3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Jaydalee- good luck, how exciting. I can't wait to hear your birth story!

Natalie- good advice, I hadn't thought about asking for sweeps or anything!

Dare- I'm not sure why, but since my son was born emergency c-section they won't let me go past my due date, so if baby isn't born by August 1st I get a section, and they won't induce either!

NOt much new for me, just trying to beat the heat!
Samira! Great to see you!! Eek 9 days!!! You and Natalie are sooo close to the end!!!

I've jut woken up this morning feeling like I've got morning sickness starting all over again :-/ I wonder if it's just "big baby" (the babys newest nickname) pushing on everything while I lie in bed?

I avoid symptom spotting as I would drive myself mad... Plus I still feel it's a bit early & by the time I should be symptom spotting they will be taking him! (as early as 11 days now although i'm hoping for about 15 days lol)

Samira the baby with my baby's name ended up having medical problems and being transferred from the small town hospital he was born in to a big hospital in the city where my hospital is (the reason I chose a city hospital to begin with, where care is more cutting edge & up to date) ... They found he has a small hole in his lung that is letting air in his chest cavity then putting pressure on his lungs where we can't breathe well. It looks like he is going to be ok now...but there wasn't anyway I could say anything without being a heartless brat... I just keep reminding myself it doesn't matter & that he isn't a catty spiteful rude girl just a dumb guy! :) & trying not to be petty even though I'd like to pitch a fit!

Hope your appt goes well Dare! (& everyone else who has an appt! I can't remember & stupid iPhone is hard to scroll up) mine are every Friday so I still have 2 more days & I can't wait bc it's our last scan!!! The only good part of the GD is the extra scans!! Just praying he measures normal size and not massive!!! (fingers crossed!!) let us know how it goes today ladies!

I'm getting really excited about our baby shower sunday & having at least a week off work before baby comes! I know many of you are tired of sitting around waiting but I've gotten to do very little of that & so I am thrilled to have a week to sit and wait and do any last minute things! Maybe even pack my hospital bag! LoL I'm a terrible procrastinator! I've got to call and get a pediatrician lined up as well before Friday!

Is anyone else going to try cloth diapering? I am
after his cord falls off! I must be a nerd bc I am so excited! I have all my supplies ready & some cute little diapers :) I'm a little nervous as well though! :)

Anyways I'm just rambling! 2 more days of work for me, today and tomorrow, then im done!!! I can't wait!!
Wtf??? I had this text from mil I don't get it??

Jeff and i think you are a very clever girl as baby will carry on CARTER name! Hope you are not too disappointed. X

Wtf does she mean???
Ttcnumbertwo, that's odd! You are in the us right? (sorry I get confused trying to keep up with where everyones from!) a vbac is usually very doable these days! Unless they are worried that your scar will rupture bc of past events or location/state of it. That could be why they wouldn't induce ... Pitosin causes much stronger than normal contractions and they could worry that it may make you rupture, whch could be dangerous and harm or end your chances of any other pregnancies. I am sure whatever they are doing is probably to protect you and the baby & keep anything crazy like that from happening! Maybe you will still go in on your own! A sweep is a good idea ESP if you begin to efface and dialate... It seems to be more successful! I would ask lots of questions though to find out why they are doing what they are and their medical reasoning just to be sure they aren't messing up your birth experience
out of convenience for themselves and to make sure you get a fair chance at a natural birth if it's safe to do so! I will be thinking of you!
Wtf??? I had this text from mil I don't get it??

Jeff and i think you are a very clever girl as baby will carry on CARTER name! Hope you are not too disappointed. X

Wtf does she mean???

it basically means that they are pleased you are having a boy as the surname lives on and are hoping your not disappointed about it - she could of worded it better especially with pregnant hormones as i would of taken it like a bit of a slap in the face iykwim :flower:

Aww krystal I bet u can't wait to have some time off and relax!!! You won't know what to do with yourself hehe!!! I can't say I blame u for not symptom spotting I drove myself mad when I was doing it!!! I'm not doing it any more!!!! Oh I think sickness must just make a come back towards the end as I think there are a few of us feeling it now!! I'm not going to do cloth nappies as I think I would get frustrated!!!
Ohhh thank u angie!!! I was a bit like wtf?? I am not responding that is a kick in the face and they can go screw themselves way they are going on they will have f all to do with this baby he already doesn't seem to like them anyway grrrrr hate them!!! Sorry I am ranting!!!!
Natalie that's an odd comment?! I think I'd have to respond with a "what do you mean clever?" or "how does the babys sex being wrong make me clever" to see what she intended by that statement!? I'd also let her know that as long as the baby is born healthy and safe there is no reason to be disappointed!?! You don't chose to love your child based on whether it's a boy or girl?! Or I would let her know I was proud to be having your DH a little boy Who will follow him around and would be a good man like him and make it about DH not her... Who cares what name he carries on ... What an oddball comment ....

