3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Awww sequeena and dare glad u had great appointments!!!!!
Tanasha I heard somewhere that with the pineapple if u eat the bit near the core that's where whatever that it is helps move things along!!
I would have loved another scan haven't had one since around 20weeks!!! Slightly jealous!!
woohoo Dare!

does everyone get internals done? I am not sure if they do them here...

I have just eaten a whole pineapple, i will never be able to finish 7! I will go shopping tomorrow which requires lots of walking, so hopefully that will help things along aswell!

Well, i think most places do internals. I was just told originally by my birthing class instructor who is a nurse at my hospital that this hospital doesn't do them because they fear introducing bacteria and things into the uterus. So when they told me they were doing one- i was shocked. She said she was not going to do it every time- but the reason she was doing it now was because i mentioned how many bh contractions i was getting. So apparently, my body is working the way it's supposed to. She seemed so excited and shocked when she told me. Apparently for first time ladies it takes a long time normally? Wonder if it matters that also we are actively still dtd on weekends- and we just did last night too. maybe it's helping things along nicely? :thumbup:
Ooh glad you had great Appts girls!!! :)

Ahh right well if you dtd is helping things along - where's my OH???!!! :haha:
Ooh also I've been dying my hair throughout my whole pregnancy & I'm doing it now but it's burning my scalp :( it's never done this before - any ideas? Could it be hormones causing s reaction?
Not sure? i was told not to dye my hair during pregnancy? I was told because of the chemicals it's just safer not to do it. Not that i dye my hair anyway (can't afford to do that all the time!)
hmmm not sure on the dying hair i havent done mine since about 33 weeks but it was fine then?! i know skin gets more sensitive towards end of pregnancy thats why people suddenly get rashes after waxing even if normally ok!! so may just be your scalp more sensitive!!
dtd helping things along eh.... :haha: now theres something to do this eve hahaha well if this sicky feeling passes anyway!! oh and stomach calms down a bit!!! hahaha
I will defnitely be throwing dtd into the planning for tomorrow then!
:haha: dare look what you've got everyone planning! OH got all excited when I said he might be lucky later hehe!

It's calmed down now it's developing! I did ask the midwife at my bookig appt and she said it's absolutely fine just do it in a well ventilated room otherwise i'd have dyed it back to brown.
its going to be quiet on here this weekend then..... :haha:

yeah charlie my midwife said the same!! are u naturally brown then? im not too sure what my natural colour is... i think its almost back to it... cant see any roots anyway!!! hahaha
Wow so many interesting things going on! I am getting so excited!

Glad your appt went well Dare! Although I must say I'm
quite Jealous! I am still only 30% effaced and not dilated :( and I've been working on my feet & DTD some! :( ... I guess I need to try bouncing on the birth ball! Or something? I did read that stress and not relaxing can keep your body from progressing so I may need to try resting and relaxing more as well I guess!

My non stress test & Bp were great though! Baby doesn't like the belts on the monitor so he was moving like crazy trying to get them off! My whole belly was rocking and rolling for an hour almost even afterward! He's been very active yesterday and today! I have a scan next week to keep an eye on his size and then the plan for now is to induce at 39 weeks (the 24th or that week sometime) ... If I don't dilate before then I will have to come in the night before for some sort of balloon thing that manual dilated you to between 2 & 4 centimeters. It doesn't sound comfortable but it makes the inductions more successful. So we will see! I am ready for next week and to have things set more in stone!

I finally got about a 3 hour nap. I've felt like rubbish today and been so sad for my friend. DH is painting our living room and working and I'm just sitting here... I feel so lazy! I've accomplished nothing today!
Great appointments everyone! Dare I have to say I'm jelous as this is my second and I've got nothing going on as of my internal on wednesday- off to bouncing I go!
its going to be quiet on here this weekend then..... :haha:

yeah charlie my midwife said the same!! are u naturally brown then? im not too sure what my natural colour is... i think its almost back to it... cant see any roots anyway!!! hahaha

Yeeep not a natural blonde at all! Though I've not seen my natural hair colour in about 8 years :haha: what colour do you normally dye yours?

