3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

ahhhhhhh she didn't com before they got back then! Have fun over there ;)
Aw Natalie! Not much longer hopefully! I ended up sleeping from 3 am to 9 am only grttig up once to pee/eat a snack/ get a drink lol in the reclining chair! It's been my lifesaver ESP with heartburn & legs! & I tuck pillows on both sides and even sleep on my side in it if y back gets uncomforable & it's good! Then usually if I wake up and wanna get back in the bed with DH I can usually go straight to sleep bc heartburn & leg stuff is gone!
37 weeks today! :yipee: full term watermelon! Lets go baby! :happydance:

@krystal- first off- happy 37 weeks! I had this discussion with DH after i read what that guy did using the same name but rotating it. He actually was pretty annoyed as well. I completely understand your feelings and yes, it is like having something stolen from you. This is why we only announced our baby name after we knew she was a girl and that no one else was having babies around us. So we can safely keep our boy name- and no one can steal our girl name now because well- that's what we're having.

Oh and how do you know you are definitely having him between 14-21 days? Are you being induced?

AFM i am finally sleeping loads better. because she's moved down some, i can breath again, so i can sleep on either side, and i only wake to pee, usually grab a quick drink then go right back to sleep. I've been craving milk during the night- so after a nice few gulps of that i settle back in very nicely. I think it helps me sleep some? Who knows. all i know is i am thankful i am mostly sleeping through the night- but you wouldn't know it when i wake- i am still SUPER exhausted and feel like i didn't sleep at all.
CONGRATS to all that are term today!!!
I feel exhausted as well. Only Im not sleeping well. Im up with feet cramps and peeing and acid reflux. Ugh. Im so ready to not be pregnant anymore. Im so miserable. Im too tired to do anything- blah
well I slept fairly well, feel a bit better today then yesterday still have some congestion.
but its better then before.

Got a baby shower to go to today hoping it goes well. i got lazy and am giving her one of the gifts that was given to me. Its a baby bath but I got 3 others and this one is blue still in the box. I just was not feeling driving so far to the store to exchange it so I was glad this baby shower was for a boy made things easier for me. gonna stop and get a few more things to put in her bag.

Well Im off to get ready.
charlie no she didnt!!! im a bit worried that mil is gonna pop over on weds/thurs as fil said somethign about me having visitors then... hmmmm keep curtains shut and unlug doorbell i think!!! we just got back from there i am even more exhausted and overwhelmed by all his family!!! his brother said i was massive :( everyone saying that at the min :( must have had a growth spurt or something!!!
so am just having a nice sit down before we go out for dinner!! i have nothing to wear :( so litterally have to go in one of dh tshirts and jeans im so fed up of nothing fitting!!!!
krystal there is hardly any room in our bed with all my pillows i have a dream genii the and extra pillow for between knees then 2 beanbag pillow type thingys!!! i feel tired but then i think i must be over tired or something as i just cannot get to sleep so annoying!!! ive found the sofa isnt too bad for sleeping on no room for all my pillows though hahaha!!!
dare ive never been much of a milk drinker but recently i love it!!!
ah and someone has decided to sit on my sciatic nerve again ahhh it hurts!!!
Congrats girls that are term, one more day for me! Krystal- I would definately be upset, at least you don't see him much, but still, I wouldn't be happy!

I'm starting to get nervous about next week! My MIL just told me she's going to the beach for the week which means that my parents are in Scottsdale, my MIL is at the beach, my sister will be in the hospital with my niece who is recovering from tonsil surgery and if I go into labor there will be no one around to take my son! I don't think I'll have the baby next week as I'll only be 37 weeks, it just makes me super nervous that no one is around (well FIL is, but I don't know if he'd do it because of his work). So I'm actually praying for a week of no signs!!!!
Natalie - the thing is you're literally 1 week off your due date of course you're gonna be 'massive' - how small do they think baby's are? lol and don't forget you're also packing in there placenta and fluid! Plus, your body starts to store 'fat' ready for BF so you're not gonna be the size you were 20 weeks ago! :dohh: SOme people! I also 'love' how people think it's ok to comment on your size when you're pregnant! It seems it's acceptable then :haha: ahhh def unplug the doorbell and keep curtains shut! Hope you have a lovely dinner though! Where you going?

