3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Squeeker - Nursing Bras....I was told the opposite. If anything you should go for one less measurement on the back and a larger cup, because your ribs should have widened to accomodate baby while pregnant, and that is what will shrink as soon as you give birth because you're making all that space in your abdomen again. Then you're left with bra's that are way too big on the back...and if your BBs do engorge it will be wrong fitting on your back and your cup..which won't be good for comfort, support or bbs!

H'm, that does make sense... maybe I had it backwards!
My appt is Tommorrow too dare! I always ask a lot of questions and start conversation to find things out. I am a little nervous bc last time she seemed set on inductions and csection talk without even measuring his size...and scared me all bc of the GD ... This time I am "forgetting" my paper with all my numbers on it & telling her everything is fine and just seeing what she says. I wish birthing centers were not illegal in my state otherwise I would swap to one & a midwife instead of hospital dr. But they are illegal here :-/

Hope your appt goes well dare!

You can def breastfeed! They even make these plastic things to help with your nipples or something ... Def google it ... If you wanna do it go for it it's def worth a try & good for baby!
morning all -
is anyone else getting lots of little thread veins on their legs?
I have had loads come out and they look horrible, I hope they go away again! x
I wish birthing centers were not illegal in my state otherwise I would swap to one & a midwife instead of hospital dr. But they are illegal here :-/

Illegal? Blimey, that sounds so severe! The one near me isn't as popular as the hospital by a long way, but illegal..? That's quite scary! Do you know why?

At our first antenatal class the other night we had to introduce ourselves & say where we plan to give birth. I was the only one hoping to go to the Midwife Lead Unit & felt I had to justify my decision to all the hospital goers! Ugh, I hate speaking in front of a group!
good luck at your midwife appointments today dare and krystal!!!
eak sarahbella i would have hated that!!!!
Thats great to hear that I have a shot at breastfeeding! That is something that I am totally lost about. Im going to google it more and get some more info on that. Thanks to the ones that answered!
Also, that must suck having birthing centers illegal! I would love to have my daughter brought into this world with such ease and confidence as the ones that get to use midwives and such. I had my son, and Im having this baby in a stupid military hospital. My hubby is army and our insurance only covers military establishments, and since im considered high risk from having a blood clot in my thigh early on in my pregnancy, I can only have a high risk dr. What sucks about that even more, is that Ive had the same dr throughout my pregnancy which is wonderful but now all of a sudden they are saying that I dont have a regular dr and have changed me to a dr that ive never even met before. :/ I hate that crap. With my son, some woman i didnt even know delivered him. I at least want to know who will bring my child into this world and be comfortable with them. And here they are doing the same thing to me as last time. Anyone have any experience with this crap?!
My appt is Tommorrow too dare! I always ask a lot of questions and start conversation to find things out. I am a little nervous bc last time she seemed set on inductions and csection talk without even measuring his size...and scared me all bc of the GD ... This time I am "forgetting" my paper with all my numbers on it & telling her everything is fine and just seeing what she says. I wish birthing centers were not illegal in my state otherwise I would swap to one & a midwife instead of hospital dr. But they are illegal here :-/

Hope your appt goes well dare!

You can def breastfeed! They even make these plastic things to help with your nipples or something ... Def google it ... If you wanna do it go for it it's def worth a try & good for baby!

Hun do you WANT a c-section? You can fight that all the way. And, write yourself up a birth plan that says what you DO want in there. I hope your appt goes well love. i will be thinking of you- i'm about to leave for mine as well. Then i am going to my mother's to swim for a bit- so i will update later tonight hopefully!!

Thats great to hear that I have a shot at breastfeeding! That is something that I am totally lost about. Im going to google it more and get some more info on that. Thanks to the ones that answered!
Also, that must suck having birthing centers illegal! I would love to have my daughter brought into this world with such ease and confidence as the ones that get to use midwives and such. I had my son, and Im having this baby in a stupid military hospital. My hubby is army and our insurance only covers military establishments, and since im considered high risk from having a blood clot in my thigh early on in my pregnancy, I can only have a high risk dr. What sucks about that even more, is that Ive had the same dr throughout my pregnancy which is wonderful but now all of a sudden they are saying that I dont have a regular dr and have changed me to a dr that ive never even met before. :/ I hate that crap. With my son, some woman i didnt even know delivered him. I at least want to know who will bring my child into this world and be comfortable with them. And here they are doing the same thing to me as last time. Anyone have any experience with this crap?!

