3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

@jaydalee- That's awesome hun!!!! I can't believe i'm like a week behind you and you're about to have your baby!!!!! that's insane! Fingers crossed for you!!! And btw, the fact that you can't reschedule at a time like this is freaking ridiculous. Seriously.

@natalie- how are you feeling hun? Any better? I'm so sorry about those people on your facebook making you feel bad about not knowing. But seriously- how could you KNOW what it's going to be? Everyone will say 'i told you so'. That's what they do. It's there way of feeling better. But seriously? I thought at my scan they'd say my LO was def. a boy. And when they told me it was a girl- i almost cried. I felt so stupid for being so sure it was a boy, and here it was a girl! But there is no way of knowing, and honestly us feeling like that is ridiculous. :hugs: And don't let them get you down. ok? As for the mil text- you are a nicer person than i. I would've written something back like - oh we are making up a new last name or something like that to piss her off. Just because she pissed me off.

@ttc- what time is your appt today? Thinking of you!!!!! That's ridiculous that they won't let you go past your due date. And they won't induce? Not that i'm for inducing- i'm very much not- but, i'm pissed that you don't get a choice too.

@samira- i LOVE boxers! They are wonderful dogs. Would never want one- as i don't do well with big dogs that slobber- but i really do love love them. As for not leaving them in season- male dogs will come from MILES away- seriously, and jump fences, burrow under, anything they can to get to the females! I've seen it! And if she smells a male- sometimes they will break out of the fences themselves in search of some 'action'! But making it illegal is down right stupid. I don't know if she is going to be early- doesn't really mean a thing i don't think. Going for another appt today and will update!

@Tanasha- you are seeing harry potter tonight?! here it doesn't come out until friday!!!!!! i'm so jealous!
as for me, i think all of my plug may be gone- haven't gotten any more of that fun stuff when going pee. and i check everytime i go in there. and i go in there a lot. lol.

My lower back has started this morning bothering me pretty bad, and my hips are worse than before- i mean they hurt. I feel very heavy.

Have my mw appt today at 2. But i just feel rubbish today. bleck.

Managed to get out and swim yesterday for 2 hours. It was delightful. But when i got out the pain started- she was so heavy and ugh walking out of the pool was horrid. I had to sit on the pavement as soon as i got out because of how heavy and awkward i felt. I haven't had that before.

And my back hurts. ohhhhh. I asked dh for a back rub last night- i don't ask for anything. Never. Unless it's once in a while - and only when it really hurts- i'll ask for a back rub. He said no! Because he was too tired. I wanted to slap him in the face. Who the F does he think he is? I'm in physical pain carrying your child and you won't give me a simple back rub?! and it's not even the whole back it's really just this one spot, and he won't do it. and all i ask is a few minutes but apparently that's too much to ask for. Makes me so mad

You know and Natalie your mil reminds me of mine. When we originally gave our due date, my fil said there would be NO vacations anywhere near that time. Well, mil booked a vacation to drive to florida to see family (20 hour drive) taking two of her sons, her daughter and grand daughter with her. She is leaving the 15th-like the 23rd. AND she NEVER goes to FL in the summer. So that has to be a slap in my face too. Then she told me not to have her while she's gone, but she made a comment like 'well, you'll be in the hospital for a while anyway'. WTF?!

DH also invited the family to come over and look at the nursery before baby gets here- and they were supposed to call this week. But whatever my mil has against me- she's not coming anytime soon now because i haven't gotten a call- she leaves friday, and i'm busy the next two days. So screw you. Sorry, a bit pissed. It means a lot to my DH and they do this shit to him all the time. So because it's another girl baby- it doesn't freaking matter? I think it has to do with ME and not the baby, she told me a long time ago she didn't like me and wished he hadn't married me. So i shared my opinions with her as well. But we've been civil for years- and now it's like she's jealous of something. i don't get it.

