3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Dare it's 16 cel here today :) which I think is cold for june but apparently the Uk is supposed to have a heat wave summer (July and august) :dohh: but they say this every year!

Natalie - they popping in a lot! Lay your groundrules down now or they'll be over all the time when she arrives :) settling in Watford ok though?
Hmmm well we've been here really since sat, they have been here 4 times!!! Admittedly I haven't been welcoming so they haven't stayed long :0) but his mother turned up yest without any notice which is really what annoyed me!!! I said to dh about it and he just said oh it's something u are just going to have to get used to??!!!! What seriously???? Thing is im not very good at laying the law with them I don't want to offend... Any tips?? They haven't even offered to buy anything for baby!!!! Which I'm quite shocked at!! I thought it was pretty normal grandparents offer to bu summin big???
It's funny other than unpacking and the in laws when I've popped to shops it's felt like I've been on holiday hahaha!!! Be happy once everything is unpacked etc!!! How are u??
Hmmm well we've been here really since sat, they have been here 4 times!!! Admittedly I haven't been welcoming so they haven't stayed long :0) but his mother turned up yest without any notice which is really what annoyed me!!! I said to dh about it and he just said oh it's something u are just going to have to get used to??!!!! What seriously???? Thing is im not very good at laying the law with them I don't want to offend... Any tips?? They haven't even offered to buy anything for baby!!!! Which I'm quite shocked at!! I thought it was pretty normal grandparents offer to bu summin big???
It's funny other than unpacking and the in laws when I've popped to shops it's felt like I've been on holiday hahaha!!! Be happy once everything is unpacked etc!!! How are u??
You'll just have to get OH to say something - he needs to understand that it's not goin to be somethig you have to get used too! I'd at least say it's just common courtesy for a phonecall! But he needs to understand there's going to be days when you're so tired, or you just want to spend time with her on your own, or you want to visit friends etc so visitors are not allowed around unless they've checked first! If that doesn't work check who's at the door first and don't answer if you don't want too :haha:

Urn with the gift thing it's down to them! Mil bought LOADS for Stephen but only one pack of vests for This one. Whereas my mum made all the bedding and bought bits and bobs and she's doing it for H too. Maybe they'll get you something when she's born? (probably something you don't need lol)

Ahh you'll be all settled in soon :) glad the move went alright though :) still keen on havin her in the hospital where you were before? (was it Stoke? Can't remember where you said!) yeh am good just sooooo tired even though I'm getting decent sleep lol
Natalie- that would make me CRAZY!!! I have very nice in-laws, but I would not want them popping in whenever they wanted! I have an OB appointment this afternoon, I'm sure it will be uneventful!
Natalie - You need to put a stop to the surprise visits asap... the longer it goes on, the harder it'll be to say something! I hate people turning up unannounced, and I'd never do it to anyone else, I think it's just plain rude!

Had a phone call from my doctors surgery this morning. They want me to go in to discuss my blood test results (the routine tests I had done at the 28 week midwife appointment). I can't even remember what they tested for, but it's hard not to worry now!
The guy is supposed to come fix our A/C this evening ... We had to turn it off bc the whole machine was frozen up. He said "I can't see what could be wrong" but he best fix it ... Too much money spent for it not to work and work well! Plus we have a heat wave coming in, yesterday was 95 but it's suppose to get record high close to 99 or 100! I am jealous of the 30 degree weather as well Charlie! That would be perfect weather here!

Sarahbelle...Hope everything is fine and it's nothing to cause much worry! Could be simple as low iron or something! Keep us updated!!

