3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

I was hoping she might come abit earlier because she is measuring ahead but apparantly it doesnt work like that! It just means that she is very comfy inside mommy´s tummy! So now Im wondering how I can make her abit uncomconfortable, just a tad, just enough to make her want to come out!
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ladies - (haha Nat - just seen your message ^^) God... disappear for 2 days and there's like 20 pages to catch up on - so if I forget to reply to anyone I'm so sorry!

Been at the MILs... was only supposed to stay one night but decided to stay another as she wanted to babysit last night, so Steve and I got to go to the cinema! Saw Transformers :) Then realised we had 10 minutes to get back to the car park before it closed so had to literally power walk all the way to the car! Don't think Henry was very impressed with all the hill walking, loud cinema and power walk back - he was going mental in the cinema! :haha: Kept kicking his dad's arm off of me, every loud noise he went mad punching and kicking me... and then decided to lay on my stomach so felt sick towards the end! Then we think Stephen coughed out a wasp - he was breathing weird and coughing as though he was choking, put him on the floor and he coughed and suddenly this half-alive wasp just appeared - he seemed fine afterwards, breathing went back to normal, laughing and playing etc... got told to keep an eye on him incase his throat swelled :shrug: Weird thing was, it couldn't have stung him, but he'd been like it for a couple of hours so was confused why he didn't get stung.

Natalie - I'd ignore your in-laws/their family - they just sound immature and it looks like they're trying to make everything to do with you and your baby negative. Daniel Joseph is a lovely name - and I couldn't believe on FB some of the comments they were making! What right do they have? grrrrrrrrr! OOh and your sweep is booked for the 19th!!!! Hopefully it works and we get to see your little boy by the end of next week!!! :D

Dare - ooh sounds like it's not long for you either! :) Wonder who's gonna pop first... you or Natalie hehe :) Your midwife sounds really happy and confident too!

Krystal - hope your last day at work goes ok! Now you can put your feel up before Silas arrives!

Batty - just because you're freelance doesn't mean they can take the mick! Is there no way you can refuse to give them the work back until they pay you? You're earning a livign too and it's sort of essential to have money before baby arrives! They're expensive little things :) It's really not fair for them to treat you like that! p.s. FULL TERM TOMORROW!!!! :D

Tanasha - don't forget the measuring ahead could be off by a couple of weeks! :) and if you're carrying fluid/still quite high that could have an impact on it too! So... just hope she's got it wrong! :)

and whoever was talking about sticking together on here... course we will :) We've pretty much gone through the last 9 months all together chatting pretty much EVERYDAY :) So, it would be silly not to carry on when we all have our babies! Gonna need each other and each other's advice and opinions etc :) Can't believe still it's so close to the end!!
oooooh yeah i forgot u had gone away hahaha :dohh:
did u have a nice time?
i know i cannot believe his family they are total ******* the way they are going they will have very little to do with this little man!! i already think he doesnt like them as whenever they are around he will not kick at all!!!! whereas with my family and anyone else he kicks away happily!!! i am kinda looking forward to having a sweep i really dont want to go toooo overdue as so ready now!!! esp after earlier this week!! it would be nice if he could be good for a while and come early!!! i was thinking earlier is daniel the right name?? seems more like dennis the menace!!!! hahaha
ahhh what did u think of transformers? that power walk didnt get things moving for u then? hehe
oh wow a wasp!! eak!!! glad he is ok but what a shock!! maybe the wasp had already lost its sting.. is it wasps that once they have stung they've lost it and die? glad he is ok must have been a shock for u!!
all of them!!! i need to try them myself i want baby now!!!!! bored of waiting!!!! :hehe:
hello ladies so the cramps I was having is a prelude to labor- after just looking up a bunch of stuff and asking around. It doesn't happen to everyone though. But my mother bets it's next week too. If I make it that far. Lol.

natalie- the bees that die are honey bees- and they are the nice ones that don't really want to sting you. Wasps and yellow jackets can just keep stinging over and over again. I was stung 20 times in the leg in one sitting in high school thanks to an angry yellow jacket. Kids were tormenting it and it went after me. Of course.