Going to my appt at 2- then to mom's to swim, and dh is coming over to do an early birthday celebration for him. :) I'll focus on all of that and not how stupid my mil is.
Wow dare, you must be feeling crummy lol. Im sorry you feel crappy today, maybe it will get better? I think we all needed to vent a little. We all seem to be getting more irritable since were getting close to the end. Or at least I am. LOL. I love having a place to vent it all out tho. If we didnt vent we would all for sure murder someone LMAO! And Dare i know exactly what you are talking about, I mean my hubby helps out around here and stuff to an extent but asking him to rub my back is like a no no. Ive asked a hundred times, im like will you rub my back?? He chuckles and goes- Um how bout you rub mine? Im like WTF. grr.
ALSO im starting to feel a little bummed cause im behind all of you. :/ Im like the only one at 34 weeks. You will all be having your babies soooo soon and taking care of them and ill still be waiting all alone LOL.
you will NOT be all alone! We are all going to stick together here right girls!!! i think we should. And look- some of us might go late, and some might come early- and who knows- maybe, you'll be having your baby around the same time someone who is late. And it's ok- think of all the things you'll learn through others going before you- and we can all help each other because we are all going through it. :hugs:

I think i'm going to demand that back rub tonight. Or he's going to be in for a lot of crap from me. My back sucks right now and i think we damn well deserve some attention to our pains. After all- it's THEIR fault we're like this right? selfish pigs. I'm feeling really crabby today! lol!
yes we will all stick together, right till the end!

Dare you should defnitely demand a backrub! I might do the same! Harry Potter started showing here last night, I thought it starts the same time all over the world?

Natalie, hope you enjoyed your boy shopping! Have you thought of boy names now?
Wow Natalie, I think your MIL might put me over the edge... I just don't like the wording of that text, like she's trying to piss you off!! Krystal- I'm so glad you are finally getting a chance to relax a little. Mrstacporter9, sorry your sister is being so pushy, family can really be difficult. Dare- can't wait to hear about your appointment, will you get another internal? I wonder if you are even more dialated or effaced!!!

AFM- My appointment went well this morning and I asked a ton of questions. I am in the US so I see an OBGYN. He basically told me that with inductions the contractions are much stronger which makes it more likely that a uterine rupture could occur, additionally, if you try to force a cervix to open up that isn't ready, the cervix could be stronger than my scar causing the scar to rupture. What he said made alot of sense, and he allowed me to schedule my c-section for August 4th ( he originally said no later than Aug. 1st), so that gives me three days past my due date to go into labor on my own... I might be turning to sex afterall even though that is the last thing in the world I want to do, I just really hope I can have a vaginal birth and I'm counting on going into labor on my own! Sorry that was so long winded!!!
OMG.. Im devastated. My son hit me in the mouth with his head... And loosened one of my bottom front teeth. ITS GOING TO FALL OUT! Im gonna be a snaggle tooth. OMG. The dentist wont do anything but pull it out cause.. well its that loose so im sitting here praying it tightens back up. :'( Sorry.. I had to vent again.
dare i am feeling a little better thank you!!! still shocked but ok!!! in laws eh i would be annoyed if i were you but if that happened to me i would be sooooooo happy :haha: i cant believe "family" are being like this to us u would have thought they would be happy and excited for all of us!! what is with all this bad feeling??? i hope u get your back rub!!! if he says no tell him he will have to pay for you to have a oregnancy massage then!!!! :haha: hope your appointment goes well!! will they be able to have a look down there for u and see if your plug has all gone?

Mrstacporter this group will definatly stay together after births etc and as dare says there will be some of us late etc so do not worry about being here on your own that definately will not happen!!!! so sorry about your tooth!! can u get a false tooth in its place? i hope it does tighten back up for u!!

