3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Natalie - I should really be taking my vitamins! I'm going to have to ask why I'm so tired at my appt next week cause I'll nap with Stephen in the morning, afternoon and then I'm asleep at about 11 until 7am! It might be too much sleep... but because I'm so tired I'm a bitch if I don't nap with him :haha: Oh and what's up with trying to come over more than once... surely anyone who tried coming round once and no one answered would not bother again? Are they trying to make an effort or are they just being interferring? I bet they think they're doing nothing wrong but at the same time they need to respect that you've just moved, you're heavily pregnant and you need your own space too! And every midwife I've ever seen here is lovely :) and the ones in the hospital are lovely too! Is it a community midwife at the surgery? If you get Alyssa or Miriam they're so nice and they don't judge at all!

Sarahbella - it could be low iron, or there was a problem with the glucose test. If it was really urgent they'd have squeezed you in this week. Though I can understand how frustrating it is not knowing!

Angie - See told you watford maternity was nice :) lol Glad he's all ok though!! It's scary when they have quiet days!!

I'm thinking all the watford ladies around here should have a meet up :)

and Krystal - hope the AC is fixed!!

yep you certianly did and i remembered that when i was sitting in there :haha:
Although i did get freaked out when i heard a woman scream and then chuck her oh out -lol
Yeah we all should - there are a couple in st albans around as well


I found this in the meets section if anyones interested! If not I'll post a Watford and surrounding areas one :)
i actually started one for st albans ages ago and it didnt really catch on :flower:

Charlie I end up having an afternoon nap every day if I can!!! Do u remember if u were this tired when carrying Stephen?
I'm not sure what their idea is really where I was living before was about 30min drive from here I think I invited them in once I never went out of my way to invite them over in the 3 and half years I lived there!!! And I liked it that way and no one could tell if I was in or not cos I didn't pick up the entry phone unless I was expecting someone!!! People always called first anyway!!! But u would think from that they would have got the message?? Its not just that they pop over without calling etc first it's the way they are like nosy and putting me down I was unpacking the other day and had tv on in the background with the radio bit playing on it and she laughed (not in a nice way) about the mess I had made or something and oh well I see u have your priorites u have the tv working!!!! Seriously??!!! Sorry I know I'm moaning a lot!!!!

On another note I just can't sleep :0( bloody heartburn is not helping :(
Lol I think most people set their TVs up first when they move! I know it's the first thing I do :) and who are they anyway to criticise your unpacking methods! Of course it's going to be messy at first :dohh: Just don't ever answer the phone to them unless you're with OH and have no choice :haha:
Hahaha I never pick up the phone to them!!! I'll always wait till hubby gets home and say oh your parents called u might wanna call them back hahaha!!! I need blinds or net curtains so they can see in so much!!!
hiiiiiii girlllllllllllllls!

arghhhh what a long week / weekend ive had! sorry ive not been on too much, ive been mega busy! on the plus side ive got internet at home so i can come online in the eve!!!! something i havent been able to do whilst living in my mobily home!!!!!!!!

we finally moved in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and we are finally settled! unpacking was so hard! we had so much shit and i just didnt know where to start! thank god for the bank holiday! we then spend over 300 on new stuff for the house.....how i dont know! on pots, pans, cutlery, duvet covers etc!

nursery is getting painted at the weekend wooooooooo! ive started a nursery progress album on facebook, il try keep it updated!!!!

Does anyone else get crazy bad leg cramps! i get them every night and morning! they are agonising!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and i swear my bump has halted in growth!!!!!! whenever i tell ppl ive got 7 weeks to go they are shocked! and to be honest so am i LOL it isnt that big! am scared now and i dont have my next midwife till the 9th! gona have to wait it out! xx

Its so hot today!!!!!!!!!!! i havent been outside for ages today and theres no windows in my office, went to do the post and baaaaam! heat on my face as i opened the door! A/C couldnt get cold quick enough when i was in the car! xx
Samira I've been told I look like I've dropped a lot but I thought I would be bigger as well but to be fair I haven't taken any pics of me and bump so hard to tell really I haven't got midwife till next thurs and hubby is saying he is worried about me I'm not sure why to be honest I can't work it out other than I've been exhausted recently and very stressed!! Yest he got home and said I looked like I would snap at any min :-S
God - all you ladies are moving!!

Natalie - I'm not surprised you're stressed!! You've just moved, your pregnant, you're on maternity leave (which can leave you feeling slightly bored/lonely), you have the in laws popping around whenever :haha:

and Samira - I saw your bump pics, it's def smaller! It's probably just how he's lying! :) Or you might of lost weight which I wouldn't complain about :)

Apparently heat wise - it got to 24 degrees today (around London!)

