3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

mrstac- do NOT feel stupid. There is no reason to! I would be asking the same. I hope what I wrote before didn't come off as harsh I didn't mean it to. More just to say weigh your options and think hard on what's worst case scenario and would you be ok with it. In ur place... I don't know what I'd do. I'd be asking everyone here though and scared. So thinking of you and baby :hugs:
Well I thank everyone for their input. I know the ultimate decision is mine... I just thought maybe hearing others stories/ Point of view/etc... would help me in the long run...

But now I officially feel stupid and wish I hadnt asked for advice. I guess Ill just wait it out and not worry about it.. :/

Awwww don't feel stupid :hugs: it's something I know nothing about hence I can't comment!! Some of the questions I come out with make me sound soooo stupid :haha: but that's what we are here for to help each other through these questions etc!!!!
I still can't sleep ahhhh I've been so busy today trying to make myself tired got so much done it's nearly 3am and still wide-awake I got into bed with dh but his snoring so bad I've come back to sofa to give me some chance!! I've shut bedroom door and come into next room I can still hear him!!! Oh dear!!! I asked him to give back a massage and all I got was I'm too tired he is always to tired for anything these days we haven't dtd cos he is too tired no wonder u ladies are doing better than me and babies are more likely to come before mine!!! Sorry I'm having a moan again :haha:
Mrstacporter - nooooooo don't feel stupid!!!!!! Like Natalie I can't really comment cause I haven't been in that situation either. I was just saying that only you will know what's best at the time for both you and your little girl which is probably better than one of our opinions influencing your decision.

If I had to say what I would do, I guess I would probably let nature get on with things, especially if the contraction-stopping medication made me feel like I was having a heart attack - if I was pre-32 weeks then maybe I would take it again as I'd want to make sure baby had a couple more weeks in my belly at least, but post-34 weeks I would assume that with all the technology and advance in medical procedures etc that baby would have a huge chance of being ok and just need a little bit of extra help!

I really hope you didn't think that I didn't help you or it was just pointless in what I said - I just don't want to influence your own opinions and get it wrong :hugs:

Natalie - You should try selling stuff on the 'sell' section on bnb or at least advertise your ebay stuff on that section! :)

Well...nothing much to report here..... my best friend is coming to visit me for a carvery and a brownie sundae today (unless she lets me down as she is a tad unreliable) and I'm watching Stephen play with my makeup (shhhh don't tell his Daddy! hehe)! Weather's pretty rubbish BUT it's better than having boiling hot sunshine IMO!!! :)

What's everyone else got planned???
charlie once i got the bits on ebay i will add the link on the sell bit but i'm wondering if by some chance i have baby by time bits end etc how i will have the time to get the bits to the post office!!!
as charlie says the weather is yukky here ut its nice not to be sweating like a pig!!! :haha: im not sure what we doing this weekend we have nothing planned but i feel like doing something as already feel bored hahaha need something to do rather than just thinking when is this baby gonna come!!!!! hmmmm brownie sundae sounds soooo yummy!!!!
:haha: you know you'll sell them and hten go into labour! :dohh: You'll have to get the hubby to rush down there for you! Or you should put on the end of the description 'could pop at anytime so could take a while getting back to you' ;)

and omg they are!!! I actually don't want the carvery- just the sundae hehe!
:haha: you know you'll sell them and hten go into labour! :dohh: You'll have to get the hubby to rush down there for you! Or you should put on the end of the description 'could pop at anytime so could take a while getting back to you' ;)

and omg they are!!! I actually don't want the carvery- just the sundae hehe!

i know i think thats why im holding off!! :haha:
hahaha yeah the sundae sounds good!!!!
Sorry for my last post... I re read it and it sounded quite bitchy. :( Thank all of youu for your inputs! And none of your posts were "pointless". Even if you have never been there. :)
Nooo not bitchy - I was more concerned that I hadn't helped you enough and you felt a bit upset etc! :)
@natalie - ugh my sleeping has been interrupted hourly as i think i am peeing even MORE now than i was before. How is that even possible?

@charlie- hope you have fun with your friend hun!!!!

