3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

i laughed at myself after i realised can u imagine if i had called up and they asked me to take a sample in hahahahahha :rofl:
LoL it's taken me forever to catch up it's been a busy day on here! I can't stop laughing at everyones stories and antics! :)

My last day wasn't so bad! The manager told the host "we will just make Krystal stay on since it's her last day" luckily it was slow & I went and confronted him and told him I wasn't staying just to take one more table & he let me go home! I went and fixed our baby registr. At target bc the baby shower is Sunday and it was all messed up somehow. Then I got DH the new college football (American football) game for his ps3 & picked up pizza for dinner and a couple of sweet cards that I wrote in for him ... One about how much I love him & one about how he will be the best dad & all the things I can't wait to see him do with our son ... And put it all in an extra pizza box as a suprise :) for all his care and hard work around here :) he was very pleased, & the card about the baby even made him tear up :)

Dr appt in the morning! Praying we get good measurements ... Our baby was measuring to be an 8-9 lb-er too hoping it's not any bigger this time! Hoping I've progressed some at least & that she will set my induction date so I will know! I really Want the 28th!

Mal sorry about your ticket and rubbish day! Surely if u go to court & prove otherwise about the tags they will dismiss it ... Why would he be so rude to u ... Stupid man!
I hope your day got better & glad ur dr appt went well!

Charlie glad you enjoyed your trip and your night out! :)

Batty sorry your job is being crazy! You need a break they can't make u work til your due date ESP if they aren't paying you! Ugh! I'd raise heck!

Dare sounds exciting!! You may beat me ESP if she waits to induce til the 28 like I want!
Charlie- I can't believe that wasp incident, that would really freak me out! Mal- sorry about the bad car situation, what a bummer. At least the doctors appt. made up for it! Dare, I can't believe you might be having contractions, how exciting! Krystal- glad you had a good day, now relax! Not much going on here, just got home from a carnival, ate some junk food and DS got to ride some rides, but man my feet hurt!!
-Ugh my contractions came back this evening- I think I did to much in the yard today.Anyways i took a bath and it seemed to calm them down a little. I feel humongus right now. No position is comfortable to sit lay or stand in. :/ Im pretty sure baby has dropped, or def has moved waaaay down.I can fit a fist in between my boobs and stomach now, and since i was measuring 2 cm smaller at the last visit, i think that is confirming it. (besides i feel her head moving, waaaaaay , down low.)

Im glad no one is having any major problems right now. :) It makes me feel good to know that we are all hanging in there.

DS is still awake and refusing to go to sleep. He is still laying in his bed yelling... 2 hours worth of this. OMG. I cant stand much more of this screaming. I swear the closer I get to having this baby, the stupider he is acting. And I dont know if any of you other moms have this issue, but he is extremely clingy lately, not that I really mind, Im one of those protective mothers that dont let him out of my sight anyways- But i cant even shut the door to the bathroom without him throwing a hissy fit. Normally when hubby isnt home, DS is in the bathroom with me, but when hubby is home, i get to pee in 5 secs of peace... until the recent global meltdowns.
Morning ladies
Krystal wow I can't believe your work tried to make u stay on extra at end of your shift!! Well done u for not staying and what a lovely thing u did for your dh!!!
Mrstacporter ahhhh u having contractions too??? At this rate everyone will be popping before me!!!! Sorry ds is acting up a bit maybe he realises things will change soon and there will be a baby that needs all your attention instead of him??

Me well dh was very sweet slept on sofa so I could get a decent nights sleep but could I no!!! Must have been one of my worst nights constantly getting up for toilet, kept feeling dehydrated and heartburn sick and bump was hurting looks bit bigger today and lower!!! So am staying in bed a little longer to see if I can get any more sleep!!
Stephen's just started getting really clingy but someone said that's normal at around 9 months - just hope he'll be ok when he goes to his nan's for a few days when we have this baby (gonna miss him like mad!!!) maybe your son is playing up cause he's jealous - sounds a bit like he's acting like a 'baby' to get your attention? And all the other bad behaviour is linked - especially if he knows you'll react to his bad behaviour? Have you tried just ignoring it? :shrug:

Krystal - yaaaay you can put your feet up finally :) and that is so lovey what you did for your hubby - all your OHs seem so excited and willing to help out loads - it's lovely :) let's just hope this carries on when we all have our babies hey?! :)

Dare - how are the contraction timings going?

