3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Aww thank u!!! 2 weeks and I'm full term ahhhh!!!
Had my anti d injection today!!! :)
Just had the bloody mil pop over unannounced!! Grrr she keeps saying oh your getting big now! Well yes I am going to get big and she is measuring bang on target was my response Grrrr she irritates the hell out of me I was in a good mood till that grrr I didn't invite her in cos I got stuff everywhere where I'm trying to sort stuff out!! Oh she then says I won't come on sat I don't agree with baby showers they are an American thing good I don't bloody want u there!!!!!! :p Grrrr sorry needed that moan!!!! Hahaha!!!

Wait so she doesn't want to go to the babyshower because it's an american thing- so she doesn't want to support you and lo then right? because that's what a freaking shower is- it's to support and help you out in getting some items to make it easier on you. Sorry but that really pisses me off.

My mil made a comment yesterday when we saw her saying she isn't coming to my shower either because there is a party for her niece turning 2 that same weekend (which WE weren't invited to apparently even though it's Dh's cousin). She almost gave the date- even though my mother asked her not to- because i don't know the day of the shower. I don't want her there either but really? That's why? because a cousin's birthday is more important than your SONS FIRST BORN CHILD?

I think i'm grumpy today.:growlmad:
Aww thank u!!! 2 weeks and I'm full term ahhhh!!!
Had my anti d injection today!!! :)
Just had the bloody mil pop over unannounced!! Grrr she keeps saying oh your getting big now! Well yes I am going to get big and she is measuring bang on target was my response Grrrr she irritates the hell out of me I was in a good mood till that grrr I didn't invite her in cos I got stuff everywhere where I'm trying to sort stuff out!! Oh she then says I won't come on sat I don't agree with baby showers they are an American thing good I don't bloody want u there!!!!!! :p Grrrr sorry needed that moan!!!! Hahaha!!!

Wait so she doesn't want to go to the babyshower because it's an american thing- so she doesn't want to support you and lo then right? because that's what a freaking shower is- it's to support and help you out in getting some items to make it easier on you. Sorry but that really pisses me off.

My mil made a comment yesterday when we saw her saying she isn't coming to my shower either because there is a party for her niece turning 2 that same weekend (which WE weren't invited to apparently even though it's Dh's cousin). She almost gave the date- even though my mother asked her not to- because i don't know the day of the shower. I don't want her there either but really? That's why? because a cousin's birthday is more important than your SONS FIRST BORN CHILD?

I think i'm grumpy today.:growlmad:

yep!! its madness right??!!!! i mean to me its a little party to celebrate that this LO is nearly here and for people to show suppport and show that they are happy for u!!! but i honestly dont care i dont want her there and to be honest i dont want them to have much to do with this baby her comments have always been quite (trying to think of the word.....) snide?!! shes made comments in the past about how its funny that dh is gonna be a daddy and how he hasnt grown up himself etc everyone that knows dh has said what an amazing daddy he will make and i know he will!! i dont think dh will ever snap with her even though i can see he is getting annoyed with her comments over his weight he is tooo laid back and chilled out to snap at her but i can see him being a bit protective over me and baby when she is here!!!
oh she commented that they will be in touch maybe next week to see if anything we havent got for baby that they might chip in with, i simply said the only thing we need to get sorted is the cot, she just said oh well you wont need that for ages yet anyway so i said no we will need it she just said oh well things were made better in my day!! ????? grrrrr hate hate hate her!!!!!

aww thats horrid behaviour!!! how mean!! u really do start to wonder about these mil's do they even care???? :hugs:
well my mil pretends to care. She wants to have the grandchild- but i don't think she particularly likes me- or my family so that's why she's not going for us.

yeah we're not doing anything other than a crib in the baby's room - (cot) and i bought that myself to make sure we'd have it. My mil bought us bibs. And something else. that was the help we got from them. My family has given SOOOOOOOO much so far. I mean, oh my gosh- so much stuff. And she's not done because the shower is coming up. It's just ridiculous.

And your poor dh- about the weight stuff! i just don't get why a parent would do that to their own kid anyway!
I really feel sorry for you ladies and your MILs!!!! At the end of the day when they said they weren't coming to your babyshower... although I'd be pissed off with their reasons why I'd be more doing a little dance in my head and mind shouting YAY :) I was lucky with STephen cause she bought us everything we wanted... with Henry she's not bothered so much but I can't really moan cause she bought things before!

And Natalie - after this week I'm pretyt much free whenever! :) (Oh apart from the 22nd and 25th) but all other days are fine :) Batty better be coming too!! :)
Sorry to hear about the MILs...they both, pardon my french, sound like absolute knobasauris'. I've beeb having some issues with mine as well.

