3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

mrstacporter- I knew you were explaining :) I thank you for it!

charlie- my mw didn't say. I think it would make it easier for labor itself though because apparently that's the really hard part? Like some ladies are hardly effaced when they are in active labor. It's like we have to efface AND dilate. So that's one thing out of my way I guess? Or at least how I understood it.

ttc- yeah I doubt I'll go into labor on monday but just weird that I had such a clear dream and a date I could read ! Just creepy. :) I do think she will be here early but really have no idea! I just feel she is unsettled in there? My bh are so heavy and feel long so that's why she checked me the other day so early. So they are actually doing something. I've had a bunch more today too. They seem to be getting more frequent so now I keep thinking "oh I wonder what it's doing!"
Ok so I'm not a huge ranter ... But I have a Tiny rant ... Im not all that upset .. Partly flattered partly annoyed...

I have an old friend we don't see each other he is my cousins cousin but no relation to me if that makes sense? We were crushes when we were very young teens and always friends. Well I didn't see him for years then fb became popular & we added each other about the time we both found out we were having babies (his wife of course and he is on his 4th child)... Well his wife was due this week a few weeks before me... She had him yesterday. Precious big baby! ... I am very happy for them & he really is a super nice guy not spiteful or anything .... But they named him JOHNathan Silas ... My sons name that we've had picked out since almost day 1 & on fb since we knew it was a boy (before they knew what they were having bc I had an early scan) is being named Silas John! .... I know I should be flattered but it sort of annoys me a bit ... Not that it's a huge deal but his baby was born first and has almost my babys name when I picked the name ... I know it's petty but it aggregates me a bit!

Ok end of rant!xxx
krystal I would not be flattered I'd be pissed. He has 4 kids now- and he had to take your name ??? Makes me angry for you!
krystal i would be anoyed by that as well!!! but i have a short temper on things like that!!!
ttc i am constantly getting 'oh its not long now' and 'have they moved your date forward??' and things like that!!!
thank you for the info on effacing!!!
i've had a busy day!!! went to nephews summer fair and sports day then went onto mothercare and spent a fortune on pretty girls clothes!! very happy cos for the first time hubby picked out a gorgeous dress for her!!! was really nice to see him do that!!!
i had a little bit of spotting again today think maybe its a sign of where i have over done it a bit!!!
So I have been in bed ALL day finally got up at 6pm I feel horrible and fairly certain I have a head cold or a sinus infection ugh. Fixing to go get something from the store to see if it helps. def not what I wanted to deal with today as I had plans to go swimming. So much for that.
Happy 37weeks dare and krystal woooohoooooo full term!!!!
Batty happy 1year anniversary hope u and dh have a lovely day!!!
So I have been in bed ALL day finally got up at 6pm I feel horrible and fairly certain I have a head cold or a sinus infection ugh. Fixing to go get something from the store to see if it helps. def not what I wanted to deal with today as I had plans to go swimming. So much for that.

Aw hun i'm so sorry- i had been pretty rubbish on tuesday this last week- weird i just felt horrible. Ruined my swimming plans as well. BUT- then i felt much better the next day- and hope it's the same for you hun.:hugs:
Ya I hope I feel better tomorrow I have a babyshower to go to so hoping im better cause if not I wont go.

Plus I really wanted to go swimming and my plans got ruined :( but been sleeping all day and finally got some medicine from walmart and it seems to have helped.
Krystal- OMG i would be soooo pissed. :/ That was cleary the name you had picked out. ooooo that makes me so mad for you! I hate when people do crap like that. I dont even know how I would react. Thats why Im glad no one else I know in my life are having babies at the moment, that way they cant steal my stuff lol. I mean it would be different if it was someone that I didnt know in real life or such. But for someone I have to socialize with, I would smack them LOL.
Well it isn't someone I ever see ... But it does make m
feel a little sad ? Or maybe disappointed if that makes sense ... Like I wouldn't if the baby had been born after mine but 2-3 weeks before? Kinda feels like they stole something that belonged to him even if he never meets the other child ... I'm tryig to be kind and not petty though...that's why I vented here and not fb... Although I did leave a comment on another pregnant friends page encouraging her not to make her name
fb public & telling her I'd learned the hard way... Kinda hoping he will see it & at least feel bad. Although I know him well enough to know he isn't spiteful.. Just a dumb guy who prob liked the name, mentioned it to his wife (I don't know her & she's not on my fb) and decided to use it... With no clue how tasteless or hurtful that is ... So I'm
choosing to be nice bc I'm a grown up, not a drama queen & it won't fix anything to start anything!

I know of at least 10 other people who have been due near me that are my friends... That shoulda been my hint to stay mum with my name I guess lol!

