3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Sequeena- hope everything is ok!

Samira- yes leg cramps to the max!

My Ob sent me to see a specialist that deals with problems women experience during pregnancy but really don't affect the baby. I was getting this intense pain across my right ribs and right into my back. I was also waking with indigestion so bad that I just had to scream until it went away (well I thought it was indigestion!). Turns out that due to my hyperemesis I have multiple vitamin deficiencies and so have some nerve damage that's causing me all this grief! I was unable to keep even water down for months and months and with twins she said it's surprising I didn't end up with more damage... She also said the restless leg thing is caused by an iron or vit b deficiency. All should return to normal as soon as I get my vitamin stores back up to normal.. I am trying but I just feel so crappy and can't really see the light at the end of the tunnel!
I've also been waking up with piercing headaches at 2-3 in the morning! Always in the same place! I think the heaviness of having two bubs in my oven (who aren't small bibs either!) is pushing down on my arteries and stopping enough blood getting around, hence I go diZzy and breathless and then get a headache that's so sever it wakes me from even the deepest sleep!

Ok wah over! How scary for you Charlie! Glad Stephen is ok!! I can imagine you would have been so worried when it happened!

I'm having my baby shower this weekend too :) my sister and beat friend are throwing it for me. I know it's a bit early, but the ob's and midwives have told me to have my bags packed and everything ready by 30 weeks just in case.. So after my shower we'll know what else we need and can finish buying absolutely everything, pack my bag and the twinkles bag and be ready and waiting!

Has anyone else been to antenatal classes yet? How they all going?

Sequeena, hope it all works out for you and dosent come to that. :hugs: glad all with baby is looking great.

Yea my MW is next thurs too nat, i just hope everything is ok! I get worried coz my sister was born at 34 weeks coz she had stopped growing due to my mums placenta giving in! But apparently that doesn’t get passed on down the gene line so should be ok! Im shattered all the time too, i struggle to get out of bed in the morning but i haven’t had a good nights sleep in sooo long so probs why! Hope ur ok though hunni, try not to get too stressed, sit back and do nothing for a couple of days!

Krystal – thanks for bump reassurance! My OH was funny last night to your comments about Jeremy liking fishing! He goes...oh where is Krystal from (he knows i have my bnb girls on fb) maybe he can come fishing with me!...i was like America babe....bit far LOL! im going to hunt for the babygrow you were on about though and get it for chris as a fathers day pressie...even though its for the baby LOL he will love it!

OOOh dare yay to shower coming up!!!!! Mine isn’t till the 26th june! Im gona be so huge!!!!

Sequeena – whats happened with your housing situ, i hope everything is ok!

TTC – ive had both my antenatal classes. The first one was all about labour and pain relief, and the 2nd about breastfeeding and a tour of the unit! They were both realllly helpful and i learnt a lot! Ive got 3 relaxation classes to go to next, starting next week...I am guessing they are to do with breathing techniques but I haven’t a clue!

Another super hot day!! Noooooooo! Usually I would be overjoyed but the heat does not go down well at the mo!!!! On the plus side it makes me guzzle water but then that also has a negative, more peeing!!!!!

I get my new car today woooooooooooooooo!!!! Pick it up at 3pm!!! Too excited but also sad that i have to get rid of the mini for a family car!!!! I am officially growing up LOL! x
Im more of a END of Aug mummy to be...but Im due 26th Aug! Team BLUE!! xx

Hope you're all doing well?!
have added you hun!!! yay you have evened out the boy/girl ratio!!! its 50/50!!!! our earliest is 3rd July! cant wait to start hearing from ppl to see when their baba was born compared to due date!!!!! x

Your only 3 days behind me :thumbup:

Hi all - anyone else not sleeping at all?

I have been wide awake till after 1am all this week so far!
My body just seems to not relax, plus been getting awful leg cramps as well!
I have had days when I just couldn't sleep. I couldn't get comfortable and then baby starts kicking!

Oh and I'm on team yellow, due 19th July :D xx
Thanks for the add Samira!! :)

Stef, fancy a race!? lol
Emily i have terrible sleeps! Its never ending....cramps...peeing....not comfortable.....too hot!!!! The leg cramps are the worst!!!! I don’t know why they happen but they are agonising!

Welcome Kelly! You were our first 19th julyer!!!!

Thats ok KTB! Love having bnb girls on facebook! Its so much easier to keep in contact :)
Ok ladies I need some advice!! U all know how my life has been last week or so well I've moaned enough eh!! I've got a horrible feeling I'm sinking back into depression and I don't know what to do :( so much has changed over last few weeks it's all really getting to me now any advice??