Krystal - a manual balloon type thing? Oh never heard of that way of inducin before but I guess that means it will get you into established labour quicker? Ahh and at least you know when abouts baby Silas will be here unless he comes a little bit early! :)
krystal my mw seemed totally shocked when she told me. Like it's incredibly rare. She was telling me to make sure I'm getting plenty of rest- I told her I've been swimming whenever I an- she said the pool is great for us so if you have access- go swim too. One of the girls in another thread told me she wasn't 80 effaced until 36 hrs into labor! And that goes before the dilation so- don't be surprised then since you aren't dilated.

lol ladies all going to dtd hun? Lol. I don't know if that's really what did it but it's the only thing different between myself and other ladies really. Just- doing that at least twice on weekends and actually we got an extra one in last night. But I didn't ask her if that did it. Just guessing!

so with this progression wondering if lo will be coming earlier than originally thought. I know I was my mom's first- and I can like 2 1/2 weeks early. Who knows!
Great appointments everyone! Dare I have to say I'm jelous as this is my second and I've got nothing going on as of my internal on wednesday- off to bouncing I go!

I didn't expect anything! not even an internal though- as i was told they don't do them here. so i didn't expect to know at all until labor! So i'm actually really glad they did it- makes me feel better. I just hope that i continue to progress the next time- (she said they won't check every time) because if i don't, i'll probably feel real depressed.
dare- thats soooo exciting!!! i was in labor for nearly 24 hours with my first and was dialated to 2 cms for like 3 weeks! So you are doing awesome!!! Being 80 % effaced is soooo awesome!!! Congrats. Maybe it wont be long for you. with my first i walked every single day and stayed active - including DTD, and nothing helped. Once I hit 38 weeks I started trying things to get baby out. Nipple stimulation works wonders!!!! I did nipple stimulation on both for like 10 mins- then wait 5 then do it 10 more mins for like 30 mins total... i truely belive that helped move me along!

And im so happy everyone is doing well!

My contractions have come back in full force- so Ive just been dealing with them. These have made me a little crampy today and Ive been going to the bathroom ALOT and everytime I go pee, I feel like I gotta go number 2. TMI I know (sorry) But woowee, i feel like my stomach is staying hard. :/
its going to be quiet on here this weekend then..... :haha:

yeah charlie my midwife said the same!! are u naturally brown then? im not too sure what my natural colour is... i think its almost back to it... cant see any roots anyway!!! hahaha

Yeeep not a natural blonde at all! Though I've not seen my natural hair colour in about 8 years :haha: what colour do you normally dye yours?

ive been all colours years and years ago i used that sun in that makes your hair go lighter.... well i kinda went a strawberry blonde but hair has never recovered from using that stuff!!! since then ive been using deep reds but now i have been trying dark brown part of me wants to go back to strawberry blonde cos i feel i look washed out being brown and i was never getting any colour to my face staying white all year round but now im actually starting to get a bit of colour so will probs stay brown... till i get bored anyway hahaha also i've been told cos of colours sticking to my hair i would really have to get hair stripped a few times before i could think of going lighter!! :( might try and do it gradually... hmmmm hehehe
krystal that all sounds so positive and i'm so glad u are relaxing!!! :)
what does effaced mean?? i havent had any internal checks so i have no idea how i am doing?? i see the midwife on tues so will be 39 weeks will she check me then?
eak mrstacporter i hope they are not too bad!!! i just seem to get one that hurts then thats it??!!! i do think i might not be feeling so much due to anterior placenta and being a bit larger!!! ive been going to toilet loads to and feeling like need number 2 all the time but not going that often? are u actually having number 2's??
well got my results today from my urine collection and its all normal so nothing to worry about, loved the Nurse Practionor I had today she is really nice. She said I was controling my GD very well said my numbers were good, and my weight gain was really good considering the GD. But she scheduled me for a growth scan next thursday YAY! as I have been asking for weeks to have one due to the GD and wanting to be sure. So she made one for me :)

my dietician however really made me feel bad saying that my daily average for blood sugar was too high... umm I think a daily average of 111 is good. especially after talking to my NP and talking to a few other girls in the waiting room who have GD and there's were like 150-190's I was like umm and I am not on insulin I am diet controlled.

on another note just found out my OH is gone be gone even longer then I expected :(

anyways sorry to rant :)
Mal I have GD too... 111 is great! ... My baby is measuring larger but not huge yet but placenta and all are good! I have a scan next Friday! Hopefully we will both get good results at our scans! Glad your other test came back good!
Glad you got good results Mal, but I'm so sorry your OH will be away longer than thought- that must be really tough!

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