3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Palpable is how much of the head they can feel out of the pelvis - it confuses me cause when they say 2/5ths is that only 2/5ths of his head is in my pelvis or what they can feel out of my pelvis :shrug:

And sorry ladies I'm still getting a full 7 hours+ sleep at night - I hardly wake to pee but I think that has to do with the fact I'm so tired I just don't wake up if I need to wee a bit :haha:
Ooh I see basically the same as engaged then!! Just different wording!!
I'm so jealous of u getting sleep so not fair!!! :(
Just googled and it says 2/5ths mean only two fingers depth of baby's head can be felt above the pubic bone and you're aiming to get to 0/5ths which apparently means fully engaged :)
Ah-ha thank u!! Still a way to go yet!!!
What's a long cervix mean do u know??
I think when you get to 0/5ths you're pretty much giving birth/in labour?

Just means your cervix hasn't shortened (which again from reading google means when kt shortens it is because it's dialating) but that can apparently happen in minutes and isn't a good indication o when labour might happen :shrug:
Be careful....different midwives write it differently so look at your notes.....

Mine says palpable...so I want the number to get lower (I want her to feel less head as baby descends..)....but some will write it as how much has gone IN so you want the number to get higher....
@ Charlie- Contractions stopped around 430 pm yesterday- of course, right around the time they told me i needed to count them. lol. But i had ONE this morning- i still find it weird that i have to time these cramps because to me they don't sound anything like contractions- i had one that lasted like 20 seconds or so. That's all i've had. My friend confirmed hers started the same way though- they were cramps and then progressed into full blown contractions pretty fast. and HAPPY 37 weeks!

@Samira - happy 39 weeks!!!!! wow!

@Estar- i'm having the same fear!!!! i told dh about what happened to poor natalie and he was like 'uh ohhh...' now we're scared!

having my cramping like once or twice this morning. back is killing me again. Having trouble sleeping at night with not being able to get comfortable. Ugh. I want to meet my baby.
It's confusing why some midwives would write it one way and others write it another way!

Dare - typical! I remember when I was contracting every 3 minutes and we got told to go in, got there and they'd stopped :dohh: then about 7 hours later was contracting but not 'properly, and after they finished monitoring me and booked me in the next day for being induced te real ones started - my god they were painful! And they sent me home, was back in again an hour later - 4 hours later he was here :) so it's funny how they can just start off 'mild' or slight cramps and go bam into full blown established labour ones! Keep an eye out :haha: unless you're one of those women who are in labour and don't realise it!
It's confusing why some midwives would write it one way and others write it another way!

Dare - typical! I remember when I was contracting every 3 minutes and we got told to go in, got there and they'd stopped :dohh: then about 7 hours later was contracting but not 'properly, and after they finished monitoring me and booked me in the next day for being induced te real ones started - my god they were painful! And they sent me home, was back in again an hour later - 4 hours later he was here :) so it's funny how they can just start off 'mild' or slight cramps and go bam into full blown established labour ones! Keep an eye out :haha: unless you're one of those women who are in labour and don't realise it!

Yeah i hope that she does come soon though. I told dh i wanted her to be here this weekend- and he said why not next weekend? Because he wants to go out this weekend and do a few things. AFTER saying how bad he wants to hold her, now he wants her to hold off? Sorry but that pisses me off!!!!!
Lol what's he got planned? See I'd want her here just cause I know he had stuff he wanted to do! Silly men!!
just go out with a friend on saturday- and then see harry potter on sunday with our friends. But.... I want my baby now :)
My hubby is pretty good on things like that. Like when I had to go to L&D for preterm labor contractions, hubby was scheduled to go out in to the feild for a week. ( shooting range that they have to stay out in for days at a time traaining) He told his 1st sgt that he needed to stay closer to home in case if I needed him for anything, so they let him avoid going out into the field. And the closer I get to delivery, the more he likes to become a house body. He likes us to stay home for the most part, lol. My hubby loves it when Im this pregnant.. even tho im miserable, he get the most excited and comforting when im this huge. I love him for it.
he just wants to get things done before baby gets here. He is a homebody normally- so we don't really have a problem with any of that. But like he just wants to go and get a few things done and then will be happy for baby to arrive and be home :) and yeah- dh keeps telling me how adorable I am pregnant. Lol
Thats sweet dare! Lol
Im gonna force that man of mine, to help me this weekend. my house is ready for ANOTHER super deep cleaning and i want to get it done. I need to wash up baby clothes- along with all of our clothes lol- and get things ready. With my son I nested the entire pregnancy, from the day we bought our son his first onsie. With this one, im way more laid back and am pushing things til the last min. I know I really shouldnt but my energy levels seriously fluctuate. Also we are in the process of buying a house as well, hopefully we will be in it by august. Preferably before baby comes! But seeing as how ill probably pop before then, i need to prepare this house (yuck) for babys arrival. I hate this rental so bad. We pay nearly 800 dollars a month to live here and everyday there is something new going wrong and its driving me freaking crazy. the AC leaked, we have a leak in the roof, the alarm system malfunctioned, we have an ant problem, and a fly problem, (We are very clean people and never had this many bugs before).I understand we live in the country and who doesnt expect a fly to swarm in every now and then- but this crap is for the birds. I keep fighting the ants off, they make huge roads down our walls. I cant sleep at night cause i think some kind of critter will get in the bed with us, it makes my skin crawl! Sorry again i had to vent. Im having another grouchy day and the baby is pushing into my pelvis and stretching it causing sharp pains. Ugh. it hurts, i feel like the only releif i will get is from squatting, but im a little afraid to do that cause im still slightly early and i dont want things to progress to quickly. Also i got a question for you beautiful ladies----

