3rd & 2nd Tri MIDSUMMER DREAMERS - Mid July-Mid August Pregnancies! Come join! :D

ugh ladies i'm so tired of being pregnant. How is everyone else feeling this morning? I feel like i need to go right back to sleep.
ooooo congratulations on 38 weeks dare and krystal!!!!
awww krystal your dreams must be scary maybe you are getting them as its playing on your mind so much!!!
dare i feel exactly the same!!! why dont u g back to bed?
i am just so ready for baby to come although we wont be saying that when we are in labour or after when we miss our bumps!!!
charlie i am working on it!!!
we dtd last night well that did nothing!!! what positions u ladies finding best??
im glad i didnt give him food poisoning!!! i would have been horrified if i had!!!!
Natalie - from a midwife friend..doggy style should be the most comfortable and the best in terms of trying to bring it on.
I agree with batty ... & also Natalie my nurse friends in labor & delivery said you have to let it sit on your cervix for about an hour for the prostaglandin to have a softening effect on your cervix (kind of annoying but hey if it works!) ... & that letting the semen sit on there has the same effect as "cervadil" the cervix softening prostaglandin suppository they give u in the USA to soften cervix before an induction ...they told me that, & sitting/rocking/bouncing on exercise ball were the two best things to do! That other than that contractions were the only thing that would help dilate you!
I so need some good in my life right now. I dont own a car so since my OH has been working outta town I have been using his moms car which is a really really old car. Since I have had it I have had to fix it. Well today it started smoking outta the tire ugh pulled ovr and I got OH moms BF with me and he is a jerk anyways and tkaes the wheel off and says well this is whats wrong with it blah blah blah.. So luckily someone i know just happened to see me and pulled over and took em to a parts store spent 50$ dollars on parts and I lef thim with the stuff to fix it and had my friend take me home.

Turns out that what he was trying to "fix" was not even the damn problem he just needed brake fluid and a rubber boot(5$) piece Im so frustrated and no OH wants me to reschedule my dr appt a week from monday because she needs the car im like my appt is in the AM its really hard to reschedule my dr appts this late. ugh
the only two positions that are comfortable are doggy or spooning - all others hurt/squash me hehe!

and I don't think I'll miss this bump - well not until it's time for baby 3 :D and that's really not going to be for a while ;)

I've felt rubbish all day - felt sick, headachey, and now I've had the runs all afternoon too which sucks when you have a baby who seems to cry everytime you leave him! Dunno what's going on with him :dohh: And today seems to have dragged! Plus the weathers rubbish which is good on the heat front but could have done with some fresh air... and maybe get Henry moving!!

How's everyone elses day been?

and congrats on 38 weeks ladies! :D It still hasn't quite sunk in that we're all going to have our babies that we've been speaking about for months in just a few days/weeks!! :D
ah congrats ladies!
And Im sorry about the car probs. That sucks, especially in this heat!

My dog has been acting very weird the last three days.. Shes been whining and barking excessivly------ which is totally NOT normal for her. Anyways today I figured out what it was... Its me.... Strange I know. Shes an outside dog, and I went out to her cause she was crying and I was trying to figure out whats up with her and she started sniffing me and licked my belly then she backed up into a corner like she was afraid of me and started whining at me. So, maybe my hormones have changed and she senses them? I have no idea. Anyways Anyone else had their pets act strange lately?
my dog acted weird, and my cat has been umm a little pyscho lately but turns around and is a clingy mess lol
ah congrats ladies!
And Im sorry about the car probs. That sucks, especially in this heat!

My dog has been acting very weird the last three days.. Shes been whining and barking excessivly------ which is totally NOT normal for her. Anyways today I figured out what it was... Its me.... Strange I know. Shes an outside dog, and I went out to her cause she was crying and I was trying to figure out whats up with her and she started sniffing me and licked my belly then she backed up into a corner like she was afraid of me and started whining at me. So, maybe my hormones have changed and she senses them? I have no idea. Anyways Anyone else had their pets act strange lately?

Does my son count? :haha:
Thanks batty, didn't work for me lol, krystal I read somewhere about the hour afterwards and at first I had to get up and get a drink but then made sure I lied down for least hour after (I made it 1hr 10mins before thinking I was gonna wet myself!!!)
Charlie all sudden I Started not feeling right like all dizzy and kinda headachy was really horrid!!!! Started like an hour ago dh told me to lie down which I have (normally I just get on with it!!!) feel bit sick again but think that's more cos of takeaway pizza than anything else!! Wonder what it is? Maybe cos of weather changing or something!!??
Mrstacporter Im not sure on pets acting different we don't have any here!! But I have heard dogs can pick up on these things!!
My dog is always crazy, ha ha... too many chipmunks in our back yard that drive him crazy!

Sory about the car troubles Mal, I hope you were able to get some of that money back!

Can't wait to hear about your shower Krystal, and congrats to you and Dare on 38 weeks!