I've had a bad day today and just ended up staying in! OH has been doing my head in accusing me of moving his stuff/taking his work key off his trousers EVEN though he was the one who put his trousers in the washing machine for me :dohh: and then Stephen's been up since 6am and he's been a proper grump today and throwing the worst tantrums! Though I was in tears before he went to bed, he was playing on the bed (our bed at the moment is just a mattress on the floor) and he's normally really good and can climb on and off, but he rolled and landed in a really horrible position and I saw him land on his neck. It was horrible! He was fine after a cuddle but it was still awful to see that. :'( So now, I'm just chilling out and waiting for OH to bring me up a carvery!

How has everyone elses day been today?? :)

Some how I managed to unsubscribe to the thread :cry:

Hope every one is O.K. Managed a day with out my crutches today. Wahoo. :happydance:

Samira! Good to see you back here! Glad you are getting settled! I wouldn't worry about the bump as long as you are getting plenty of fluids it could be position or tons of things! My manager at work was like that her bump was much smaller than mine although she was 8 weeks ahead :) she just delivered a 6lb healthy baby boy! So no worries! Everyone is built differently! I get the leg cramps too it helps to point your feet up toward your knees ... Never point your toes down that makes them much worse!

Natalie just tell him if his parents would quit popping in and give u a rest you may not look so snappy! But I agree you have a Lot going on which can be stressful make sure you take vitamins, get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids!

Charlie I'm sorry you've had a bad day! I hope it gets better!

A/C is now working here! Woo hoo it's a nice 70 degrees inside instead of 83! Yesterday we had a record breaking high for May of 99 degrees here :-/ it's even hot inside at my job, it's kept at 73 but the doors are constantly opening and I'm
running around & it's humid! So glad to come home to Cool air!!

Tomorrow DH & I and several other adults are taking over 30 Teens to a beach house for a church retreat type thing we are doing! It will be fun but HOT! I'm
excited about getting away though even if it is with a group full! Hoping it's as fun as we've planned and not stressful!

Hope you ladies have a great rest of the week!
hey ladies! Glad to see everyone is well and hasn't melted yet :haha: typing from my cell so hard to comment on everything everyone said. I read it all though I promise!

spent the day moving tons of crap around. Trying to get the nursery up and running a bit better. Hate to say this but my first shower is coming up on saturday and I'm dreading all the crap we're going to have to find a place for in the house!!! Not enough room.

maaaaan :dohh:
Thank u Charlie u start to think it's u and your going mad!!! It's nice to know someone understands!!! Sorry u had such a bad day!!! The weather didn't help much did it!!! Was soooo sticky today!!!
Krystal it's funny u say that I've been very dehydrated today and headachy!! Feeling better this eve drunk lots of water had a lovely bath feel human again!! Just need to get hubby to give me some massages!!! Your day tomorrow sounds like it will be madness!!! 30 teens eak!!!!
Dare take it easy don't over do it in all that heat!!!! I know what u mean about trying to get everything done!! We were meant to have our shower at our new place on the 18th but no way we can do it garden is a state so looking at renting a church round the corner!! We dont really have the money to but hope people actually turn up and it's worth it!! All seems like a lot of hassle at the min that I don't need!!!
I really should stop moaning these days!!!! I do apologise for my moaning and lack of positivity!!!
Charlie I just saw what u wrote about Stephen landing on his neck!! That must have been so scary for u!!! So glad to hear he is ok!!!
And tell your oh if he moans he can do his own washing!!! :p
Oh I did! I told him he was in charge of his work stuff and if he was going to moan then he can even iron his shirts himself too. He soon shut up and believed me when I said it was not in this flat so he'd left it somewhere else. :haha:

Oh and moan away! This is what this place if for :) And we're all pregnant so we all know what it's like to feel angry or irritable at things! :)

Krystal - ahh 30 teens how will you cope! Gives you plenty of practice though for when he gets to his teens! If you can handle 30 of them, you know you've got it sorted for your LO (and any future LOs)! And you are always on the go - really admire how you seem to have so much energy!

Dare - Hope you enjoy your shower :) I'm sure you'll find space for all the stuff you'll get :D
Hi girls! I may be on the verge of moving too, I dunno yet. I may be homeless! :cry:

I had my 31 week midwife appointment today. BP is fine, urine is fine, baby's heartbeat is 140bpm and he's head down! I just hope he stays that way :)

The heat is really getting to me, grr!!
Hahaha aww well done u!!!! :)
Thank u!! I do feel like all I do these days is moan hahaha!!! I'm gonna blame my hormones!!! Hahaha

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