3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Natalie, I saw that on your Facebook and just DIED! Didn't you want a boy to begin wiht though?

Anywho, just thought I'd pop in and say hi and good luck to everyone! I know you ladies are really close to meeting your LOs and I just wanted to say how excited I am for all of you.

Today was my EDD, so it's pretty bittersweet for FI and I. I also thought I unsubscribed to all baby-related emails, but I guess I was wrong. I got one of the "CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR NEW ARRIVAL!!!" emails today from a company. I just wish this would all get easier :cry:

Anywho, I'm not here to dampen the mood. Just wanted to say hello and I can't wait to see photos!!!
i am still in shock i have to say!! dare i did have girls clothes that were all washed etc so cant return them few blankets as well oppsie!! will probs go on ebay!!
glad to be home now feel exhausted!!! so glad baby is ok!! they dont really know what caused the spotting and i didnt realise if u have any blood loss u need to phone them up and get it checked out!!! also the pains u get down there is where babys head is hitting a nerve not dilating!!! i wasnt at all dilated last night!! i was also shocked to see the monitor was showing contractions very regular but midwife said if they didnt hurt they would be braxton hicks and they were at top of bump!!
one thing i forgot to pack and was sooooo lucky hubby had some in his car is headphones so i could listen to music on my phone to get me to sleep!!! its very noisey in the wards with people coming in and then going into labour and being moved out again!!!
Natalie, I saw that on your Facebook and just DIED! Didn't you want a boy to begin wiht though?

Anywho, just thought I'd pop in and say hi and good luck to everyone! I know you ladies are really close to meeting your LOs and I just wanted to say how excited I am for all of you.

Today was my EDD, so it's pretty bittersweet for FI and I. I also thought I unsubscribed to all baby-related emails, but I guess I was wrong. I got one of the "CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR NEW ARRIVAL!!!" emails today from a company. I just wish this would all get easier :cry:

Anywho, I'm not here to dampen the mood. Just wanted to say hello and I can't wait to see photos!!!

awww hun big :hugs: it takes time but it will get easier!!! xx
oh and dh was hoping for a boy to begin with and i had said it would be nice to have a boy first but as long as baby is healthy thats all that matters!!!
Haha Im happy for you natalie. It sucks about the clothes tho.
I went to my mw appointment today. :) Im very happy and they are keeping me as a patient even though Im high risk so yay! I cant have sex for 2 more weeks then I can have all i want LOL. (not that I want any) Babys heart was fine, and weird thing- Im measuring 2 cm smaller than I did last month... does that mean baby dropped, or is dropping?? A little confused. One thing that REALLY irritates me tho- everytime i go in they almost accuse me of smoking. I get the third degree about 20 times- do you smoke? Does your hubby smoke? So no one smokes? I wish they would just go ahead and say-- we think your smoking- Instead of stressing me out every single time i go in there they treat me like Im a bad person...Its stressing me out. Next time I go in there and they ask me im gonna tell them to bug off. I mean how many times do you have to tell a person that you are not smoking?! I mean my blood pressure is fine, babys heart is fine, Ive been measuring right on until this appointment and i have no idea why they are giving me the third degree about this. Maybe my body spray smells like smoke to them?? Not a clue, but its pissing me off terribly.
That's fantastic news mrstacporter!! If u are measuring less I would say that's probably due to baby dropping! Did they say if u were engaged or anything?
Natalie- she didnt say weather or not babys engaged, thats why i was a little confused. All she did really was measure me and listen to the heartbeat. And it kind of baffled me cause i have gained a pound a week this past month so im obviously not losing weight,lol, so i was hoping that baby was dropping!!!!

I have been told tho, that with subsequent pregnancys the babies normally wont drop until labor or very shortly before... So if shes dropping now.. I wonder if that means im getting close to having her.
I go in for my next mw appt tomorrow (already!) since i'm doing once a week now. very anxious to see what they say. :)
when I had my appt friday I was measuring 33 weeks and I was almost 35 and they told me it was norml to be of fby 2 cm's.
I have my next appt. tomorrow too Dare, I'm sure they won't tell me anything new... I was really hoping that I was losing my plug, but I'm pretty sure I'm not. I"m fairly certain I won't go into labor before my due date and I'll have to have another c-section... I'm starting to get bummed about it!
aww ttc- really??? Why would you have to have another csection??? I hope tomorrow they give you some really good news so you don't worry about it. Good luck tomorrow :)
Hi..... Please wish me good luck ladies,

I think things are getting started for me! I hope..

I had contractions yesterday, started between 3 mins and 5 mins apart. Lasted for 7 hours and stopped.

I have had so much discharge today (sorry for TMI) Been checked by MW and baby is locked and loaded... although yeh he has disengaged before!

Having loads of pressure down low today, tightenings, backache and more pain.

So Im really hoping I may see him in the next few days.