I feel like I'm going a tad mental. Me and OH are not good at the moment (somewhat down to MIL issues!!) and it uspets me, I feel like a massive failure with work and just generally as cruddy human being. Hoping it's just a blip, because this isn't okay right now.
What's happening with your MIL :( and why are you failing at work? And I'm sure everyone will agree on here - that you are in NO way a cruddy human being!!!! :hugs:
dare i feel exactly the same like she doesnt like me etc its their loss i guess but it doesnt make things easy eh!!!! i know i cant believe she goes on at him its sad makes me angry cos it gets him down :( they havent gotten us anything as yet wait and see i guess!!!

hahaha charlie i was very happy and relieved when she said she wouldnt come!!!! :happydance:
next week looking clearer for me!!

awww batty im sorry to hear that i had the same issues with hubby when i mentioned about his parents!!! i hope u are ok if u need to chat pm me!!! :) just think u will be off work soon to have your baby so you wont have to worry about that!!! you seem like a lovely person!!! so try not to think like you are failing!!!

i feel awful as a mummy at the min as i am ashamed to admit this, but when things started getting stressful with the move etc i went back to smoking i hate myself for doing it but the midwives agreed that perhaps i needed it and that it was keeping me going esp with the depression showing signs of coming back!! i am hating myself for doing it soooooo much but i will give up again soon i just need to sort my head out a bit more and will no way smoke around the baby i could never do that i feel like a failure!!!!
What's up with all the 'failure' posts at the mooment :( :( No one is a failure! I think these hormones are starting to play up!!

Natalie - you're only human, you know you want to quit but smoking might be your only way of release at the moment! It's hard enough being pregnant normally, but being pregnant when having given up an addiction must be even harder sometimes! Just keep working towards that quit day if that's 100% what you want :)
Ooh and how about the 27th? OH is away all day on a 'staff party' - so I need something to keep myself distracted... so fancy meeting for a coffee then? (All other Watford & surrounding area mums are welcome... or if anyone can get to Watford who wants to come is more than welcome!) :) :) If this date isn't ok then we can change it :D
Thank u Charlie that means a lot u saying that!! It's exactly what the midwife said about it being a release!!

Oooo 27th 37 weeks for me it's free for me!!! Sounds fab!!!! :0) xx
Wow you ladies are taking alot of crap from your MIL. Neither my family nor hubbys have thrown me a baby shower. Ive actually never had one. Ever. We had to buy everything from scratch with my son and guess what we are doing it again for this one. Instead of warm wishes when telling my mother that I was pregnant- even tho we had been trying for a while, and she knew- was... "Why?" Yes. My own mother acted like a darn imbusile after finding out. :/ Now she keeps pushing me to get my tubes tied. :/ Even tho hubby and I dont want to do that. My own mother is aweful to me. And DH mother.................... She never even sees our son. She goes and gets my stepkids and their cousins constantly, but when it come to little tyler, she could really care less. She doesnt even ask about me, my son, or the pregnancy when she calls. :/ I know how you ladies feel and I think Im in a grumpy mood now as well. I shouldnt have taken that nap with LO earlier.
I had a dr. Appointment today, and even tho I was upset because they decided at the last min that they wanted to change my drs here at the last part of pregnancy---- something good came from it. Since i am having the baby in Georiga I can have A MIDWIFE! ^^ So my next appointment will be with CNM! <3 Im so excited. I thought since I have too do the Lovenox shots in my stomach twice daily that I wouldnt be able to (High Risk) but I can and I am thrilled.

Happy baby bump countdown to you ladies too. And Congrats on hitting 35weeks. Def. not a comfortable time in pregnancy. :)
Why do you have to have shots in your belly? and yay on being able to have a midwife!! :D

God....... some people's parents/in-laws are just mean :( My MIL is starting to look like a saint compared to all of yours! :haha:
Charlie u are lucky!! What's your mil like??

Mrstacporter9 wow that must be hard both families being like that! The way my mil is going she won't have much to do with this lo!!!
I'm glad u had good news with your dr today must be a relief!!!
She makes comments sometimes - mostly about how to raise S...and then we always get slated about our money choices etc.

But, she's obsessed with having a granddaughter! (OH has a daughter with a woman after a one night stand, and he's not allowed to see her - long story!) and she'll keep saying to me 'one day you'll get your daughter' or I'll find out she burst into tears in tescos with one of our mutual friends cause she was looking at girls clothes and really wanted our baby to be a girl and cause she's not allowed to see OH's D. And 2 days after his daughter was born, photos went up on FB of her...... still waiting for her to put photos up of S!!!!! - But, she's not nasty or manipulative....a nd thank god she won't just turn up unannounced like yours Natalie :)

