3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

ooooohh so exciting dare!!! getting closer
Hey girls.. Once again I haven't been on for a week and there's like 10 pages to catch up on! I will get there eventually!
Been staying with my mum and dad while dh was away at work because u can hardly walk or anything now.. I am absolutely massive and in so much pain! Can't believe there is another 2 weeks and 5 days until my cesarean... Seems like forever when I'm in so much agony and sleeping maybe 3 hours a night :( I'm so whingy and miserable right now lol.. Dh is home now for two whole months :):):) so glad he made it back in time! I have been worried this entire pregnancy that the babies would decide to show up and he wouldn't be here! But now he definately will be ::)

Natalie- I had a quick look back at your posts coz I thought about you the other day and had a 'feeling' your baby had arrived! Was so annoyed i couldn't get on the net! Obviously my 'feeling' was wrong lol but looking back I did get to see your MIL's text message... Excuse me but WTF!?!?! She sounds a bit insane if you ask me lol what a bizarre comment to make to someone! 'hope your not too disappointed'... Dissapointed about what? My gosh, sometimes I wish we could choose our family members lol

So I had my meeting with the anesthetist yesterday about the epidural and pain relief for my cesarean.. Sounds pretty straight forward...
Today I have a special breast feeding class specific for twins to go to :) I like that my hospital offers all these things! Or else I would be totally clueless lol

Hope I haven't missed anything too important, but I will get round to reading everything eventually!!

only 2 weeks and you get to see your babies! :) are u nervous
Ttcnumbertwo, so glad you talked to your obgyn & he is giving you extra days! That's the exact reasons I figured too ... They are usually watching out for your best interest! Hopefully you will be able to have a natural birth... Just don't stress too much bc stress can have the opposite effect of what you want! My sister stressed so much about her first getting here til the dr finally scheduled an induction for the next day... She relaxed knowing he was finally coming & went into labor on her own & didn't have to be induced lol!

Dare glad ur appt went well! :) sorry ur back is hurting!

I'm so glad my DH doesn't drink! I'd be a mad woman! Take me to a movie then go to a pub...I doubt it! I'd probably cry & be angry! But I'm hormonal! No one needs a drunken birth partner!

I had a meltdown at work today ... They kept putting more on me than I could handle even after I told them 3 X's to stop & so then I broke down in tears ... I almost just walked out ...it's hard to take care of tables of customers when you are blubbering like a baby! But eventually the manager apologized to me... I still ended up being at work on my feet for an hour almost past my limit which made me angry! Soooo thankful Tommorrow is my last day! I dread it but at least when it's over I can go home and rest and nest and wait on my baby!! :)
Krystal I'm so glad tomorrow is your last day, I can't imagine waiting tables at this point, you need some time to put your feet up and relax!!! Dare, thats so exciting that they're predicting a July baby for sure, I didn't gain any weight this week either, I hope that's a good sign for me too! TTC, I can't imagine what you must feel like, carrying one baby is such a huge weight that you must be really struggling, good luck with the next two weeks! I have to go shopping for a dress today, have to go to a wedding tomorrow and I have nothing that is appropriate and looks nice, ugh I really didn't want to spend any more money on maternity clothes!!!
ttc dh fifo lovely to see u back!! haha i wish your feeling was right haha i was nearly induced so you were not too far off hehehe!! i know i was talking to dh about his mother she has always been like this but as she has got older he was saying she has just got worse!!!!
wow not long till your cesarean!! are u excited? must be nice to have an actual date that you will meet your babies!! and thats so fantastic dh is home now for a whole 2 months!!! :)

krystal im sorry u had such a rubbish day :( u are nearly done with work for a bit now so thats very positive and i hope your next shift is much better!!!

as for me i have my sweep booked for the 19th with my old midwife!! so if he isnt here by then he should be 19-20th! hopefully anyway as im told her sweeps are fantastic and have a high success rate!!! so i hope it works on me!!! i am tired today didnt get much sleep cos of hubbies snoring again i gave up at like 4am and slept on sofa for a little bit i think an afternoon nap is needed!!! hubby tried to give my back a rub last night but hmm well he kept falling asleep and applied no pressure so was a bit pointless but at least he tried i guess!!!
oh dare i am happy u had such a good appointment!! wow a july baby do they think he will be very early or not?
Ttc dh FIFO, bless your heart! One baby is weighing so heavy on me that I sleep in the recliner chair at night for a few hours til that gets uncomfortable I am
sure two is just miserable on your poor body! At least you have a date to look forward to to meet your sweet babies! Hang in there! You've almost made it :) with twins at that!! I hope you get to feeling a little better and get some rest! Glad your DH is home! Maybe he can spoil you for a bit before the lo's come!

Thanks Natalie. I hope today is better it is my last day!!!!!! I can't believe I've made it this far & will get a break! I expect today to be busy but just praying it goes smoothly & not too long! .... The leg cramps just from working 3-5 hours this week have gotten soooo painful! They literally wake me up and i've ended up biting my blanket to keep from screaming bc they are such torturous pain! I am sooooooo excited about being off work though!!!! And scan and appt tomorrow! I don't figure I've progressed any, but I'm
hoping she will set the induction date and give me something to look forward to! Plus I can't wait to see my baby boy! I want to see how long his hair is getting :) I hope he has loads of it for all this heartburn I've had!
@ Mal- i'm not nervous about that- i'm excited! Can't wait to see her!!!