Yaaaaaaay 37 weeks today!!!! Come on baby Wilson - hurry up out of there :)
Get as much sleep in now as you can! Labour and looking after a new baby can be exhausting! So when they say rest it is the best thing you can do :)
Oka lol im always on when yu guys go to bed and when you wake up hahahah I guess its time for me to go to bed lol.
Congratulations on 37 weeks full term woooooo!!!!
I'm trying but sleeping seems to be getting more and more impossible!!!
Happy 37 weeks hunni!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i feel so emotional today as in happy emotional, everyone is so close! 39 weeks for me today eeeeeeek!

I was expecting to see some new babies after a few days of not being on!! come on ladies POP!!!! my bets are on dare next hehehe!!!!

at my baby shower there was a predictions chart of when baby will come and i put the 17th so ive got 2 days to see if i was right :S most other ppl put me late (NOOOOOOOOOOOO)!!!

Soooo Chris and I have decided to go fishing this weekend, which = camping!!!! mad i know but i need to do something! sitting at home makes the time go so slow!!!!! So today I am blitzing the house incase something happens while we are away and i want to come home to a clean house!! Il be sure to pack my hospital bag in the car too hehe! I need to go for a hair cut really too but not sure if il be able to squeeze that in! I hope so coz i need it and im sure i wont have time once baby is here!!!!! x
Happy 37 weeks batty
Happy 39 weeks samira u mad chicken!!!!!

Ahhhh wish this naughty baby would hurry up and come already I'm sooooo impatient!!!!
Natalie- I am having the sleep issue as well, thats funny cause I just told hubby that I should have slept on the couch last night. Im not sleeping hardly at all and im exhausted already cause i cant nap during the day thanks to the clingy little wombat child lol.
Charlie- Yes Ive tried ignoring it. I wonder if he compreheneds yet that there is actually going to be a baby. I mean I know hes smart and all, but are they able to actually KNOW whats going to happen yet? I mean He knows mommys got a baby in her belly, but i wonder if he knows exactly whats happening. Also My mom said its typical that first borns get real clingy before the mother gives birth. Its like something in nature lets them know something is different. (sorry Im a big beliver that we are all animals and have certain instincts- Like sometimes before a big storm comes, you just feel it.)
That's what I said to dh last night that I should sleep on sofa but he said no u slept there last night and u need to get a good nights sleep!! Well neither of us did!! I'm gonna try exhaust myself today so I hope I can sleep better later!!!
Samira - cannot believe you're going camping! Haha well at least it keeps you busy for a couple of days! I was the same - I went to mils and came back on here hoping someone had popped! It seems on this thread everyone's baby is keeping them waiting but in the august mummy thread - all the baby's are wanting to come out early!!

Mrstacporter - I think baby's and children are a lot wiser to things than we give them credit for. Especially when a new baby is involved and they see the new baby stuff go up and buying the new baby stuff etc. Ooh I wonder if that's why Stephen is clingy at the moment the. - cause baby is about to show up :D he might just need that extra bit of reassurance that even with a baby you're not just gonna abandon him (I'm not saying anyone would abandon their child for a new one, but it must be a scary time for them). :) it's hard to know what to do/ what's wrong really isn't it :hugs:
Hello Beautiful Ladies in waiting :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I finally got checked at my Midwife appointment yesterday, I haven't had any symptoms so I was very pleasantly surprised to hear my cervix was 1.5cm dilated, 50%thinned and very soft, and the babies head is engaged at a -1 which is right at my cervix (that explains the pressure:) I bought an exercise ball yesterday, looks like I will bouncing all day today! I feel really good today, hopefully it is the calm before the storm. So ready to meet this baby.

And thanks to Natalie, I am totally freaking that it might not be a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guess everyone is having sleep problems, I woke up at 4 with gas pains that I convinced myself were contractions...obviously it wasn't, ha ha! Hope everyone can at least get some naps during the day!
Does palable and engaged mean the same thing??

I think palable means how soft the cervix is or thinned out, and engaged is the babies position in the birth canal. Hopefully somebody has a better answer:shrug:
Oppsie sorry estar!! That's fab u are dilated!! I am soooooo jealous though!! When I was checked on mon I was all closed up and cervix is long? Which I think means I have a while to go!!! I really want this monkey out now!! I am feeling fed up!!!

Awww ttc I had that the other day I got all excited then realised!! I'm trying not to nap today so will hopefully be so tired I can actually get a good nights sleep for a change!!
Does palable and engaged mean the same thing??

I think palable means how soft the cervix is or thinned out, and engaged is the babies position in the birth canal. Hopefully somebody has a better answer:shrug:

Ahhh I see I was confused as on my note from when I was in hosp at 1st I was 3/5 palable and then in the morning I was 2/5 palable but they didn't do an internal check in the morning!

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