3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Sorry about this but just need to let it out

Fucking witch I fucking hate her nosey old fucking battle axe why doesn't she just fuxk off leave me the duck alone ahhhhhhhhhgggg

Thanks and sorry ladies xxx
Hello, hope everyone's ok!

Got my 31 week check-up with the doctor tomorrow, so will see how I'm measuring, but I think I might be a little on the small side.

My belly button has gone flat… might it still pop & turn in to an outie??

:haha: I've not got a clue what to do if the footie's on! Do thy still play through July and august?

Hubby says the football season starts on August 13th (my birthday) & is very pleased that his paternity leave will be so well timed!!

SO my photo and article came out in the mag today.......and i havent seen it!!!! i thought it was out tomorrow!! il have to buy it after work! am a little scared of what it looks like in a mag and what has been written haha! Sarah youve seen it....how is it?!!!!

Aw, no need to worry, it's fabulous! :)
Natalie - silly question but everything okay?

And it depends what football season you're talking about ladies - although I'm guessing with Watford you're not talking prem! Championship/League One and League Two start on the 6th August. Sadly I know this as I am editor of the matchday programme for Stevenage - so am dreading if we get a home game the day after my due date - means I'll literally be working up to it! And we've just been drawn at home for the carling cup (w/c August 8th for that one)...so it could be two programmes for the week I'm due!! NOoooo!
batty i dont even know where to begin!!! she tried calling me today ( i didnt answer felt i did not have the energy!!)
i dont know if its me and my hormones blowing it out of preportion basically she phones up saying oh i see on fb your dad has been in hosp again (wtf??? he went in for a spinal op before that they tried keyhole surgery but she doesnt know that, before that was years ago like 6-7 years ago!!!!) she then goes on to say let us know whats actually wrong with him (no is he ok anything we can do?etc!!!) basically she is just being nosey, she could quite easily write on his fb to see if he is ok but hasnt!!!
then her message goes on to say she wants something back to do with lawnmower not that shes planning on cutting the grass in this weather but wants it for the weekend she supposes im doing nothing so i can pop it over to her..... im ill already why the hell would/should i go out in this weather???? i mean seriously?? am i just being hormonal??? i dont know but i am fuming!!!!!! xx
Natalie- Wow, Im sorry that sounds irritating- tho im not exactly sure who your talking about. But Just because your pregnant doesnt mean your hormones always judge how you feel. You may just be pissed in general. Lol. I hope it all works out for you.

I hate it when I get mad and someone is like--- Its just your hormones. lol.

Im going to go buy a new body pillow ASAP. I am not sleeping at night and when I do happen to fall asleep, I wake up stiff and my back is just killing me. My body was not designed for pregnancy, lol. The weight is real hard on me, im very small framed.
When I wake up I feel like i need to pull my hip out of my "other" side its so stove up.

How is everyone else feeling? I hope pretty much ok. And Natalie, i really hope you feel better. I couldnt imagine being ill at your point in pregnancy.
Halsey, it's good to see you! Glad you are staying positive & we will be glad to have you pop in anytime!

Charlie, first Happy Birthday! I hope it turns out awesome! Second it's so precious watching Stephen grow up through his baby days as our bumps grow! He has gotten so grown up looking since we first met and found out we had little beans on the way! He looks like Mr Personality! ... & 3rd I don't know why I can't sleep. The baby doesn't bother me and I'm perfectly relaxed usually I'm just wide awake ... Some
nights I'm achey or it it's restless leg syndrome, but mostly I just don't sleep, and I pee a lot! Last night I went to bed at 930 and I was tired... Didn't fall asleep for FOUR hours! And then I wake DH up at 430 am for work so by the time I finally get to sleep I dont sleep but a few hours til the alarm is going off! Then my sleep is on and off after that til 730 or so when I finally just have to get up bc I can't sleep anymore! Today I am off so I am hoping to fit in a nap perhaps, & tomorrow and Saturday and Sunday DH is off & even though we have to get up everyday between 6 & 7 am for dr appts Friday, a work meeting Saturday, & church Sunday, at least it's not 430! So maybe I'll get enough sleep to make it through the next work week... I can only hope!

Natalie I'm sorry she is being terrible! Just ignore it and pretend u didn't get the message til late today, you are grown, what's she going to do? ... Don't let her get u so worked up! If you do then she is winning, ignore her and stay chipper and cheery! Don't let her get you down or control how you feel or how your day goes! She obviously isn't worth it!

Non stress test is just where u are laying on a table and hooked to the heart monitor that straps around your belly and movement monitor & thy check and make sure the baby moves at least twice in 20 minutes and that his heart rate goes up when he moves like it's suppose to bc that shows he is still getting sufficient oxygen from
the placenta and everything is working right! It's uually used when you are close to or going over your due date to maKe sure the placeNta is still ok and not over ripe. Bc it gets deposits and eventually cuts off oxygen. But the GD can age the placenta faster that normal & the fact my blood pressure has been a bit high, my dr just wants to keep an eye on it! He moves like a crazy little sucker so I doubt that we will have any problems with that test though!

I have my scan tommorrow too to check his weight and fluid levels! I am hoping all is well & I'm excited to see him again! I want to ask the tech if she can see any hair yet since it shows up in a 2D scan when you are further along!

