3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Instead of warm wishes when telling my mother that I was pregnant- even tho we had been trying for a while, and she knew- was... "Why?" Yes. My own mother acted like a darn imbusile after finding out. :/

Love i'm with you on that one. My mother said the same thing. Well actually i said to her 'i have to tell you something' and she said 'oh god, don't tell me you're pregnant' and then came 'why?' and she told me how i gave her indigestion and all this other crap. And she treated me poorly about it for the first like 6 months. Now she is much better- i think she is finally starting to get excited. And the MIL was very excited about having a grandchild again but... i think she could care less that it's MY child- and that dh and i have a different way of raising then they do...

CharlieKeys I have to give myself lovenox (blood thinners) injections twice daily in my stomach- Cause when I was like 14 weeks pregnant, hubby and I went on a trip a state away (6hour drive) and I started hurting real bad in my back. When we got back home (another 6 hour drive) I went to the e.r. and they told me I had a UTI. Come to find out, 2 days later I was back in the E.R. with my left leg swollen HUGE and turning purple. I had a DVT in my pelvis on my left side. It was horrible. I had to sign all of these papers stating wheather or not I wish to be resucitated if the clot broke loose and went to my lungs, and such. They put me in the I.C.U. for two days and then when I came home I was in a wheelchair for about 2 weeks cause I couldnt walk. It was soo horrible. When I was in the hospital they made it very clear that the baby was to young to save if anything went wrong and the potential was extremely high of losing both my baby and my own life. So yea, these shots hurt like hell and leave huge bruises on my stomach and all but they really did help me out in the long run. I may not be here if they hadnt started me on them. Im so tiny physically that my stomach is to big and hard to pinch up skin for the shots anymore so Im having to move to my love handles. >.< and that hurts even worse. lol but that why i have to do the stinking shots.

:shock: omg that's awful! i'm so glad you are doing better now- but shots in the belly?! i am the worst with shots!!!!! Horrible!

I'm ill I've decided I don't have man flu I have pregnancy flu :( it's been coming on for few days dh had it as well but he been taking medicine and seems to be feeling better!! I feel awful like really coldy and major headache that paracetamol has not done anything to!! :( poor me!!!

Call your dr just in case hun. just to make sure ok? Please?
Off to get my hair cut this am- and then i'm going to come back and put away some baby clothes i just washed yesterday :) So many clothes ! hope i have enough room for it all- seriously!

and i still have that other shower coming up. Lordy i hope they get me other stuff besides all clothes.

my back has been hurting a bit on and off, and baby is kicking me almost ALL the time now. The only time she stops is if i am moving about. But sitting or laying or anything i'm being abused by my own child.

Had a dream last night- that i was in labor, and they knocked me out. I woke up and i was in a room that looked like a garage gym? And my dh was there and was so happy- holding our girl. And i was like 'wtf?? what happened' and they said 'oh well we thought it would be easier for you because it was a hard labor' and i was angry because i missed the birth! then, they didn't know what her weight was and i was really angry because dh hadn't written it down!

That was the first real birth dream i've had. Assuming there will be more to come. Anyone else experience this?
Omg ladies. why am I sooo exhausted?? lol Its like a chore to get up and do any cleaning in my house. And then once it is finally cleaned, my 2 year old trashes it again. Lucky me. lol
anyone else to tired to poop?
I'm ill I've decided I don't have man flu I have pregnancy flu :( it's been coming on for few days dh had it as well but he been taking medicine and seems to be feeling better!! I feel awful like really coldy and major headache that paracetamol has not done anything to!! :( poor me!!!

Call your dr just in case hun. just to make sure ok? Please?[/QUOTE]

really? im sure its just a cold!! i might see how i am over next day or 2?
There are loads of bugs about at the moment natalie - it's cause the weather keeps changing from freezing cold to boiling hot!!

I can't believe your own mums were so against you being pregnant! I remember when I go pregnant with S I was terrified of telling her but she was actually really happy and she was just upset I told her last (cause I was so scared!) and she loves him to pieces - she's not a kids type of person but he seemed to change her :D

I've had a weird feeling today- was walking around asda with OH and it I had this weird stinging feeling down there and then it literally felt like his head was right between my legs! And then j got a nice pressure feeling right on what I'd guess is my cervix! I hate that feeling! Any one else getting this??
Yeah that's what I thought Charlie I'm just hoping it clears up quick I don't want to be ill for my baby shower this weekend!!!
I want a bath but got to try get the pipes unblocked they are full of crap!!!
I'm not sure about stinging but I've had the feeling like I've been kicked there wit stiletos (really can't spell!!)
I'm sorry girls I really just need to moan! So hope this doesn't bore you all too much :(