Does it not worry any of you that one day you might unintentionally end up as the MIL from hell?
Oh wow!! She sounds awful!!!!! :(
I would think after hearing about everyone's mils on here I think we would have taken note on how not to be a mil!!! Hahaha!!!
CharlieKeys I have to give myself lovenox (blood thinners) injections twice daily in my stomach- Cause when I was like 14 weeks pregnant, hubby and I went on a trip a state away (6hour drive) and I started hurting real bad in my back. When we got back home (another 6 hour drive) I went to the e.r. and they told me I had a UTI. Come to find out, 2 days later I was back in the E.R. with my left leg swollen HUGE and turning purple. I had a DVT in my pelvis on my left side. It was horrible. I had to sign all of these papers stating wheather or not I wish to be resucitated if the clot broke loose and went to my lungs, and such. They put me in the I.C.U. for two days and then when I came home I was in a wheelchair for about 2 weeks cause I couldnt walk. It was soo horrible. When I was in the hospital they made it very clear that the baby was to young to save if anything went wrong and the potential was extremely high of losing both my baby and my own life. So yea, these shots hurt like hell and leave huge bruises on my stomach and all but they really did help me out in the long run. I may not be here if they hadnt started me on them. Im so tiny physically that my stomach is to big and hard to pinch up skin for the shots anymore so Im having to move to my love handles. >.< and that hurts even worse. lol but that why i have to do the stinking shots.
Congrats on 35 weeks Natalie! I'm afraid you and Samira are just far enough ahead of dare and I that we will be quite miserable and jealous when your LO's arrive and we are at the end waiting on ours haha ;)

That is horrible about all of your MIL's (and the moms mentioned!) I would go off I am afraid! I am so blessed to have a wonderful MIL, granted we are very different & I don't always understand her but I also know her well enough to know she has a heart of gold as does my FIL which is why DH is so sweet & wonderful to me. My church has been having issues among members and DH and I are the youth directors, apparently someone made some ugly comments about us (lies of course we are so anti drama!) my MiL has been livid! She threatened to hurt anyone if they stressed me out or hurt LO bc I was worrying over it & she is calm! MIL & FIL have bought the cot & changing table for us months and months ago, as well as hats and outfits and even huge bags of Popsicles (ice lollies) for me bc I was craving them haha and all of it was given to us personally not at the shower we had with DH's family bc they aren't trying to show off buying things either! My mom is so excited she can barely stand it and this is grandson # 4 for her! She is getting us a rocking chair/glider and the play yard thing, and she had bought LO a wardrobe before we knew if it was a he or she (she is now giving away the girl halfnof the wardrobe lol since it's a boy!) My parents and MIL & FIL all get along well even though they are completely different. They all love us and are looking forward to sharing a grandchild... It is so the opposite of any of your situations... I don't know what I'd do with MIL like you all must deal with, other than avoid them or speak my mind or pray really hard and hold my tongue! Maybe it is our faith & relationship with Jesus & belief in loving others and treating them kindly that allows us to have such deep relationships that's the only foundation I know of that makes a difference in our relationships, the same with my relationship with DH. He shows me the same mercy and grace and compassion and love that we learn about in the Bible and that We believe God shows us. I don't know what I would do without my family or my faith! At our wedding shower we had over 75 people attend, from several different states, not aquaintances but people we would consider very close friends, and that was just those who could make it. Most of those people we know through church and mission work, but thy are relationships that last a lifetime. I can not believe anyone would not want to come to your shower and celebrate you and the new blessing of a LO and support you and help you get started! That blows my mind! I wish you all lived closer bc I would give you hugs and throw you an awesome fun shower!

It makes me really sad that you all are sad and going through so much! :( I wish I could make it better! Just keep your chin up and remember you and your OH or DH made this LO and you are excited and you are going to love it & at the end of the day that is enough! You will be who they run to in excitement and fear and with bruised knees and broken hearts! You will always be Mum the one who loves them most & would fight off the world for them! You will enjoy them & tend to them... Don't let what anyone else say or does make you forget that or diminish the joy and excitement in the fact that our long awaited LO's are almosttttt here!!! :) cheer up & smile ... LO needs you to be happy :)
I haven't spoken to my MIL in almost 2 years. I saw her from a distance in Tesco a few months ago... she didn't even see me, but I ended up in floods of tears in my car. Ugh. Really not sure what's going to happen when baby comes, as obviously she has a right to see her Grandson, and hubby will want her to be involved.
Krystal what a lovely post!! You are very lucky and little silas (sorry if I've Spelt it wrong!!!!) is one lucky boy!! He is going to be so loved!!!!

Sarahbella sounds like u may have tough times ahead with your mil!! What does your oh say about it all??

I wish my mum was about for the birth of this one!!! I know she isn't far and will be watching And keeping an eye on things but still miss her and I know mil wouldn't interfere so much if she was around!!! :(
I'm ill I've decided I don't have man flu I have pregnancy flu :( it's been coming on for few days dh had it as well but he been taking medicine and seems to be feeling better!! I feel awful like really coldy and major headache that paracetamol has not done anything to!! :( poor me!!!

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