Tanasha i did enjoy the shopping!! im looking forward to a bit of shopping online tomorrow for me!! one of my fav shops has a sale on so i am hoping to get some bits for when i've lost a bit of weight... but i have no idea what size to go for?!?! yep we have a name we'd thought of it on honeymoon last year when we had decided to try for a baby and had decided if was a boy it would be daniel joseph :happydance:

TTC thats how i felt i honestly felt she was just sticking the knife in with that text i dont know how i didnt go round there and punch her :haha: so glad u had a good appointment!!! thats fantastic news they have given u a few extra days!!!! u will have to try everything!!!! :dohh:

hmmmm as for me my back is also soooooo painful!!! and heartburn is a nightmare again!!! also when i woke up this morning i had pains round the front of my bump quite low and in the hip area lasted hmmm about 2mins then was completly fine again then i had it again this afternoon??!!! im not sure if its the position i was lying in or what!! have any of u ladies had anything like this??
dh is fast asleep on the sofa at the min snoring away hahaha
Mrstaporter your only a week behind me so im sure we will stick it out together< and everyone else is here so it will all be good. Sorry about your tooth :( hope it gets better.

AS for me I went to bed at 9pm last night and stayed in till 2pm today. wasnt dead asleep woke up multiple times but now my head cold has turned into a cough and me being voiceless... i can still talk but its straining lol. UGH so glad I have a dr appt tomorrow even though its for a growth scan I am gonna ask about this crap, I really wanna get rid of it lol.
Aw Mal! I hope you feel better! And I think I read your ticker wrong lol. I was thinking everyone was ahead of me by at least 2 weeks, lol. But YAY!

And Natalie, Ive had so many pains its unreal. My MW told me that because this ws my second, that things are already stretched out so it will be more painful for me, so as far as the pains in the front go, ive had them, tho im not sure if its the same pains as you have had.
yep we are exactly a week apart :) lol and there is always the possibility you will go before me this is my first lol
Oh btw Mal I meant to say this sooner. i see that you are from knoxville tn.. guess what.. I was born and raised in Dickson TN.. SO WOOHOO. I miss it dearly. I heard that Dickson just got its first digital sign for advertising, LMAO. If your unsure of where Dickson is, its 50 miles west of Nashville.
haha I have no clue where dickson is lol, im not from TN but I have lived here long enough to say I am lol.

ugh heartburn kickin in again!!
oh if anyone wants to add me on facebook! add me, just do me a favor n tell me ur BnB screename lol or I wont know who ya are lol

Natalie I love the name Daniel! Very strong!

TTC hope you can go into labour on your own! Have fun with DTD!

So we went to see Harry Potter in the imax and it was great! Even though I excpected abit more. The film ended at 11.30 and then DH asked if he could drop me off and go to the pub. I am so mad! And he does not get why and I cant seem to explain why? He goes about twice a week, so I quess I just dont understand why he has to go now? Does this make sense or am I over reacting????
tanasha no not over reacting at all!!!! i would have been like well why cant i come why do i have to go home etc!!!!!!
i would play a prank on him and say u think u have gone into labour hehehe :haha:
LOL! I keep thinking what if I really do go into labour and he is drunk! I dont want a drunk DH while I am trying to have a baby!
Oh TaNasha I'm soooo with you on that one. I gave DH one final night (this saturday) then he has to stay sober until baby comes!!! By the way I'm so jealous that you got to see Harry Potter already, it doesn't come out here until Friday and I'm not going to see it until Sunday because of all our weekend plans!
yep we are exactly a week apart :) lol and there is always the possibility you will go before me this is my first lol

lol this is my first too hun!!! not sure when i will pop.

yes we will all stick together, right till the end!

Dare you should defnitely demand a backrub! I might do the same! Harry Potter started showing here last night, I thought it starts the same time all over the world?

Natalie, hope you enjoyed your boy shopping! Have you thought of boy names now?

Harry starts here friday- or thursday at midnight! We don't get to see it until sunday though because of the crowds- we go mid day sunday to avoid some of all of that.
Hello ladies! had my appt today -

they did NOT do an internal today. She measured and weighed me- i didn't gain anything since last week- which apparently could be a sign she is coming ? I told them about the plug- she said that was fantastic. She thinks baby weighs about 7 1/2 lbs at most. Probably a bit less.

She also said she will almost definitely be here by the end of the month- so to expect a july baby. :) That's good news! :happydance:

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