I did the same DaretoDream – I did fertility friend charting for yonks and my O day cant of been right with the estimated DD lol! i tried telling my docs about my chart and O day but they said it doesn’t matter and they just go by their standard chart (LMP) and then the dates given by sonographer but im happy with that! Means my scans etc are 4 days earlier lol!
Love_Krystal – my OH is the same – he has piled on the weight whilst being at his mums as she cooks so many big hearty meals and they have food all over the house to snack on...something i don’t have at home! Too much of a temptation!! Hehe at the paper delivery – lets hope it is that! And don’t think your an idiot, your just thinking of your safety! Plus 3am is a bit early to deliver papers!!!!
Heyy coalie! Im fab thanks! Im feeling happy today – maybe coz i had an emotional breakdown last night on my OH lol! We were unpacking and im a bit of a control freak and like to do it all – put it all in place nicely etc where as OH would shove it anywhere – so he was trying to help me bless him and i was like no don’t worry leave it il do it! And then he was like “so what do YOU want me to do then, il just do whatever YOU want”! and then i just started crying LOL! so he then asked what was wrong and why im crying and i went off on one about the moving, our house that we cant even live in, the mess, all the stuff to unpack, im tired, sick blab la blab la hate work blab la bla and how my hormones are all over th3e place and i cant help over reacting lol! then i felt fine! And then we went shopping for the stuff at our new place!!! Like bloody jeckle and hyde!!!!
Argh sorry to hear about buyer fees! Cant you take the 1k out of your sale fee or are you a 1st time buyer? Xx
Midwife appointment went really well! All my bloods came back fine – so no HIV or syphilis JACKPOT
my rubella one said i was not protected so i have to stay away from anyone with rubella......ummm how the hell would i know if mr randomman behind me in the queue has rubella!!!! Maybe i should wear a sign saying stay away from me if you have rubella!!!! Heart baba’s HB and was lovely and loud and fast! 155bpm! One thing i realised after i left – they didn’t weigh me which was odd but oh well – maybe they forgot!
4 weeks today till 20 week scan eeeeeeeeeeeeek! xx