Natalie glad to see you! I agree that you OH could def say something not rude or anything but just simple ESP once the baby is Here, he could say Natalie is trying to get the baby on a schedule and she is exhasted. We are happy that you are close enough to come by and spend time with her and the baby but it would really help her if you'd call and let her know when you plan to drop by. Or something along those lines. I have great inlaws and my parents live 4 or 5 houses down the street. But neither just drop by. DH's parents used to come by here to help with stuff for the move ESP his dad and he would tell DH he was coming but DH never told me & I would always be surprised, so I said something to him and now he let's me know and checks with me whenever his parents are coming. Not that I ever mind them, I just like to be aware so I'm
not half dressed or don't have other plans. My mom never stops in uninvited! I've had to tell her the opposite, that once baby is Here she is welcome to stop in after work and cuddle him :) on her way home!

I'm getting really excited about Silas arriving! I can't wait even tho I am enjoying him kicking away in my belly for now (except when he kicks my ribs!) my boss at work had her son a week early on Sunday, so I no longer have her at work to be empathetic of me haha but I am happy for her! And a wee bit jealous that it's not my turn yet! :)
Dare it's 16 cel here today :) which I think is cold for june but apparently the Uk is supposed to have a heat wave summer (July and august) :dohh: but they say this every year!

It's 1038 am and already 88 out there. Thats... like 31 celcius there? Close to it. thanks to google calculator.

Hmmm well we've been here really since sat, they have been here 4 times!!! Admittedly I haven't been welcoming so they haven't stayed long :0) but his mother turned up yest without any notice which is really what annoyed me!!! I said to dh about it and he just said oh it's something u are just going to have to get used to??!!!! What seriously???? Thing is im not very good at laying the law with them I don't want to offend... Any tips?? They haven't even offered to buy anything for baby!!!! Which I'm quite shocked at!! I thought it was pretty normal grandparents offer to bu summin big???
It's funny other than unpacking and the in laws when I've popped to shops it's felt like I've been on holiday hahaha!!! Be happy once everything is unpacked etc!!! How are u??

Man i love my inlaws but seriously- no way. Luckily DH and i are on the same on this one- that we both would be not happy if anyone showed up unannounced. Glad he feels that way cause i would hate to be the mean one to have to tell them. Because i have a feeling it would have to come from me because he wouldn't want to hurt them.

The guy is supposed to come fix our A/C this evening ... We had to turn it off bc the whole machine was frozen up. He said "I can't see what could be wrong" but he best fix it ... Too much money spent for it not to work and work well! Plus we have a heat wave coming in, yesterday was 95 but it's suppose to get record high close to 99 or 100! I am jealous of the 30 degree weather as well Charlie! That would be perfect weather here!

Our air man just left this morning. Says there is a small leak in the unit- and he can't find it, but he put more Freeon in- 3 lbs of it - so we should be ok now. Or for another 2 years... since that's how long we got from the last 'fix'. WHY can't they fix it?! it's their job! fix the damn leak!!! Anyway glad he got here early because it hasn't gone up to 80 in here yet! SO we beat the heat wave. I was a miserable beast last night.
Hoping they can fix yours too krystal- i know how you feel!!!!! it's 88 outside right now, and it's supposed to go into the 90s easy.

Sarahbelle- will be thinking of you and your results!!! hoping everything is ok!!!
Sarahbelle...Hope everything is fine and it's nothing to cause much worry! Could be simple as low iron or something! Keep us updated!!

That's what I'm hoping! First appointment they could give me is next Monday!! Surely if it was something serious they'd squeeze me in sooner..?!
sarahbelle - you are probably right. if it were really bad they'd have gotten you right in.
Awww thank u everyone!!!!! I was starting to think it was just me or something!!!! I was thinking oh I must be over reacting and blaming my hormones!!!! If they cone over unannounced again if I don't say something I will make sure hubby does!!! My family would never do that!!!! I don't know if they've tried this afternoon, I got dizzy so decided to lie down and fell asleep!!! Opppsie!!!!

Sarahbella, could u not ask for your results over the phone? Just to put your mind at rest? I know with my docs i would always call up and ask??!!
Krystal I hope they sort your a/c out that would drive me mad sounds Like u really need it out there!!!