As for me, feeling decent today- no cramps yet today. Did realize the dog has been extra whiny and annoying the last 3 days- since the cramping started on thursday. Wondering if he is able to sense something i can't? Not sure.

DH is out today with his friend looking for a guitar, and i'm here... home... by myself... You know it does piss me off, that everytime he has a bit of extra money- guess where it goes? To himself. All the time. Last month he had work done on his tattoo- and i don't even want to think about the total of that. Then he's going to buy a guitar?

I'm not working- so, the money he makes i would think if you have that kind of extra set it aside. I went out last night with a friend to catch up and i paid with money i have saved up because i feel too bad asking him to pay for a dinner. And he's out buying an Fing guitar right now.

I got a gift certificate to amazon right- i bought something FOR the baby. all my extra money will be going to things for her. And when i buy gifts for him and my family- i've been paying. nothing from him. It just upsets me. Maybe i'm just being ridiculous. But, it just pisses me off that i'm using saved up money when he told me a while ago he would be paying for everything. Well... wonder when that's going to freaking happen. All my money was supposed to be used for me if i want something- or like for the baby if she needs something special or something- he told me not to use it at all. But for my dad for father's day and his upcoming birthday i told him what i was buying and he didn't say anything like where i could take money from to reimburse myself. Not a word.

ANYWAY sorry for the mini rant.

Tomorrow i get to go see harry potter with some dear friends (very excited!) !! Those are my plans for the weekend... lol.
mrstacporter EAK!!! i know!!!! i dont think this little monkey will come by monday though i think he will be late ive told him while he is in there he is on the naughty step and to think about what he has done :haha: making me think he was a girl!!!! tut tut!!!! i was hoping that might make him come out a bit earlier haha no chance!!!

ohhh dare i know im finding i am going to the toilet at night and as soon as i have got up i need to go again last night im sure this happened 10 times i was in there for ages hahaha!!! such a nightmare!!!! how is it even possible???
aww im sorry he is being a pain with money!!! how horrid i would feel the same as u guilty for asking etc :( its like i know i am planning on losing weight and im going to need to buy new clothes, so i am going to sell bits on ebay to raise some money for it!!!

as for me well i dont have loads of energy today, ive been sitting here playing games and googling bits all day making the most of a lazy day!!! i went to lie down on the floor as back was hurting and struggled to get up dh was laughing at me cos was such a sight :haha: tomorrow have nothing planned either shame i kinda want to do something but i dont know what be nice to do something that we wont get a chance to do when baby is finally here!!!!
So I woke up this morning, stood up and omg I can breath! I was able to take a nice deep breath and it felt so gooooood. My tummy feels sore. as if all the stretched out parts are like OMG shew its not tight anymore lol.
Hi all, I keep hoping when I get on here someone will have had a baby, but no such luck! Just got back from a birthday party with 20 two year olds, boy that was fun, ha ha! I'im just so sick of comments from everyone about how I look miserable, and like I'm about ready to pop- I really wish people would tell you you look nice or nothing at all! Natalie, I can't believe you're so close to your due date, and Dare I keep thinking you might be the one to go first... .who knows???
Dare - I'm sorry he's being a pain with money - maybe you should just say outright how you feel as the majority of men don't realise that they're being selfish. I control all the money in our house, I have Steve's card so when his wages go in I have control on what gets spent on what and if there's money left over he can have it - he still takes the piss and asks for more! Lol

Natalie - go to the cinema - won't have time for that when he gets here :) we used to go every week and now it's once every 4 months :haha: just have to wait for them to come on sky now!! :) and tell your naughty monkey to get here soon!! I think everyone Is waiting on you to pop! :) hehe - everyone was wrong though on saying they thought he'd be here early! How are the in-laws now? Still being pains in the ass?