I am so annoyed with my OH that I've just about had enough! For the last 2 and a half months he's been in work everyday, he's been getting 1 day off which he thinks means he can go play golf until half 2 in the afternoon and even then (cause we live above his work) he'll get knocks from the manager above him constantly asking him to do stuff or just to 'chAt'. She texts him all the time and his call list is all pretty much calls from her! I've said to him numerous times I don't like it and when he's off he should be spending what little time has off with us - to which he replys that he spends 'loads' of time with us. . . Then tomorrow is my birthday he couldn't get it off but wasn't supposed to be in work until 5 - so we were gonna go for lunch! Well now I have to spend the whole day by myself cause he's been told he HAS to be in by 1pm - so that gives us no time to do anything. Then the week after he has to work all day Sunday, staff party all day Monday, Tuesday he's playing golf and weds he's in all day and Thurs he's in during te day - so yet again he's not even around to spend anytime with us. The time where I actually need more help with Stephen cause he's climbing up onto everything and standing and crawling into places he shouldn't be and with this big bump etc and he's in work more! I actually am starting to feel like a single mum!! :( I dunno what to do cause a) he doesn't see anything wrong with her constantly texting/calling/ knocking on our door (she's married by the way to the kitchen manager) and b) he says working so much is going to benefit us in the long run :dohh: - do you lot think I'm being selfish?
awwww charlie :hugs: thats rubbish and i dont think u are being unreasonable at all!! thats ridiculous that she constantly bugs him!!! i dont know if this is me being a bit childish but i would go down to the carvery with stephen and let him bug his daddy as much as he wants hahaha xx
:haha: That's a good plan! He hates it when I visit him at work as well! And of course that's not childish ;)

I feel a bit guilty now - She just knocked on the door and gave me a bunch of flowers to say sorry for him working so much and for my birthday and then he turned up with a bunch to say he loves me.... oops! I think they read my FB status! Oh well! It's so annoying cause all I feel I do at the moment is moan and it's starting to annoy me cause I'm not really a moany person! :)
SamiraNChris - I just bought the new issue of Pregnancy & Birth magazine! Are you pleased with how the article & photo turned out? Where was it shot? I presume they didn't fly you somewhere tropical, so looks like you were very lucky with the English weather! :)
Charlie, you have ever right to moan. why dont you make one last effort to ask him, maybe to take one of his golf days off a month. Tell him as your pregnant wife, you deserve at least that much. I get so irritated at how much my hubby works as well. Tonight he has staff duty- which means he wont even come home from work tonight. I wont even see him until tomorrow sometime. :/ It does get annoying, ESPECIALLY if you have another child to care for. It seems like your hubby is the one being a bit selfish. No offense to your hubby at all, but it seems a bit selfish on his end. At least kill some of the golfing and spend that time with you.
Oh my. I think I way overdid it with house work yesterday. I was bending alot, even tho it was uncomfortable, i really had no choice. It had to be done. But all last night, I was stiff, achey and crampy and felt horrible. And now today I still feel icky. ugh.
How do you ladies clean the house when your this far along?
:haha: That's a good plan! He hates it when I visit him at work as well! And of course that's not childish ;)

I feel a bit guilty now - She just knocked on the door and gave me a bunch of flowers to say sorry for him working so much and for my birthday and then he turned up with a bunch to say he loves me.... oops! I think they read my FB status! Oh well! It's so annoying cause all I feel I do at the moment is moan and it's starting to annoy me cause I'm not really a moany person! :)

hahaha excellent do it!!!!!
ahhhh dont feel guilty!!!! its not fair on you or stephen and its not fair on your relationship!!!!

hahaha im the same im not normally a moany person but i seem to be the queen of it these days!!!!! :kiss:
Oh my. I think I way overdid it with house work yesterday. I was bending alot, even tho it was uncomfortable, i really had no choice. It had to be done. But all last night, I was stiff, achey and crampy and felt horrible. And now today I still feel icky. ugh.
How do you ladies clean the house when your this far along?

i hope u are resting today!!!!!!
when i was at your stage i was getting up going to work (5am starts) coming home sleeping for few hours then cleaning/packing later in the evening!!!
:shrug: theres noooooooo way i could do that now!! i get tired looking at the mess :rofl:
Haha I am the queen of moaning as well! Especially at work! Yesterday I was going on about something and one of my coworker friends asked me jokingly "what are you b*tching about now" lol I laughed and said anything I can think of bc I'm
just so ill! :)

Charlie sorry about your Bday :( & that your OH isn't much help these days! I would talk to him, surely he has to see what a strain it is to be so pregnant and chasing stephen everywhere! And you will def need him when you have two LO's so close in age or you will go mad or be forced to keep Stephen in a play yard or something just so you can feed the new baby without him getting into something!