@Krystal- hun i'm so sorry you broke down at work!!! that's so terrible! and damn right he should've apologized to you!!! Men. Glad today is your last day!!!!

@natalie- well she is due the 31st- so it won't be super early. Dh and i have a feeling next week is the big week. We don't know when but that's just how we feel. This mw - different one than last time- was very excited as well- saying she's coming very soon. I was just glad to hear that! Didn't ask much else!
Hey ladies- quick question to any of you who have experienced contractions:

Think i may have had one contraction last night- is that possible to just have one? All day i was having lower back pain - which i don't usually have- and got up in the night to pee, and this wave of pain came around from my back through my front and just hurt really really bad- and lasted a little bit- then went away, and didn't happen again. But i've not felt anything quite like it. Was curious if it was a contraction? Or if it was just how i was sitting to pee? Bet i sound like a damn fool!
Natalie- I had a sweep done with my son. It hurt and I cramped and bleed, and It did NOT work to bring on labor. I would seriously think about it before you do it. Its more of a 50/50 chance like everything else and you will be cramping.. I hated it. But then again It may work for you. I decided that for this one Im not going to get the sweep done, (that is if I carry that long).
And Dare, Maybe your having contractions and only feeling them in your back? I know when I was in L &D the last time with severe back pain, they told me that was the contractions. Alot of them werent picking up on the monitor, but the dr said that they were def. contractions. :)
started wirh AF style cramps too. Lots of pressure and then more pressure in my back and bum (just like AF). Called my mother just to check with her- she said sounds like body is getting ready and might be light contractions but body probably not exactly there yet. Just nervous as not had this before. If progress will call mw.
Ugh...I'm having a moan. Been in stupid meetings all day, and had basically people deciding to wade in and make changes that basically put the last two weeks of my hard work in the pooper! UGH!!! Why don't people do things when you ask them to, not at the LAST MINUTE that make it so much more difficult....!!!

I know I've only got a week left but I am SO done with work now....and another of my freelance clients have let me know they need me to "be available" up til my due date and will basically still be expecting me to be able to do a couple of hours a day....this is when I HATE being a freelancer....

To make it worse, I was due paying 22 days ago, TWENTY TWO, and I've had nothing! NOTHING!!!!!!! I'm worse than skint, I'm almost a month behind everything and they can't garuntee when I'll next get paid. Blurghhh.

Is it any suprise I have a massive headache.

Moan over......I can't wait for end of next week when I'm actually on "maternity".
Hey ladies- quick question to any of you who have experienced contractions:

Think i may have had one contraction last night- is that possible to just have one? All day i was having lower back pain - which i don't usually have- and got up in the night to pee, and this wave of pain came around from my back through my front and just hurt really really bad- and lasted a little bit- then went away, and didn't happen again. But i've not felt anything quite like it. Was curious if it was a contraction? Or if it was just how i was sitting to pee? Bet i sound like a damn fool!

I've had this as well!!!!!! I said about it a while ago I've had it like 5 times now!!!!! I was wondering if it's body getting ready!!??
Hey ladies- quick question to any of you who have experienced contractions:

Think i may have had one contraction last night- is that possible to just have one? All day i was having lower back pain - which i don't usually have- and got up in the night to pee, and this wave of pain came around from my back through my front and just hurt really really bad- and lasted a little bit- then went away, and didn't happen again. But i've not felt anything quite like it. Was curious if it was a contraction? Or if it was just how i was sitting to pee? Bet i sound like a damn fool!

I've had this as well!!!!!! I said about it a while ago I've had it like 5 times now!!!!! I was wondering if it's body getting ready!!??

I don't think its a contraction....but I don't know. I've been getting intermittent back pain for the past three or so days and the waves at the front every so often...I think its just stuff moving out the way for the final leg!
Hi ladies!

had a midwife appointment and scan this afternoon and everything is fine and E is still growing like a giant! The will not induce me though . She said they can give me a sweep at 40 weeks but thats it! And e is not engaged yet and she said for 1st time babies this should already have happened by 37 weeks otherwise it is an indication that she just wont fit. I also have a lot of amniotoc fluid, which she saids needs to be monitored but nothing to worry about. I googled this but cant find too much info on it?

I am getting so fed up and i just want my baby NOW! But I still have the feeling that she is going to keep us waiting- naughty baby!
i forgot to say mrstacporter i know it might not work but at that point i will be 1 day overdue but from what i have been told my old midwife has a high success rate and to be honest i need to get a bit more used to people being down there and it gives me more chance of getting into the hospital i want and hopefully wont need to be induced!!!

aww batty eak!!! is it graphics i think you said your line of work is? i know that can be stressful in itself!! i cant believe your pay is getting mucked around aswell must be a total nightmare!! tr not to get too stressed you dont want your blood pressure to go up to much i know thats easier said than done though!!!

aww tanasha that must be a nightmare are u measuring ahead? we do have some naughty babies on here hehe
Im measuring 3 weeks ahead! So we are also expecting a 8 or 9 pounder, ouchie!
8-9 is ok anything over i would be panicking!!!!! 3 weeks ahead wow thats mad!!! in parts of my scan i was measuring a little ahead and in other bits i measuring behind!! its mad!!!

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