I mean does she realize that technically you could have a daughter who grows up and goes wild, gets knocked up, isn't sure of the father or doesn't like him & give the baby her last name & thus carrying on the "Carter" name? Haha not an ideal situation but possible ...i think I might have a sarcastic comment along those lines just to piss her off!
i'm sure it will work out in the end - but they shouldnt have said that - its only a name. I'm sometimes glad that the oh's family are not really paying any interest with this baby.

Lol I took it like you Natalie but maybe that's my pregnancy horomones getting defensive
for you!
I can't believe she said something like that she didn't care when it was a girl infact all she said was oh well it might not be a girl or something I can't remember at the min I just see red!!! Even dh doesn't get why she made that comment and has said I just need to ignore her etc I was going to say something back but to be honest I do not have the energy I am so fed up of her carry on!!! Thank u ladies for your support!!! Means so much to me xxx
wow natalie. All I can say is hang in there girl. you have in laws from hell. :/ MOnster in laws HAHAH
Thank u mrstacporter I knew they were bad but I hadn't realised how bad!!!

I've had a nice time shopping again for little man I've spent loads on him now oppsie!!! He has more clothes than when we thought he was a girl!!! I think It might be my way of re-bonding with him!!! He has some awesome clothes and is gonna be so smartly dressed even dh has said he wil put him to shame hehe!! I can't wait to go shopping for me soon I don't think my usual jeans and baggy tshirts will be good enough any more hehe I need to be more of a yummy mummy I have decided!!! :0)
Good for you Natalie!!!! Go get you some nice duds!!! That always makes me feel better. Also try to take whatever the Monster in laws say with a grain of salt.
My stupid sister pissed me off sooo bad yesterday. When she had her kids, she ended up having a ton of complications at 24 yrs old and had to have a partial hysterectomy. Well Ive had a few problems with my pregnancys but nothing like she had. Well I was telling her how my MW appointment went yesterday and about the Birth control options that Im going for affterwards and she like totally degraded me and what not. I told her that I wanted to get an IUD and shes started going on how i just needed to get my tubes tied. I was like i dont want them tied. I told her that the IUD was 99% as effective as getting a tubal. And her response was "bullshit, you need to get your F***ing tubes tied." She said " I got a f****ing sneaky suspicion that youll get an IUD then have it removed a year later and go get pregnant again." Im like woah, is she really saying these things to me?! I mean she doesnt pay mine and my hubbys bills! If we want to have another kid, thats our buisness! I really just couldnt belive her! I think that she is jealous cause she only had two kids and doesnt think that I should have more than her. ( me and hubby are satisfied with only having 2 anyways) but that just really pissed me off how she was talking to me. I mean me and hubby have been together almost 6 years and she feels like she can dictate to me what I can and cant do within my marriage. It really pissed hubby off too.
Oh wow mrstacporter I don't know what to say! I can't believe your sister had said that to u! It's totally your decision if u get your tubes tied or do another method etc and so what if u don't have a permentant thingy it's your choice and dh's choice if u want more kids I know it must be hard for her to see u with kids etc but she should be happy for u and I know it sounds harsh/weird if she isn't ok with what happened to her and can't bare to see other people happy or with kids she should maybe think of counselling!! I sorry if I am speaking out of turn or anything I don't mean to offend or be too opinionated it's just a thought!! I hope u are ok!!! Families eh!!! Xx
Haha think mil just tried to pop over haha curtains and blinds shut hahahahaha
Oh no way natalie, your spot on. the thing is-- she has children!!! She has 2 girls!! 13 and 11! So She actually got to have children, then she had the hysterectomy. she always wanted 3, but could only have the two, so she didnt miss out. Her exhubby recently left her and took her girls. :/ Cause she was truely a dead beat mom.... So I dont really feel all that sorry for her on that part. Shes crazy tho I tell you,. I was in shock that she actually spoke to me that way. she is 10 yrs older than me (34) and I am more mature and a better wiife and mother than her. She gets jealous all the time. I really hate saying it that way like im better than ANYONE. But in her case, she used to leave her little ones at home to go work in a bar and flash everyone, and I would have to go take care of her kids.. Thats why i say that.
Oh wow aww Hun she really shouldn't have spoken to u like that, I think I would have had something to say about the way she is currently acting and the way she had previously acted!
Well Hun stick to your principles and do what is right for u and dh!!! Dont worry about her jealousy I know how easy it is for me to say that!! I hope she hasn't upset or annoyed u too much!! We don't need this extra stress do we!!! Awww :hugs: xx

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