed to find time to do it for about 3 weeks (which is the longest we've ever been!) and then it was just so horrible! Luckily it was pitch black so he couldn't see my faces :haha: Anyone else have this burning sort of sensation or know what it is? I remember it vaguely with Stephen (towards the end) but it wasn't as bad as this!

Hope everyone's keeping safe if you're on Tornado watch in the US!
I do have a question though... me and the OH finally managed to find the time to dtd last night and it was hte most uncomfortable experience ever - it felt like it was burning afterwards and it felt so horrible during it :( He said it was good for him but I felt like I let him down a bit cause we haven't managed to find time to do it for about 3 weeks (which is the longest we've ever been!) and then it was just so horrible! Luckily it was pitch black so he couldn't see my faces :haha: Anyone else have this burning sort of sensation or know what it is? I remember it vaguely with Stephen (towards the end) but it wasn't as bad as this!

Hope everyone's keeping safe if you're on Tornado watch in the US!

Actually yes I get this too but didnt dare post about it incase it was just me.:blush: It is so uncomfortable and horrid but not sure whats causing it. I try and avoid DTD because of this which i feel awful for but that burning feeling is just too much. DH and I didnt DTD with my first as he was 'worried he would hurt the baby' :haha: He seems to of got over that this time and now its me that dosent want to have sex. :nope:

I get the burning feeling too it's got to have to do with horomones causing something bc the only other time it's happened are very horomonal times right before the witch or after (I think) the witch leaves I can't remember which ..dtd has gotten a lot better for me this trimester than it was in 2nd which is odd bc they say 2nd is best ... I don't think I had any blood flow down there then bc no matter how bad I wanted it or what DH did ... It just didn't work ... But like a week or so ago it just all the sudden got much much much better like as awesome as before I was pregnant, or first trimester still was. So weird what horomones can do!

I had my appt. She called me in a prescription and told me about another OTC med I could take with it if I still had problems. My bp was a little high they just told me to keep an eye on it ....the baby and my uterus are both measuring about 1 wk & 3 days ahead...which isn't bad. I will get another scan though in 2-4 weeks to check his weight which is kind of exciting bc I get to see him again! She told me today that they would like me to have him between 39 & 40 weeks, July 25-31... Even if they had to induce ... So we will see how that goes as it gets closer... I was a little sad bc I don't want an induction, but it would be for the baby's health... C sections etc are my big concern... I just want birt. To happen naturally when baby is ready. Then I found out I could only have my husband mil and mom inthe room not my best friend or sister & I was crushed bc I really Want them there! Oh well ... It's been an interesting day now I'm off to try to nap before shopping with DH this evening!
This thread's been quiet!

Are inductions in the US common cause I see a lot of US ladies all saying they have induction dates and on Teen mom they all seem to have to be induced?
I think inductions here are common- I've had a ton of friends who have been induced. Plus, I think some doctors let people request inductions at like 39 weeks.... not mine, but I've heard of it.
Yes they are very common 1 in 4 at least are inductions but I'd be willing to bet more. Like ttc said, some doctors allow it for convenience or bc mom want it for various reasons. But they also do it if you go over your due date, my dr won't let you go past 41 weeks bc of the danger to the baby.... Also for other medical reasons GD, preeclampsia, high BP in general, babys size (higher obesity rate here and obese mama's tend to have higher birth weight babies), low fluid, placenta quality etc.

I think here doctors usually err on the "safe" (for them) side to avoid medical malpractice suits etc bc medical care here is by choice and insurance and not governed by state if that makes sense? That's why I am Leary of unneeded inductions!
This thread's been quiet!

Are inductions in the US common cause I see a lot of US ladies all saying they have induction dates and on Teen mom they all seem to have to be induced?

A LOT of drs. don't want to wait around either. That's a big issue. They tell these moms 'how great would it be to choose your baby's birth day?" and they fall for it everytime. They think it's easier.

I know a lot of women get induced, and a LOT get c-sections because of the 'convenience of it all'. Seriously?
This thread's been quiet!

Are inductions in the US common cause I see a lot of US ladies all saying they have induction dates and on Teen mom they all seem to have to be induced?

A LOT of drs. don't want to wait around either. That's a big issue. They tell these moms 'how great would it be to choose your baby's birth day?" and they fall for it everytime. They think it's easier.

I know a lot of women get induced, and a LOT get c-sections because of the 'convenience of it all'. Seriously?

I know, I feel like you've waited 9 months, just be patient and do things the way God has planned them, I had an emergency c-section and it was NOT convenient, however it was safest for baby. This time hopefully things will be different!
Exactly dare, that is why I will have a long convo about it this next time with my dr. I am completely against convenient inductions & I do not Want a c section! At the same time they say GD can make the baby big and increase your chance of c section if you try to carry to term and the baby is too big to deliver, also it can cause the placenta to age faster, which cuts off nutrients to the baby or fluid levels can start decreasing... So I do not want to endanger my baby in any way, but at the same time I don't want to be forced into anything unnecessary!
ahh see here they'll let you go as far as they think is necessary which is about 42 weeks max. I don't really hear of many women hear having inductions or is it elective(?) c-sections - but I could be wrong! I also think because we have the NHS they don't really have that fear of being sued as much as say a private DR might have.

I'm like you ladies I'd rather wait for him to be ready to pop out (as long as it's safe for him to remain snuggled up in there)

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