Funny but I have to go to my DD parent / teacher interview in a hour. Cant reschedule. This is going to be so interesting. Shes 6 and excited because she has a presentation prepared for me. Once Iv finished these pains can go for gold.... LOL
Mrstacporter they say these things as guidelines, u may have dropped, but it doesn't mean u will go in to labour soon every body is different my friend dropped7 weeks before she gave birth, it was her 3rd baby!! Just goes to show everyone is different!!!!
Dare and ttc good luck with your appointments!!! Ttc try not to worry that u may need a section, baby may surprise u and be early or on time losing the plug seems to be a sign of your body getting ready for labour, some people don't lose it till they are actually in labour!!! If u really dont want a section ask if they can do something to bring on labour like a sweep or something?!

As for me, I feel like an idiot for believing it was a girl, I feel like all dh family are laughing at me behind my back all I've had from them is i told u so and those who are on my Facebook can see some of their comments I think that's what's really got to me :( I am so happy he is healthy but still feel so shocked :-S
Good luck jaydalee sounds promising don't get too disheartened if it isn't start of things though!!
Wow I've become so sceptical of signs haha!!
Hi girlies!!! How are you all!!!!! Havent been on since Friday, busy bee but kept in contact with most on FB anyways!!!

Time to catch up quick!!

Dare – ive got 2 boxers! Why cant you have her in your garden if in season? Im guessing they give off a strong scent! Its impossible for any other dog to get into our garden anyway luckily! I agree with them being done though, they are so much easier when they have been snipped – like you said dare – it is going to be hard and financially it isn’t going to benefit us that much but Winston is the best looking boxer ive ever seen…and that’s not be being biased LOL! He is pedigree with international champs in his blood (we got his family tree from his breeder lol) so he is going to produce some amazing pups!!

Dare how amazing that you are dilated already!!!! Gona be an early baba for you tyhen lucky lady!!!!!!!!!!!

Hehehe batty you made me chuckle – use protection…..talking of protection…what are u girls gona do after baba is born. Are you going on the pill or just gona track periods, ovulation times etc and don’t DTD on fertile times???

Urgh Krystal! What a pain with the name!!!! id be the same as you. I know it makes no difference as there will always be ppl with same names but when its so close to you its horrible! I would say something to him but ive got a big gob lol!

Natalie I cannot believe that you are having a boy!!!!!!!!!!! You don’t ever think it happens to ppl and here we are!!!! How do you feel about it…obv nothing you can do but such a shocker!!!! Id be screwed if mine was wrong, my girl would be living in blue LOL! But im more than sure hes a he, ive seen his little willy quite clearly haha!

Jaydalee good luck! Hope this is it for you!!!!!!!!!

EEEEEEEEEEEEK im on single figures today!!!! 9 days to go!

I have been symptom spotting like mad….still nothing! I thought I had bits of my plug coming out, had like yellowy jelly like stuff in my pants (mmmmmmm) but I know this can come as early as 2 weeks before labour so I am more wishing for it to be bloody!!! And every time I get a little pain im like AHHHH IS THIS IT! But its not! And im not kidding, ive been pooping at least 3 times a dayu…..for over 2 weeks now! So it cant be a clearout! It must be Hayden squeezing on my intestines!!!!!

And for about a week now ive been getting morning sickness again but its literally when I first wake up and that’s it! More like strong nausea, ive only been sick once!

I am soooooo uncomfortable now, I am ready for him to come out, but I will miss being pregnant too! Cant win hehe!

Ive got a life after birth class today at 3 which covers everything to do with adapting to be a parent, how to register the birth, benefits etc. theres another one next week as well for managing common problems, feeding, sleeping etc but I am hoping baby will be here by then hehe!
Good morning my dears!

How are you all?

I am so fed up now! My life just consists of waiting! Luckily we are going to see Harry Potter tonight so I have something to look forward to and tomorrow I have a midwife, and a gynea and scan appointment where I am going to beg to be induced!
Lol samira I've given up symptom spotting drives u crazy!!!!!! I'm going to speak to my old mw and see if she will do a sweep on me her success rate is really good!! And should get me into my chosen hosp!!!
Nat - I just got a tad angry re. a facebook comment from a "CARTER"...so had a bit of a rant(ish)! Delete it if you want, just got defensive!
hi girlssssss

Its been so long since i have been on here - what have i missed - anyone had there baby yet - everyone feeling well and not having any problems?

I had my mw appointment yesterday who kindly said to me gosh that is a big baby in there - yes state the obvious woman :haha: she told me that they wont do anything until 39 weeks as medically me and the baby are fine but she is waiting to see what the consultant says next tuesday - i'm so bloody bored sitting at home all day but i'm off to essex tommorow to pick up a surround sound the oh won on ebay and then we are going out for a curry tommorow night - a hot one too :haha:

Nat - I just got a tad angry re. a facebook comment from a "CARTER"...so had a bit of a rant(ish)! Delete it if you want, just got defensive!

Batty I loved your comment!!!! It's Sooooo staying there!!!!! :D that's Fiona hubby's sister and sarah Crosby is his other sister!!! Luckily I don't think his mum can see my status I blocked her hahaha otherwise she would have had something to say on it!!!! Thank u xxx

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