3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Both my partner and I were 6lbs babies, so in our family 8 - 9lbs are pretty rare.

Talking about rare, heres what else I learnt this time round:

I hadnt even heard of SPD in my last pregnancy, this time round I have physio for it,
then a couple of weeks ago I lost the use of my right leg when preparing dinner. Doctor explained it was sciatica, I was so frightened, especially cause now I feel it coming on so I immediately look for a safe place to sit down.
I wake up to cramped leg muscles, a few times in both legs at the same time. Didnt know that could happen. Im 30 now and wondering if age plays a factor???

Then sometimes I have nothing. I can literally dance around the house....

Im living day to day, being owned by my body...... Cant make any plans ahead.
But dem the breaks, I have a wonderful, beautiful DD to kiss and tickle, and together her and I are excited and anxious. If she was older she would so be my birthing partner, LOL.
I agree totally with you ladies. second pregnancys are hell compared to the firsts. At least mine seems that way. Im still miserable. I complain and whine all of the time. if its not cramps, its contractions, or back aches, or etc etc. Blah. I wish I was further along. (I already feel like I am.)
Natalie- I measured bang on all my measurements for my DS and he came out at 9lb 4oz, so he was definately bigger than I expected him to be!!!

I'm with you ladies on 2nd pregnancies, never had a single BH contraction with number one, now I have them all the time and they are slighlty painful, ugh!
lord you ladies make me not want to have another! I've had a relatively easy pg and would not want a horrible one. Friend of mine had an awful first one and a smooth easy second one. I think it depends on the baby? Still have to get through labor and starting up with raising her before we decide on a second.
shew I have had a long day, I am WORN out!
Congrats tanasha & ttcnumbertwo on full term! Yay :)

Tanasha ... 5lbs @ 34 weeks isn't that big and the scans can be off by up to 2 lbs in either direction! If she was 5 lbs and continued to gain 1/2 lb every week (although this usually slows down at end) then she would be maybe right at 8 lbs ... Which is barely over average! I wouldn't worry! I'm sure she's perfect :) ... My lo measured 6 lbs at 33+5 ... I don't think he was that big but it only puts him right at 9 lbs at term which is big but on the big end of normal! I have another scan on Friday when I am 37+5 and hope I get better measurements ... But really you can't trust them all that much! ... And I know here in the us they induce like crazy just for the heck of it but they won't even induce just bc the scan says baby is a little bigger.

I am being induced my 39th week only bc I have GD & the placenta ages faster & baby gets larger faster but lung development can be slower so they won't take him before 39 weeks. Dr says it's like a catch 22 trying to pick perfect time to take him
I have a growth scan this week, I had to push for it as I have not had one since 24 weeks and I have GD, they kept telling me it wasnt a big deal because I was a diet controled GD I was like umm.. its still a concern HELLoooooOO and it feels like she has moved down today or is starting to, felt her alot more in my hoot then normal
Dare - I had a horrible first pregnancy! I was ill allt he time, couldn't move off the sofa/bed most days cause I felt constantly sick, this one has been relatively easy compared to Stephen's! It's just since I hit 32 weeks it's finally got to me! But like hte others, I never had any BHs etc etc - but maybe that's cause I'm more active this time constantly chasing after S... who knows? :shrug: And you will have another - they're so worth it :D

ahhhhhhhh Natalie - 7 DAYS until DD!!!!

and with weights - it just depends on them! I saw a woman's ticker on here in baby club and her baby was over 11lbs!!!! Natural delivery!!!!!! WHAT!!!?? God, I admire her! Stephen was 4 days early and he was 7lbs 15oz...so if this one gets to term I'm guessing he'll be 8.5lbs... PLEASE don't be late LO! :haha:

Last night me and Steve were watching a film and I had the worst engaging pains EVER, there was SO much pressure, it felt awful! Steve kept going on how I must be the only pregnant woman ever with all these pains :dohh: He doesn't even know anyone pregnant...should have directed him to here! :)

What's everyone got planned for today?
Thank ladies, you all make me feel alot better. I have only been reading horror stories about big babies with 3rd degree tears and shoulder dislocations. And if it is a big baby will all my cute 0/3 month outfits fit?