TTC - ahh i'm not surprised you're worrying - have you not got a friend as a back up or anything?

Mal - love your recycling :haha: Hope you had fun!!

I decided my hallway, bathroom and toilet needed hoovering and mopping today - much to the extreme horror of my son that hte hoover came out, I managed to do it and it looks so much better! I even dusted! Just gotta do my kitchen and living room but my back's killing me so I'm leaving it for tomorrow! Stephen's gonna go mental that I have to hoover again! :dohh:
hahaha charlie i couldnt help myself as soon as he said it i looked at him and said yeah well so are u but least i have a excuse :haha:
everyone shut up then hahaha
we went to ask its my fav restaurant!!! i had a pizza with pineapple and aubergine both old wives tales and loads of chilli oil..... dont think its done anything though other than walking back to the car had major stitch hahaha

wow are u nesting there?? i cleaned the place up this morn as people were popping over i wouldnt say i had gone mad cleaning up but it did look good!!! i havent seemed to get any nesting which is a shame cos i would like to actually get loads done haha
i say those bits did nothing.... i have those shooty pains down there again :blush:
Hi ladies!

wow you have been chatting loads since Friday!

Seems lots of us are full term now, yay! I need this baby to get out! I have a mw appointment and scan on Thursday, i sthe baby is still measuring big, do you think they may induce me just because she is big? Or is that no reason for an induction?
me neither!!! i wish i could know how much this one is weighing or at least an estimate so i can prepare myself!!!
at 34 weeks she was already 5 lbs, so Im not really sure what to expect? And i really hope i dont go past my due date as she wil just get bigger and bigger!
oh really!! how did they tell u that? was it from scans?
i asked my midwife and she said going by my fundal height being bang on so she said i should have an average sized baby 7-8lbs but i am still worried gonna have a big baby i think ive had a growth spurt over last 2 days :-S
Kia ora (hello) ladies....

Yeh, we are all moving along now, I can see the light.....lol

38 weeks for me yesterday, just love that feeling of knowing another week has come and gone. And when I know Id rather be celebrating babies birth already, I at least get that weekly boost.

Reading through the posts, my DD was born at 38 weeks, she was 8.2lbs and I didnt feel that was big for me. I was 23 yrs old and weighed only 50kgs.(110lbs) Im quite small. Is that a big baby?? I was only 6lbs myself,

The doctors said I was lucky that my DD came then as her legs were squashed and her feet were growing with a bend in them, (lol to picturing that) but my mum and I had to massage her feet everyday to encourage proper growth. Her feet were turned in kind of. She was real long and shes really tall now.

7 year gap between my DD and my LO. Wondering if thats why I feel all these pains now. I had no BH, pains,nothing first time round. Not even any signs for labour. The day I felt my first contraction, I had her the same day. This time Ive been feeling pains etc since 30 weeks, ugh now I feel like life is just one big cramp, lol or a million crampy moments.

Come on babies, were waiting to kiss your lil toes........ Come safe and well,

Good luck ladies....... Love to hear any differences for other ladies!
I'm the same Jaydalee - I've been getting a lot more pains etc this time around :( Dunno why! You'd think after the first you'd be all stretched out and ready again but doesn't seem like it works that way! :haha:
Jaydalee from what I've been told 7-8lbs is average so your 1st wasn't big at all!!!
I've also heard u feel things more with your second but I'm not 100% sure on that myself!!!

Ahhh my sciatica is bad started off yest progressively getting worse!!! Hoping I can get decent sleep tonight!!!

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