DH hasn't even been fishing since we got married bc he is always worried about getting something done at the house and stuff, I finally had to force him
to go at the end of May! He works a lot but only bc he leaves his job then comes home and works on getting things finished here since we moved so I'll be ready for the baby! He has been helping my parents this week lay new wood flooring before our family gets here for my brothers wedding! I Always know he would much rather be home cuddling with me and poor man is so exhausted so even though I miss him I just try to show him how much I appreciate and love him for all he does, and how sweet he is to me being pregnant and the fact I whine a lot and I'm always exhausted and he is still so kind and loving to me. So I try to give him back massages and do things like cook even when I don't really feel like it, bc he is putting so much effort and work in for me & always finds pleasure in taking care of things for me and me, that I want to do the same for him!

On another note is anyone else not sleeping well? My sleep is aweful and with work I am so exhausted plus coming home and cleaning and stuff, you'd think I'd sleep and wake only to pee.... But now I wake and pee then I'm Wide awake for an hour or so and I only get sleep in 1-2 hour segments... I am so uncomfortable! I don't feel well either, I just feel generally achy and blah! My stomach aches just in an uncomfortable way & I don't even care for food even if I am hungry, bc eating makes it worse bc I am convinced there is no room in there! I was working 4 days, three of them long days (6-7 hours on my feet running with no sitting or eating), it has been difficult but I've been making it. This week I only have 3 days, 2 short (4 hours) and one long, and yesterday was my long day and by halfway through I was almost in tears I just wanted to quit. And I still have a shorter day today. I feel like such a Pansy bc so many girls I know worked long shifts and weekends up until they went into labor, but my hips and stuff hurt so bad I am
in excruciating pain after about 3 hours on my feet. Usually if I sit down I have a really hard time standing up and walking bc my body gets really stiff and it hurts severly. I don't know what to do, I may reduce my hours again but I feel guilty. I was trying to stick it out two more weeks before I did that. And I'm
not sure I'll make it to the end!

I have 3 dr appts on Friday, one for a non stress test, one for a scan to measure weight and fluid, and then a reg visit. If baby is doing well I imagine I'll suck it up and press on! Otherwise I may go ahead and cut back.

Well I'm just rambling now .. Off to get ready for work!
I am so annoyed with my OH that I've just about had enough! For the last 2 and a half months he's been in work everyday, he's been getting 1 day off which he thinks means he can go play golf until half 2 in the afternoon and even then (cause we live above his work) he'll get knocks from the manager above him constantly asking him to do stuff or just to 'chAt'. She texts him all the time and his call list is all pretty much calls from her! I've said to him numerous times I don't like it and when he's off he should be spending what little time has off with us - to which he replys that he spends 'loads' of time with us. . . Then tomorrow is my birthday he couldn't get it off but wasn't supposed to be in work until 5 - so we were gonna go for lunch! Well now I have to spend the whole day by myself cause he's been told he HAS to be in by 1pm - so that gives us no time to do anything. Then the week after he has to work all day Sunday, staff party all day Monday, Tuesday he's playing golf and weds he's in all day and Thurs he's in during te day - so yet again he's not even around to spend anytime with us. The time where I actually need more help with Stephen cause he's climbing up onto everything and standing and crawling into places he shouldn't be and with this big bump etc and he's in work more! I actually am starting to feel like a single mum!! :( I dunno what to do cause a) he doesn't see anything wrong with her constantly texting/calling/ knocking on our door (she's married by the way to the kitchen manager) and b) he says working so much is going to benefit us in the long run :dohh: - do you lot think I'm being selfish?

First off- i don't care if you are pregnant or not- of course it's worse when you are pregnant but seriously? Having all these calls and such from her? I would be furious. I am not a moany person normally but i can be very jealous - and i don't give a damn if she's married or not she has no right to be the one in his phone blowing it up, knocking on your door- if he's home, he's home! and that is the rule i would put down. if you are in this house you are not working- she may NOT call/text/knock anything while you are home. You are with your family now, and it's off limits. Second- yeah i dont care if you golf once in a while- but to use all your free days on it? you've got another thing coming. you are not being unreasonable. It's ridiculous that he does that! Makes me very mad!

Oh my. I think I way overdid it with house work yesterday. I was bending alot, even tho it was uncomfortable, i really had no choice. It had to be done. But all last night, I was stiff, achey and crampy and felt horrible. And now today I still feel icky. ugh.
How do you ladies clean the house when your this far along?

I do a bit a day- like one day i'll clean the bathroom/wash clothes/sheets/towels. Then the next day like tomorrow- i plan to clean the floors. Which means down on my hands/knees because the mops they make today don't do shit. And i'll pay for it all day and night and probably a bit into the next day but i'll feel good because it's done.

