3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

Ttc I agree .. People say the same things to me as we as how huge I am (yes baby is measuring 8 1/2 lbs already lol but he is healthy!) ... And how miserable I MUST be... Etc ... I want to smack them ... I may not be comfortable and I may be ready to meet my son but I am not miserable... I am excited! I am full term with a baby that is moving and kicking in my belly that I will get to meet soon! Something some women work very hard t o achieve or other go through all sorts of treatments etc hoping to Conceive and Carry a child healthy to full term....And that other women wait their whole lives and are never able to experience! It may not be comfortable and I may look huge to those people but I am happy and feel very blessed to be able to look so miserable and huge and aweful and about to pop! Don't let them bother you! We are blessed to be where we are! I would say "actually I feel lovely and I can't wait to meet my baby!" and see what they say to that!
Thanks Natalie!

Yep I've heard babies get quiet right close to labor! My mom
even said at my non stress test Friday before I saw the dr that she didn't think dr should induce bc he was moving Way too much to be ready to come yet, he was still comfortable partying it up in my belly! She was right!

Maybe your naughty boy is resting up for his big debut!!!
Thanks Natalie!

Yep I've heard babies get quiet right close to labor! My mom
even said at my non stress test Friday before I saw the dr that she didn't think dr should induce bc he was moving Way too much to be ready to come yet, he was still comfortable partying it up in my belly! She was right!

Maybe your naughty boy is resting up for his big debut!!!

eak u never know then!! i had a cold sugary drink laid on left side for a while finally had a big kick so happy now i was worrying for a min!!!:thumbup:
Krystal - glad you're feeling a bit happier today! Like I said on FB - it can happen so quickly that by the time your 39 weeks you could have progressed loads! You just have to let your body do what it's supposed to do and don't ket anyone pressure you into something you don't want to do. :)

I hope you have a lovely shower tomorrow too!

Natalie - my brownie sundae was amazing.....but I felt so uncomfortable after as I must have eaten too much :haha: How was yours? hehe

and maybe he's being quiet cause he's getting ready to make an appearance? :D
just trying to finish it now..... really struggling!!! opppsie feel a bit sick hahahaha
eak wouldnt it be lovely if he is getting ready to make an appearance!!! dh thinks it'll be tomorrow morning when i said i would make him bacon sausages eggs beans etc (i never make that kinda thing for him cos hate the smell and not too confident on cooking meaty stuff!!! saying that i am a lot better than what i was a year ago!!!) so he thinks he will come before then!!! hahaha
Just catching up on my phone so haven't looked back far.....hope everyone is olay.

Had my baby shower today and it was lovely. Got some lovely little bits and played some games. The 'boys' came in after a couple hours and my Pauly guessed how big my bump is using a ribbon SPOT ON! I was impressed!

Something odd happened.....I literally felt babs shift in my stomach and suddenly she's not on my ribs but closer to my belly button. I'm getting a lot of movement lower down...I turned to my best friend and said 'something really weird just happened'!
awww batty glad u had a lovely shower!! did u know it was happening or was it a surprise??
oooh sounds like u have dropped then!! :)
Krystal- I'm so sorry you had such a miserable appointment, but you are right, they can't do anything without your permission and its up to you to make descisions, good luck! Also, about the "you look miserable" comments, I think it hurts my feelings even more because usually when I leave the house I have my hair done and makeup on, and I think I look really nice, even for being so pregnant, so its like a slap in the face!!

Batty- glad your shower went well, post some pics of the goodies you got, I love seeing baby stuff!!!

Natalie- how funny about DH having a clearout, you would think with the gas my DH has that he's the pregnant one, ugh men!!!

I'm soooo bored right now and there's nothing good on TV, even the dog is asleep!
well I have had a decent day, went to a fair of course I couldnt do anything other then eat lol. belly is def in the process of dropping lol. DEf was not expecting it this soon but oh well :) means im one step closer to baby being here.
2 nights in a row of good sleep would be wayy too much to ask for, wouldn't it? It's 315 am and I slept a bit on and off from 1130-150 but very fitful sleep. Lots of crazy dreams about people buying Silas tennis rackets and giant stuffed ducks ... The kind that look dead that you use to train hunting dogs only ginormous! And I kept trying to decorate everything with vases full of celery stalks but they kept wilting no matter how much plant food I put in the water! Lol ...

