3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

I can't believe I'm working that long either!

Plus,..one of my freelance jobs is editor of the match day programme for a football (soccer) team that just got promoted, so its a big summer for us. The first day of the season is the DAY AFTER my due date...but I'm going to have to be involved in first one to get it right...which means I'll actually be unnofficially working up to then! Eeeek!


And talking of 'first outfits'...here is what I plan to put baby in first of all. It's just so darn perfect!! :D


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:haha: I love it!!!!!

If you're fans of the only way is essex have you seen the babygros that say 'look reem, smell reem, am reem' on them? there's loads of 'reem' ones about and I really want one but Steve has said no :( Even though he is a TOWIE fan (sorry to you US/AUS/Euro etc ladies... it's this reality show that's sort of like a soap about some people living in Essex ... guess you can say it's like Jersey Shore?)
Lol i haven't had the black poo problem- do you have slow releasing tablets over there? That's what i use and haven't had any trouble- they also told me to take it with orange juice to help absorb- so that's what i do every morning.

And i just spent a LOT on maternity swimwear. I hated that. I bought two suits and i'm so happy i did- i absolutely love that i don't feel so strange with a shirt over an ill-fitting old bikini! I got stared at more for that, then the actual maternity swim suit!

Yes, the doc told me to take the tablets with orange juice. I'm not sure if they're slow release, she didn't mention it.

Luckily my bikinis still fit fine (the bottoms have tie-sides & my boobs haven't grown at all). I didn't get any funny looks with a vest over the top, and to be fair, I couldn't care less if people stare! I go to Aquafit once a week, and have ten weeks left til I'm due, so really can't justify forking out on something overpriced that will get so little wear!
Just got home from taking dh to the airport for work at 4am
Its getting so hard to say goodbye coz i really need him here now! Only 5 weeks abd then he is taking 2 months off so he is home for a couple of weeks before the bubs' arrival.. Yeh our car is a 4wd and has anchor points behind all 3 back seats which is good.. Didn't think of those mirror things, that's a great idea!

I have taken iron tablets for my entire pregnancy.. All I can say is make sure you drink a lot of water while your on them because otherwise you'll have really bad constipation! Also, the orange juice is because vit c helps your body absorb the iron so it's more effective.. And you should avoid taking them with milk because that has the opposite effect and hinders the absorption :)

Natalie.. Take your friend up on her offer! If she wants to help then let her! It's the same in aus.. The shower is a surprise and mum is the guest of honor.

Well I'm gonna try and get an hour sleep before my clinic appt today (if these two belly dwellers stop having boxing match in there lol).. Hopefully get to book my c-section date!! Eek I can't wait!

Batty that's gorgeous!!!
Sarahbella I bet your glad u now know why docs called u in!!! Make sure u way lots of fibre rich foods, I've heard that cadburys do a fibre plus breakfast bar that's meant to be really nice!!!
I'm Definatly taking my friend up on her offer to help!!!
Aww TTC that must be hard how long does he go away for? Wow getting your c sec date!! Exciting and nerve wrecking!!! Let us know how u get on!!!
Ps I'm soooooooo hungry!!!!! Nightmare!!!! We had a curry for dinner tonight I was stuffed then about an hour ago I was hungry so ate cake now I want more such a nightmare :0(
sarahbelle! :shock: I wish my boobs didn't change!!!!! They grew TWO cup sizes!!!!! I had to get a new bra because I was literally falling out of the others! So jealous right now! My lower half didn't change so swim bottoms fit normal but good lord my boobs are huge!
Hi, im very new to this, but am very interested. I am due August 22, 2011 and was wondering if I could join in? A little background if anyone is wondering. This is my second pregnancy, and im happily married. My first child is 2 and very cranky most of the time. Lol.
Dh works away for 7 nights then is home for 7 nights so it's not too bad. The money is good and really we couldn't survive without him doing it so I just try remind myself of that!

Clinic appt this morning was really upsetting. I haven't been sleeping because of these awful headaches, breathlessness and back pain.. So I think I was grumpy to start with because I was so over tired! The dr and midwife I seen today were both very nice but seemed very judgmental about my decision to have a cesarean... The other dr's I've seen have been very matter of fact but today i was made to feel very uncomfortable. Especially by the midwife...
She even had the nerve to compare me to a woman she'd seen before me who was attempting to have her twins vaginally.. I was like umm yeh that lady isn't me.. Good for her... I ended up in tears and just said look I've made up my mind, I've been told this is safer for the babies so it's what I'll be doing and I don't appreciate being judged for trying to do what I feel is right for my babies.