Mal - yay for being able to breathe lol

Ttc - just ignore their comments! Some people just like to put people down constantly!
thats a good idea charlie i said that to dh said i wanted to see bridesmaids he rolled his eyes hahaha
i know i thought i was gonna be early too!!!!well i was wrong on him being a girl and being early so it seems!! im thinking (well hoping) if the sweep works he might be here late tues/ weds!! if not who knows i will probs end up being induced!!!!
havent heard anything from the in laws since that text maybe she got the message when i didnt reply and (im sure it was her knocking at the door the other day but i didnt answer and had all curtains shut :haha: ) she keeps asking for the landline number but im not giving it to her esp when i cant see who is calling!!!!!!! :haha:
who was your carvery and sundae? u made me want one soooo much i made dh take me to shops so i could get ice cream, brownie bites, choc sauce and whipped cream!!! the woman in the shop couldnt believe i was due in 2 days!!! but at least they opened up a checkout just for me haha

awww ttc im sure u look fab hun!!!! if not do what i do look at them and say yeah u look pretty rubbish yourself but at least i have an excuse :haha: i always do it if people say im looking big or whatever!!!

heres a question about clear outs.... can dh's etc have the clear out in sympathy or instead of u?? seriously dh has been non stop today :haha: or am i just being a bit hopeful??
I stayed away yesterday bc my dr's appt went terribly & I was too upset to even talk about it. I spent most of yesterday crying and then we to town with my mom, had a friend over to cheer me, then birthday Cake for my newest SIL at my parents! I was so shattered emotionally and physically that by the time my friend left, DH was trying to take me home bc I was falling asleep sitting on the floor lol but I wouldn't let him bc he was watching a movie with my dad & so my mom put me in the recliner with a blanket and I slept for over an hour til The movie was over! We got home I went straight to bed & slept 9 1/2 hours only waking once to pee! It was the best sleep I've had in ages and ages!

My dr basically said I hadn't progressed anymore and that she wasn't going to be able to induce at 39 weeks if I didn't bc I had a 75% chance of csection. She had me so upset and worked up I just cried for hours! Dh was even holding me crying bc he felt bad I was so upset and scared & just kept telling me he would take care of me and it would be ok! .... Well after talking to lots of my l&d nurse friends, as well as family and friends everyone said the dr is crazy and that it's no indication of anything that it's perfectly normal ESP for a first time mom to have little progression before labor and for it to happen all at once instead of gradually over weeks... & not to worry bc baby would come when he was ready! It made me feel mch better. The dr said she would give
me until 41 weeks then if I hadn't had him she would induce or csection. She technically can't do anything I don't allow so I decided just to not worry & to let God and the baby do what they are going to do. I will prob change doctors next time as this one just isn't meshing well with me! ...my l&d nurse Friends said to help that rocking on birthing ball really is good.. As well as dtd, but that you need to lay there for about an hour afterward and let the semen sit on your cervix for the prostoglandins to have tome to work at softening the cervix!

Today has been absolutely lovely, dh & I slept late for us then went and had breakfast, came home and hung up pictures etc in the baby's room and his office and just relaxed and worked together ... Now he is playing his new video game while I lie here and do nothing ;) and we may go to a baseball game tonight if the rain holds off!

I'm ready for people to start popping too! :) I wanna see these LO's!!!

Dare that's crazy about him and the money. You need to have a talk with him! All of our money goes together we both have cards and I make sure our bills are paid and we just talk about any purchases we need to make or whatever. We are like a team about it & only buy personal goodies if we check with the other and have nothing more pressing or a bigger priority that we need for the baby or house etc ... We splurge on one another occassionally, like getting him the video game...but it's not often and it's usually just spontaneous things to cheer the other or show some love :)

Tomorrow is my big baby shower with my church and all of my lovely friends & I'm so excited! I will get to spend next week organizing and putting it all away which is awesome too!!!! :)
Y'all are making me need a brownie Sunday now!

Natalie def go to the cinema & enjoy some time out! I hope the sweep works!!! Would be so exciting!!!!
krystal i am so sorry to hear that!!! how horrid but how lucky you are to have friends in L&D to help put your mind at rest! i am glad u are feeling more positive and had such a lovely day today!!!!!

i've just noticed this little monkey been very quiet today im trying to remember if i have felt movement or not!!! trying not to worry going to have something cold and sugary and lie on left side and hope this naughty monkey moves although i've heard they can be quiet on the lead up to labour.....
ohhh krystal i forgot to say i hope u have a lovely shower tomorrow xxx

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