I just got back from Harry Potter, it was awesome! Now just waiting for DS to wake up so we can go to the in-laws for dinner, I love when I don't have to cook!
It probably is the weather! Steve thinks it is - cause I was trying to think about what I ate yesterday that would have caused the runs etc and there isn't anything that I don't normally eat so :shrug: But it might be the change in pressure or something?

Plus, I noticed today when Stephen was upset my boobs started leaking and then he was putting his mouth over my top where they were leaking... :dohh: I've never really had leaky boobs before :D

Are you feeling ok now?
It probably is the weather! Steve thinks it is - cause I was trying to think about what I ate yesterday that would have caused the runs etc and there isn't anything that I don't normally eat so :shrug: But it might be the change in pressure or something?

Plus, I noticed today when Stephen was upset my boobs started leaking and then he was putting his mouth over my top where they were leaking... :dohh: I've never really had leaky boobs before :D

Are you feeling ok now?

must be weather then!!! it came on earlier a bit as well but no where as bad as it did a while ago!! havent had diarreah though but think pizza must have made me feel a bit dodgy!!! hmmmm still not feeling great, taken some paracetamol now to see if that helps :shrug: how are u feeling now??
oh no!!!! eak!!! bless him must have been a shock to him!!!! have u got breat pads ready?
Natalie - from a midwife friend..doggy style should be the most comfortable and the best in terms of trying to bring it on.

LOL the doggy style doesn't work at all for me!!! DH seems to think that if he does that he can put some of his weight on me and i have to constantly tell him to get off! Spooning is the most comfortable for me! Or on my back now that i can breathe again

My dog has been acting very weird the last three days.. Shes been whining and barking excessivly------ which is totally NOT normal for her. Anyways today I figured out what it was... Its me.... Strange I know. Shes an outside dog, and I went out to her cause she was crying and I was trying to figure out whats up with her and she started sniffing me and licked my belly then she backed up into a corner like she was afraid of me and started whining at me. So, maybe my hormones have changed and she senses them? I have no idea. Anyways Anyone else had their pets act strange lately?

My dog has been the same way too since thursday when the cramping had started. He has been HORRIBLE whining and crying and he's driving me crazy. seriously. Everytime i move i swear he's whining. He will literally come over and sit next to me and whine. I'm gonna kill him! It has to be a change to show something is coming. And i assume that since he's already this bad that when labor is about to begin he's going to be even worse. Which is nice to have another indicator but really? gonna kill him!

must be weather then!!! it came on earlier a bit as well but no where as bad as it did a while ago!! havent had diarreah though but think pizza must have made me feel a bit dodgy!!! hmmmm still not feeling great, taken some paracetamol now to see if that helps :shrug: how are u feeling now??
oh no!!!! eak!!! bless him must have been a shock to him!!!! have u got breat pads ready?

You know my mother told me that right before she went into labor she felt like she was coming down with the flu. I've heard a lot of ladies mention that- keep an eye out!!! maybe it's almost time!!! And i've heard a lot of ladies say that they had diarrhea or just well a lot of cleaning out right before too.
Dare- thats exactly how mine is acting---Shes been driving me crazy with all of the barking. She acting totally weird.
Also (TMI) ive started having... ahem.... puffs of air.... release from places... that are not normal. LMAO. If you ladies get what i mean.. Im assuming because something is happening down there since there is a lack of sex in my life right now, so I know its not that. :D

Anyways, I really hope that we are all getting closer. Im ready to hear some birth stories!!! Bring on the babes!
mrstac- lol it's awful because my dog is on anxiety medication for this kind of thing! and it's like it's not working at ALL anymore. I can't imagine what he'd be like without it! good lord! i'd kill myself!
lol weren't a shock to him Natalie... he's been obsessed with my boobs for the past few days and keeps putting his head in them and trying to get to my nipples if I'm changing in front of him! Someone said he can probably smell milk! Cheeky bugger! :)

ooh I hope Dare's right - if you feel like that maybe you're starting to pop!! :D If not.... it's not long until your sweep hehe!
dare i have heard that a lot recently too!!! i hope u are right!!!
i do get fed up wondering if when u dont feel right if it is preg related, or a sign of labour labour approaching or if u are just actually not feeling well!!!
charlie i hope the sweep works on tues if he hasnt become before!!!!
i still cant believe 3 scans said girl though!!!!
awww bless him how cheeky!!!! :D
thanks TTC Im gonna try and take this stuff back soon. Just sucks I wasted my time buying it. Just frustrating

I need some good in my life, its so hard not having my OH here with me and having to rely on someone else's car, and listen to bitchn after bitchn. It would be different if it was an every now an again thing but omg i cant stand hearing the bitching anymore.

then I get to listen to my OH mom about all the trash in my yard... (we dont have trash pickup here) Well fuck I cant lift half the shit that needs to be thrown away and everytime she says she will help something MAGICAL consumes her time. Im just over im 9 months pregnant and still mowing the yard and NOT just my yard, I mow the rental house next door and HER yard. UGH

I cannot WAIT for my baby to be here so i can love on her and just be happy with her and not worry about anyone else but her. :)

OKA rant over sorry about this guys but it feels good to rant.

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