I have nothing planned for today, think i might clean abit and read- Im reading Harry Potter again just before we go see the movie Wednesday- cant wait!
Of course they'll still fit - the majority of 0-3 month clothes here go up to 12-13lbs :) and unless she's like my beast, she'll probably only put on a few ounces a week :)

oh and I read on here that apparently you're more likely to tear badly with smaller babies than bigger ones... bigger ones have more 'gravity' or something so it helps with pushing them through the pelvis. :shrug: not sure how true that is, but it's nice to hear :)
I never read anything on here now except this thread bc it starts making me nervous about all the possibilities! Lol I'm just going to take whatever comes and deal with it then I think! Lol ignorance is bliss right?

Last night after his bro & sil & our niece left, DH said "I wish the baby was already here" it was so sweet :) he can't wait to be a daddy! I can't wait either! We've both been so excited! And knowing our baby that's made of both of us is about to be here feels like it's just deepened our love and admiration for one another lately! I can't imagine anyone better than him or loving and respecting anyone more than I do him and knowing I'm
having his baby makes me feel like the luckiest most blessed woman on earth!

On another note I read something online about applying epo to your cervix to help you efface & dilate... Anyone tried this? I am sure there is a thread on here smehwre but I figured I'd ask here first ... Not that I'll neccesarily try it, I had never heard of it til recently & I don't know how hard it is to find here anyhow... I'm just curious! ... I'm
hoping all the DTD will have some effect even tho we aren't really doing it to get baby here, but bc it's been fun and we can't keep our hands off one another lately ;) I'm
just wanting the induction to be successful & being more effaced & dilated helps that! Also the baby being engaged ... I've heard the birthing ball thing may help that? Hmmmm
Aww krystal we are the same dh is so excited about being a dad and wants me to go out as much as possible so he gets to bond with her it's soooo sweet!!!
My friend did all sorts she did epo, rlt, prenium (can't spell hehe) massage and starflower oil I can't remember if she said if much had helped but she had induction and was in labour hours later but she needs surgery down there so I can't help but think she may have caused more harm than good as she had quite a small baby, 7lbs! Me I'm not really doing anything other than rlt when I remember which is hardly ever!!! Oh and I think the ball just helps get baby in position!!!

Wow Im 39 weeks eak!!!!
I have so much to do today ahhh gonna be a long day!!!!
Natalie if you ever need someone to go out with... I'm just around the corner :haha:

It's sweet seeing all your OH's so into you and your babies :) Makes men look good!!
Excellent will take u up on that Charlie!!!
I have to go in to l&d now cos of this spotting I've been getting im sure it's nothing but cos my blood is neg I have to get it checked ahhh I have so much to do today!!!!
I was going to try the EPO- so many ladies told me to do it because they did it.... but actually it didn't seem to do much for them? Anyone used it and had good luck? The one lady swore it did tons for her, but still went 2 weeks over her due date and just made it not needing to be induced.

So many women recommend all these different things to help dilation and effacement- and i have done none of those things and my effacement was better than theirs? I really think it has to do with our bodies. Was reading over the weekend--- doing stairs helps with effacement because it pushes baby's head into cervix and helps thin it out? And being active and so forth. And i have to do stairs so many times a day thanks to the dog- and well errands and things- i have 3 flights i have to go up and down. Wondering if that is helping? Find some stairs ladies. they are not fun but maybe that is helping too.

How is everyone doing today? I had a weird burst of energy this am to get up and get moving, and already feeling like i'm going down and need to nap again. Only been up about 2 hours this morning. Got up way early at 7am. What is THAT about. Mind wouldn't stop going.

Any USA ladies- today if you go to 7/11 they are giving you FREE slurpees (small at 7.11oz but still) really good if you have kids- or love slurpees like me! I sure already went today!
the only stairs I have is the stairs which lead up to the flat which also leads down to the restaurant... dunno how I'd explain to my OHs co-workers if they come through the door that I'm trying to get my cervix to thin out hehe!

At the end of the day there are so many 'methods' to induce labour etc... I think it's probably just a coincidence! They'll come when they're ready but being active probably does help!

ahhh how annoying - you get some energy and then you feel it go :( Maybe just chill out for the rest of the day/take a nap and see how you feel then? :)

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