Yay dare we are full term! My baby will for sure be here in 14-21 days!!! That's a little scary but exciting! I still can't believe how close we all are to the end!! It seems we all were just trying to make it through the scary 1st trimester! Now look at us sporting baby bumps and symptom spotting for the big finale!!!

Happy Anniversary to the ladies that are celebrating this weekend :) hope it's a blast!
Oh Krystal, no doubt it would have annoyed me, like you said just probably didn't think twice about it. I bet if you mentioned anything to him he'd be a typical bloke and just be :saywhat:

You're up early?!?!

Madam here has been going mental the past couple of days and after hourly loo trips finally decided at 5am she was fed up of wasting time in bed and done all possible to wake me up! It worked, so I'm downstairs with a cup of raspberry leaf tea trying to get as much work done before hubby gets up, so we can enjoy our anniversary! :coffee: She's gone back to sleep by the way....contrary cow! :D

EDIT: I liel she's up agin, was debating whether to go back up for another hour or so. She's having none of it.....!
Hope you're feeling better Mal!

Happy anniversary girls!! Hope you and the hubby's have a lovely day!!!

Krystal - I respect your grown up attitude - I'm with Natalie I'd have lost it and gone mad, especially when you've picked out the perfect name and then someone pretty much steals it - it's not even like a coincidence where he has a different first name and silas as the middle but it is full on name stealing!

:haha: typical woman batty :)

I'm up early too! Stephen was really ill last night until about 11pm where he was so tired we put him back in his cot (after changing it 5 times since 7pm) and he's now awake cause he's so hungry! Gonna have a really moody baby today which is great especially as steve will bugger off to work at about 12 so it's down to me to deal wih his moods ;) (you have alllll this to come hehe). Plus even though she's a total cow I'm really starting to miss my ex-best friend but after everything she did/said I'm not gonna back down this time but I have loads of stuff to tell her and she'd be the only one who gets it/make jokes of certain things etc if you get me?

Oooh and congrats on full term dare & krystal!! Ahh it's moving sooo fast :D
gosh you guys have done been to bed and already awake. lol I have not gone to bed yet lol
Lol - there is nothing like trying to make sense of oil and gas jargon in four different languages at this time in the morning! Worse is our designers are in China so I have to be very careful how to word my annotations because trying to explain design points doesn't get translated too well!

Charlie - I get it's hard re. you're ex-best friend (still having major problems with my maid of honour from a year ago)...but you know the type of friend you deserve and it's her loss if she done ANYTHING to go below that. It must be hard when you have so much to talk about and know she'll do those things you're used to to make it all better - but you also know what else she'd bring.

Go get some sleep Mal!
Can you speak all those different languages? Or is it just looking at how thins are set out etc?

Yeh I was missing her until I just found out she booked this massive BBQ the date of my due date and told someone I've been friends with since the start of secondary school that she did it because apparently people will be "having too much fun to care" if I'm having/had Henry or not :-( It's so pathetic! Can't wait for her to actually settle down, leave home and have kids! What did your maid of honour do? It's so sad when people just act so silly and then do spiteful things as if to make themselves feel better!
I was up late & now i'm up early but not for good lol hopefully.... I finally fell asleep about midnight but then woke now at 2 am ....even though I've been up and down to pee a couple times the past couple hours & soo thirsty! (horrid cYcle!) Plus I can't get comfortable & was having strange dreams about everything going on right now with my friends loss etc...then I was hot only to discover DH decided to knock the temp up 2 degree (F) which is just enough to keep the air from turning on... Would be smart & saves power bc it's still a low temp if I wasn't pregnant and horomonal! Plus with the humidity in the high 90's (& it raining earlier tonight) the air just gets stagnant! So I turned it back down but now I am awake! I have been sleeping so much better during daytime naps or early/late morning than at night?! Frustrating!!!
well I was in bed till about 6pm anyways cause I was sick and not feeling good and its now 345 in the am. Im bout to go climb in the bed now.
Charlie - no I'm not even bi-lungual but the mags use both the original english and translated language and each country has own style guide about the language to use for captions/pull quotes etc so it gets confusing! Still going! *yawn*

Krystal - sucks you've not been sleeping well. Are you going to be able to grab a few cat naps today.

Ugh, just came over all sick and had a massive stomach ache...I hope I'm not getting this bug going round!
krystal i've been struggling to sleep too!! if it isnt needing the toilet, its needing a drink, getting rid of hearburn, dh snoring, or cant get comfy esp legs!!!! such a nightmare!!! i am really tired already today!!! got to go to in laws in a bit i wanna sleep though!! ahhhh

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