Ps with the sleeping I've found best thing I've done is to really raise and support a leg with lots of cushions helps if I don't do that I do not sleep well!!!
TTC what have they suggested to help u?? Can u take extra vitamins or anything?? I'm struggling carrying one baby I can't imagine what it's like carrying 2!!!!! I hope they can help u!! And there is a light at the end of tunnel, it's just hidin round the corner xx
Oh my, there has been alot going on!!!

Samira- Congratulations on finally getting in to your house! And I have those horrible leg cramps too, sometimes I have to get out of bed in the middle of the night to stretch my legs!!

Love_Krystal- I'm so glad your A/C got fixed, and have fun at the beach!!

Dare- is your air fixed yet? Of course the weather here is lovely today so you probably don't even need it! And enjoy your shower, it is VERY overwhelming when you see how much stuff you have to fit in your house. I just kept everything in the unfinished part of the basement until I needed it, but its still a ton!!!

TTC- I can't believe what horrible problems the hyperemesis is still causing you, hopefully they can fix the damage and you can get some relief!

Sequeena- I don't know the situation, but I'll keep you in my prayers, I hope everything turns out okay for you!

Natalie- If you feel that you are starting to fall in to a depression I would speak to a doctor right away! There are plenty of meds that you can take, especially in the 3rd tri and you wouldn't want to let it get worse- you should be able to enjoy the last few weeks of your pregnancy!!!

AFM- I had my OB appt. and everything went well, the little guy is still breech, but from what I've read online they can still turn at this point. I'm down to one week of work left, and the day after I'm leaving for the beach with my mom, sister, son and niece.... I CAN"T WAIT!!!!
ttc- yup our air was fixed on wednesday- and we have the windows open today because it's just lovely out there isn't it? Figures. Wish i could put the stuff in the basement but we live in a condo- so it either fits or, well it doesn't !!! We can't store stuff in any special places. We have the rooms here and that's it! :( Hope it's not for TOO much longer!

The leg cramps ladies- or Charlie Horse- they don't know what causes it- i was having them really bad for like a few weeks a while ago and they just stopped after that. Straighten the leg out and curl your toes up towards your body. and do NOOOOOOT massage the calves!!!!! Our birthing class instructor told us you can cause blood clots by massaging the calves- so don't do it! ever while pregnant!

Signed us up for a free infant cpr class on tuesday- very excited about that. DH has a baseball game- might just be me that goes. :( Ohhhhh well.

A lady i cat-sit for gave me a giant bag of hand me downs from her daughter and a few things were never ever worn! I was very excited and took a photo and texted my mom- who told me to throw out the old stuff and use the new. I didn't answer that. If i know the person they are coming from, i'm going to use the old stuff. Just needs to be washed. I won't go into thrift stores and buy clothes there because that freaks me out but if i KNOW the person giving them- why not? I'm not like her who can afford to buy a million new clothes a day for a baby. sheeesh.
With regards to the leg cramps... My MW suggested that I have a cup of Horlicks or hot milk and a banana before bed and try not to point my toes downwards while I sleep....seems to be working so far!! NO had cramp since Saturday :)
Thanks TTC I have the midwife on thurs I've suffered with depression in the past so it's easier to slip back into it I think partly cos of so much going on and so much has changed it's hard to adjust hopefully by time I see midwife I will have perked up a bit hope so anyway hubby has kept saying this week he is worried about me bless him he is keeping an eye on me!!!
Loads of posts today! So forgive me if I miss anyone :)

Natalie - I'd def talk to your midwife if you think you're starting to feel depressed again, plus it's SO common to have pregnancy depression (especially in the 3rd tri!) It's not surprising you're feeling sad etc as you have so many different hormones racing around and everything's heightened and like I said it's stressful moving house normally so imagine the stress you went through being pregnant too - and you know we're always here if you need to rant :)

TTC - hope you feel better soon! and I bet you're glad you know what this pain is - did they give you anything to stop it??

Sequeena - hope you don't become homeless :( It's the last thing you need right now worrying about this!

With regards to leg cramps - I only seem to get them if I stretch my legs out in my sleep, but as soon as i straighten the leg out and point my toes towards me, it sort of disappears! Dare - I was NOT aware that massaging cramp during pregnancy could cause blood clots :-/ Glad you told us that :) Though is anyone starting to get pins and needles in their feet? I had it today whilst I was walking about town! Felt really odd :shrug:

Mrs KTB - I see we're both naming our little boys Henry :D
The leg cramps ladies- or Charlie Horse- they don't know what causes it- i was having them really bad for like a few weeks a while ago and they just stopped after that. Straighten the leg out and curl your toes up towards your body. and do NOOOOOOT massage the calves!!!!! Our birthing class instructor told us you can cause blood clots by massaging the calves- so don't do it! ever while pregnant!

That's really odd, a masseuse, trained in pregnancy massage, specifically told me I SHOULD massage my calves to prevent/alleviate cramp!!

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