Awwww I've missed all u lovely ladies!!!!!
Charlie I Been tired too have u been taking any vitamins?
Yeah still hoping for Stoke, haven't seen new midwife yet.... I'm scared lol she might be horrid!!!!
Sarahbella, could u not ask for your results over the phone? Just to put your mind at rest? I know with my docs i would always call up and ask??!!

Nope, doc wants to see me to discuss :-( The lady that called said there were no details on the screen, she couldn't even tell me what they'd tested for! (I have the worst memory, I'm just like, yeah, sure, take more blood...!)
Twice they have tried popping over GRR!!! I said I was asleep, well they tried then, as we don't have a washing machine at the min they brought the clothes back over which is fine but where's my bloody phone call or text????? Then as I was sat bu the window on the phone they tried again till they saw I was o the phone never bloody stopped them before but glad it did today otherwise would have lost it with them!!! Grrrrrrrrr so bloody annoyed!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Sarahbella what a nightmare could they not have asked the doc to phone u back? I'm trying to think what the 28week bloods are, I know they have the iron count and general things like White blood cell count etc when will u see the doc?? :hugs:
I'm going to check my notes when I get in & see if it says what they tested for. Doc appointment is on Monday!

Really think your other half needs to have a word with his parents... it's clearly winding you up (understandably!) & that's not good for you or the baby!!

My Mum has already said that if she comes round too often after the baby is born I've to tell her, as she doesn't want to get in the way! I know she'll always phone or text first to check it's ok though. As for the in-laws... no idea what's going to happen there, as I don't speak to them, but expect something's going to have to give, as they'll want to see their grand son.
Awww that's horrid u have to wait all that time but if it was urgent they would have got u in straight away!!!! Try not to worry I know it's easier said than done!!! U could always try get an emergency appointment, if u were not feeling right.... Tense stressed... Etc!??
Yeah hubby has now seen how annoyed I am and has said he will have a word with them to at least call text to say if they are gonna pop over!!
Eak wonder how your in laws will be!! I guess speak to your oh and have a plan in place!! Like a signal if your not happy or tired so he can tell them they need to go as your tired or something??!!
I think we will all struggle with in laws when out babies are here not just in laws that will be be wanting to pop over!!! Eak!!!
Hi girls

How are you all - Not been online a massive amount but i hope everyone is ok

With me i got all my 28 blood results back and all ok i was worried that perhaps my iron levels would be low and i wouldnt pass my random blood sugar but to my surprise i did - there goes there reason why he is so big :haha:
Last week i had a lack of movement and went into watford to get monitored - mw said she thinks he is just moving less as he is getting so big - I'm certainly not worried about having him in watford anymore they were the nicest people and the place was spotless - 9.5 working days until mat leave :happydance:

Natalie - I should really be taking my vitamins! I'm going to have to ask why I'm so tired at my appt next week cause I'll nap with Stephen in the morning, afternoon and then I'm asleep at about 11 until 7am! It might be too much sleep... but because I'm so tired I'm a bitch if I don't nap with him :haha: Oh and what's up with trying to come over more than once... surely anyone who tried coming round once and no one answered would not bother again? Are they trying to make an effort or are they just being interferring? I bet they think they're doing nothing wrong but at the same time they need to respect that you've just moved, you're heavily pregnant and you need your own space too! And every midwife I've ever seen here is lovely :) and the ones in the hospital are lovely too! Is it a community midwife at the surgery? If you get Alyssa or Miriam they're so nice and they don't judge at all!

Sarahbella - it could be low iron, or there was a problem with the glucose test. If it was really urgent they'd have squeezed you in this week. Though I can understand how frustrating it is not knowing!

Angie - See told you watford maternity was nice :) lol Glad he's all ok though!! It's scary when they have quiet days!!

I'm thinking all the watford ladies around here should have a meet up :)

and Krystal - hope the AC is fixed!!

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