mrstacporter- I knew you were explaining I thank you for it!
charlie- my mw didn't say. I think it would make it easier for labor itself though because apparently that's the really hard part? Like some ladies are hardly effaced when they are in active labor. It's like we have to efface AND dilate. So that's one thing out of my way I guess? Or at least how I understood it.
ttc- yeah I doubt I'll go into labor on monday but just weird that I had such a clear dream and a date I could read ! Just creepy. I do think she will be here early but really have no idea! I just feel she is unsettled in there? My bh are so heavy and feel long so that's why she checked me the other day so early. So they are actually doing something. I've had a bunch more today too. They seem to be getting more frequent so now I keep thinking "oh I wonder what it's doing!"
charlie- my mw didn't say. I think it would make it easier for labor itself though because apparently that's the really hard part? Like some ladies are hardly effaced when they are in active labor. It's like we have to efface AND dilate. So that's one thing out of my way I guess? Or at least how I understood it.
ttc- yeah I doubt I'll go into labor on monday but just weird that I had such a clear dream and a date I could read ! Just creepy. I do think she will be here early but really have no idea! I just feel she is unsettled in there? My bh are so heavy and feel long so that's why she checked me the other day so early. So they are actually doing something. I've had a bunch more today too. They seem to be getting more frequent so now I keep thinking "oh I wonder what it's doing!"