I am actually lucky that our hospital has a birthing center attached to it- and they don't want to do c-sections until absolutely necessary. They are very onboard with the natural births and all of that. Actually in our birthing class they told us everything about c-sections and scared the crap outta me. I would be so upset and scared if i had to have one. So i really hope the natural thing works for us. Now i'm nervous about it!!!
No I do NOT want a csection and I'm a little nervous about inductions. So the last appt scared me. I think she is just very straight forward and was giving me worse case scenario.

I had my appt. My BP was slightly elevated again. So she wants go start seeing me every week now instead of waiting til I'm 36 weeks bc of my BP and the GD, just to be cautious. I am having a non stress test and a scan next Friday before my appt to check his size, fluid levels and overall well being. Hopefully I'll have more of an idea of how he is doing after that! I didn't gain any weight this week and have only gained about a stone the entire time(most of that gained bc she complained I wasn't gaining so I started eating milkshakes etc) she was happy with that bc it's easier to keep the babys weight under control if mine is under control. Hopefully all will be well next week and I will be able to have a normal pregnancy/delivery and not have any problems!
Bit late but had my midwife appointment today new mf seems really nice which I'm happy about!!!
The appointment was over an hour long had to basically do all the booking in again and have all my bloods done again!!! I have to change hospitals which hmm ok not over the moon about but has to be done really so never mind!!
I also spoke to them about the way I've been feeling and they totally understood they haven't put me down for follow ups but next time I'm there just to Check on how I'm feeling etc!! So that's ok! They've also said I am ok for the low risk birthing unit should I want it and if I feel I want the epidural I can easily move to the upstairs bit!! I have to have my birthing plan ready for next appointment which will be in 3 weeks they are happy with me and lo and that everything is ok!! Measuring bang on target again 34cm for 34 weeks I was worried was gonna be bigger so relieved!!!

Oooh yay you're gonna use the ABC ward!! :) :thumbup: I get to book my place next time I see the midwife! :)

Glad everything went ok :)
Love_Krystal My cousin had GD with her twins. She delivered them at exactly 7 months-- it wasnt a fun time for the family. Just be very careful and you may have to accept the fact that if you get worse a C-section may be the only way to keep you and your baby healthy. I completely understand your concerns though. I wouldnt want a section either, but if labor is imminent and your not quite at the right stages, a c-section may be your only choice. I would say, that if the time came and your stuck with no choice, then dont fret to bad about it. Many women have those types of deliveries every day. And suprisingly recovery time isnt as long as you would imagine. :)
My appt is Tommorrow too dare! I always ask a lot of questions and start conversation to find things out. I am a little nervous bc last time she seemed set on inductions and csection talk without even measuring his size...and scared me all bc of the GD ... This time I am "forgetting" my paper with all my numbers on it & telling her everything is fine and just seeing what she says. I wish birthing centers were not illegal in my state otherwise I would swap to one & a midwife instead of hospital dr. But they are illegal here :-/

Hope your appt goes well dare!

You can def breastfeed! They even make these plastic things to help with your nipples or something ... Def google it ... If you wanna do it go for it it's def worth a try & good for baby!

How comes they are illegal? :shrug: And like the other ladies have said if you really don't want a c-section then don't feel pressured into one, no-one can force you into it :)
I was very annoyed at my appt this am, as our insurance just changed and i had called earlier in the week- and tried to tell them, they said come 20 minutes early. So i got there at 11. and my appt was at 1120. They took my info at 1120. (glad i went early huh) and they continued to ask me if i knew what my co-pay was. I told them i tried calling early in the week and they acted surprised- like it would've been much easier if i had done that. So they said i can just pay whatever it is next time on top of whatever that one is. :growlmad:

Then i went and put in my sample and went back to my seat for another 20 minutes. They had a gym doing a presentation in the back- talking to the nurses and people about joining their gym. So they were backed up on appts, and they weren't answering phones or anything. I finally saw them starting to take people in, as soon as the gym people left- because they weren't caring about getting in appts with a presentation going on. :growlmad:

Finally i get in there, and the nurse was rushing to weigh me, and it wasn't even having time to settle in the right place. But i wasn't really paying attention.

Went into the room she told me my bp was great- and then left.