hope everyone is well- using my ell so hard to comment!
All it did was push him further into my pelvis... which is why I need a new one :D It feels broken/bruised :( and I'm walking at the pace of a snail now cause it's so uncomfortable! :haha:

Transformers was really good - just wasn't the same without Megan Fox! The new girl was pretty crap! lol

Don't make them doubt your name choice :) If you are sure that's the one then don't change it for anyone. Only you and your hubby will know when he's born if he looks like a Daniel :) I stillllllllll can't believe she is now a he! How could they miss his little winky!? Guess there's always that little percentage hey!

:haha: Just think would you wanna give birth the night after a curry... could be quite messy ;)
hello ladies so the cramps I was having is a prelude to labor- after just looking up a bunch of stuff and asking around. It doesn't happen to everyone though. But my mother bets it's next week too. If I make it that far. Lol.

natalie- the bees that die are honey bees- and they are the nice ones that don't really want to sting you. Wasps and yellow jackets can just keep stinging over and over again. I was stung 20 times in the leg in one sitting in high school thanks to an angry yellow jacket. Kids were tormenting it and it went after me. Of course.

hope everyone is well- using my ell so hard to comment!

what does that mean a prelude to labour? it seems so strange just to have the one though doesnt it!!! i kept waiting for more hahaha!!!
All it did was push him further into my pelvis... which is why I need a new one :D It feels broken/bruised :( and I'm walking at the pace of a snail now cause it's so uncomfortable! :haha:

Transformers was really good - just wasn't the same without Megan Fox! The new girl was pretty crap! lol

Don't make them doubt your name choice :) If you are sure that's the one then don't change it for anyone. Only you and your hubby will know when he's born if he looks like a Daniel :) I stillllllllll can't believe she is now a he! How could they miss his little winky!? Guess there's always that little percentage hey!

:haha: Just think would you wanna give birth the night after a curry... could be quite messy ;)

ooooo thats exciting he is moving down more!!! getting ready to come out!!!
i know i thought that with the new girl she seem really out of place!!!
haha just how naughty he is made me think he should be dennis the menace!!!:haha: i know i cant believe it either even though ive brought him all these lovely clothes i cant bring myself to wash them ready just in case they got it wrong haha but you couldnt miss it didnt look small!!!!!!!!!! :haha: i dont think i will believe it till he is here and i can see properly!! i feel bad my friend is pregnant and she had a gender scan and they said its a girl she is worried herself that they have got it wrong and is refusing to buy any more pink bits just incase!!!
oh no that would be sooooo embarrassing!! bro in law said i should have a meaty curry (im veggie) he said that'll give u diarreah and get things moving... i was just thinking yes it will give me diarreah and sickness and generally make me very ill!!! :wacko:
and what was up with her 'overly-British' accent... and after everything the original couple went through in the first two - it makes NO sense as to why she'd just dump him!? lol

hehe! ahh where was he hiding it in the first place...! God... can you imagine if you hadn't gone in and had that scan, you'd have had all pink clothes etc and then be told 'here's your little boy' - everything happens for a reason, so there was a reason you had that spotting and that scan! I bet everyone who knows what happened who's pregnant is like ahhhh what if my scan was wrong!? Is the hubby used to the idea he's a boy now?

haha I'd just avoid things that are supposed to give you diarreah (how hard is that to spell!) and just do things that have a less messy outcome... like DTD and RLT and lots of walking/bouncing!
Just got off the phone with the midwife- and they said i have to time the cramping- because they might be contractions! It happens to some ladies like that! that's scary!!!

Could be nothing at all but very possibly could be labor starting.
hey guys, well I had my 35 weeks appt today and SO did not know I was getting GBS tested today that was unexpected. But we had a growth scan FINALLY and she is measuring ins 31% percentile which they said is good. She is also measuring about 5lbs 8 ounces and they said that is perfect. Im still measuring a week behind. Sonographer was suprised since I have GD she said most are measuring bigger.