Then I found out my platelet count is low so I'll have to get a blood transfusion before my surgery and my iron is even lower than before so I might need an iron transfusion too.. Just so much information today made my head want to explode!

On a brighter note I have another ultrasound in 2 weeks then one more at 36 weeks. And my cesarean is booked for the 2nd of august :) there is another set of twins booked for cesarean on the same day tho.. So if something goes wrong with the twins before mine I might get pushed back a day or two.. Or I might go into labour before that date.. So the 2nd isn't really set in stone but it's stil exciting :) and scary!
Awww TTC I would hate that!!!! :0(
I'm so sorry your appointment didn't go well!!! Did they accept the fact u have made your mind up in the end? At end of the day it's your choice how u want to deliver your babies and they should respect that!!!! I hope your ok!!!!

I've got more annoyed with the in laws!!! Where they had some of our stuff that we had asked them to store they've gone through it all I'm so upset over it (I'm very private on things like that ) they had no right to go through it all hubby just said I know your not happy but there's nothing u can do now!!! But his mum annoyed him too everytime he pops over there she keeps saying to him oh you've put on more weight and u need to lose it he knows he needs to lose weight and Its sooooo nasty of her to keep putting him down!!! He even said to me it's not as if I say to her oh u used to be slimmer to!!! I honestly don't know how he puts up with it his sister had the same moan to him about it other day it really gets to him and he knows he needs to lose weight he doesn't need his family putting him down all the time!!!!! Rant over lol
Hi, im very new to this, but am very interested. I am due August 22, 2011 and was wondering if I could join in? A little background if anyone is wondering. This is my second pregnancy, and im happily married. My first child is 2 and very cranky most of the time. Lol.

Hiii!! :) do you know if baby is a boy or girl yet?
Ttc - like Natalie said it's up to you how to want to give birth! I was talking to Battynora last night about it and i said no matter what don't get pressured into doing what they want. It's your body, your baby/babies and your labour! You will know what's right and wrong. Just make sure your birth partner is strong enough to be your voice and say what you want cause when you're in labour sometimes you think it's easier to go with what the professionals say! :)

Natalie - omg!! I'd be fuming with them going through my stuff!! Ahh how dare they! Your dH should have used that as an opportunity to say that's too far and they need to back off a bit! I'd be getting to the point now where I'd have to say something lol! And what right do they have to jibe him over his weight :( urgh some people just don't get it!
I know I am fuming he went over there after work yest to pick up a few of our bits he was prioritising my bits cos when she popped over the other day with a bag of shoes, I finally had a look to realise they were my shoes which I had packed up in a diff box so I told him go round and get my stuff now!!! I hate them I actually hate them!!!! I mean what right do they have to go through my stuff worst thing is some of the stuff was mums which I am so protective off they are bloody lucky it wasn't me round there!!!!! I feel Bad for hubby cos he hates the way he looks as it is he does not need people like her making him feel worse it's not even being supportive it's just plain rude and horrid!!! Charlie look on my fb profile pam carter see how horrid she looks!!!!
Aww it sucks that his mum is causing you all of this unnecessary stress Natalie! How horrible of her to be commenting on her sons weight when I'm sure she must know it would upset him! I can't believe she went through your stuff! I would have gone crazy at her.. Doesnt matter what it was, she should not have looked through!

Well I did book my cesarean for 2nd of august.. I was just so angry and upset because I have been told by other Drs at the same clinic that this is the safest option for the babies and now being treated like I've done something wrong... They wouldn't give me the option unless it was medically necessary. I have spent every day of this pregnancy worrying because I'm being told how high risk twins are and this and that could happen to the babies... Its really very scary! So when someone tells me that something is the safest way to go for the babies.. I am gonna do it. I would do anything if I was told it would be the safest option for them... Been in bed in tears all day. Think a combo of being over tired, pregnancy emotions and anger lol
I honestly don't know what I'm going to do about her at the min she is gonna have very little to do with this little one!!!! I know she doesn't like her already cos she will be happily moving about if she hears her voice she doesn't move hahaha!!! I'm seriously gonna invest in a sling so she doesn't have the excuse to go to near her I don't care if it's considered out of order I hate her she's interfering horrible person!!! TTC have I got u on fb so u can see her, will try put a link up not sure if will work or not!!!!
I am very glad for u that u have the c sec booked u has to do what is right for u and mummies instinct is always right please dont be upset over them!! U are doing what's right for u and your babies and thats all that matters!!! I agree with Charlie that make sure your oh is very clear on instructions in hospital as u will Be in no state to be worrying over what they say etc :hugs:

Not sure if that will work but look how horrid she looks lol
Can't see her properly on the iPhone but I noticed how she only names one of her children on there!!

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