Terbutaline- the med that they gave me to stop labor Ive read some bad/good things about it. My question is, if I go into labor again...soon-like before 37 weeks- Should I get those shots again? Or just let nature take its course? i mean, what would you girls do? Me and hubby have refused the magneseum sulfate--- BAD EVIL STUFF... And the terbutaline only worked the 2 days. And I belive in if you go into labor, that the baby must be ready-- Unless your like super super early, then obviously there is a problem, but im real close to term... So would it be ok just to refuse the meds and have my girl?
mrstacporter- that's a really hard question. I don't know to be honest. I'd like to say i'd go ahead and have her- because i hate those shots and things and if it's only stopping you for 2 days... seems she's ready to me. I think i would elect to have her. I would feel way more comfy though as close to 37 weeks as i could get. I think i'd take it easy and relax a lot so that i didn't cause labor to come early too. But this is YOUR baby and ultimately your decision. Just make sure whatever it is you are comfortable with it. Would you feel bad if her lungs are under developed and she has to be monitored if coming early? OR what if the date was off that they gave you and you are farther along than they think and she comes out perfectly fine? You just have to be prepared for the worst. As long as you can handle that- go for it. But you just don't want to beat yourself up for either decision.
Thank you dare, I would be much more comfortable with her waiting until we were at least 37 weeks, but the way I feel and stuff, I remember feeling like this not long before I had my son-- and then again i may get shocked and carry to 42 weeks lol. Im not doing anything to get her here early. I dont want her to be sickly if thats what your asking. But I think my dates may be a little off and maybe shes just a smaller baby. I was only 4 lbs at birth, and my son was 6 lb 9 oz. So our family- including my mother and sister, weve all had "smaller" babies. I think she may just be smaller and maybe My dates are a little off. We were trying for 3 months before I got pregnant so maybe we got pregnant sooner than we thought!

Also I wanted to add- Yes i would feel bad if her lungs were under developed..... Who wouldnt?? Thats why I had the steriod shots to mature her lungs in case she came early. Im not in active labor or anything.. Ive just been pondering the situation since they told me I could deliver early. Ive made it this far so I know Im/were doing great on that. Cause I was in preterm labor at 33 weeks even and Ive almost made it to 35! Maybe if we are lucky she will be right on time, but I figured it was worth a bit of pondering. terbutaline is hell on my heart and raced it up to 140 BPM. So I honestly would prefer to not have a heart attack and cause my baby even more problems. Im seriously considering just having her if I have to go back in for anything. The midwife told me that after I hit 36 weeks I can resume all activities and sex, and that it would be fine to welcome baby then.
oh boy I hated that shot, I felt like I was on speed. I got it at 31 or 32 weeks. I didnt even know I was having contractions. But they were showing up on the monitor.

So I think that my baby has def dropped as my belly feels heavy and looks like it has shrunk haha YAY me :)
ooh I don't think we can make that decision for you incase it's the wrong one and the last thing any of us would want is to make a mistake with your baby. You have to go with your instincts at the time it happens. Hopefully, she'll make it to 37 weeks + and then you won't have to worry as much but if not then only you can decide what you think is best. :hugs:
dare i have been the same my back is murderous i cant sleep at all!!! thats typical that its all stopped again!! i want baby here this weekend as well!!! i am so bored of waiting!! hehe
Mrstacporter i do not have any advice for u i am afraid, it all means nothing to me but seems like a decision u need to make for yourself!!! :-S

me hmmm well all day i have been cleaning i thought i would do as much as i can so i would be tired and get a good sleep tonight but i still have so much energy and have cleaned everything that i can and done everything i can other than put stuff on ebay which i cant be bothered to do as at the min its difficult for me to take masses of stuff to the post office for posting!!! i wonder if i have last min nesting haha

oh heartburn just seems to be getting worse :(
Well I thank everyone for their input. I know the ultimate decision is mine... I just thought maybe hearing others stories/ Point of view/etc... would help me in the long run...

But now I officially feel stupid and wish I hadnt asked for advice. I guess Ill just wait it out and not worry about it.. :/

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