AND her head was SOOOOo low they had a hard time measuring it. I told her I had felt pressure yesterday in my butt lol but didnt think nothing of it cause I felt her butt in my ribs and they said she most likely is a long baby lol

BUT thats the good news. I had a horrible start to my day! I dont drive very often as I dont have a car, and since OH has been working outta town his mom has been driving his truck(stick) that I cant drive and I have had her car just in case of emergency or dr appts. So Im driving to go pick up my OH check and go to dr then come home. So as Im driving there is an undercover cop driving 2 lane over from me and 3 cars ahead of me. next thing I know he swerves into emergency lane and pulls behind me and turns lights on. As Im sitting here trying to figure out what I did, I wasnt speeding, my seat belt is one. WTF. Guys comes up to ym window and doesnt tell me why he pulled me over which most cops do and asks for my license/ registration all th blah. Told him I had to find rgistration cause it was not my car. He then asked me who it belonged to and I told him and he asked me if she had any other cars and I said no not REALIZING that she had another car caues it was irrelevant because it was a junk car. Well he then informs me the tags on the car I was driving were for the other car and I told him that that car was parked due to a blown engine. So then I call owner of car and was like the tags are wrong oh no there not i had them transfered. So cop comes back and I tell look I dont drive cause I dont own a car Im only using it to pick up a check and go to dr. told him twhat she said about the tags supposedly being transfered and he tells me he only believes HALF of my story ebcause I apparently am driving and he is standing in the HOT sun pulling me over and of course I am crying at this point cause Im stressed out at how rude he is being to me and calling me a liar. SO long story short I get a ticket. i understand they have a job to do thats fine I dont mind that part but geesus BE respectful
I told you dare! lol Just keep an Eye on them. if your lucky they will be your contractions and maybe baby isnt far off!!!! Good luck-

Mal Im sorry for the crappy start to the day. I hate tickets.
and what was up with her 'overly-British' accent... and after everything the original couple went through in the first two - it makes NO sense as to why she'd just dump him!? lol

hehe! ahh where was he hiding it in the first place...! God... can you imagine if you hadn't gone in and had that scan, you'd have had all pink clothes etc and then be told 'here's your little boy' - everything happens for a reason, so there was a reason you had that spotting and that scan! I bet everyone who knows what happened who's pregnant is like ahhhh what if my scan was wrong!? Is the hubby used to the idea he's a boy now?

haha I'd just avoid things that are supposed to give you diarreah (how hard is that to spell!) and just do things that have a less messy outcome... like DTD and RLT and lots of walking/bouncing!

i know!!!! she was awful really tried too hard!! i was trying to figure out for ages what had happened with him and (well i cant think of her name) megan fox!!!
i know i would love to know where he was hiding it!!! thats it and i havent had any more spotting so thats good!! i did scare myself earlier u will laugh i'd forgotten i had eaten a load of beetroot for dinner last night and when i went to the toilet everything was a red colour and i was like wtf!! and was so scared for like 30 secs and about to take a pic and call l&d when i realised ohhhh that'll be the beetroot :rofl:
i know i have no idea on how u spell diarreah!!
i keep forgetting to drink rlt its awful it just never occurs to me cos i am constantly drinking juice!!!!!
oh wow dare are u having more than one?????????? eak!!!!!!
mal sorry u had such a rubbish start for to the day!! but glad your appointment went well
ya Dr appt. made up for it. Have to say was not please about GBS testing that is just a little to personal having a swab in your butt EWWW eEW. BUT glad Lily is on track with her weight and she is not huge. :) I guess Im going in every week now as she scheduled me for next week. ooooh boy its getting close.... I still think she is gonna come early her head is so low and I have had some pressure down there past 2 days. eeek
:rofl: at the beetroot incident!! Does it really change the colour of your wee??

Dare - ahh let us know how often you're getting them :D

Mal - that sucks! You think they'd have a bit more compassion as you're heavily pregnant!!! :(
it really does charlie if u eat enough of it and not just your wee............

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