On another note is anyone else not sleeping well? My sleep is aweful and with work I am so exhausted plus coming home and cleaning and stuff, you'd think I'd sleep and wake only to pee.... But now I wake and pee then I'm Wide awake for an hour or so and I only get sleep in 1-2 hour segments... I am so uncomfortable! I don't feel well either, I just feel generally achy and blah! My stomach aches just in an uncomfortable way & I don't even care for food even if I am hungry, bc eating makes it worse bc I am convinced there is no room in there! I was working 4 days, three of them long days (6-7 hours on my feet running with no sitting or eating), it has been difficult but I've been making it. This week I only have 3 days, 2 short (4 hours) and one long, and yesterday was my long day and by halfway through I was almost in tears I just wanted to quit. And I still have a shorter day today. I feel like such a Pansy bc so many girls I know worked long shifts and weekends up until they went into labor, but my hips and stuff hurt so bad I am
in excruciating pain after about 3 hours on my feet. Usually if I sit down I have a really hard time standing up and walking bc my body gets really stiff and it hurts severly. I don't know what to do, I may reduce my hours again but I feel guilty. I was trying to stick it out two more weeks before I did that. And I'm
not sure I'll make it to the end!

I have 3 dr appts on Friday, one for a non stress test, one for a scan to measure weight and fluid, and then a reg visit. If baby is doing well I imagine I'll suck it up and press on! Otherwise I may go ahead and cut back.

Well I'm just rambling now .. Off to get ready for work!

I hope your appts all go well- and i can't imagine if i were still working now. I am SO tired all the time. It's terrible. i feel a bit worthless actually. i can't imagine feeling like this and going to work.

My sleep i wake up with bad hip pain but usually once i turn i go right back to sleep- and sleep alright in between the pees- but i can't be sleeping too well because my back hurts when i get up- my hips have really started bothering me as well, which is a new thing for me, and generally i feel like i should sleep all day long.

I also am not as hungry as i had been. i told the mw who doesn't seem to care- so i guess it's not a big deal. But i just feel so sleepy all the time.
On another note is anyone else not sleeping well?

I was sleeping fine until I hit 30 weeks & then BAM! I drop off fine, but wake up uncomfortable with achy hips or randomly achy shoulders & have to shift positions. I bought a V pillow at the end of last week, which I'm sleeping with between my knees & under my bump, which helps a bit I think, but it's such a mission to roll over as I have to hoist it over & re-position it! I'm so knackered during the day at work now... though I guess it's practice for when our bundles of joy are here!!
Thanks everyone, was starting to think I was just being out of order! I get that everyone needs free time, but when he's only getting one day off a week, I just expect him to stay at home and help me out until it gets back to 2 days off! And I do understand he has to work - I'm not saying he has to be home 24 hours a day with me, just cause there's only 3 managers, when one's on holiday it just seems to be that he's the one in doing all the shifts!

Krystal - I always see on FB that you're struggling to sleep... is it that Silas moves too much or just uncomfortable or just can't generally fall asleep? And those women who work those type of shifts are just superhuman! Don't feel bad for struggling - or just needing to sit down for 10 minutes half way through a shift. You're pregnant and although you may feel it doesn't warrant any special attention - it can do sometimes :) Have you tried a nice hot bath before bed and a cup of horlicks (dunno if you get that in the US) or hot milk? Just try and relax as much as possible and see if that might help?

Also what are these non stress tests? I've seen a few US ladies talk about them recently!

and Mrstacporter - If I need to do a big clean I tend to clean in intervals, so in the morning I'll do my kitchen. Have a break. Then I'll do the hallway, have a break, then the bathroom, have a break etc etc.... I save the lounge until Stephen goes to bed and usually that's just putting his toys away and that's it :D
Sorry to not catch up,...just quickly on my mobile...but had another scan and consultant appointment today.....not only would they not prevent me from having a water birth, they would in fact encourage and recommend it for me!!!! Seems like the rude registrar from last time was just being a miserable cow and obviously didn't have her patients needs or best care in mind.

Yay! IF the pool is free, I get my water baby!

And a bonus....they'd have someone to deal with me if my hips dislocated in labour - which is my big concern. A popped-out shoulder I can deal with myself, but its nice to know that help with hips is there!

Ps. Charlie - you are definitely NOT being unreasonable...I think almost everyone in your situation would feel the same!!

PPS...HAPPY BIRTHDAY for tomorrow!
krystal im going through phases of not being able to sleep, i'll go few days where i cannot get any sleep at all then other days i sleep really well!!!
charlie u made me want horlicks now..... hmmmm where can i go get some...... hmmmm yummy!!!!
batty thats fab news!! bet u are sooooo happy!!! dont they have like 8 pools at watford as well?? crikey do peoples hips dislocate in labour???

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