I want to pack my maternity bag as well! I need to find a USA list of things I NEED to pack, I may just ask my friend who just had her 6th baby, I am sure she prob knows lol :)
Natalie - just ignore her! Get OH to drop it off and just concentrate on feeling better!! She's just adding to your stress and you don't need her making you feel worse! She knows you're pregnant so if she wants something from your place then she should consult her son! I just hope she backs off before your baby arrives!!!

Batty - noooooo lol he better come on time or early or just not on a football day!!! :) are you feeling any happier now?

Mrstacporter - I get the sleep thing!! I feel like a whale when I have to turn :haha: though my bump looks a lot smaller today!! I've lost my arm rest now! :)
Aww krystal I nearly started crying reading that! Thank you so much for saying that about my little monkey :) means a lot!!! I just can't wait to see all our babies on here!! Hopefully keep this group going cause although it's all over the Internet it does feel like we're all really good friends and this is such a good group of people!!

An try and nap!! :) hot milk, warm bath - straight to bed :) you excited abou your drs appt tomorrow?
natalie- seriously she wants a pg lady to lug over a freaking lawnmower? That is ridiculous. I would've said that on the phone to. I"m not moving crap and you can wait for dh to get here to move it or you can get it yourself.

Noticed something odd - when i roll over at night, i have to say i have a lot of pain on my pelvic floor.... anyone else experiencing this? My hips have right out started aching and hurting like they are shifting out too. And also i've noticed a slight increase in discharge... TMI i know but curious if anyone else is experiencing it so i'm not alone.

Sarahbelle - my belly button had gone flat a while ago- and is in the process of turning out. It's taking a long time. I think it started going flat around 30 weeks, and then now it's like half out and half still flat? It looks hilarious actually because the top part is the part sticking out and when i look at it from above it looks like a 'duck bill' or something. Makes me laugh.
dare sorry it wasnt the lawnmower it was like a plug that goes with it that does something im not too sure!!!
charlie i hope she backs off too!!!
thank u ladies!!!
hubby called her back,i dont know what was said but i basically dont care any more i am sick of her interfering and being nosey i wouldnt have been so annoyed if she had just asked if dad was ok instead of just being nosey!!!
sorry for my outburst earlier i just had to let it out as soon as i listened to her voicemail i had an instant headache.... i think my blood pressure must have shot up!!! its better now tho!!
Noticed something odd - when i roll over at night, i have to say i have a lot of pain on my pelvic floor.... anyone else experiencing this? My hips have right out started aching and hurting like they are shifting out too. And also i've noticed a slight increase in discharge... TMI i know but curious if anyone else is experiencing it so i'm not alone.

I have been experiencing the exact same thing rolling over at night! I thought it might just be because of all the extra weight?

And ditto on the discharge! Its very lotion like.... sorry TMI there!
Hi lovely ladies!

Hope you are all ok?

Charlie Happy Birthday! Did you do anything special or get any nice gifts?

I only have to work tomorrow and then i am on maternity leave, woohoooooooo! Which means more time for BnB! :)
natalie- seriously she wants a pg lady to lug over a freaking lawnmower? That is ridiculous. I would've said that on the phone to. I"m not moving crap and you can wait for dh to get here to move it or you can get it yourself.

Noticed something odd - when i roll over at night, i have to say i have a lot of pain on my pelvic floor.... anyone else experiencing this? My hips have right out started aching and hurting like they are shifting out too. And also i've noticed a slight increase in discharge... TMI i know but curious if anyone else is experiencing it so i'm not alone.


i completly forgot to say yes ive had the same pain like u have been kicked in your lady bits but u really notice it when trying to sleep and rollig over right?!?!
discharge wise i think its just slowly losing the plug!!???#
my hips ache too esp if i have over done it!! try a nice bath and massage to help with the pain!!!
Dare - yep! I hate rolling in bed cause a) I feel like a whale and b) my hips always feel like they're getting cramp/falling apart.... that's the only way I can describe it? I assume it's just your hips getting ready to give birth? :shrug:

TaNasha - it was lovely thank you, just got money and my mum bought me the car seat I wanted for Stephen so that's one less thing to buy! :) OH's getting my present next week (when he gets paid!) but he did get me a really nice bunch of flowers and he managed to tell his boss that he wasn't coming in until 5 so we could go for lunch :) It was lovely just having a nice relaxing day (yes he took over everything!!!!!) and it was so nice having a birthday as a mummy! You have all this to look forward too! :) :)

Does anyone feel bruised when they walk? Like their pelvic area? I don't remember aching like this last time! Or getting any BH/labour type pains last time either :shrug:

Has everyone had a nice day? :) I wonder if Krystal managed to get her nap!?
thanks ladies!!! So glad I'm not alone was getting nervous because the pain is so weird and only at night. Well in that area anyway.

and maybe it's the plug? But I thought that happened more at once? But what the heck do I know?!
u can lose the plug gradually i think they only seem concerned when u have the bloody show?! from what i gather its 2 diff things?
I would imagine the plug to be more mucousy? But then again I have no idea what it should look like!

And i think Esme has hiccups! My belly keeps popping up softly every few seconds!

Glad you had a nice day Charlie!
yeah it's more like back when I was in first tri- lots of discharge. But not even as much as then. Don't really think it's the plug? I will ask next friday at my appt!

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