Now I'm up and in the recliner. Heartburn is horrid! (mr Silas had a head FULL of hair at the scan Friday, it was floating everywhere so at least I know WHY!) I took medicine that didn't work, then had some milk but I feel like it didn't help but put gas in my stomach and made everything worse .... So now I'm just miserably sitting here :(
:hugs: Krystal. It was the same with my son. No respite from the heartburn and broken sleep. I guess he was just preparing me for when he arrived. He's still giving me sleepless nights almost 15 years later!!

Pip x
Hahaha ttc num2 how funny!!! Is he that bad?? I don't think I've suffered tooooo bad with gas!!!!

Krystal sorry u didn't get a good nights sleep!! Made me giggle with the celery in vases!!!! Heartburn is such a pain I thought it was meant to get better once baby has dropped seems to have got worse!! Although I read in a pregnancy book it's a sign of labour approaching, but I've had it for weeks now!!!

I slept on sofa again I'm actually getting good nights sleep on the sofa!!! Dh feels bad but last time he slept on sofa and I had the bed to myself neither of us slept well!!!
I am making dh a big breakfast this morn with eggs bacon sausages etc I'm thinking I might make myself pancakes for breakfast!!! Letting him have what maybe his last lie in!!
It's just as bad as with DS only it has kicked in earlier. I've got a bottle of Gaviscon by my bed, one in the kitchen and one on my desk at work! I don't expect any let up now until after baby is born! Keeps the weight down though as if I don't eat, I don't get heartburn!!!

Pip x
Awww gaviscon doesn't work with me now!!! I like your idea of not eating and keeping weight down :haha: did ds have a full head of hair when he was born??
Sorry about the heartburn girls, I've only had minor bouts of it that a big glass of milk can solve. Krystal, those dreams are funny, I know I'm dreaming strange things but I can never seem to remember them!
Its only 6:35 am here and I'm up already. I was woken up by my son eating a freeze pop! That little guy got up quietly, went downstairs, got a freeze pop and was so proud of himself that he came back upstairs to show me! I couldn't stop laughing long enough to tell him that he can't be eating freeze pops at 615 in the morning! I guess the baby gate is going back up at the top of the stairs!
Ahh sorry about the heartburn ladies! Not had much this time so unlike baby Silas i think henry's gonna be bald!! Hehe but I did live off rennies with my first so I remember exactly how it feels :(

And how funny about the dreams! I just keep dreaming about catching steve smoking :dohh: he quit when we first found out I was pregnant and after a few times he got caught out - last June (2010) he quit for good and for some reason I keep dreaming I catch him doing it. Werid!!

Hmmm Natalie can you bring me some pancakes please :D did he like his fry up?

Ttc - that's so funny! I bet it was impossible to keep a straight face when he came up to show you!!
Pancakes were yummy!!! Felt bit sick after ate too many oppsie!!! :haha:
He loved his fry up I cooked it all without needing help on if things were cooked enough!! Very proud of myself!!!! Hehe!!!
Hehe ttc that's so sweet and funny!!!! :)
Lol ttc that's funny! I have 3 nephews under 4 and they are always getting into something! I wouldn't have been able to keep from laughing either!

Heartburn is aweful.... It's on the list of things I'll be glad to be rid of when baby comes!
Lol Charlie my nephews were mostly bald ... The cutest things ever! ... DH & I both had hair like monkeys lol so I figured Silas would have his share! Our niece was born with hair close to 2 inches long (5 cm) last year and she's kept it!

My dreams were crazy pre pregnancy but have gotten worse ... Lately I don't sleep enough to dream or remember but last night I was on a roll. Except after those silly dreams my dreams turn to nightmares about chasing a little boy who kept getting in water and trying to keep him from drowning... It's haunted me at night ESP since my friends son drowned, I couldn't sleep for days now just having creepy nightmares!

So excited about our baby shower today!!!! We've got church then dinner with my parents then shower from 2-4 ... Then vbs (kids week long fun thing) starts tonight at church so it will be an eventful day! Best part? Knowing I don't have to go to work tomorrrow!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

Ok time for someone to pop around here ... Get to it Natalie! Or dare... Lol
Aww busy lady today!! I've just got Stephen climbing all over me and watching kids tv - Was gonna go for a walk but I feel sick and it's raining! So we're staying in :) he's being really clingy this week!
How is your friend doing after losing his little boy? :(

Natalie - still waiting on those pancakes hehe and bet your hubby is glad your didn't give himfood posioning

Yeah i agree someone pop :)

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