Finally at noon the mw came in and asked why i had gained 6 lbs in the last 2 weeks!!!!! She told me it was excessive and i was very very confused! nothings changed! if anything my appetite has decreased which i told her. She then listened to the hb and measured me- and said everything looked perfect and she wanted to reweigh me. So, doing it RIGHT- and waiting a minute, she did it, and i only gained 2 lbs!!!!! Right on track. One pound a week right. So total i've gained 23 lbs.

then i went and swam for a bit at my moms to try to ease my back which is killing me. But seriously? i was so pissed about that appt!!!
Sorry about your crappy appointment Dare, hopefully the next one is better. I'm finally done packing for the beach. Its just me and my 2 year old going but my car is packed to the gills. I have to pick up my sister and her little girl tomorrow morning, I really hope she doesn't have much stuff!!!
Have fun ttc!! Don't get too worn out! Walking on the sandy beaches here was nice but wore me out! I hope you have a blast though!

I'm sorry you appt was frustrating dare! That's insane! Why would they have that in the middle of the day? We told my dr this time about the girl being unwilling to work with us about doing my gtt on a Friday back when I had it and how she was rude and I had to call out of work and lose pay and find someone to take me since DH was working and she apologized and said she would take care of it that they didn't want anyone being rude to us. I had just assumed my dr was ok with the trouble I had had there until we discussed it. I am glad we did though now!

I can't believe they were having a meeting about a gym instead of taking patients!!! That's insane!!!!! I hope your next appt is better and I would make sure you mentioned it to your dr and how unhappy the whole experienece made u bc that's one good thing about not being on NHS and getting to choose your dr ... If u are unhappy u can change so if they want to keep you as a patient they are going to have to treat you right or someone else will!!
krystal- at ur appt did they give you the chart to start recording the fetal movements??? I just got mine. And I'm glad they were nicer to you this time. I think I may say something next time too. :)
No I haven't heard oF such a chart, he moves so much I'd need a book!

You should definitely say something! If they don't care then you may wanna switch dr's before next time! The dr's are the best ones to talk to though bc they own the business and have more at stake in it than the nurses!

Charlie I don't know why they are illegal except that they think it's "unsafe" I live in a very politically conservative state so you would think it would be the opposite. Georgia is right next to us and they are very "earthy" and into natural birth etc ...but it's still illegal here. They've tried to pass a bill to change it but the bill always gets pushed aside for more importnant matters and expires before they ever vote on it! Crazy crazy! But it's life I could always move or drive to another state or Even hire a midwife to come to my home since I couldn't be prosecuted, only the midwife could if caught (but I won't bc it's illegal and I believe in obeying the law and respecting authority)

hope everyone is having a great weekend!

33 weeks Dare! It's really passing now!
Have a lovely time TTC!!!
Sorry u had a rubbish appointment dare!!!
Is anyone else getting this pregnancy insomnia?? I cannot get a decent nights sleep haven't done for days!! But what's weird I can sleep easily during the day if I get such a chance!!
Love_Krystal... Do you live in Alabama?! OMG I DO!!!! :D if so that would explain WTH i couldnt find a place like that around here! My husband is Army, so you should know where we live. That explains alot. We just moved to Al in october of last year. i was born and raised in Tennessee and they have certain types of places there that offer midwives and Ive lived in florida and washington state and they all have those types of facilities. that would be why I couldnt find anything around here like that. :/ I had no idea they were illegal here.
And yes I have sleep problems as well. Its like i lay down, cant get comfortable, then finally fall asleep then im back up a hundred times peeing. :/ Thats just for the days when sleep actually finally comes. Ugh, its stressful when you cant get enough rest.
No I haven't heard oF such a chart, he moves so much I'd need a book!

You should definitely say something! If they don't care then you may wanna switch dr's before next time! The dr's are the best ones to talk to though bc they own the business and have more at stake in it than the nurses!

hope everyone is having a great weekend!

33 weeks Dare! It's really passing now!

Yeah i see a midwife so i don't know if they'd really 'listen' to me about all of it- and i never see the same one because they want you to meet them all because they all deliver- it kind of sucks really. But i like all but one, so knowing my luck i'll get the one i don't like right! sheesh.

Yeah i have to lay down at the same time every day and write down how long it takes her to kick. And it should be at her most active time. She has been moving non-stop since yesterday around 7pm.



Weekend is going well love, how about you? And, i know 7 weeks left!!! that's crazy talk! I can't believe it! did you see- like 49 days left?! omg!

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